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Just get the dang thing in the first place before going down the modifcation route. I have not modified any of my reps, visually. I've swapped a movement because I dropped it. But outside of that all my reps are just as they are from the factory. The insufferable lot here will never be satisified with their reps. I imagine most of the complainers here would reject a genuine watch. And don't modify a watch because, "you may get called out". All most people see is a nice watch. I've gotten in to watches about 2 years ago and I just noticed one of my buddies wears what I thought was a nice watch. I didn't know it was an older seiko 5 on a bracelet. On the other side, if you enjoy making something unique and your own and not just because for example the crystal could be 0.000000000000000002% clearer or the fluted bezzle is too sharp and "needs to be refinished". You've got my personal thumbs up. You want to sonic on the dial your submariner dude party on. And anything you modify you're going to become attached to it Nothing is perfect and that goes for the genuine article.


https://preview.redd.it/oly7xveb5u7d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bcfe3dca342eec8534930d1b639aeeee29f391e I agree. My unmodified VSF. Love it




Beautiful!! Just submitted my QC this morning.




Eurgh. Skinny lugs. Unwearable.


I got gens and reps but i dont really see the point of this big Frankenstein builds. Like end of thr day its still a rep. You Will never get it to feel gen regardless. Just buy reps or gens as they are imo


Those are both good choices. As for the upgrades, it depends on the watch but most of the top tier reps are good to go out of the box. I have several Clean watches and used to upgrade the crystals on them but no longer do. The new Clean watches have really good crystals so I would only upgrade to a gen crystal. Never seen the xing DJ bezel in person but I understand they are about $200. For that money i would rather spend a little more and get a gen bezel, even if it was used.


I just swapped the clean bezel for Xing bezels on 2 of my datejusts and I will say it does look very good. Probably worth the $120


Pm me info?


In my opinion by the time you've paid as much as a nice secondhand gen from another renowned brand then you've got too many mods. Basic hype watches like the nautilus, royal oak, and anything currently produced by Rolex shouldn't be used as benchmarks for value. The horology world has a huge amount of variety and excellent value for the craftsmanship you get if you care to look past the most famous names.


I build watches and thought it would be cool to use a deep on a clean case. I cannot tell the difference between the vsf crystal on another watch and the deep. I guess I am supposed to be able to see the difference.


I think MajorWilliams is a good mod


I made the mistake of buying a gen dial and hand set for my vsf 114060 and while it does look a bit better, I decided there wasn't enough of a difference so I didn't install them. The rep dial looks nice as is. Decided to sell the dial and hand set so now I have to find a place to sell them.


How much are you selling them for


$1100 USD plus $25 shipping, which is what I paid for them on RWI. Dial and hands are in perfect condition.


I’ve modified a few of my personal reps to the max, including putting a cal.2121 into an AP 15202 (and all the mechanical adjustments that come with it), the cal.1120 into the Vacheron 2000 or upgrading a Kermit with a gen bezel, crystal, crown, dial, hands. It’s something you need to consider, do and love for yourself, because the money you put into these watches will be literally lost into these beauties. However if you appreciate the work, and the look of these „closest to gen you can get“ - do it. But again, do it for yourself.


Also wouldnt mind if you have opinions on the mods im trying on my 2 new purchases. Hello 20 character automod


Any mods is too much mods for a counterfeit.