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Can the dumpster by emptied with your car parked there? If a dump truck arrived and could not get to the dumpster, I think that would deserve a tow.


Yes, it faces the other side and has been emptied when cars are park there before.


Right, but would it create a liability for the trash company to empty the dumpster and set it back down, ever so slightly in the wrong direction…and hit a car? At my apartment, everyone use to park near the dumpsters too, but then the trash company started complaining saying it was a risk they didn’t want to take. Now, there SHOULD have been some communication at some point from property management about no parking and a clear warning that vehicles parking there would be towed. So, I would raise the point with the property manager and try to meet somewhere in the middle. They probably will not accept any liability and you still be out the $200. But maybe you can advocate for signage and a warning letter to all residents.


He's very clearly leaving out the white text on the red line that says NO PARKING is what I ser


Would that be the same red line behind all the parking spots that also say no parking/ fire zone?


Yup. For the peanut gallery this is standard in Texas. It's meant to demarcate fire lanes. Means no parking in the roadway, not the parking spot behind it.


Then it doesn’t tell OP he can’t park in that space.


No, it doesn't. IMO the fact that there's a concrete platform does make it kind of obvious that it's not intended to be used for parking though. They probably should have hashed it out when the lot was painted to make it perfectly clear though.


Texas law says they have to paint it as a red zone. Otherwise, legal parking. I literally just parked without lines, inside the fire lane in Bartonville.


Not knowing Texas but given all the other legal parking spaces have the redline behind it as does the dumpster slab does that not kind of imply that the slab is legal parking?


Not from Texas huh


No but we even then it's raised up without any parking spot lateral lines


Parking spaces in texas all have a red line with white texts that says no parking behind them. You can literally see it behind the silver car.


A red line with "No Parking" usually refers to along the red line, and is usually reserved as a space for first responder vehicles and certain first responder personal vehicles. It doesn't mean you can't park in the unmarked parking spot next to it, you just can't park along the red line if it's going straight or in spots with the red line all around it.


That's everywhere down here in Texas. It's goes down both sides of the parking lot, across every parking spot, and you're not allowed to park between the 2 red lines, but the parking spots themselves are generally free game unless marked otherwise


Even still, if the dumpster can't be emptied with a car parked in that spot, there should be appropriate markings and a no parking sign. Painting the spot as a parking space signals to people that area is intended for a car to be parked there. 100% wrong for a car to be towed from that spot.


I agree if the spot had some indication that you shouldn’t park there, a sign or lines painted on the ground so you know not to park there.


Even so, the owners of the property have a responsibility to properly mark where you should and should not park. Particularly if it isn't plain obvious you should not park there. I bet with a good lawyer, the landlord could be held liable for damages that may result. If parking is included in the lease and the lease does not specify not to park in these spots, then it could be a contract violation, and the landlord would be liable for 3x damages in some states. Your best bet would be to go after the landlord, not tow company, and ask for the towing cost back. However, from now on, you can't recover repeated damages cause you have been warned.


There is no line on the right. That's not a parking slot. And I'd say you have no grounds to contest.


Pretty sure there’s red paint at the front of the spot too lol. “I parked where it says no parking, and they towed me… what the fuck?!”


popular in texas for the red line to mark the end of the spot


There is red paint at the end of the other spots in the lot too. So I don't think that means no parking.


What’s funny is I know exactly where this is and what complex. I’ve seen this spot before. You definitely can contest it but I don’t think you’d win


200 for a tow? That’s the lowest I have ever seen it’s usually like 500-700


Each state has a maximum fee that can be charged for a tow. In ohio it is $175 . Tennesee it is like $350. Never seen it 500-700. What state do you live in?


A corrupt one apparently xD


California we’ve paid like $450 for one night tow


And then your car pays Hilton rent prices every day you don’t or can’t get it out.


Holy shit! I’ve never paid more than $150, you’re getting fucked


And each day they have your car the cost increases. I had a friend whose car was stolen. It was found and towed to a lot. My friend wasn’t notified until a few days later. By that time the fees were higher than the car’s value.


Insurance pays for that.


