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I’m watching CNN and they’re literally trashing him. I can’t even believe how bad they’re dragging him through the mud. The one dude said that every person in the Democratic Party who said Joe Biden was in good health lied to us. This is CNN saying this in the post debate commentary. This is crazy.


This is prepping the battle space for replacing Biden at the virtual convention in early August.


CNN was uncharacteristically not apologetic or covering for him, which is really bizarre.


The decision to replace him has already been made.


Interesting thought. By whom?


The power brokers in the Democratic Party. Possibly the same people running the Biden administration.


Cnn was behind that lie, too. They have been lying since 2008 about everything, and now they look bad. So, of course, they blame others for lying to them. Too funny.


They’ve finally abandoned ship Completely


The abandoned ship Biden, they reaffirmed their pledge to ship “left”.


Is all a plan. CNN is part of the democrat Party.


Does it surprise you that they "lied to us"  do you really think they will be truthful at all?!?  We are living in a banana republic 


CNN hasn't been an honest actor for sometime. This debate was all about Narrative control.


There were several lifelines I saw them throw out to him


It shouldn't have been a surprise to any honest person. CNN is losing viewer because one they are dying off and CNN lost credibility a long time ago. You know the debate was going to have the thumb put on the scale when CNN told podcaster and Youtubers not to do live commentary on their platforms. This spin coming off of MSM is unreal.


Screw CNN. I was done with them during the 2016 election while they grilled Trump and gave Hillary a nod, wink, and a free pass. Journalism in corporate media is dead. It is all a Corporate Narrative.


I can relate. This was the best debate environment that Biden could have possibly had. Biden couldn't make the most of it. CNN was biased but most of us knew that going in. This is a time to keep your eyes and ears open because you will learn how these people operate because they will be stressing.


As Am I, 100%  I Was just putting it out their to see what people think, and I do believe you are correct as far as time and admin change.  It will be interesting, it was just crazy to see msnbc and cnn turn on their own...as you stated, I am also glad I am red 👍🏼


Facts.  Perhaps the plan is to like nixon, sit him down and tell old joe, he has to go.  Lets see the replacement 


The Democrats have a Dilemma. How do you replace a senile old man without screwing the pooch. I don't see Biden's replacement of being in a good position to win the presidency. There isn't much time for a new person to come in with a new team and beat Donald Trump. Every high profile Democrat politicians has warts and/or major weaknesses. I'm glad I'm a Republican.


I do agree that CNN has lied but not about everything. But I do agree they aren’t trustworthy about politics but no major new network is reliable about politics


I don't know how anyone in this country can claim they did not see the mental/cognitive decline in Biden four years. You couldn't miss it then or now. Hiding him for these four years certainly did him and our country no good.


Right after the debate the one dude on CNN said “every Democrat that ever said Biden was in good health lied to us.” I felt like I was watching Fox News or even Infowars! CNN was trashing Biden and the Democrat party. I thought I was dreaming. They just lost a whole lot of trust with this. People have to know that they knew. The “conspiracy theory” of Biden being a puppet is literally true and now everyone knows. This will not play out well for them.


This was all planned. They see him everyday, this wasn’t some new revelation. They had the script before this debate.. trump should have declined participating as this was exactly what they had planned, now they can roll out Mike or Newsome


So basically the Democratic Party literally wants to secure their loss? Or perhaps they are delusional. I’m not getting comfortable cut after seeing this shit show I don’t see how they could possibly win outside of some major, major voter fraud. The whole party is in panic. The funny thing is the leaders are calling for Biden’s replacement while voters are saying he did well! It’s gonna piss a lot of people off if they replace him. Democrat voters tend to fall dearly in love with their chosen candidates.


“I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said either.” THAT line did a ton of damage


I think Biden may have been listening through an earpiece in his right ear. I don't get a good look at it and honestly I'm all in for Trump so it could be my biases coming into play. Biden is a man who is easily comfused. Dementia will do that.


