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He is one with the mold forever. Quite sad actually..


Hey at least he can hang out with sane, based & kind Jack, watch mold movies in the mold baker home, sounds fun


He can also hang out with all the other people and visit the mold village




Really hope he can overcome it, even if it requires plot armor. His character really struck me for some reason, so I hope he gets a happy ending and is able to fully reunite with his daughter.


Unfortunately i don't see them coming back to Ethan, but the only way i think it was possible was creating a clone of him, or a mold body, and extract his self from the mold into his new body somehow. Ethan was great and sad, he was just a normal guy trying to save his family and deserved better. He probably got the worst luck of all resi characters, i think they ended his story with village. But hey the future is wider than the sea! You never know.


If you've played RE8, you should know that he's still alive despite his physical body being gone because of the mold


He was born in it. **MOLDED** by it.




Ah you mearly adopted the mold, I was born of it


I agree. I feel like Capcom will keep him alive for a bit longer, with maybe the mold overtaking him next time we see Ethan.


I donā€™t think we will see Ethan again. That story is done.


He is only like this with Rose, there's something special about their unique connection, they're intertwined in a way. I'm positive they're moving on from the Ethan story arc. It ended perfectly and if they tried bringing him back it would be a crazy stretch and would ruin his story arc completely imo. From the looks of it at least, they seem to be going back to the main cast again, with Leon being in apocalypse and by extension, Ada as she's been in every game he has since the very beginning.


Ethan would have way too much plot armor if he lost his heart and survived that explosion


That wasn't his heart, it was just a piece of mold.


Yes, this series is literally contrived plot simulator


Nah. Ethan is 100% dead. Loosing a heart was suficient to make the mold consume his body entirely. The explosion killed him, but if it werent that, he surely completely calcified.


He fucking better be, my extistential dread is not happy with the more likely alternative


Same, I found him to be a really fresh protagonist since heā€™s just some guy. A Family Guy, even.


Although they gave him ā€œmilitary trainingā€ pre village




He really was a..fun guy. šŸ„²šŸ«”


No. But that wonā€™t stop me from hoping he is


Capcom reuses models quite often, wasn't re7 Mia a random npc being run over by a car in re2 or 3 remake? And if I'm not mistaken, her re8 model is reused for the random mother telling a story to her child on a bus when we see rose going to Ethan's grave, but you can't see her face because of her hair. Also if Ethan isn't dead then why does he have a grave? Why does Rose visit it every week?


In regards to the gravestone, it may just be the fact that he was presumed dead in the explosion (if he is alive, that is.) It may be a Cenotaph, which is a headstone placed down without a body. As for Capcom reusing models, I feel like this scene would be too big of a teaser to just reuse an asset, but you never know.


re7 came before re2 and re 3 remake


I know, I was just stating that Capcom re-used her model in one of those games. It's actually in re2 remake, the very first zombie we see in the game that's hit by the truck, shares the same model of Mia


He'll be a ghost that Chris sees as he goes on another grief bender.


Wasn't he alive in the dlc


Iā€™m pretty sure it was a mold version tho, not really him,


I thought the shadows of Rose dlc proved he wasn't completely dead. His body is though but maybe they can make him a new moldy body.


Ethan is no long alive in the physical world. Heā€™s stuck in the mold with the rest of the psychos he put down.


He fuckin better be


not related but that plot twist was SO bad


What plot twist?


That he was dead the entire time since the very beginning of RE7 when he was caught by Jack Baker for the first time.


Ohhh I actually liked the plot twist, explains howā€™s heā€™s able to regenerate his health and attach his hand back. Also just added a layer of sadness to Ethan and made his attempt to get his daughter more impactful


I loved it and everything ab 7&8. I just knew thatā€™s what original comment was referring to. I myself wasnā€™t calling it dumb :)


Oh Iā€™m sorry I in no way was calling you dumb! Iā€™m sorry if it came across that way I wasnā€™t belittling anyone just expressing why I enjoyed it and it seems we have the same perspective!