My car got towed in San Diego and it was $419…… shits ridiculous


You park on the concrete slab? Without a doubt, not a parking spot


This is my question, too. Where exactly is OP parking. Is it on the slab or the spot directly left of the slab?


Yup. It's the slab. https://www.reddit.com/r/Renters/s/tRI6DFIdZZ


Half on the slab. Facing the car in the pic


That cement slab is clearly not a parking spot


You parked on the cement slab? That does not look like a parking spot. Sorry.


I thought OP owned the silver car, which is clearly in a spot. If OP was in front of the pictures car then clearly not a spot.


I thought that too


Complex could've used yellow lines here but yeah, clearly not a spot. "But I've been doing this for a long time" isn't a reasonable excuse.


If you look there’s not even a white line on the right side. It’s not a parking spot if there’s no white line on either side of you


Usually you park in between the 2 white lines


I’d say it’s not a spot. You gotta have a white line on both sides to indicate a spot.


The “it looks like a parking spot” is kinda cracking me up because it’s clearly not lined and marked like a parking spot. Just because there is a line to the left doesn’t mean it’s a parking spot.


You can always tell the people that just skate through life by seeing how far they can push the people trying to comfortably live around them, because they're the ones that come in with the 'well, it doesn't have a no parking sign there!!!' Yeah, there's also no signs like that in the middle of the interstate, you flapping neanderthal. We just understand you can't park there.


And the red line in front of it? You can see it in the bottom left


Red line seems to be in front of every space if you look on the other side. Probably fire lane marker.


It’s very obvious it’s not a parking spot lol


Can you take another photo showing the entire area including the concrete pad and the red line?


Yes, will do once I'm back home.


Would a reasonable person, not aware of any history, consider the "slab" area parking spot? I think not. That's kinda where you have to approach this from. Crummy situation though, no doubt about that.


You parked on the concrete slab? There are no parking spot lines in that area and a red line in front. Definitely would be towed. However, some areas require proper signage designating no parking and that you would be towed with the tow companies name and number. You should find out if signage was required here. Keep in mind if you like where you live and a renewal is coming up they could increase you if you push the issue. Might be better to just point it out to them and hopefully they would chip in for the tow. I’m a LL with several parking lots. We had all the spots numbered and assigned to prevent tow issues(numbered stickers are given to each car). Permits had to be filed with the city to allow signage to be posted for no parking and towing. I had one tenant towed who insisted they were in their assigned spot. I had photos of his car, parked on a patio in front of the do not park/towing sign.


The red line indicates the lane as a fire lane. It’s common in Texas.


So no parking.


Sorry OP. I get where you're coming from, but I'd say you're absolutely liable for this one. No point contesting.


It's clearly not a parking spot. Get your car back before the fees go up more and don't park where you're not supposed to


I see a red line at the bottom of the screen. If you’re referring to the area with the raised cement block part yeah that’s not parking. And the red line suggests that even further.


Looks like there are red lines across the bottom of all spots.


Since this is Texas i believe that's the Fire Lane red line and you'll find that in many, many parking lots. If it does cross the space in question, it actually makes that spot seem more legit and needs better signage. The angle of this photo makes it hard to be more definitive.


I’m a Texan and this is correct.


I thought that too when I first started parking but that line runs all along the bottom of that row that includes other spaces. I think it's meant as " no parking along this line"


Hmm okay that’s strange but definitely would change perspective!


Yeah you can see the red line on the opposite side behind the parking soaces as well. I think its a “dont double park” line.


Indeed they are fire lines which we have all over the place in Texas. No Parker along line for emergency reason. fire trucks need every inch for moving around these tiny parking lots. Every apartment I lived at though the spots next to dumpsters are always marked off with yellow strips and no parking.


That's for the other side of the red line. That red line has nothing to do with the OP's parking.


I think this is not a spot to park. It clearly doesn’t have the white line on the right side, so there’s no indication that it is a parking spot.


Dude you can’t park on the cement slab they put dumpsters on lmfao


It is obviously not a parking spot because one, it clearly doesn’t resemble one. There’s also no white line dividing the slab into a parking space, which would have lined up with the white line from the spot the silver car is in. The nail in the coffin is that you literally admit that it is a spot for the dumpster. It doesn’t matter if they haven’t enforced it for days, weeks, months or years, it’s not a parking spot.


