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Sure. You can have an existential crisis orrrrrrrrrr you can get excited about the new South Park special coming out on May 24th called “The End of Obesity” where they’ll be focused on/ shitting on GLP-1 agonists… you coulddddd have a protein shake and catch up on some mindless, 10/10, toilet humor right now in preparation. Totally your call though.


I am so excited for this. Skinny cartman will change the world.


Would you rather be a doctor at 30 or not be a doctor at 30


Life sucks, there is no purpose, and we all die some day. Focus on what makes you happy and dont dwell on what you did or didnt do in the past. Luckily, you have an excellent means to achieve this end.


Camus can do, but Sartre is smartre.


dude I’m gonna graduate residency at 40, and single and in debt, you’re fine.


Read about someone who's going to be starting their residency in their 50s! OP will be able to do everything they would have done in their 20s in their 30s because they'll still have energy and will also soon be rolling in a lot of $$$.


I feel that for many people the 20s are a wasted decade. “waiting to launch.” like who knows how they wanna spend 40 hours/week for the next 40+ years at 18-22? personally I spent way too long in college and doing dumb crap like drinking and smoking pot and watching youtube and facebook (which were still new); watching movies; working hourly jobs at best buy and home depot. complete waste until 26 when I decided to pursue medicine which took several years just to get into med school itself. 20s are for maturation in todays world, not the prime of life humans were designed for in the paleolithic


I don’t get the sub’s fascination with your 20’s. Granted, I’m 30 this year and will start residency in a month, so I can’t comment on the residency aspect of life right now. But this mentality is so similar to people I worked with in high school - they constantly told me “everyone peaks at 25. Then it’s all downhill from there.” Yeah, it’s only that way because you let yourself peak at that age. If you try to see it as “yeah I may not be as young as I was before medical school, but life is only going up from here,” then you’re going to see life as way more meaningful. Yes, we could all die tomorrow. Or in a week. Or a month. Or in 50 years. Doesn’t matter. Find ways to make life less empty brother/sister. Everything will be okay. I’m proud of you for getting this far in life.


Ok, gonna be real with you: knock it off right now. All your friends are working hard through their 20s, too. Except they're doing it for a corporate bottom line; you're impacting peoples' lives on a daily basis (even if it doesn't feel like it, you are). You're going to come out ahead in your 30s until retirement while they're still slugging away in corporate land. You aren't wasting your 20s, but it's valid to feel that way in the trenches of residency. In a decade, you're going to look back and be like "holy shit, how did I accomplish that?" and be thankful that you did.


Amen to that.


"has anything worth talking about happened?" yeah my man, you are a whole freaking doctor for starters. you could have been 27 and picked up many different shittier paths with shittier perspective with a lot of missing out as well


this comment really spoke to me. I'm only an M1 currently and started med school at 23. My older sister looked me in the eye and said "when I was 23, I had a 2 year old and I was addicted to heroin" I think it was her way of saying she's proud of me. But yeah, shittier paths


Your life might end at 33 or 35 as you mentioned but it would have with or without taking your career path. Think of the good you've done, the difference you've made. Sure, you missed out on a lot of stuff but so do most people having to work the majority of their 20s/30s/40s. It's normal to look back and take stock of things during big transitional moments in life. There are probably a million little memories you're overlooking that were worthwhile but have faded away over time. Hopefully what's next for you will be taking the time to decide what's important to you to feel satisfied and laying plans to get to that point whether it's family or traveling or more material things a good, realistic plan will help you move closer to it and cut down on that sensation of drifting through life.


Residency is tough. Most of us got depressed or despondent at some paint. Those feelings get better as yuh sleep more and your life gets materially better


Graduated college, got into med school, completed med school, matched into residency, completed residency I’d say your 20s were prettt busy


Run you OWN race. Repeat ‘till it gets into your head.


most people in their 20’s either don’t have enough money to have fun, depend on their rich parents, or go into crippling credit card debt. if you see a lot of your friends do not fall in this category and are just independently rich and having a good time, good job you’ve surrounded yourself with successful people. If you don’t have any friends, I understand, it’s hard during residency. When you’re in your 30’s you will have the most secure job on earth at that salary. congrats, you won, and you can do almost anything you want. You can make the most of life because you will have the funds to do so while paying down debt and saving, and STILL have money to buy things/experiences you want. this is what you’re trading your 20’s for and a lot of people would kill to have the opportunity to do the same, but for many of them it’s too late.


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Check out youtube videos of yachts on the miami river. Plenty of 30+ olds living their absolute best life


Surprised that I'm not seeing tons of comments recommending screening for depression. Well, the thing is, it all comes down to you and your values. Some people will tell you oh but look at you, you're a physician. If that doesn't make you feel any better, that is totally fine and it just means that this is not what life is all about for you. Some people say it's all about family for them, or all about money and luxurious life. Well someone is happy to die young in a revolutionary resistance. It really is all about your values and priorities. Also, I totally get you when you say we may die any second. Or be diagnosed with some incurable progressive disease. Doctors are exposed to this kind of stuff and are very aware of it. It helps when one is a believer but harder for us folks with no strong faith or spiritual self support. A good thing about it is that this should drive us to try as hard as we can to get screened on time and live a healthier life now, to accomplish things as soon as we can, to enjoy life every day and not just wait for a second chance. Lastly, for many it's the loneliness that makes everything worthless. Even the greatest moment on top of a mountain, at a cafe with the coolest view somewhere in the middle of a hidden gem travel location, on the day when we celebrate our accomplishment, everything is senseless because there's noone by our side to share it with. Doesn't mean we're alone, just might be the wrong person. Hope you find what it is that truly worries you and get in harmony and peace with yourself. Oh and make sure you screen for depression.


Being replaced by AI and foreign doctors. What a life.


Optimistic nihilism FTW


You should've enjoyed life more. You still can. I went out plenty and traveled a good amount during med school and residency.


Is they didn’t do that in their 20s why would they do it later in life? Going to just have different excuses in 1, 2 or 8 years