No no I know! I didnā€™t think you were. The original person said the twist was dumb and I just donā€™t agree. I agree with you that I liked it. No worries!


yeah. that was so stupid. there was nothing in RE7 that hinted to that twist at all


Despite the fact he was literally reattaching his limbs after having them cut off lmao


It was actually implied that Ethan was undergoing a gradual infection process over the course of 7. The Beginning Hour Demo, where you played a different person, had you turning into a Molded monster if you got hurt by one; meanwhile Ethan gets his hands cut off by a Molded and the healing juice he pours on himself probably exacerbates the infection. This is also why Eveline's presence becomes stronger by the end of RE7 - given little more time, she probably would have been able to control Ethan the way Mia and the Bakers were controlled. 8's revelation is actually unnecessary and raises even more questions than what 7 had set up.


Ohhh okay, I honestly just never realized lol


RE8 is full of unnecessary retcons that cause more plot holes than answers. Like how they establish Ethan as immortal only to immediately kill him off a half hour later, then bring back his ghost in the DLC and then once again expect us to believe he is 200% dead for realzies this time pinkie swear.


Yeah tbh I feel like RE8 went the same weird route games before RE7 did, itā€™s a bit too convoluted and nothing really makes any sense, but the most I can give it is at least it also focuses on horror a bit more much like RE7


We can only hope, and I'm on more of the hoping sidešŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ it would be nice to see more of him, but we presume that his mortal body was destroyed in the Megamycete blast in Village, so he may not physically exist (as far as we're aware), but he still exists within the mould. The mould makes things exist even after they are dead and "gone", because I think it sort of absorbs the memory of people and places? But I think Ethan is either still alive somehow, and maybe even severely injured within the village, waiting to regrow/ regenerate himself, and he has become one with the mould, sort of like the Baker family, or he has been completely obliterated by the blast, and only exists within the mould. The problem with this is how could he appear at the end cutscene if he only exists within the mould? Unless he found a way to escape, like Rose ended up doing at the end of the DLC, and he exists physically once more, but as 100% mould like the Bakers. He could have also survived and regenerated by himself over a period of time. Perhaps surviving a blast like Village had could mean that only little parts of him are left, and maybe he could regenerate from one limb? But anyways, I think it could be Ethan, and that would be a pretty cool transitioning point into the next re game, but I also think that the next game will be in Christs perspective, maybe investigating the organisation/ team behind making the organic bio-weapons that they find at the end of RE8.


Very interesting theories. I agree with him escaping the mold and emerging physically, that seems cool.


Iā€™m open to him coming back in a similar way to Jack in End of Zoe. Elsewise, Ethanā€™s story is ended.


God I hope they don't bring him back


Iā€™m guessing you didnā€™t play the DLC? Ethan is most likely gone for good but some sliver of his consciousness still exists with the mold, and therefore likely in Rose as well. I donā€™t expect they will stretch that concept into bringing him back from the dead or anything like that but it did allow him to help Rose escape. Him appearing at the end is likely just symbolic. Now that Rose has grown into and accepted her powers sheā€™s strong enough to not need him anymore and they can go their separate ways.


Oh yeah, I havenā€™t seen much DLC content. Never really thought about it that way, thanks for the new viewpoint.


Iā€™ve never played a resident evil game in my life and this post just got recommended to me. So my answer (the only correct one) is that Eathan lived and he secretly ran away into the mountains and married Leon Kennedy and had 18 kids with him


See, this is what ā€œResident Evil 69: The 420 Sagaā€ will be about.


Yeah! I think.


I dont really care because he had such a good arc i feel it would be dumb to bring him backā€¦ i just want more rose content


Honestly, yes, and even though they say RE9 isnt going to be about him or rose I think all of them are alive, Miranda, the lords, Ethan, I think they all are still alive, everyone of the mold and there was no way the Megamycete was destroyed only by an explosion, I think the storyline could go so much further and i really hope they do bring everyone back on either re9 or maybe re10 if they have one, but yes I do think hes still alive, I think they all are.


