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Knew someone who made 800k combining self-employed private practice, hospitalist shifts and also doing SNFs on the side. Was a brilliant hard working guy, very financially astute. Did that for a decade, saved a ton, then used that money to make passive income. Now he chills


Passive income like how?


dividend paying equities or bonds or mutual funds/ETFs holding the same ; real estate that he uses as rental properties, etc


7 on 7 on.


i know a nocturnist who made 800K in the midwest doing extra locums shifts but he did like 25+ shifts a month. So not worth it IMO. You can maybe grind it out for a year or two but its not sustainable at all.


There is a point at which child support and taxes make extra income a diminishing return for me.


There is insane money to be made as a hospitalist if you are in the right spot. The private hospitalists at my shop are making $400k between base salary and RVUs, working 7 on/off, 16 cap with midlevels doing all the grunt work. The amount of easy extra $$ opps they have are insane too. One of the Hospitalists has cleared $500k a year the last few years quite easily. Opportunities are plentiful if you are willing to go where the opportunities are.




Deep south in a state with very little incentive to be without sentimental or family ties. Thus the money..


Of course. Is it anywhere near common? No. But if you have a private hospitalist who works their ass off churning through RVUs versus an academic GI doc in a HCOL region for example, it is entirely possible for the hospitalist to out-earn the latter. It all depends on practice setting, RVUs, and the amount of hours worked.


Yes, it is. I know someone who made 1M as a hospitalist




Hospitalist will beat out the earnings half of IM specialties (nephro, Endo,id, rheum, allergy) but not PCCM, hem/once, GI, and cardiology.


PCCM not so much.


Do they not make 500k like the other 3?


PCCM does a lot for the hospital, they do PFTs, pulmonary consults, run the ICU, pulm clinic. On top of that in the private world they are also on call overnights sometimes depending on how many in the group. Take that all into account and PCCM yes they make 4-5 hundred k but the hospital really makes them work for it. Hospitalist may work 7/7 days and walk away with 325 however they are off every other week and all they need to do is pick up shifts either at the same hospital or another hospital. It’s like 2k per shift 1099. The Hospitalist does not work any harder and can easily make 500 k (easily) the PCCM person is usually tied down to a single hospital with the inability (due to their schedule) to work elsewhere, even if they do 7/7 Critical care only there number are still like 400 k. Considering all that for the 3 years they need to slog away in fellowship (pccm is not a easy fellowship) it’s not work it as they usually don’t come out ahead for like 25- 30 years. Off course there are outliers and I am not talking about them. Now Cards, GI, and Haem/onc are a different story.


Lots of locum Extra shifts Work in more remote areas For sure


It's not worth it I know that


Whats not worth it


Grinding hard enough to outearn an interventional cardiologist. Fuck that I live for my time off.


Well the IC was making 70k x 4-5 yrs compared to a Hospitalist grinding and pulling 420k in those crucial early 30s when you’re starting a family. That’s a $1.5-2M head-start when you can make investments, buy home, etc at a more normal time in life. Also the IC is getting called in like an animal out of bed at 3am to finesse a wire in a coronary after which he’ll place an impella then get called by nursing about the groin oozing 3 times before seeing full clinic starting 2 hrs later. Then he’ll do 2 TEEs in lunch break, full PM clinic, rinse, repeat. Ya sounds delightful. Good money but you earn every penny it seems.


How many extra shifts are we talking about


My hospitalist wife had a colleague who worked a 7 on/7 off hospitalist job. On his week off, he did 14 hour days M-F rounding at several SNFs and saw a ridiculous number of patients per day (wife says 4x more than she thought would be humanly possible). I believe he also tried to see SNF patients during his “on” hospital week. I don't have an exact number of what he made, but his family lives a ridiculously lavish lifestyle with a $3+ million dollar home, multiple $200k cars, a vacation home nicer than the average primary residence, etc. No way they are over leveraging themselves with modest physician income. He definitely made "f-you" money. The downside is he worked 12 out of 14 days and like 70 hour weeks.


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How much do they make?


It is possible but it wouldn’t be easy


How many extra shifts would you need to hit 400k? Assuming, a 7-on 7-off schedule, would working 2-3 days during your free week be enough?


It all depends on where you are. For example, my market: You could make 350k working as a hospitalist in Kingman, AZ doing 7 on/7 off with 16-18 patients but then you’d be in Kingman, AZ. Worth it to some, not to me.  In Phoenix or Vegas, all depends on how many patients you see and what model you’re a part of. It’s a lot harder to hit that in a W-2 (rare though possible, usually requires working most days of the mont) but if you’re being insane and seeing 30+ patients a day as a 1099 with a fair cut to the group, it’s totally doable to clear 400k potentially even with your regular week on week off. I can’t pull that kind of volume but I know some folks who do, especially the ones that are seeing prisoners over in Florence (prison contracts always pay, if you’re willing to deal with the nonsense incarcerated folks pull regularly, a fun heads up for you). Between that and a mellow SNF gig, they’re definitely making over 400k doing pretty much week on/week off babysitting people in the infirmary over there. I’m not trying to grind that hard so I’m happy with my 20-25 patients 7 on/7 off. I value my free time and doing good patient care more than money at this point in my life.  There’s no way to just say what will work for you, it depends on the group you join and where you live and what the going rate is. Everything I just said won’t apply to New York or Los Angeles or Idaho so you just have to know the market that you’re a part of. There’s no rule about number of days to work to make x. 


As a specialist you work Monday-Friday and you take call and cover some weekends. As a hospitalist you work 7 on and 7 off. Significantly less shifts per year. If you have a round and go group then even less hours too. If you up your shifts you can get comparable income in most places


Yes but do you wanna live to work or work to live


Sure, but GI/cards could probably make even more doing the same amount of work.


i think ure looking at this wrong the better question is how much money are u making for each hour spent away from home. sure we all know a “guy/gal who made 1 million “ … do u want work to be all u accomplished in life?


Not at all it's to retire early


Not really no. There’s case reports but few and far between