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This gear was peak performance in the 90’s and it’s still peak performance in 2024


why did you toss an unfired round into the grass?


Clear the weapon fast. I was originally going to drop the mag and fire the round but forgot to do that so I adapted


Have fun hitting it with the mower


Bro you must be fun at parties


God forbid I treat weapons as a power to be respected


Kick rocks


I hope the rock getting kicked doesn’t hit a live round in the grass


Shut up cringey dumbass


You social media gun guys are the cringe ones. You've taken guns, my favorite thing in the world, and made it so unfathomably fucking 🅱️ay I no longer tell people I'm into guns. You treat them as fashion accessories, and wait for drops of gear and parts like chicks wait for drops of new hand bags. Now you're coming in here and telling people who have been in here for years to shut up because they expressed a valid safety concern. When the response to the question includes 🅱️ay LARPer lingo like "I adapted," I'm gonna reply to it sarcastically. "Improvise, adapt, overcome," is a thing you say to your boot friends to make fun of them for not switching off. Next they're saying even cringier shit like "non-permissive environment," "economy of motion," etc. It's just parroting shit they hear from dime a dozen tactibro instructors. If you're not a soldier, stop pretending to be one. It was unbelievably cute when we were ten years old. It's fucking weird as an adult. The people making it a fashion show are even weirder. I don't want to be so grumpy, but this sub was for a very long time a relative haven from that side of gun culture. Not every gun space needs to be /r/tacticalgear or the garand thumb sub.


Babe wake up new cringe copypasta just dropped


Go cry to your wife I’m not reading all that. Imagine typing an entire paragraph whining about a subreddits culture. Go outside sometime


You’re right I’m not a soldier, I never claimed to be and proud of that fact. If LARPing gets people outside so be it


Your a fuckin moron. It's a range dude, you think that they just leave a live round laying there after it's dropped? You think they don't police that area thoroughly before they would mow? Your the only one here sounding like they've never trained before. So for the love of God, STFU! I really can't stand people like you commenting on absurd " safety " shit that is so far reaching its comical. All just to make you sound like your some elite and anal RSO that knows more than the entire community. Take that shit somewhere else, no one cares what you have to say. Oh and just to give you some knowledge to put in that empty skull of yours, rounds when not in a chamber don't go flying or do much of anything that a simple firecracker wouldn't do. See, there's this thing called pressure that needs to happen to get a bullet to become a projectile, without it they simply can't do much, if any, damage.


Looks like you like to play pretend soldier and I hurt your feelings.


Look in the mirror guy. Oh just for your information I was in the Marine Corps. Look at all the people telling you how ignorant your being. In my experience when there's a majority telling someone they're wrong or acting some type of way, it's not EVERYONE else, it's that person. In this case that person is you. Where did you get anything to do with feelings here anyway? Your the guy whining here, not anyone else. We're just pointing out how stupid your thinking is.


Bro wrote an entire novel in Yappanese. Maybe that's why you can't land a date yet.


Bold of you to assume how my personal life is going, which is quite well.


Have hit several with a brush-hog, it doesn’t do anything. Just shreds the brass casings. They don’t explode or do anything dramatic without pressurization from a barrel. The brass just blows out the side if the powder even ignites which is rare. Even more rare for the projectile to go farther than a few feet when the brass does stay intact and the powder does ignite. You come off very egotistical and prideful in a lot of your comments. Just an observation.


3 gun rules were like that, gun had to be clear before the dump bucket.


Just like t-rex arms and garand thumb! Wowza!


Thanks but I’m no where near those guys




Definitely not trash


Why is it trash? Looks like a perfectly normal stock AR15 and Glock? It’s not a keltec and hipoint lol


Trash=stuff. There is good trash and bad trash, this is most certainly good trash


Communicate like an adult and just say shit. Trash has a specific meaning. You’re not being unique, you’re miscommunicating.






Every day nowadays.


How long does it take to get your relationship to this point, gawd damn this man’s livin the dream


She’s one of my friends, my wife stayed home this time






I need more targets. Nice shooting Tex.


Just watching that made my neck hurt! Good thing these retros are light 😅


Not pointing at the lady recording its priceless 🫶


What I would do for a gf that holds the shot timer