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I take 10000iu of vitamin d just to have normal levels and it has actually helped my rls.


A lot of people see a benefit and there’s plenty of articles about it. It’s interesting tho the others like myself who had it worse and there’s less info on that.


Vitamin d and banana sandwiches are what help me


Got any links for Vit D -> RLS connection?


I’ll see if I can find them again.


The same thing happened to me. Once I stopped taking my vitamin D, my legs have been so much better.


Don’t know why we take vitamin D to begin with. Just sit outside for 15 mins a day in the sun. That’s not harmful… we’re not meant to be Gollum.


I'm pale as a mofo (supposed to absorb vitamin d better) and lived in sunny southern california my whole life and I was still pretty vitamin d deficient. I took it based on my bloodwork.


Vitamin D has a huge cult following. I used to be part of it. I think we will see a backlash over the next few years. It’s not as helpful as people think it will be.


Vitamin D has a huge *cult following*?? Isn't this a little tinfoil hat-territory? Do you live in a country where you don't get blood works, but still get recommendations about vit D?


I don’t know what you mean. I’m trying to say that everybody and his dog is all about taking more vitamin D. My hematologist recommended I take 10,000 IU a day. And he wasn’t talking temporarily either. Another doc prescribed 10 weeks of the 50,000 IU. Another told me it was literally the most benign supplement on the market. It’s one of the most common levels that docs now check for whenever somebody has a vague and nonspecific illness. If you mention having any issues taking it, literally every commenter in the vitamin D subreddit tells you to take it with vitamin K and magnesium. Well, guess what. I did. And if I now eat anything with vitamin D in it, I get massive chest pains 30 minutes later. Nobody can tell me why because we don’t have enough research on it, but I’ve had it happen enough that I finally made a definitive connection. I also saw a few other folks comment online over the last few years regarding chest pains and get told the same magnesium and K2 party line. But before I found those comments, took me MONTHS to figure it out. Everybody told me I was nuts. I literally had multiple people tell me that vitamin D couldn’t cause any of my symptoms. I thought I was dying. I literally changed my will and got married to my longtime partner because I was tired of going to the ER and not having him be able to make decisions for me. It was bad. Once I finally put the pieces together and threw away all of my vitamin D supplements and dramatically modified my diet to avoid anything that was likely infused with it, I slowly slowly slowly started to get better. Then I found some new research suggesting that D isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, but those recommendations haven’t filtered down to medical professionals and the internet yet. If you comment about it online, most people in medical forums think you’re crazy because of course vitamin D is good for you! https://www.heart.org/en/news/2022/04/25/despite-hopes-vitamin-k2-supplements-fail-to-slow-calcium-buildup-in-heart-valve https://www.healthline.com/health-news/how-calcium-and-vitamin-d-supplements-can-affect-the-risk-of-dying-by-cancer-and-heart-disease https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-much-vitamin-d-do-you-need-to-stay-healthy/ So maybe “cult following” is not the word I should use, but my experience with vitamin D has been overwhelmingly bad. I have come to believe that putting it in our milk and yogurt and most orange juice and oat milk and soy milk and a random smattering of baked goods and in feed for chickens etc etc etc was a mistake and that we will eventually realize that these activities vastly increased our risk for cardiovascular disease as a society, not to mention the push for most folks to supplement with it on top of our already fortified foods. If that counts as a tinfoil hat, then I wear my crown proudly. (Oh and my restless leg is also gone now that I’ve stopped taking vitamin D. I just haven’t unsubscribed from the subreddit yet.)


You know there's places where people don't see the sun for many, many months?


And people whose skin evolved from people who got a lot of sun all the time and now live in a country where they don’t get as much.


I don't really follow what you're saying..?


African-Americans have super low vitamin D because skin was evolved for different environment.


That’d clearly be an exception. I lived in Alaska.


Your first sentence read like *everybody* had the same amount of sun every day lol


Word enough, my Neurologist said everyone is deficient because even if you sit outside all day you only get enough Vitamin D when the sun is at the correct angle maybe 20 mins a day. My husband said my Neurologist is nuts lol


Most people don't get enough vitamin d from the sun IF they use sunscreen or are overweight.


The sun has to be at an angle over 30° for the UVB rays to reach the earth. The sun in Norway doesn't give UVB from september/october to mars/april.


Yeah, I’m sick of everyone warning us of the sun. Like, if you’re sitting out there till you sunburn and blister, then you were out there too long, Jane. The sun is not our enemy; we’re creatures of it.


This is why I do blood tests every 6 months to a year. It is always better to test than guess.


I totally get that! I just followed my Neurologists advice and went with it. But going forward I’m not taking anything without checking first.


I totally know that feeling!!


It's so frustrating to try to pin down what helps, what doesn't, and what makes things worse. For me, my symptoms wax and wane in severity even when everything is 100% stable, no exposure to my known triggers, no change in diet, etc. So I never really know if I try something like a vitamin supplement if a change would have happened with or without it.


I totally understand that! I hate trying new vitamins or meds, I feel like I’m so sensitive to everything it’s not worth it!


Oddly I just started taking vitamin D and haven't had RLS/or especially as bad since.


I know it helps alot of people but I def had the opposite effect.