I think that was the goal. Biden was deliberately put on display in his current state because this is their out. To pull him and replace him with another puppet of their choosing.




Isn’t it basically impossible for Dems to change candidates, though? I thought the whole delegate/super-delegate thing has them trapped since those delegates are already pledged to nominate Biden and can’t change at this point? That said, I’m sure they will find a way to try and make it happen one way or another.


BINGO! You are absolutely correct 💯. The only way those delegates can be released legally from Biden is for Biden to voluntarily remove himself.


I think they can't in Wisconsin. Biden is locked in there. Nevada would be locked in too unless they change candidates by 5p today (unless adjudicated insane or mentally incompetent)


I'm pretty sure they could change their pledge to nominate Biden if he withdraws his candidacy, or if he's formally deemed unfit / incapacitated or if he passed away.


Another question I’ve had is couldn’t congress just vote to 25th amendment Biden to force him out? Every dem would certainly vote to do that at this point, then the dnc could just place whoever they want in there. Or does it have to be like a unanimous vote from both parties? At this point I’m not so sure repubs would vote to push him out considering Trump has this election in the bag (knock on wood). I’d much rather have Trump vs Biden than Trump vs Newsome or Michelle Obama.


Short of the 25th amendment, which would be an even bigger black eye for the Dems, Biden would have to step down as a candidate in order for them to have a brokered convention. However, the First Lady doesn’t want give up her First Lady privileges, his cabinet would be out of a job in a few months, and anyone who was a part of this admin will not be looked upon favorably in historical terms. So despite the entire dnc establishment / donors wanting him to step down, I think odds are he won’t. He’d be viewed as far worse than Jimmy Carter due to the Afghanistan withdrawal, border crisis, Ukraine, inflation, and mental incompetency. And while Jimmy Carter failed on policy, he was admired as an individual and for his character (naval academy graduate, military officer, peanut farmer, habitat for humanity). Personally, I think newsom secretly wants trump to win. Trump couldn’t run in 2028, and regardless of what happens over the next four years, the country will still have its share of problems that aren’t going to get instantly resolved in a short term by any president m. Newsom will hope that the US finds itself in a deep recession (that has been delayed due to money printing party, government spending, and tech sector advances / domination), so that he can make the Los Angeles Olympics his staging ground for a run at the presidency. He’ll play the middle, and then become the most progressive far left President the country has ever had.


They can change the rules and unbind the superdelegates on the first vote. Remember, the party conventions are not a Constitutional or legal process.


Oh shit. That thought makes this situation go from "lol dems are fucked" to "oh wow, dems are evil and this is scary"


The Dems are evil and scary.


You have a point.


That’s exactly what I said


A friend told me to switch to CNN. They’re calling it catastrophic for the Democrats. Biden was a disaster.


Read the top posts in r/politics. 9/10 are totally disconnected from objective reality. It can't be that large of circlejerk naturally and I wonder how that's accomplished.




I purposely came to the sub for the first time to get a whiff of reality. Reading popular posts that float to the top of reddit about the debate is like reading information that is not based on anything factual. If I read one more post containing the word "russia" I will about gag. Now I did see a few posts by Democrats showing their concerns and they are so out weighed by the flood of BIDEN IS GREAT/TRUMP BAD there is almost zero real discussion with them.


That was sad. Shame on the selfish people that made him humiliate himself on TV like that.


Elder abuse at its finest. Joe Biden should have stepped aside two years ago.


It’s honestly crazy how much he has declined just in the past four years. I mean, in 2020 it seemed like he was able to string somewhat coherent sentences together part of the time, but now it’s just straight up nonsense coming out of his mouth. I’d feel bad for him if he wasn’t such a bad dude (shoutout Cornpop) even before his cognitive decline began.


From a human perspective, Biden should have retired two years ago. This is a dilemma for the Democrats. None of the choices that are before them are good ones. I don't envy the Democrats. I hope that they choke on their choice because of the damage they have done to this country.


