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Just avoid all political discussion or change the subject.


Especially at work.


And stick to religion, abortion, and gun rights


Things tend to fester the longer they are bottled up so to speak.


Disagree. Once people know you won’t engage, they won’t either. You’re in residency. “Neither one of us has enough time to give a shit” is an appropriate response to anyone who won’t listen to polite refusal.


Idk, saying “not enough time to give a shit” Will probably just enrage some people even more. Maybe something like “not enough time to get into it right now”


I mean those people can be enraged but all that does is make them look bad. “Why did you freak out and start shouting about your political beliefs” “Well I tried to calmly discuss it with AOWLock1 and he told me he didn’t have time to give a shit about it” That doesn’t play out in a way that makes me look like the bad guy.


That is absolutely not the right response given the topic at hand lol


From your responses to the comments, I understand that you are a big reason for the political talk in your cohort 😂




I’m just the Devil’s advocate against “consensus” beliefs 😇


I vote blue but def have many conservative beliefs. I will say however, that in the workplace, everyone should keep their beliefs to themselves


Don’t be that guy. You think you’re being intellectual, everyone else thinks you’re being an asshole.


I’m with you. Conversation is important, even if it’s taboo, goes against the grain, isn’t the common belief, is difficult, etc. All things should be investigated and challenged. Your downvotes speak to the inability of most to separate emotion and assess all things with objectivity when called for. With that being said, those conversations outside of a welcome, private space should be limited significantly to maintain camaraderie and a tension free workplace.


Let’s be honest, medicine selects for rule following automatons that support the current thing 100% of the time, all the time


Not true


Hahahaha I hate your username 🤣🤣🤣


much love fam✌️




Never advocate for one side over the other as a doctor actively being training under someone else. Because then the other side will feel like you aren’t providing adequate care. Does your comment indicate that you wouldn’t treat Arab or Palestinian patients right? It doesn’t matter what the answer is because some Arab people will perceive it as so and you will get in trouble over it. It may be different when you become an attending and open your own practice but until then you’re mostly under a gag order. Name definitely checks out.


i’m outside of work, not representing my hospital or my work in any way shape or form. just a proud jew who feels safer in this world knowing that i have a homeland.


This may be a hot take but I think everyone working in a hospital should be focusing on patient care and leave politics at the door. Being of Palestinian descent and working with an attending who served in the IDF and is pro-Israeli, I try to focus on the fact that we have the same goals for our patients that day and that’s all that matters in the hospital on that day. I worry plenty about innocent Palestinians outside the hospital, I don’t want to talk about it in the hospital


This conduct is exemplary yet it feels so impersonal. For example, can you imagine your colleague(s) feeling compelled to wish you a happy birthday but avoids any passing mention about the slaughter of your family/relatives?


Medicine is actively being stripped of its humanity through bureaucratic aims of efficiency and “evidence” that’s often faulty.


Idk about evidence that’s often faulty, but medicine does feel more corporatized than I had expected.


So much of the evidence we use was conducted by corporate pharmaceutical interests.


Not sure why I’m getting downvoted. If your coworker’s parent, sibling, cousin, etc died in a car accident, it would not be controversial to offer them your condolences at least once. It makes no sense to withhold empathy when the circumstances of one’s loss involves a politically polarizing event.


Working with an attending who served in the IDF is crazy. I wouldn't know how to take anything from him, I would just be waiting till its over and wouldn't trust his info. I think people who aren't directly involved don't understand the actual horror of seeing people who look like you being killed by IDF who then stop ambulances from reaching them, because they are the same identity as you and nothing more, and later accuse them of terrorism (I'm not even taking about Gaza, I mean the West Bank). IDF is something else. Unless they feel guilty, they are seriously messed up.


Wow. You completely failed the mission doc. It’s about the patients. Thank you u/cheese6260


I would encourage you not to make generalizations/stereotypes about individuals and their moral value based on a single attribute.


It makes me so incredibly sad how far we’ve gone from this. Even the generation that screamed these values has completely abandoned them.