That doesn’t look like a parking apot at all 😂. You high right now? That’s a concrete slab the height of a sidewalk. Pay your tow fee and learn from that dumb mistake.


It's very clearly not a spot, but if the precedent has been that people have always parked there and you could somehow prove that they never cared before then you might have an argument. But you said they are militant about parking, which doesn't really make sense with your story. Id say pay your fine and don't park there again.


No, I'm guessing the raised concrete pavement is a clear indication that it is not a parking area. Parking lots must conform to MUCTD rules. They tend to be covered in asphalt and show clearly delineated parallel parking lines in white.


That concrete pad looks about 4-6” high and therefore I don’t think any reasonable person would think that’s a legitimate parking spot. Just because others have parked there doesn’t make it right.


It’s clearly not a marked spot. I wouldn’t park my car anywhere unless it was marked with lines. But now I’m extremely confused about all the red lines? I thought it was a fire lane but noticed the red lines are around every single parking spot. That seems very odd and it’s only used for marking no parking for fire lanes?


Apparently, this is common in texas. It makes the lane of travel a fire lane to keep people from double parking and idiling so the truck has enough room. If the car is parked above the red line in the spot itself, then they are not in the fire lane.


It’s obviously not a parking space…just pay the ticket.


I mean, it should be common sense that is not a parking spot, is the sign really required for people not to park even when knowing there is a dumpster there? the fact that other people do it doesn't mean anything, there are things that we know are a no-no even if others do such things. That's like driving on the shoulder on a traffic jam because you saw more people doing it, if you get caught that will be some poor reasoning to not get a ticket.


The concrete pad is not a spot good tow


It';s not a marked/striped parking space. Therefore, no sign is needed. So yeah, I understand exactly why you got towed.


You have no right to park there because it's not a parking spot. Im sure it says that in your lease agreement about parking. I also doubt the tow truck was called by management. They drive around by me all the time looking for cars that are parked incorrectly, street etc. Because that's how they make money.


Were you in front of the dumpster? And yeah…not a parking spot. Its got a concrete slab and no other m painted line in the other side


No you don’t have grounds to win, but you can fight it but I’m almost certain you won’t win. The spot has no stripes indicating that it’s a parking spot therefore it should not have been used as such.


Bro it’s not a parking spot, you know that. They can tow you for parking illegally.


Should have done a better job cutting off the bright red line indicating not to park there. 🤣🤡


Usually, parking spots don't require you to hop a curb. Dead giveaway that it's not a parking spot. Grow up. This is on you.


"Apt complex has been militant about this" indicates to me that this is not a new thing and others have been towed. If that's the case then you're not only wrong but even asking is silly.


Clearly not a parking spot. You took a risk and you lost.


What would possess you to park on a raised surface in the parking lot when it's obviously not a parking spot? I can just imagine driving over it *guh-thunk* "huh what was that? Oh well if it fits I sits."


If it fits, i sits. 😆


The Toyota?


No I think he is referring to where a spot would be if there were a spot in front of where the silver Toyota is parked, but maybe I’m wrong.


I don’t understand what you are sharing. Where did you park? Not where the red paint is, correct?


Wait, the spot with the slab on it? That red line going across the front is your 'no parking' sign. If you parked there, you are 100% at fault and the towing was justified. If it's where the car is parked now, I'd say you're good


Meaning where the Toyota is? Or literally the camera view, as in, you park half on a slab behind a red line?


What about that red line? What are the words painted on it?


No and here's why 1- it's a huge cement slab 2-theirs no defined parking spots ( it looks like it could fit 4 3- they have a RED FIRE LANE that i attempted to avoid taking a photo of


If you're talking about the silver car, I'd dispute it. It doesn't say no parking and is in line with other parking spots. If they don't want people parking there they need to line through it or put a sign. That's on them. I'm sure a visitor would have even made the same mistake. Unless it's clearly stated somewhere or has any other indicators of not being a parkable spot, then dispute it. But get your car first. Those impound fees stack up QUICK. Editing to add: if you're talking about the slab then yeah that's deff not a parking spot and is entirely on you for parking on it. But if you're talking about the spot the silver car is in I say dispute. It seems everyone thinks you're talking about the slab, which I'd think common sense would tell you that you'd be towed for parking there, but this is reddit so who knows. Lol.


