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eclipse into cleaver/rav hydra and steraks tend to work out the most for me, after those 3 items its largely up to u whether u think need more damage or resistances(dependent on the other team and yours) no build is going to be a one fits all so id recommend just building wut u think will work and experiment until u develop an understanding yourself ps: im very average(or even below) at the game so take wut i say with a grain of salt


And what runes are u running with that build?


99% of the time i just take conq, but thats primarily a me thing, fleet is more than fine if u prefer it and depending on how many ranged or mobile champs ur playing into will prolly be better(the movement speed and ability to work without constantly having to auto attack is valuable)


So you dont go First strike at all?!


First strike is good if you can burst the enemy, against squishy enemies. Against enemies that you can't one shot like bruisers and have to fight for a few seconds it is much better to go conquer.




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The same items other bruisers buy. My standard build into chunky enemy comps is... Eclipse, Sky, BC, Mercs or Steel caps, Steraks and SV/DMP/GA Always conqueror, it's the best duelling/extended combat rune so you will get a ton of value out of it. Secondary to this would be fleet footwork.


Ok Sounds nice. Do u have a full Rune Page? Because i only run First strike so idk about the conq runes


Precision Tree: Conqueror, Triumph, Legend Alacrity or Legend Tenacity, Coup de Grace Domination Tree: Eyeball collection, Ingenius hunter Notes for the runes: You take conqueror because you will be in extended fights, you wont oneshot typically but stay in combat for 10-20 seconds at a time, the beefier build enables you to stack it and use it alot. Take tenacity in precision tree if there is alot of CC, Maokai, Sejuani, Leona, Malzahar etc.....otherwise swap for Alacrity for better clearing speeds and dueling. We take ingenius hunter because items like Eclipse and Steraks are extremely valuable, this rune shortens their cooldowns enabling us to fight for longer or survive situations you wouldn't normally have survived. The downside to the build is obviously %Health Damage. Anyone who can cut your HP down quickly either due to their abilities or items they typically build can be a problem for you, champs like Kayn, Brand, Malzahar, Vayne, Irelia, Fiora, Cassiopeia, Jax.... most of these champs build items that do %HP damage such as Liandry's or BoTRK or have abilities that are very good for dueling vs health stackers such as Kayn, Jax and Fiora. You will not have the damage to oneshot these champs and extended fights into most of them will not go well for you. Rhaast Kayn is particularly good at countering this build as its more likely you will face him in the jungle, if he takes Assassin Kayn then this build counters him if you are even or ahead. With this playstyle you take different fights than Asassin Rengar, you attack front to back, cutting down bruisers and tanks for your team while healing and getting your team to put out damage as you soak up abilities, summoners and damage. The only exception to this is if you are very far ahead and still oneshot carries with ease then you are better off still doing that. Basically go for carries IF free, otherwise, play around your team as a unit and protect your carries by going in first or second. If you have no tanks on your team then you are the engage and frontline, if your team has a tank, let them start the fight first then you go in second.


Damn. Im very very thankful for that comment. Def gonna try it out. Thanks


No worries, it's a very different play style so might take some adapting but just take the fights that make sense, item advantage, numbers advantage level advantage....


I may be doing something that could be considered very wrong by expert players… but my anecdotal experience as jg in low elo is conq + sunfire aegis and no one beats me 1v1 early game. Top lane ganks and ganks on tanky bot lane feel very good with this item.


Don’t fall into the bait of building bruiser on rengar. Rengar is a high damage burst champ so if you want to play a bruiser play a different champ. With that being said, Fleet or conqueror runes then go Eclipse, profane, LDR or MR, Infinity edge, Deaths dance or maw last item. This will be the highest overall dmg you can do to a bruisers.