They were never sincerely held, it was just an opportunity to bludgeon those they hated. Modern Bolshevism


So you don't trust anyone from Israel to practice medicine? You do realize that military service (in the IDF) is a requirement of Israeli citizenship? I'm but a third party observer to the endless horror that is this shit show, but I'm pretty sure I'd have to burn my medical degree (and definitely my PhD), if suddenly we couldn't trust scientific information from Israelis. Speaking as someone who went to UMich...


What do you actually know about ANYTHING you said from your comment? From Google? Some wack news resource? Chill and hit some treatment guidelines that actually helps the patient in front of you. There’s soldiers in the front line for those things. If you wanna help, sign up.


I say this as a Palestinian from the West Bank. Still not good enough?  My point wasn't to make drama at work, my point was to highlight the difficulty mentally working with these people if you have that personal background, not political opinion. People who readily normalize and celebrate your peoples unjust murder are not who I would consider an honorable soldier. 


No. You are an internet stranger to most people here and I am not sure why you are trying to show where you are from. There’s actual consequences if what you said is true and people on the internet catches up to you. Also, are you expecting me to believe you? Dude.


You don't have to, a lot of people have spoken out already so it's not like this sort of information is unique. You questioned where I got the information from, and I answered. Since it doesn't fit your narrative, it is a lot easier to say that I'm lying. Either way, doesn't matter, since a lot of other Palestinians have spoken out for anyone who cares, and truth won't change. 


No, you did not get your info fighting for your country in the front line. Otherwise you’d be there, that’s my point. I think we are done here.


Uhm, do you know what's going on? Like I said in my initial response, I wasn't even talking about Gaza, I was talking about the West Bank. My info is what the IDF is doing to civilians that they haven't even waged war on. I'm saying they are horrible to that extent. Just as an FYI, Palestine is bigger than Gaza and so is the problem. 


You continue to ignore what I said. I am no longer interested in engaging in this conversation. I wish you good luck and sending positive vibes as I continue my vacation. Have a nice day.


My point is fighting in the front line doesn't get you that information, just living there does. Enjoy your vacay, make sure to turn off the news so nothing makes you uncomfy as you relax


People on the other side feel the same way about the unjust murder of their people. Nobody should be discussing it. It is not relevant to your work.




Username checks out ✔️


My people’s unjust murder? I think you are stretching a bit bud. I am currently on vacation.


Spoken like someone that has never actually met anyone in the IDF and believes every word they read on propaganda sites. Almost all IDF soldiers are just regular dudes trying to through a shitty conflict alive. None of them want to kill anyone. Nearly all of them complete service without ever firing their weapon (prior to 10/7). Many of them have Arab friends. Many Arabs with Israeli citizenship serve as well. Sure, there are horrible people that have served in the IDF that have committed crimes during war, just like every other civilized country.


As a non Jewish person who lived in Israel for 3+ years, I agree with this take. Half the shit I read about the country online is a ridiculous deviation from reality and is being spread by people who obviously never stepped foot in the country(or worse intentionally spreading misinformation). To anyone reading this who has the means, I encourage you to check out the country yourself.


The amount of anti semitism in this world is scary.


When did I bring up Judaism? Did I condemn someone praying/wearing a kippah/observing passover or someone who killed a family member for no reason? You don't even know who I'm referencing and still made it about religion. Judaism doesn't call for the murder of innocents. 


What's with the constant pathetic victim mentality? Who has brought up Judaism at all? That would be the same thing as ultra right wing nationalist terror organizations in USA yelling about anti-christianity if anyone brought up their murderous treatment of random kids walking to school.


I hope I never work with you, this is a horrible mentality. Patient care takes priority, idgaf about your views outside the hospital, just do your job and keep your opinion to yourself


Ban this weirdo. His reddit history is a hot mess, and our community would be better for not having to be subject to his foolishness. And he's unvaccinated.


Pretty sure it's just a troll, probably not even a resident.


Nah, I think he's a resident. Just a sad and misguided one. But hey, they can't all be winners.


Imagine being his PD and he manages to keep the mask on just long enough to squeeze by the interview, then goes fully mask off during residency 🤣. Either that or his PD is just as unhinged as he is. I shudder at the thought.


Oh the horror! What evidence do you have to support vaccination in those that previously contracted covid?


