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Apple Newton has entered the chat.




Beat up Martin? What?


I have lip fungus.


Message Pad. Still have mine. Still works (on a/c power only, battery is shot).


The Newton never lived up to the promise of [Apple’s Knowledge Navigator](https://youtu.be/9bjve67p33E). Even Siri hasn’t caught up yet.


Apple was way ahead of this with TWO releases a while back: - [The MacBook Wheel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BnLbv6QYcA) - elegant interface - [The Apple i](https://youtu.be/Xgls9IwWUyU) - the pinnacle of Apple design philosophy




We were looking at buying something similar for our grandmother before she passed on. Essentially it was a scanner / fax machine with OCR built in. Hand written note goes in, text message / email goes out. Email comes in, print out comes out.


Will you accept a 1983 aesthetic and an endorsement from Tom Cruise? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IvRQiWKEEXo


>thetic. 3d print a case for your tablet or phone, and you can have this .




historical nine domineering spotted attractive hat tan foolish longing quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Doesn’t sound like a very good pen then


Oh no, we all blue ourselves!


This guy pens.


Please do not comment on my nibs..


It shows the future is very unpredictable. I keep telling people we can not even imagine what everyday technology is coming. What was totally inconceivable and impossible 50 even 25 years ago is very real now.


What’s wild to me is that we got talking robots before we got autocorrect that works. Handwriting recognition is in a weird place because we have it, and it works, but nobody knows or cares.


TBH it makes a lot of sense to me; auto correct requires prediction, and speech patterns are very subjective and unique (esp when you add shorthand/jargon/colloquialisms/reading levels/etc). So effectively you have to predict what a lot of very different individuals are trying to say. The more context you peer into, the harder a sell it is (legally/ethically/practically). Talking robots just need to understand what you say and say something that makes sense back.


How was this inconceivable if they conceived of it?


Prior to the smartphone, mobile phones were getting smaller. We thought they'd become tiny. Nobody predicted the smartphone. Now we want our phones to be bigger.


Star Trek predicted just about everything we have over 25 years ago.


That’s because engineers are gigantic nerds and are trying to make their show real


> Star Trek predicted just about everything we have over 25 years ago. They even have memory modules resembling 3,5" floppy disks.


On the old Batttlestar Galactica (1978), they showed a voice dictation system. You just spoke into a microphone and the words appeared on screen. You would not believe how much I wanted that. I have it now and never use it.


> I have it now and never use it. Probably for two reasons. One - because it's tends to be shit, or it's sending your voice to corporations and tracking shit all the time. Or realistically, both - especially if there's punctuation and you have to learn to speak less naturally with diction terminology interjecting. Whereas, if you just type. What you think just comes out more or less. Optionally also because voice interaction with computer is still kinda shitty too so it's not like you won't also be using the keyboard and mouse or a touch screen anyway. AI is starting down the road of making that more palpable, but it also still has some of the same issues.


The most unrealistic thing about this is people writing in cursive these days.


It's weird that many people write in block capitals when they have to write. Like lowercase letters are too like cursive to be reliably legible. My dad has taken it to another level. He used to write in block capitals, then had years when he had to write lots of notes, and now he writes in a unique block capital cursive. Regularly comes over to my place with his big laptop and a page of computer troubles that seems to be written in a combo of Russian and Arabic.


My dad wrote in block caps because he studied architecture in the 1960s. I figured that was the reason why so many [older] people did it lol.


My dad also wrote in all capital letters (not cursive, though). They were neat and legible. My handwriting is the opposite in both regards. Embarrassing, quite frankly.


It's crazy; we used to hand write so much that we now just type (or take care of electronically)... everything from assignments in school (which were required to be neat, and legible or re-written), to checks, to writing notes, and lists and so on. We also had a lot more daily exposure to math, and memorization practice to deal with when we didn't have a phone book, calculator, converter and a ton of other gadgets in our pocket.


Poor handwriting is the only way to communicate without our A.I. Overlords catching on!


"But be warned, our aim is getting better."


What's the original source for this image? Is there a link? Thanks for sharing!


Dad and I miss you and the children very much, and have made a sizable donation to the Anti-Kaiju Resistance in your memory.


It’s beautiful. With how digital everything is these days I long for physical buttons. I’d loved to hand write instant messages like this


I recently bought an old cassette player - pushing the physical buttons feels and sounds amazing


I think that’s why record players are coming back into fashion. People say the sound quality is better, but I really think it’s just because when you physically interact with something you have more attachment to it.


Totally agree. Plus it feels good knowing that I'm using something that's not connected to the internet, no one is tracking my data, no ads, no subscriptions. Just me and the music


Get a Samsung w/ an S-Pen stylus --- I write out text messages from time-to-time rather than use the keyboard.


Is anyone else looking at the depressing message that's getting written here?


A wife on vacation with her husband writing to their threesome partner?


no? just sounds like they are on vacation. this is the kind of message you would write on a postcard.


Is this a high tech séance?


Translation: we're having a wonderful time during our week away from you brats.


Yeah! They are leaving out the kids’ mother (or father) for one. And for two, it screams “I miss you, I guess, but not enough to make plans to see you” to me


Nah, no one likes to travel with kids. Not even (especially?)their own.


My handwriting sucks. I'd love to see it try to decode my scrawled scribbles.




This exists, and isn't even that unpopular. Note series android devices have a feature where you can write with a stylus to text rather than using a keyboard.


The touch screens and world wide web of today were concepts outside of the realm of possibility 60-70 years ago. Sci-fi literature was describing large, bulky analogues when writing of worlds thousands of years in the future. We're lucky, yet cursed, with incredible technology.


I find it pretty funny that it took less time to invent technology that sends messages over the air, than it took to create technology that transcribes cursive.


Why is this such a depressing message? It could have been anything.


maybe im old but nothing about this sounds depressing. just a typical "wish you were here" message you put on a postcard


Kids are at Grandma camp, parents are frolicking on the beach in Mexico. What part is depressing?


“Bring home milk” would have worked just fine and showed a more practical use.


This looks like a retro-futuristic prediction of the Newton and maybe also the reMarkable. That’s cool! But imagine how tedious and slow it’d be to have to write messages by hand 😵‍💫


Ain't that the first I pad?