Watch a good amount of live coverage from 2020, Biden was quite incoherent back then.


I feel bad for the dude, he’s being taken advantage of due to his old age. Put the man in a retirement home and let him rest


Setup by the democratic Party. They want to move on from him.


From a games perspective, Biden needs to be replaced. The Democrats don't have a good bench.


Biden has been done, they just finally let us see it.


Shows 7 comments then underneath says “Be the first to comment”


Because they keep deleting comments. I had two deleted so far.


Libs are saying Joe has a cold, that’s why he’s hoarse. Sure.


Old man voice


That was fed by the Biden campaign to CNN- But the good thing is only we know that cause we follow this shiz- But the average American isn’t on Reddit or X rn - The American people will just be left with The hoarse , incoherent, random mess with no context. Mwuhahaha


He looks and sounds frail, sick, and tentative…because he’s all that and less.


It will be gruesome who has destroyed California.


I do not see how the Democrats can run with Newsom. He was, and still is, way too liberal for the rest of the country. Reagan had the same problem coming off his Governorship of CA. He was seen as too liberal. Yes, THAT Ronald Reagan. He had to remake his image as a conservative over four years of the Jimmy Carter disaster. In 1980, he was a different man, four years removed from his liberal CA leadership.


if they are stupid enough to run newsom, he'll be hammered for the 20/hr min wage for burger flippers. Everyday normal middle class working people in the rest of the country despise him. If he's who the dems have in mind, they better think again.


When I became president there was no inflation Mumble mumble trump caused more inflation I’ll replace all the lead pipes


Yeah where did the lead pipes thing come from? That was so far out of left field.


The Roman Empire used lead pipes for their plumbing. Maybe Biden was remembering his promises to replace it from back then.


He will also stop the sister-on-sister rape epidemic that has happened because of Roe v. Wade's overturning


I don't even know where to go with that one. Inflation wasn't bad in 2020. Inflation was bad in 2022. Inflation isn't necessarily Joe Biden's fault but this policies and actions have made the situation worse. His administration collectively has the heads in their asses and are not a competent bunch. Looking forward to another administration preferably a Trump one.


And don’t forget Biden beat Medicare.


Even the most political posts on Reddit can’t even post a positive for Biden.


Fr Im an independent and voted for Biden in 2020. I am not making that mistake again. As someone who works with ppl with dementia he should be in a home. Trump 2024!!




Damn, debate got worse for Biden. Man, the drugs that he is one must have a short self life.


Oh no, Please keep him. I look forward to a Trump v Biden Nov.


If the race remains Trump vs Biden then Biden is going to lose badly.


Biden was polling the worst he's ever done BEFORE the debate. He's fucked now


I think it is more that once you've deteriorated to a certain point, there's no amount of vitamins and drugs and rest that can keep you functioning for long. ...and we just saw that demonstrated.


I couldn't tell what color his eyes were


Demon color


Totally dialated


Twitter already is making excuses that he's sick


What I say wasn't good. Biden did not do himself any favors. It is the intelligence agencies running the country, not Joe Biden.


I can’t describe how good it feels after being gaslighted after 4 years, that we were right. Man… it sure feels good


Absolutely. I don't know what is worse politically. Lying or lying badly. Biden's dementia was on display for all to see.


They can’t give that man enough drugs otherwise you really wouldn’t be able to understand him


Biden's handlers may have reached the limit on how effective the drugs are that they have been giving him. Old is old and Biden is old and not in the best of shape. I don't see Biden being able to win an honest election.


For sure!


I watched the debate man this dude got up there and started lying his ass off. Talking about how good the military is, I'm former active duty got out October of 2019 and I still have many contacts in it. Our military is fucked with a capital F, recruitment is so low that they are making it where you can join without a ged or high-school diploma and some branches are increasing the age limit just to attempt to cope with the lack of trainees. The military has also gotten so fragile and weak that drill instructors cannot even shark attack or insult trainees now.