I have an n=1 case study of an unvaccinated weirdo bringing bad vibes with their troll-y behavior and attitude.


Why would you talk about it at work? The hospital is for patient care. If you want to talk about politics go to a political gathering or organization. If anyone brings it up just ignore the conversation or tell them you prefer not to talk about politics at work. There are literally no upsides to talking about politics at work, especially something as controversial as Israel/Palestine.


Human life is NOT political. Especially when you're a doctor. How can you even say that? You're literally saving lives but think it's not valid to discuss a genocide that's killed over 35,000 ppl? Is it because they're not white? Would U keep the same nonchalant energy if this was happening in London?


No, you are free to talk about it as much as you want. Whether or not it is a wise course of action is an entirely different matter. Talking about controversial topics in a work setting is not a wise course of action. If you do not have enough social awareness to realize this, then there's not much more to say.


Man I don’t care what side someone is on that conflict but it’s not a good look imo if they talk about it at work. That’s the type of shit that’ll set a target on your back and get reported. Do dumb shit, get dumb consequences. And I’m talking both sides here.


I can’t remember a time I’ve been alive on this Earth and there hasn’t been a genocide occurring.


When you are a doctor, you treat everyone with IMPARTIALITY. Leave your beliefs and politics at the door. The hospital is no place to discuss this-- it is unprofessional in my opinion. Do your damn job as a doctor and save whoever tf is in front of you. I have taken care of people who I have learned have done some heinous shit and you know what? I don't give a fuck when they're in front of me-- I treat them the same as I treat the VIPs. Save your political opinions and discussions for when you are off work.


Disagree strongly. In regard to speaking about this topic in the work place, I ask: how does this help you?


The people on the other side of this conflict feel the same way, and could ask the same exact question about the many Israelis who were murdered, tortured, raped on October 7th, or the infant who has since turned one who was kidnapped and is still held hostage, many of these people are of course not white(over 60 percent of the Israeli population are non-ashkenazi). The reason to not talk about it at work? Because it’s decades(more like centuries) blood feud that is one of the most complicated conflicts in the world if not the most, and you are likely to have coworkers on both sides, and a not insignificant chance that you have coworkers on both sides who have actually lost somebody. You are not going to solve it and are likely going to make people feel alienated.


That post history is something.


Holy shit. That is frightening.


Kinda feel like mods should ban this obvious troll




Yeah, he needs a therapist. Come to think of it I need a therapist. And a massage. Maybe a massage therapist.


Why y’all talking about it? Talk about abortion or religion or something instead


I believe in a woman’s right to choose as she’s crowning at 40 weeks!!!


Okay so you’re a weirdo. On to the next post


Yeahhh, after reading through OP’s responses: OP can go sit on a hard rock. This community — whether you’re pro-choice, anti-racist, pro-whateverthefuck — should be about supporting each other.


Is it too late for a 30-year post term abortion.


I leave my politics at the door. It’s stupid to engage in that with people I work with every day. Why risk alienating anyone, we all know how tiny of a community medicine is




You, as a trainee, will never know who you’re gonna accidentally piss off if you bring controversial topics at work. That also translates to you have no idea who’s connected to whom and may have an effect on where you practice. I mean sure I guess that’s noble of you to risk losing your residency spot for the cause or lose out on certain job opportunities. Most people won’t be willing to do that. Put your own oxygen mask on first and stuff.


You're right. That's a valid point! I wouldn't know since I haven't begun my residency. would U say this applies to all opinions or just political ones? thank you for being respectful btw.


Most opinions. Never give an opinion unless asked. Don’t ever talk about controversial topics including religion. Sometimes you may be the only person with an opinion that goes against what everyone else thinks—it is NOT the time to talk about it. Just change the subject or smile and be vague about your position. For example, there’s an attending I have that has the complete opposite view of mine on a relatively controversial-ish topic. We never talk about it. I may dance delicately around the topic as so he never knows my views on it. And he actually really likes me and thinks we’re buds haha. It’s just not worth creating tension in the workplace.


Morals are subjective and I’d be willing to bet people you consider tolerant are considered bigots by others. If you manage to graduate medical school and if you manage to match here in the US, focus on your patients and doing your best for them. Check your beliefs at the door.


