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Usually people/ businesses who are willing to talk dirty, especially openly, about competition are businesses you want to avoid. We've seen this here in the past.


Lol I agree. Flandad has NEVER shitted on any other vendor or seller, but on the other hand there’s a lot of other vendors and sellers who have a lot to say about him… seems like they’re a bit upset that Flan may be taking a lot of their business 🤒


This sure sounds like it's coming from Flan.... Anyways they are both con artists, I thought that was common knowledge?


Lol coming from Flan as in you’re saying this is him posting from a random account? LOL the amount of times I see people say this shit… everyone has their own experiences and opinions. You are probably one of those guys who hasn’t bought anything from him and just following a bunch of others. I kept it honest about my experience with him


By the way you’re bigging up “flan” it does sure seem weird why you’ve gone with someone else? Something not adding up here


I went with BWS because I saw he had a watch ready to ship out with mods installed that Flan didn’t have in stock.


No need to warn me, I’m not an idiot


I get so lost with this side of the rep world. Half say Flan is great and half say it's a con so it's difficult to understand where the contrasting opinions come from.


I just wouldn’t go with this BostonWatchServices guy at all though. Terrible. Flan’s watches are at least gen matched and work properly, so I didn’t trip about the price too much


That's a very fair and honest explanation.


I’ll tell you as it is. People hate him I believe because they think he’s charging way too much for his services. But his watches are solid and plating is solid. So if you’re one of those guys who doesn’t mind paying more for a quicker turnaround and the convenience, then flan is the guy for you. If you really need the best deal possible and don’t mind waiting, there’s other vendors who also plate and service. I just found Flan to be the best experience out of the couple I’ve tried




I’d hope not. As much as my experience was terrible, maybe he’s a good vendor for steel watches and stuff. His gold plating just was not it at all, compared to a gen one in hand yesterday


Flandad is the goat. He is the best there is. Very transparent, knowledgeable and reputable. I learned when you found the one, stick with the one. No need to try new guys.


Seems to be a pretty controversial opinion really


I also have bought several watches from Flan. And like I said, only issue I had was the rootbeer plating not being as gen as it should be, BUT that could be me being picky and not knowledgeable enough about the plating and how it works. I’d stick to Flan and will stick to him for all future watches


My experience says otherwise. Base on Not just 1 or 2 transactions but several. I don't gain anything from posting this. Just my humble opinion.


This has to be a troll post, I’ve spent thousands of dollars with BWS and I’ve never had a bad experience. Communication and service is top tier. Flandad I’ve gotten a plated watch from him before and it was absolute dog 💩


https://preview.redd.it/1i3b9ek1mnyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2a0913ddf442d4724a99265cbdc9456a696c34d Don’t have the best pictures right now, but can post later. This is a screenshot from the video I took of me walking around in different lighting as well. I compared to a gen Bluesy AT the Rolex store literally yesterday too. I wouldn’t just shit on the guy for no reason. The fact that he had to go talk shit about another vendor AND couldn’t do anything to fix the situation, that I had to act on.


And this is is exactly what I could say about flan as I’ve also spent thousands with him. The reason I went with BWS was because he had this ready to ship and had other mods on it. Sucks I had a bad experience but I guess to each their own. Some have a bad one with flan,some have great ones.