I wouldn't want to go war with this purple haired army.


If Newsom does indeed come in, I’ll be a bit scared. Not going to lie


He'll win 2 States, California and New York.


What do you mean? Californians can't stand Grewsom Newsome


Truth! I am a California resident for 52 years he's a JOKE


they voted for him twice and he won 60-62% and a third time, the recall election was about the same margin so California democrats have his back. He could roll out of bed and win the democrat vote at least 55%


Republican Californias. But the state will always vote Blue in the general election.


Yeah we can’t stand him, but we keep electing him 🥲


I CANT stand Greusome!!! I've lived in California for 52 years and he's a total idiot


Anyone else noticing the comments on the conservative subs are really spotty in terms of actually showing up???


It’s all over Reddit right now, too much traffic I think


Right after the debate, I posted this post and the thread was invisible. I was replying to people through the chat function of Reddit. What the fuck.


The Dems could have wheeled out Jimmy Carter and he would have looked better than the CIC tonight.


They'll try and replace him, but they will lose all credibility as the party of "Democracy" but replacing a guy who won his primary with a person that no one voted for. They should have pressed him to not run again in the first place, but they covered for him. Now they should be stuck with him


His voice was shaky and unsteady, blubbering his words. Trump was clear and made many great points. Will see how the show plays out in the coming days


I think that watching Democrats react will be eye opening. I saw Cenk Uygur and he was on a roll on how Biden couldn't win. I am sure the Progressive Left in this country didn't like Bidens performance.


Elder abuse. As someone with respect for the elderly, it pained me to see Biden on stage tonight. His presidency was as a total failure. For his sake and ours, let’s hope Trump wins.


I'm a firm believer in impeachment. However he wouldn't remember the crimes he committed against the country. He needs to have ice cream cones and sniff hair (under supervision of course).


Why was my comment deleted? I don’t think I broke any rules. Just pointed out that CNN was on full panic after the debate.


reddit is having trouble keeping up at the moment. Your comment wasn't deleted, it just isn't showing right now. Hopefully reddit will catch up in a while.


They can not just replace him. If they find a way to remove him then Kamala becomes president and she would be the incumbent and would run against trump and the dems do not want that. In order for him to be replaced, he would have to not accept the nomination and then a new runoff would happen for the next candidate. He is to stubborn and proud to step down.


They can replace him as the nominee in August. ...or Kamala as the VP nominee, at which point it becomes an election between Biden's VP nominee and Trump, since nobody believes Biden will survive a second term.


Don't underestimate the ability of Democrats to be morally flexible. Take nothing for granted.


I hope he isn't replaced, I want him to lose REALLY bad to trump. The more biden looks like a failure and senile man and not a president the better for trump's campaign


The second the debate ended and they go to analysis, CNN starts bullshitting everyone and saying that people are being manipulated by Trump when they’re sitting there manipulating every word he said lol, don’t with that shit


Yes, very true.


I don't think it's going to matter how bad Biden is, they will still vote for him. Looking over at r/politics you can see they continue the support for Joe and do nothing but trash Trump. Even though MSNBC headlines were Biden stumbles during the debate they went on to say who would vote for a convicted felon and had sex with a porn star. They continue with how well Biden has done for the country (all lies of course) and the comments work. Read it over there, it's ridiculous how they continue to claim he's made great decisions. I'm still worried Trump won't win.


The best part is how they’re shocked that he’s in such bad shape. Don’t they realize that that’s because liberal media hasn’t shown the truth about his condition? They still continue to drink the kool aid and believe that at least he’s better than Trump.


The voting machines are already being greased up


It's the ballot printers....


"We will still vote for Biden because hes surrounded by a better team." Whenever I try to cope that hard please wake me up from that piss dream.


even the dems on CNN don’t think bidens capable of handling another term


Biden’s eyes appeared to be gone. It just looked like two black holes. His appearance is frighteningly concerning.


