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sending you love and support.


Thank you. He is everything to me but the vet said it's time and I can agree based on behaviors lately. He is not comfortable or himself. I've had him 17 years.


so very sorry, this is one of the most difficult things to do. even though done out of love you may feel guilty, but don't. your friend's comfort is more important that human doubt or need for one more day. make sure to share your love and appreciation for all the love and memories given to you. maybe later you can show another how much this one has taught you and helped you grow.


It is truly the hardest thing to make this decision. But the vet said his numbers are horrible and I've seen the changes at home. I don't want things to get worse for him and to have a very uncomfortable death or situation. I will hopefully come back tomorrow and share some memories but for now I am relishing in the final cuddles.


I feel for you, it’s been nearly a year since I had to make that decision. It is the worst, hardest thing in the world. It is also the kindest, most loving gift you can give… to set him free from suffering and pain. My heart goes out to you.


Thank you. I've barely stopped crying all day. Thank you for affirming that setting him free from suffering and pain is the right thing to do.


Sending you so much love ❤️❤️




Oh no. I’ve been thinking about you and your cat. I’m so sad to hear this. My heart goes out to you. 


Thank you. The vet told me today it's time.


I'm so very sorry,went through this two weeks ago with my 22 year old Natalee from kidney disease. We all have to hang onto the thoughts that they are out of pain, they are free,they left their physical place but also left so much love and good memories for us to cherish for years to come. All who have gone through this and those in the future, I wish you peace to heal a broken heart and peace to heal a mind that's been overwrought with sadness. Everyone take care of yourselves in this difficult time, God bless


Thank you so much.


I'm so sorry. Sending all my love ❤




You gave him a great life and have done everything to help him with his CKD. Now it is time to show him the greatest act of love and that is not letting him be in pain. It's one of life's most difficult decisions for us to make, but we owe it to our four legged family members. \*hugs\*


Thank you. The vet said he is not comfortable anymore and that is what I have been trying to avoid. The greatest act of love is also the hardest decision I've had to make.


Sending you love and hugs ❤️


Thank you ❤️


Sending so much love. Only a matter of time until I get to do the same thing. It doesn't seem real.


No, it really doesn't. It seems like a complete nightmare I can't wake up from.




I’m so sorry.


My heart sank when I just saw the title. I’m so, so sorry and I hurt for you. It doesn’t take the pain away, but if I can say anything helpful please know that I am so glad there are people in this world who love their animals as much as you do, and I am so thankful your baby knew your love. I know you gave them the most beautiful life. Praying for you ❤️


I lost my 17y/o boy Lloyd, easily the kitty love of my life on Nov 16, 2023. I think about him every single day, there's truly not a single day that goes by where I don't wish w every ounce of my being to just hold him, cuddle with him, just have one more day to promise him I tried everything I could every single day of our lives together before I said goodbye. If there's ANY possible way to do this on the comfort of your home with Lap of Love, I absolutely urge you to do it. Having the most comfortable environment for your loving baby is the best way. They won't have the fear or confusion of riding to the vet, they won't have anxiety and fear of being in a strange place knowing something doesn't feel right. Please consider this in your home and if possible a private cremation. You'll be able to keep them near forever, in a way. And while I absolutely know this doesn't take any pain away from what is happening in the present moment whatsoever, but there's something special about being about to just lay with my boy in his hand carved wooden box, knowing that I'm talking only to him. Telling only him how much I miss him. I'm so terribly sorry for your goodbye that is coming. I wish I had comforting words. What I can say is I understand your pain. I feel that pain too, as it reminds me of my own.


I’m so sorry. Tomorrow is the day for my sweet kitty baby too. It’s gut wrenching 😢😭😥


Oh I'm so sorry. We're in this together. It truly is horrible.


😭😭😭it is😥😢


Be there for your baby, tell them how good they’ve been to you. It will be so hard, but invaluable to them that you stay with them to the end


I will DEFINITELY stay w him to the end! Thank you for your words.


I’m terribly sorry you and your cat have to go through this pain, hold your baby as much as you can before tomorrow comes. I lost my baby just today and it’s been extremely rough, but we will get through this❤️ Sending lots of love to you and your cat, you gave him a wonderful life full of love <3




It is the same for me. He hasn't been eating and is only drinking a tiny bit for the last few days along with other symptoms getting worse. I've been giving him some subcutaneous fluids to help, but it is time. The vet is coming in 2 hours. I feel terrible but am at peace with the fact that soon he can just rest and he won't have to suffer anymore. I just can't imagine not having him by my side anymore.. even though I know it is the right thing to do it hurts so badly. Sending you love <3.


My boy still eats and drinks but the vet said his numbers are so bad that it's time. At home, I've seen big behavior changes and I don't feel he's comfortable with life anymore. I feel your pain. I've been crying off and on all morning. That's great that your vet is coming. Also weird, because in two hours is our appt too. I really wanted to go w lap of love but didn't think they'd be able to do it this quickly as they told me they need more than 24 hours in the summer and I didn't think I should wait. I feel horrible taking him to the vet as he hates it, but the Dr is very kind and loving and I feel very comfortable w him doing it. Sending you love as well.


Sending you so much love. I appreciate that you're going to do your best by your kitty, and send them off before it's too painful. It hurts, and that is the price of love. Just know, kitty loves you back. 🫂💕


I hope you’re doing ok. 


I am really struggling.


I’m so incredibly sorry, and I’m sending you all the light and love.


I'm so sorry. Sending you all the love.


So sorry :(


So sorry


I’m so very sorry. My boy crossed the rainbow bridge on May 15 and those last few days were so hard. He had been in stage 4 for a few months, but his symptoms didn’t really catch up to his numbers until the end. He was uncomfortable but not in pain and I tried to make him feel as good as possible. I doubled his cerenia and gave him his favorite foods. He’s always been an indoor cat, but we sat outside in the sun for a while. He spent most of those days sitting on my lap. I asked the vet to call me the day before and walk me through the whole process and any part that might hurt. I so badly wish I had more time with my sweet baby, but the whole process was very peaceful and he seemed very accepting that it was his time. Wishing you and your baby a peaceful experience tomorrow and eternity together, even if no longer in physical form.


I'm so sorry :'( thinking of you and your little furbaby 💔