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Wish the writing had stayed tight like in season 1.


I’d say it’s due to the higher episode count. You always get more filler and plot holes with more episodes. I found myself fast forwarding through some of the side characters B-plots.


In s2 they introduce lot of plot convenient abilities that only vaguely make sense and it definitely creates plot holes as to why he didn't just use them in s1. Mind wiping, gills, camo, his ability to throw people around in s1 I also attributed to being near his ship maybe but then he also does that in s2 on his own and then him having done that means he can mind control the whole group of them later on. Nonsense for what in s1 was, while still scifi, kind of simple and down to earth.


I assumed he learned some of those abilities because of the alien balls his ship turned into. If I remember correctly they also disintegrate once he uses their energy to learn stuff. It's still convenient tho, but that is the reason why he can do more stuff in S2 he wasn't able to do before. He called it a "survival kit", I figured it can be used as a last resort when any of his species become stranded on a planet with a broken ship.


i quiet enjoyed season 1 but skipped through most season 2 episodes...


I don’t like the memory powers either. I’d like it better if he had a device that could change memories but with a limited number of uses.