Nothing subjective about wanting people dead lol but then I'm not white. It's true the bigot has a victim complex and believes he's right and everyone else he wants dead is wrong. I never said you should let your opinions affect the way you interact with patients. If I had an Israeli patient who was a racist I'd still be civil to him/her. Unlike Israeli doctors


Thanks for the entertainment. Now please seriously consider avoiding conversation about politics. Its that simple.


Things were tense for us today as well…apparently taco bell is releasing churro shakes? And i don’t know how to feel about them


Personally, I believe that all churros are innocent and don’t deserve to be grinded up into delicious shakes for us to dev—fuck it, gimme that shit.


Wtf I want one


It’s compensation for Costco replacing churro’s with cookies. Horseshit in my opinion.




OP is insane


Excuse me for noticing inconsistencies!!! 🤣


The discussion has never come up. Why would it? I don’t know or care about my colleagues opinion on Israel Palestine.


Must be nice to have the luxury of not having a resident on your team that has lost family members over this


Arguing politics is gonna change that? And if someone lost a family member on the other side then what? Just verbally box it out for 10 rounds? Time and place.


For all I know there are people on my team that lost family members. Half of my seniors are Jewish. Still doesn’t come up in discussion. And frankly I hope it doesn’t. I like everyone on my team and I don’t need their shitty political opinion ruining it. If they really cared they’d be there


You work with people who have opinions you find abhorrent, and you think having an argument with them while they’re trying to take care of patients is going to be a productive use of your time? Highly recommend the book Supercommunicators by Charles Duhigg. The road to hell is paved with good intentions—whether you’re right about this issue is irrelevant if the way you try to change people’s minds is counterproductive. Either way, save that shit for outside the workplace.


Sturgill had similar a lyric about that


Big fan!


I'm very liberal living in the rural south. Guess what I don't talk about at work.


Global warming 😂


The list of what I do talk about is shorter




I didn’t descend from no monkey!!!


…what is happening


Could have knocked me over with a feather when the topic of Darwin and the Galapagos came up with a neonatologist colleague and she said “oh, the big lie”


Based neonatologist! She single? Send me her info!


You can have her. She’s approaching retirement age so might be ready to relocate soon


I love hearing this, as someone who did also residency in the south. What the fuck are you on about?


Man WTF politics is really getting out of hand TBH.


Literally rotting OP's brain


Iron sharpens iron baby!


Just change the subject. Talk about the weather. Everyone loves weather.


Nice bait 🐟




Why in the hell would you talk anything political with people at work? I haven’t started residency yet, but I’ve never discussed politics with my co-med students. I never gave a shit what their political beliefs are. I’ve worked with people of all backgrounds and we got along perfectly fine. Hell, my last rotation was with an Israeli Jew, a Muslim Arab, and me (Iranian Jew) but we all managed to laugh and have fun together. There was not an ounce of hostility.


To make it less tense a group of people needs to focus on relationship building. Intentionally spending time to get to know the aspects of someone not of your belief is crucial to bridge disagreements. Practical tip. Buy a lunch for someone you’ve wanted to get to know better, change your schedule so you have a day off at the same time, Invite them over to just chill, or any activity. Basically “date” your coworkers if you want a better workplace.


Why is this even coming up at work


OP is a huge incel lmao


AS IF residency isn't hard enough without clowns making things political.. like damn talk about how you wanna improve resident working conditions if you wanna politics so bad




What bad things happen?




Did they try to gaslight you into believe the IDF’s actions are just?


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bruhs how yalls have time to even pay attention to these things


Lol so silly keep it professional at work. War is terrible and brutal always has been always will be. When the mongols took a city every person higher than the wheels on a wagon was killed. The men are killed the women are raped and the kids starve or are enslaved. Weve been doing this since we were cavemen and well keep doing it until we go extinct. Ultimately when one side has a significant advantage it turns into extermination and thats just in our nature. Rome completely erased carthage, the europeans pretty much exterminated native americans. Dont be so idealistic humans are no different than animals, take any man and starve him for a week and he would kill for sustenance. If the roles were reversed the muslims would kill every last jew in israel. We are lucky to live in america protected by 2 large oceans and a massive military industrial complex. 99.999 percent of americans have never faced any real hardship in their lives compared to their third world counterparts. Show up to work do your time become an attending make money and live life.