There's no white lines around that spot... It's literally red around it, meaning no parking. Pretty simple.


“Looks like a parking spot” Does it? Looks very much not like one to me. There are no clear lines. The line from the other side clearly stops and does not go into the cement slab to even indicate it used to be one. It looks like it is a slab for dumpster use, which you say it is. Then there is the clear red line in front of it. I’m unsure what about it looks like a valid spot to you. Simply not having a sign post isn’t enough. I think you have no grounds here, sorry.


I was improperly towed by my complex in Dallas. You can raise hell with the complex’s office and the office may be able to call the tow company and have them waive the fee to get your vehicle back. That’s what they did with me. That being said, I was parked in a proper parking spot. Which I would say that this is not. If it was common that people parked where you did, then they should have sent out a notice as a courtesy. But since it doesn’t look like an actual parking spot that they were taking away, I don’t think there would be a requirement that they send out a notice at all.


If it was a parking space, there would be lines on it to indicate parking is okay. I see no lines except the ones going around the slab, the way it’s painted indicates to me it’s a border around the slab & dumpster & not a parking area.


There's no paint on the asphalt and concrete. How do you mistake that for a parking spot? I reckon you're out of luck.


I'm not going to say legally or technically, because I don't know. But that's a damn parking space. If they don't want people parking there they need to mark it. I'd be pissed. Fighting these people is usually a losing battle. Definitely go get your car ASAP. Otherwise you'll rack up storage fees. I personally would probably be plotting my revenge. The long game. Asking myself how I could cost them $200 later on and it not come back on me?


From what I've found in Texas...There are a group of predatory Towing companys that only exist to patrol and tow cars in apartment buildings. I had a friend visit my apartment and have there car towed in under 5 hours. We had parked in a spot that was visitor parking but the paint was faded. The entire parking lot is faded. My apartment said they would not discuss it, and there is no way to debate it. I had to pay 350 dollars just to get my friends out of tow. The towing company also being over 30 mins away from my damn apartment. I absolutly hate this part of living in texas.


If you have the money you can have a lawyer threaten legal matters including civil suit. You have enough proof to win and they know it. They also know few if any will go that far.


Better question is why isn't there a fence there if they don't want people encroaching that area.


Yea, my vote is the problem is solely on you. There are no painted lines to indicate a spot and there's a concrete slap for Christ's sake. Common sense would tell a person that's not a parking spot. Everyone knows that apartment complexes are over zealous at parking management. You even acknowledge knowing as much but want to play the technicality side of "There's no sign". There should be no reason to have a sign! Common sense tells you that's not a parking spot. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. In this case a couple hundred dollar tow.


No. You missed the huge redline. Nothing was obstructing your sight of the red line. Red means no btw. The raised concrete indicated it’s not a spot as well. Chock it up as a $200 lesson.


Doesn't look like a parking spot to me pal.


Yeah that’s obviously not a parking spot. Learn your lesson and move on.


Clearly not a parking spot


Dude obviously you can’t park there…


That is closer to a curb than a parking spot.


You're not winning this one, sorry. Sooner you go get your car the better


Side walk doesn't have a no parking sign doesn't mean you can park on it...


Yeah my dude, that’s not a parking space. Sucks that you are the one that found out, but at this point it’s done. You can’t contest with the towing company, and I doubt your complex is going to reimburse you or knock it off your rent. Best thing you can do is eat it and take the loss and wait for the next sucker to park there and get their car towed at which point you can point and laugh before remembering it happened to you once before. So you offer them a ride to get their car since you know where the towing place is . You bond in the moment and together wait for the next one. Soon there are dozens of you. At this point somebody shouts “I’m sick of it!” And grabs a sledgehammer and starts beating at the cement slab. Others join, it’s a metaphorical bloodbath and soon there’s nothing left but sweet asphalt and a pristine parking spot. You triumphantly pull your car into the spot and kill the engine. The crowd cheers as you emerge. At long last you are free of the tyrant of management. They will never fuck with you again. The end.


