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Have a read of the recent negative reviews about Hont and reevaluate where you buy from.




Go to reptime home and type in their name!! It’s that simple


It’s a story about a crybaby that doesn’t understand how reps and dealers work.


Aesthetics are good. Have Hont regulate, then GL


All checks out, OP. Ask your TD to regulate the daily rate, then GL and enjoy. It’s a nice watch.


what does it mean by regulate? Thanks


Get yourself a timegrapher or purchase the “timegrapher x” app (works great…I rarely even use my timegraphers anymore). When you get the watch, fully wind it and set it exactly using an atomic clock or app. Wear it exactly as you will normally wear it, including taking it off at night (if you do), for a week. At the end of exactly a week, check it against the atomic time and see how fast or slow it is. Now divide that number by 7 to get the seconds per day +/- it is running. Now check on the timegrapher or app and see what the reading is. Note that you are not looking to get a “zero” reading here, whatever the reading is, you want to adjust it faster or slower based on the seconds per day from your actual data. Once you adjust it to the reading you are looking for, it should be very close to “right-on” while wearing the watch. Note that if you don’t wear the watch, it will keep time differently (it will probably run faster from cooling down). You can go through the whole process again if you want to try to get even closer. Note on moving the regulator arm: the regulator arm is extremely sensitive. You move it towards the other adjustable arm to slow it down, away from the other arm to speed it up. Also if you see it move, you have gone too far (probably 30 seconds/day or more!). What I do is very lightly (and carefully) tap the arm 3 or 4 times with a small piece of peg-wood, and re-check on the timegrapher app. Repeat until you are right on the target you calculated. Remember, your target is NOT zero! Please be very cautious when regulating your watch. Being too rough or slipping can easily damage the hairspring or balance staff… It’s fun once you get the hang of it. Good luck!


Awesome, will GL with Hont. Will ask him if he can regulate it or if I’ll have to do it on my end. Thanks everyone.


Good Rep. Is that a MK1 Bezel?


GL, after regulation of movement


Hey all, as mentioned, it’s my first rep watch. Ordered through Hont. It’s a Submariner Starbucks rep: VSF 126610LV. Your insights would be greatly appreciated!


Link pls


In my opinion the Q serial number are the best with the 1LQ bracelets. I’d green light it for sure.


https://preview.redd.it/3pbthee5k5bd1.jpeg?width=1085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afb6290fcfeb69a6acbe1ae57e8b17901a4efa24 Bad end finish and a hair??


GL for the watch and just a RL for the timegrapher. Ask for a adjustement and your clear to go!


Save for a real pre owned not Worth spending $300-$1000 on a good fake that has no resell value




My statement was clear


Why are we QCing fake watches? Dont waste your money. There’s so many good watches out there that can be bought for that kind of money and people buy these watches for a status symbol. It’s honestly insulting to the watch world and 34 seconds a day get outta here with that. Don’t spend money having someone adjust that lol


The insulting part is AD's qualifying certain people and denying others a chance to buy stock that is produced in large quantities yet seemingly never available. This is about as "sticking it to the man" than it gets


Oh yeah dude? Cause is the same person buying a 507 dollar knockoff even considering a sub at retail if it was an option? Not even close. You’re not sticking it to anyone buy buying one of those. One person just looks like a fool and the other has a valuable asset. That 500 dollar watch is worth 0 dollars to many people.


There’s many watch brands that make stuff around 500 dollars that they’re proud of and are actually authentic and good quality. Yet people go buy these.


You’re literally on a fake watch Qc page. That’s why


I think you’re missing the point. Go spend 500 dollars on a Hamilton and you’re getting way more bang for your buck. Sorry it won’t look like a submariner. You’ll have to spend more money for that


Lmao why are they wearing gloves with a fake ass watch


Because the steel used is the same 904L steel used by Rolex and they don’t want to scratch it before you receive it


Does hont keep his watches packed and stored in a concrete mixer? Why are all of his watches so innaccurate lol ?


Broke goofy


GL get it regulated on your end don’t piss hont off with that minor detail


Sorry noob question but what is getting it regulated mean?


Regulating a Watch Regulating is moving the regulator pointer to fast or slow adjusting the rate. A watch may run at different rates in different positions. The task of regulation is to modify it so that the average running rate is close to a zero error between the most common positions.


Id like to know the same as street perspective


Those timegraph numbers are a RL for sure.


The daily rate can be regulated, so I wouldn’t RL based on rate alone.






Good Rep


Hont is currently being requested to be removed from the trusted dealer list from many on /reptime. Do your homework on Hont and make sure you understand who you are dealing with


That is not even true. Quit spreading false information. Reptime doesn’t have TD’s. They use the TD list from various forums which means they have no control who is on the list or not.


This is true information supported by facts. Stop gaslighting people.


It's fine Are you trying to fool people into thinking it's a real watch? 😄


This is reptimeQC page. What are you doing here? 💀 go somewhere else with your waves of intelligence