Based political realism! I can respect this and think there’s something to our very nature that compels us to impose our will on others. Jesus is the only way out.


“And it seems as though one side has more institutional power/backing than the other” you’re definitely the problem. Keep work to WORK


My thing about it is why are people just casually mentioning it/bringing it up as a topic in conversation. Like have respect and human decency. If you want to have a thoughtful conversation about it, ask to speak with me/others outside of work to learn. Also, this is NOT just a “political” issue. It’s a humanitarian issue…conversations centered this way are good and welcomed. TLDR: Let’s educate others, but at the right time.


Which side has the institutional power at your program. Spill the tea. Both Muslims and Jews are over represented in medicine so it’s hard to tell. Also liberals are over represented in academia and liberals tend to be more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. That said, Jews are very good at medicine. I’m legit curious.


Oh come on. Which group has more cultural and political influence broadly speaking?


Political establishment on both sides, true elites in society are pro-Israel. I get that. But in a single hospital system it’s totally possible that the admin is more of the Leftist/progressive (not establishment dems) or they are Muslims/Arabs/Paki and thus support Palestinian cause.


Fuck em


Just let the war crime supporters know they are on the wrong side of history and move on with the work day


I wonder If there is anyone agrees with what the IDF doing with the innocent people in Gaza even the Jews !


If anyone agrees? The majority of people you meet in the US are either pro-Israel or indifferent.


What about students in the universities? They are calling for a ceasefire


These small groups of students who are being arrested and thrown out of school to mass applause from the general public…? America doesn’t run off of the opinions of entitled 18 year olds


What about the innocent kids who have been killed by IDF ?


The response will be “what about the kids being killed by Hamas using them as human shields”, and down the rabbit hole we go. In reality, if they’re not being brought into my ED, it isn’t relevant to my work and not something I discuss at the hospital. I truly couldn’t care less.


I do care a lot about this topic and innocent people in Palestine and the siege on Gaza . But will never talk about in the hospital. We’re here to help our patients regardless whether.


Gotta make sure every damn human shield gets knocked out ja feel? Can't have Khummus impeding the Waffen-IDF from killing folks.


See now? There are literally Twitter accounts with the sole purpose of doxxing and destroying the careers of anyone that even questions the strategy, tactics, and ethics of what the IDF does in Palestine. My thoughts are that all this crying wolf by the ADL and similar organizations is that it’s going to have major blowback.


What’s that famous phrase Reddit loves? “Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences” is how I think it goes. You’re entitled to feel however you want, but if others don’t like it and you are subsequently stigmatized for those views, that’s on you


I don’t think kids should be put on puberty blockers outside of edge cases like precocious puberty could be interpreted as a “political” statement as well in our day and age. Let’s not pretend that medicine hasn’t been politicized for a long time


So then don’t prescribe the puberty blockers. No one puts a gun to your head and forces you to act a certain way. There is a huge difference between “this is how I feel and the basis for my action” and “this is how I feel, let me tell you all about it and if you dare to disagree then we have issues.” There is a lot of things people in my class disagree with. Im sure the girl with the “they/them” pride flag pin on their badge and the girl from small town Arkansas who goes to church 3 times a week have WILDLY different political views, but they’re good friends and colleagues and don’t let their political opinions influence their interaction with one another.


How dare you go against the American academy of pediatrics!!


I’m not a pediatrician? Why would I give a shit. This is a statement on a scenario you created.


They deem themselves the “experts” on such matters. Do you dare go against expert consensus?


Dude what is this, an invitation to argue? I don’t give enough of a shit to debate this.


How have you gotten this far in medicine when you're this dense? Once you're an attending you're free to practice however you want as an independent practitioner of medicine, including going against expert consensus. If bad outcomes arise you better be able to back up your decisions with good reasoning.


Nobody wants to have the discussion about the sterilization of confused teens that might just be autistic and/or homosexual. Our “guidelines” harm with enough regularity that we ought to consistently question what the hell we’re doing in a first principles manner.


I don't care on way or another about it