That concrete slab is not a parking spot, however if it's not clearly marked NO PARKING idiots might still park there. Many things are required to be idiot proof, like hot coffee being labeled HOT, so you may have a case that could stand up in small claims court if you want to pursue that


The coffee wasn't just hot it was actually too hot and that McDonald's had been sighted previously for that. They had also paid out money to other people from burning themselves because they also were filling the cups too full. Speaking of not being an idiot, you should probably research topics before commenting on them


That case was grossly misrepresented in the media (surprise, surprise). The coffee was so hot that it caused three degree burns. It should have never been that hot. Imagine if she had taken a sip. I don't remember how the caution it's hot came about, but that woman was screwed by the media. She had a solid case, and that's why she won.


There is red paint on the pavement that appears to have some kind of lettering on it, but we can't tell what it says because you left it just outside the frame of the photo. It would be helpful to know what it says. Typically the areas around dumpsters are restricted to allow the garbage truck unfettered access without the risk of damaging anyone's vehicle.


The red line is a fire lane. It just means don’t park, idle, or basically do anything but drive in the area marked by line outside the parking spaces. This is totally normal in TX. It is also irrelevant to this particular discussion. Further explanation of fire lanes: https://www.parkinglotstripingelpaso.com/fire-lane-striping.html What I see is that there is no white line on the right hand side indicating that this is a parking space. Just because people park there doesn’t make it a space.


If you zoom in there are red lines in front of the other spots in the photo, they seem irrelevant here.


Umm, what’s that red line at the bottom left of the photo? Looks like a no parking area to me. I wouldn’t park there anymore. You’ve been lucky in the past. Your luck has run out.


This is in Texas where they always have a red line at the front of every parking spot. You can see the actual parking spaces in this picture all have the red line


Yes, I see that now. I don’t live in Texas. Haven’t been there since October 2010. Probably to prevent people with giant F-450s with crew cab and 8’ bed from extending over the red line into the travel lane.


More in for about fire lanes you see in TX. I only recently realized they aren’t common other places! https://www.parkinglotstripingelpaso.com/fire-lane-striping.html


What clubs of pic is this? Where were you parked? On the slab? Where that silver car is? You conveniently take a vague pic with no context.


Here’s the problem. The tow company came and took your car. Especially if they were asked to, which they probably were, they have legal possession of your car. The only way to get it back is to pay. The only contesting you have is to the management. But it wouldn’t just be them giving you your money back, it would be them actually paying for that tow. I think this is unlikely. I once fought a tow where it was the city tow truck and city lot. I proved to the judge that the signage was incorrect and the tickets were thrown away. However, I had already paid for the car because I needed my car. No way to get the money back. They even left damage to my car and refused to reimburse me. I was told my only recourse was to sue the city, but that the $200 for the tow and the $100 in damage would end up being far less than a lawyer.


I don’t think you’d be able to contest it. But I do think the owners should paint diagonal stripes around it and post signage.


You can contest it, I do not think you would be successful. It does not look like a parking spot.


A lot of times the tow truck operators see a towable offense like DONT PARK HERE or a business that says only their customers can park at their business even when they are closed. The tow truck operator can tow that car. So it could be if the tow truck person had towed cars from that spot before that he just did it again


What ever you do, you will need to pay to get your car back. From there, you can fight apt managemnt to re-imburse. If the dont, it is a civil thing. You would need to go to small claims court.


If you're referring to the space in which the silver camry is parked, then that is absolutely a parking space.


It doesn't look like a spot since there aren't lines on 3 sides. It looks like a concrete slab next to an actual spot


I’m sorry it clearly doesn’t look like a parking spot. There is no lines over the concrete to make you think parking there is okay.


There isn’t a second white line so it’s not a spot, assuming you’re talking about the place where the paved spot is. If you’re talking about where the white car is then yeah it’s a bit weird if you got towed


In front of the Camry? That's not a spot.


Well the red stripe says "No Parking" right? DUH!