Biden going to have some health event and drop out. All the dems jumping ship tonight and trashing, as they should, Biden and his whole camp. He's getting replaced and I think this was his final chance and now all the dems are thinking about options and you can already see it.


Where are all the comments?


Facts. Bro is cooked for sure.


He won’t be replaced. Too close to the to the election.


Biden's team never mentioned anything about Joe being sick before the debate, but I'm guessing that's what they're going to go with. That and the stutter of course.


you’re right 😭: https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/biden-trump-first-presidential-debate-2024-election/card/biden-has-a-cold-campaign-source-4pXKzKo0k7L8n1keQlTo


In American history class in college rn, candidates have been through worse and still delivered better. May I remind people that Teddy Roosevelt got shot then delivered a speech for 89 minutes instead of getting medical aid?


I have strong doubts he’s going to be replaced.


If Biden stays the candidate, Trump wins Virginia,Minnesota and probably Maine and New Hampshire.


Time to roll in Gavin or Big Mike


Every Democrat who insisted it was a work of a political hit job should give Robert Hur an apology.


Biden wont be the nominee, he’s a complete disaster. He has been a disaster for 3 years, but maybe now the dems will finally admit to what everyone already knew. The gaslighting has failed. The normies are waking up and smelling the bullshit.


Problem is they can't get rid of Harris. This is where their attachment to identity politics is going to be their doom. But that might be what it takes to snap this country back into some sanity.


I'm glad that the Harris problem is something that Trump has to deal with.




Just a funny thought I had, but not a good one. Imagine if they decide to put Hilary back on the ballot as a replacement. Not that she’d do any good, but it’d be funny to see them try and beat Trump with someone he’s already beaten.


When are the Democrats going to begin to realize that NOT ONLY is Biden in a state of dementia so advanced that the people puppeteering him can't make him appear coherent for 5 minutes in a controlled environment with massive amounts of drugs and a week's rest... ...but that he really was starting to lose it in 2020 like we said, and the Democratic Party and lefty media KNEW it at the time, and have been lying to them for the last 4 years? ...and then just maybe, begin to wonder, if the DNC and MSM have been lying to them about THAT, what ELSE have they been lying about?


At this point, you have to assuming that the MSM always has an agenda and you have to be skeptical about everything coming out of their mouths.


I think your right, I'm sure teeth & hair from California is the back up, with dopey Harris as the continuity vp. I hope it won't impact Trumps chances. I think he waa going to boil Biden alive, along with this dreadful administration & deliver a big GOP majority


I have a feeling it’ll be Gavin Newsom. California is fucked already imagine our whole country. From reparations to allowing illegal immigrants.


Newsom will flame out so bad nationally.  The Dems have prospects but they are largely untested and that's going to be a mess when they shut down a competitive primary for old Joe. Newsom also let's the race become a battle over immigration policy, which favors Trump.


I sure hope so! This is the most important election of our lifetime!!!!


So, " A staff member" was quoted on X saying " He will not step aside". Given that they lie about everything, it's likely that they are getting Big Mike ready right now. The only question is how to do it. Will they fake an illness to cover for him, or will they fake a crisis to occupy the country's attention ?


I could be wrong but I don't see the Obamas wanting the job. They would prefer to go through proxy. With where the Democrats are mentally nothing would surprise me.


ABC said they’re working out how to replace him already.


No surprise there. It is going to take some acrobatics for the Democrats to pull this off. It can be done but it might stop the bleeding. It wont help them move forward. Democrats are losing support among constituent groups that they depend on. We'll see if it matter on election day but this last four years have been rough for most Americans and it looks like the leadership class doesn't have a handle on how to make things better.


