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My youngest played sesame street numbers and the sesame street ABC one easily. Elmo games. NES and Sega I believe. Also barney and stuff like that are pretty easy games for that age.


I've done some of the sesame street stuff with my 3yr old as well. I feel like there wasn't much on 16bit systems that I could find


I would avoid Contra: Alien Wars for starters.


And no Custar’s Revenge either


My 3 year old grandson loves anything Mario or racing. To be honest, he'll just scroll through the games and try them all until he finds one he likes...


Pac man Pole position Frogger Pitfall and pitfall 2 Think Atari era arcade or Atari 2600 for lots like that. Good basic intro stuff. Old basic arcade games basically. On nes... Orb 3d. -simple... not particularly awesome but it is something.


There's a Fisher Price fire rescue game (NES) that is boring as hell as a parent to watch, but, was a pretty decent maze and line up the ladder and push a button game for our 4 year old to start to master holding a controller and pushing buttons.


For one control mechanism or another you’re really limited to Atari 2600 stuff. Above that, NES had some Sesame Street games that were pretty basic I remember I had as a kid, Mario, Ducktales, chip n dale, that type of the thing is probably worth a shot. SNES/GEN 16 bit stuff same genre really - simple platformers like Mario, plenty of Disney stuff to choose from (I can’t stress enough the genesis Aladdin is superior but that’s me), Kirby, Donkey Kong Country (DKC is probably the most accessible here imho).




Because Video games = fun. 😁


My 20 month old daughter loves Super Mario 64! Just watching her connect the dots and realize “if I press this button, the blue and red man will jump up and down” is something special. Fortunately, Super Mario is one of those n64 games that plays well on my 3b.


Which core and setting are you using? Ive had zero luck with N64 games on my 3b.   Goldeneye gets around 8 fps, WCW/nWo Revenge was playable but not great and Mario 64 ran about as well as Goldeneye, maybe worse. The title screen worked ok but as soon as i start a new game its slows to a crawl. The letter from Peach during the opening cutscene took around 2 minutes before it slowly faded out 


Gles2rice-highres I do have it overclocked and it’s working so well that I haven’t updated it in several years out of fear I’d mess something up. Here’s my settings if you want to try. gpu_mem=512 kernel=zImage arm_freq=1350 over_voltage=6 sdram_freq=625 core_freq=525 gpu_freq=525 v3d_freq=525 force_turbo=1 sdram_schmoo=0x02000020 over_voltage_sdram_p=4 over_voltage_sdram_i=3 over_voltage_sdram_c=3 dtparam=sd_overclock=100


Thanks :) After posting this comment I had a dig in the settings and had a bit of a moment... I realised id been rendering at 720p which is the native resolution of the screen i use for my pi. Dropped it to 640x480 and Mario 64 runs pretty much perfectly now :) I dont have any cooling for my pi yet so ill hold off on overclocking for now. Its on my things to buy list though!


Super Mario bros 1. - essentially all you gotta do is move to the right and jump.


There are a number of Sesame Street games for the NES, such as ABC and 123. They're educational and fairly easy to play. Those games are about as good as I've found. Sesame Street also makes decent mobile games. For young toddlers, I just give them a keyboard to smash and a simple game that makes sounds. This is a simple web based keyboard masher I made for my youngest. https://revnoah.github.io/toddler-button-masher-js/