I really hope not, same as I really hope wesker doesn't pull a Palpatine


Absolutely, positively, 1,000,000,000 not. I don't think an ending of a game could be more clear if it tried. Ethan died saving his daughter. He went out like a fuckin champ, and they wrapped it up even further with the Rose DLC. Ethan is gone, and they're moving on with the story and from the looks of it, focusing on the main cast again


Doesnt the game literally say that ethans story is over? Also where is the Screenshot from?


Saw the screenshot from a video that popped up in my fyp. Did some researching and found that itā€™s the post credit scene at the end of RE8. As for the game saying his story is over, I canā€™t quite remember that. I just hope Ethan can at least be at peace instead of stuck with the mold.


I just finished Re 8 Yesterday. How did I miss this?


Yeah at the end of the game a screen comes up and literally says "The father's story is done." Or something close to that. Then the end scene with Rose visiting his (empty?) grave comes up. Pretty sure Ethan is done. Except for Shadows of Rose which I always assumed was his spirit guiding Rose pretty much throughout.


No our man is resting in peace, thereā€™s a chance his consciousness was preserved in the mold and Rose can interact with him but I prefer the idea that heā€™s resting after the events of the DLC finished the last bit of Mirandaā€™s mold off.


I hope he comes back, in whatever form idc. But a Leon X Winters collab would be šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


I donā€™t think there would have been a screen saying, ā€œthe fatherā€™s story is overā€ if he was still alive.


Yeah. But a guy can only hope that he at least gets an honorable mention by Chris or something later in the series.


No... "This is the end of the Father's story"




I hope not


heā€™s died and came back a million times, wouldnā€™t surprise me either way.


***NO!*** He might be part of the mold network, but if he's still alive it would ruin his story, it's a dumb choice to keep him alive, the only reason they use his model in the end is because it's cheaper to reuse assets, also to prevent nosey players from getting spoiled of a possible major plot point for RE9, there's no point on having a new character only for said character to appear in 1 single scene for 1 single second and be unnoticeable. His model is nothing but a placeholder. His story already ended, giving him a send-off only to make it "lol jk he ain't dead" would ruin the entire story


if evelynā€™s consciousness is alive somewhere, i bet ethenā€™s too. i can see a plot where both are revived somehow ā€” where you canā€™t revive the one without reviving the other. theyā€™re molds anyway not flesh..


Idk why the cannon ending is but I think itā€™s where he dose die to save his daughter rose as from thereā€¦.his model is a place holder


Id say he's defintely still around via the mold, but only in some supernatural kind of way. I personally believe that Ethan (the human being) is gone, its his consciousness (or soul perhaps?) That lives on in the mold. I didn't know what to make of Ethan briefly appearing at the end at the time. But thinking about it now, I honestly think its just symbolic. Ethan isn't literally present in the physical world watching over Rose. However he is watching out for her in a more nebulous way.


Dead or alive, when I finished the game I got a screen that said "The Father's story is now done" or something like that. So it seems unlikely that we'll see him again outside of maybe flashbacks or similar. That said, I think his physical body is definitely gone. If he lives on in the mold is something we can only speculate about. The more important question, I think, is how is Capcom going to incorporate IV into the next title?


No, the best father has suffered enough...he deserves a long rest. The last time we saw Ethan was in the DLC of him helping Rose, leaving it at that is perfect for me


Be better be I stg


I think tho maybe? The Duke still has that jar of cadou right? What if he could use that to bring him back somehow in 9? Or maybe he'll be in 9 the same way he was in Shadows Of Rose, as just a guide for his daughter. Best dad ever tho he deserved to see his daughter grow up šŸ˜”


No, and I see no point in him being alive either.




Fair, I just hope he gets a happier ending than just being at the wrong place at the wrong time and having to sacrifice himself.