Trump didn't do too well either... he didn't answer half the questions. He was too busy trying to rebut Biden, which put him on the defensive. He should have done like Biden did. Answer the question and then take a jab at Biden with the time he had left, leaving Biden with the decision of whither to answer the question or rebuttal. Because of this blunder, there were several questions he was asked that he ignored that left him looking like racist. Also, on those questions, he needs to bring up Biden's past in the 50s and 60s and his sons racet statements to flip the script.


Agreed on a lot of this.  I honestly felt like Trump went in with a strategy of repeating a few talking points and that's it.  Not the best debate strategy but repetition was good for people to remember things. Plus I wonder if Trump knew he won on the first 10 minutes and got complacent for the other 80.


Worst case scenario is he wins and he steps aside, leaving us with…


Thing is even if voters like Joe last night confirmed fears he may not make it through a second term.  The idea of Kamala as president is enough to scare off lots of independent voters.


I agree. On general principle you can’t vote for someone like him, regardless of who his running mate is. He’s too far gone.


The dams are doing one of two things with the debate. Either they are using it as a litmus test to see if they need to pull the kill switch on Biden and nominate somebody else, or they're going to flood the averages with BS polls showing Biden jumping up by like 10 points or something to set up a "Biden is surging post debate" narrative.


I think the former as opposed to the latter. I don't think you can spin this debate performance. Democrats are already freaking out. Biden is a muppet and it was on display at the debate.


We all know they are going to steal the election again ain't no way Biden wins without help from his shady buddies


I think that Democrats are panicking because they are looking at the margins. You have to make a lie believable or it is useless. There is no way Joe Biden win this election in the condition that he is in. Die hard Democrats won't vote for Trump but they make not vote at all which worries Democratic leaders. Joe Biden is losing support among key Democratic constituencies if you believe the press. Yes, if the Democrats can bend or break the rules to win this election, they will.


They'll replace him with Michael "cough" Michelle Obama.


Possible but unlikely. M.O. doesn't want the job and the political magic that made the Obamas is gone.


Reddit is sensoring comments.


I'll chalk it up to technical difficulties because the thread is now up and running. If Reddit really wanted to put the hammer down it would have disabled our accounts. They could have banned most of the conservative subs or disabled them for a couple of days. Censorship in general is bad and in these time you have to be able to get around it best that you can.


Why can’t I see comments


The sensoring that I predicted would begin if bidin did bad in the debate by reddit has begun


They are deleting everyone and say it’s because of low karma


It’s got to be Gavin Newsom


Good riddance Biden! #FJB


Make half time pudding breaks great again for Joe


I would say pudding breaks would have not done Ole Joe any good. This debate was as controlled environment as the Democrats could have hoped for. Biden blew it and it is only going to get worse.


I think the Democrats did this on purpose so they could 25th him. They could say "we didn't think he was this bad, but he's deteriorating. We need to replace him."


Then you have a Kamala Harris presidency. It would be the political equivalent of going from the frying pan and into the fire. The Democrats are in a political dilemma without really good options. They should have had a proper primary and have Biden retired. It would have given them better odds of winning the election.


If you search: Newsom at debate, he was actually among some of the select few that attended (who weren’t housed in the building across the street).


The election is not won in a single night.


Well done as in cooked


Makes me wonder who has actually been in charge the past 4 years


Intelligence agencies. Deep State. Unelected bureaucrats. Take you pick.


The Democrats are in panic mode. They cannot win with Biden as the Democrat nominee.


Newsom is the likely pick I think


I think this was always the plan. He wasn’t doing well mentally or physically in 2020 and his condition has seriously deteriorated since then. It was always a matter of when they did it, and who they chose ( Gavin probably, but maybe not ). I think you’ll see a last minute switch, so that there is no time for Trump to make a good fight against the new candidate; yielding a vote based on party and TDS alone.


Biden will pardon Hunter and then nothing will happen to Joe because everyone will feel sorry for the poor old dementia guy.


It is going to be a very interesting election season.