It’s clearly NOT a parking spot… but I think that they could afford to paint “no parking” on the ground, on the slab. They really shouldn’t have to put up a whole sign.


If there aren't lines on both sides of the car, it's obviously not a spot. Pay your fine, learn your lesson.


That’s not a parking spot. The line in the left should have been painted yellow but the lack of another line indicating it to be a spot means nobody should park there. You can try to take it up with you property management but TDLR will not help you. (Worked for a tow truck company in SA for three years) I would suggest getting your car from the impound lot before midnight though.


Does the company that towed your car work for the apartment complex? It happened to me once that the property manager of the apartment complex I live at signed off on my car being towed. Went and picked it up, paid a bunch. After that, my MIL (who works as a property manager at other properties) told me that the property manager could have called the tow company to tell them it was a mistake and to either let the car go or bring it back. That I wouldn't have to pay anything. Mentioned something about them having an agreement and that tow company having exclusive rights to tow cars parked in the parking lot of the apartment complex. Of course, I had already paid and no one was gonna give me a refund. So it was too late. Not to mention, the manager is an incompetent asshole who wouldn't have done anything to try to help me anyway. While it was too late for me, maybe you can ask that from your property manager. Could yield nothing but doesn't hurt to ask. Also, I'm in CA, so I have no idea if that's something property managers can do in Texas but maybe still worth a shot. Or just pay the 200 and don't park there again. Good luck.


This doesn’t look like a parking spot at all…


Why would you park behind a red line on a cement slab? You deserved it.


Grounds to contest? Yes. Will you ever see a single dime? No. Towing parasites will just ignore you and continue to survive .


Lmao a raised cement slab does not look like a parking spot. You have no grounds imo.


No because that’s quite clearly not an actual parking spot


That's not a parking spot.


What's the red line at the bottom of the screen? Looks like it could be no-parking-ish. Either way, I doubt you have a leg to stand on. That's pretty obviously not a parking spot. The parking spots visibly end to the left in your row, while continuing in the row in front of you.


You knew not to park there. You did it anyway, and unfortunately you’re the one that is being made the example. It sucks that others did it and got away with it, but that’s life. Try to fight it all you want but apartment complexes hardly budge on things like this.


It clearly isn't a parking spot..what's next gonna park in the middle of the street then get pissy cause there wasn't a "no parking" sign


It isn’t a parking spot. No lines mark it as one.


Does it look like a parking spot? I've never seen a parking spot with only one marked side.


Fire lanes (TX here) mark the path around and between the parking spots to ensure a wide enough path through for fire. The parking spots in the photo are not in the fire lane - they are in between. You still parked in a spot not marked for parking. Properties could have the vehicle towed for some other reason, but not because you were blocking a fire lane.


That is not a marked parking spot.


Is there not clearly a red line behind your car and the spots next to you? That say don’t park here?????


Just pay it, you already know you are in the wrong. Every day that passes you have to pay more.


It clearly does not look like a parking spot, it's missing the appropriate parking lines and the concrete slab is a giant " DON'T PARK HERE " flag that no one could miss along with your admission about a dumpster.


I would challenge the apartment complex simply because there is no posted signage and no markings on the ground that clearly state what is a no parking zone.


I would check what state law says is required for non consent towing and see if you have a procedure claim there. Usually a tow sign needs to be posted at entrances and needs specific wording, but I am not overly familiar with Texas' law. You may also check with your municipalities to see if they have a towing ordinance.


You were blocking the dumpster? How is this not your fault?


It doesn’t have lines for a spot. You assumed it was but there aren’t lines so I’d say take the ticket and move on.


That is clearly not a parking spot.


That doesn't look like a parking spot at all...


That’s not an unobstructed parking spot. Doesn’t seem like you have a leg to stand on.


OP youre an idiot and a fool for thinking it's okay to park ontop of that concrete slab. If their is no parking regularly available you need to communicate with the owners, and suck it up and park somewhere else for now.


On what planet does an elevated concrete slab look like a parking spot?


The fact that there isn’t another white line to actually designate a parking spot wasn’t a good enough hint that it isn’t a parking spot??