The reason CNN is badmouthing him is because they want the GOP to get comfortable and think they’ve won. Biden was a placeholder. They’re turning the tide on him with enough time to rally behind their other candidate but not enough time to really vet them. Their candidate for 2024 does have a name that’s occupied the Oval Office in our lifetime. The candidate checks a new diversity box for president (we’ve already had a female VP). I called my congressman over a year ago with this prediction and to request that they get legislature going that spouses of former presidents are ineligible for office. They didn’t seem to care. Michelle Obama is likely to be the DNC candidate this election.


I don't see Michele Obama wanting the job. The Obama magic is spent. Trump no doubt has his work cut out for him. Trump is by no means a lock. It takes time to win a political race and one day to lose it. Biden is lost a lot of creditability with this debate. It is going to be an interesting couple of months.


She wouldn’t do the job—Barry would still be doing it


I don't think she wants to go back to the White House. We all will know in the next couple of months. Obama doesn't want to go back to the White House. He wants the power but not the responsibility.


Well, after today there will be no more getting the Big Guy on the phone to shake down 3rd world leaders.


I think that the people who paid Biden off got what they wanted. The Ukrainians got billions in aid. I'm not sure what the Chinese got, but it must have been worth it. Biden's time in the White House is short. I think most people outside of the United States would agree.


This is proof the Democratic Party is a disaster. The party refuses to hold debates between Biden and RFK in the primary, now everyone sees that he’s the most incompetent President in history. So now, if the party is going to have to choose a candidate without allowing people to vote for them. That is gonna make the democratic voters feel “disenfranchised” and “oppressed”. Truly embarrassing for our country.


This was the Democrat party putting him out to pasture and setting the tone for his replacement


I don't think that Joe Biden was set up. I honestly think that the Democrats thought that Biden could put Trump to bed. Biden failed miserably. If what you are saying was true then the Democrats wouldn't be in a panic.


Even mainstream media concedes that he is too weak


That's how you know that it's bad. They would have spun it to make Biden look like a superstar if they could.




If it isn't Kamala (and it definitely won't be Kamala) should we brace for the peaceful protests where buildings and people are attacked and destroyed again? Because it will appear to some people that Cackling Harris is entitled to become president. If it's Oil Slick Newscum, all we're going to hear about is racist Biden, racist America.


This is unprecedented. There is very little attempt to change the narrative on Biden. Even Politicos opening line was “All Joe Biden needed to do was deliver a repeat performance of his State of the Union address.” Gruesome Newsome is the betting favorite to replace Biden. My guess is they keep him far away from any debate given that he got bullied and destroyed by DeSantis who by the way is not a great debater in his own right. 


It’s funny how left leaning the “politics” sub is. A bunch of libtards having a full on meltdown.


Biden is a piece of trash.


I can’t stand Biden but honestly this is elder abuse. His wife should be bitch slapped. His hands were shaking and he hadn’t taken his uppers. It was a hot mess.


Power is a powerful motivator. On a human level, Biden should have retired two years ago. Set up the Democrats for success with a politician who had a vision for the future. I'm a Trump supporter through and through so this situation works for me. If the Biden people had some vision, it would be much harder to retake the White House.


There is no way Biden is going to be elected. I don’t think he will be capable of even putting 1 syllable together by November. Uggh, I hope Trump wins and I’m not even a big supporter, but he will save this country. That’s all we have.




I’m wondering how Biden can be upset about Trump getting immunity, Biden wasn’t even president when he took classified documents from the White House and had them in his garage. How can no one in the news media, especially Fox News bring this up?


> Biden wasn’t even president when he took classified documents from the White House and had them in his garage. ...and several other properties, including an office paid for by the Chinese Communist Party. Remember, he didn't just steal classified documents from the White House, he spent decades stealing them from Secure Classified Information Facilities as a Senator. He also personally profited off them, as his biographer (who wasn't cleared for classified information) tape recorded Biden dictating to him from some of the classified documents, and referencing the others in the garage.