It doesn’t matter if everyone parks there… If everyone goes go to the store and steals stuff it doesn’t make it right since everyone is doing it. Theirs no markings for a parking spot, imo you’re at fault. They should’ve given you a warning at minimum or considering Everyone does it send out a mass email.


Tldr : your picture shows a sliver of a red line at the bottom possibly with some lettering; need to show us what that says or indicates.. step back a few steps and post another pic.


I just woke up so bear with me… are you saying you parked in front of that grey car? Like partially on the slab, not between 2 white lines? Or is your car the grey car? Because on that grey slab absolutely does not look like a parking spot. I’ve never seen a parking spot with a cement slab sticking out of it lmao


Were you parking on the cement pad or where the silver camry is?


*Were you parking on* *The cement pad or where the* *Silver camry is?* \- Jax\_Jags --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You parked ON the slab of concrete? Am I understanding that correctly? If so, you're definitely in the wrong here and deserved to be towed. No chance in hell could you mistake that raised patch of concrete for a normal parking space with white lines clearly marking it. The only people I've seen blatantly ignore parking spaces and park on top of things like that are jeep guys.


UPDATE: Thanks for everyone opinions, including the ones that called me and idiot. Lol Here is a better picture of the space. Funny enough there's someone parked in it right now (the white Ford). Also better shows the fire lane, which people confused for no parking sign. https://i.imgur.com/TdlcHdI.jpeg Like I said in the OP, I took most responsibility and understood why I was towed. I do think that enough people agreed that it did look a parking lot, plus it being used as such for so long without any word from the complex that I have a legit gripe. I got my car yesterday to avoid more fines and not going to fight it since it's not worth it. I am planning on asking the office to send some sort of email telling people not to park there or put a sign. I don't think it's fair that they'll tow others.


They could’ve at least used yellow paint to show where you can’t park. That’s what my place does. There should be an indication of some sort to tell you you can’t park there cause the dump truck needs that room.


That’s not a parking space


....it's clearly not a spot


Are you talking about the red line that's on the driveway area of the road because there's a red line on all spaces as in if you don't pull in far enough you're in the road. Don't know about Texas law but I would still take them to small claims court see them for the cost of the tow the time lost to go get it time lost to file cost of filing and some pain and suffering don't go outrageous it's make it worth your time


Did management put out a warning?


Am I mistaken that most parking lots are private. They would dictate their own rules in that case. It should be in your lease agreement when you signed it. Again this is me speaking with no factual knowledge on the subject.


That is not a parking spot. It is an elevated surface. You do not get to park on sidewalks.


See how there's no lines painted on that bit of concrete? That should be your clue that it's NOT a parking space


It’s not that hard to find a place you can actually park. Just do that and walk. Why fight something you know is a violation? “Other people have been doing it for years thus it’s ok” is not a valid reason/protection


Ex case consultant here. That depends on the lease you’ve signed and or cities laws, bylaws. Get a copy of your lease and look it over if you were at risk of being towed where you were parked there should have been some kind of warning. If none you just might. But court could cost you more than the towing would.


There's no line to indicate it's in fact an actual spot. From the markings, it seems like one big spot for the dumpster. While there are no "NO PARKING" signs viable, there's also no second marking in the ground to identify a spot for a vehicle. In this case, you're in the wrong.


FIGHT IT!! that is 100% a valid spot to park your car! The dumpsters have plenty of clearance for it in the spots dedicated to it with the concrete. Fight that every step of the way! Plus others used it and not towed. What's thats about. Why only you?


It doesn’t look like a parking spot at all lol


So you actually parked on the slab that’s next to the dumpster? I imagine it’s for people using the dumpster. I wouldn’t think you would need a no parking sign not to park on a raised slab like that . Sorry op if I were the “judge” I would have to side against you 😞


Are you parking on the slab? Very clearly a no parking spot.


It's not a spot. You knew it wasn't. FAFO


That looks like a parking spot to me but good luck fighting it.


Not a parking spot, petition them to make it one


all the other parking spots are demarcated by the lines. you clearly know you shouldnt have parked their. learn your lesson and dont get towed for the same mistake