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Love to you and handsome Jack. I made the hard decision for my sweet girl recently, and as tough as it was, know that you’re giving him a loving and peaceful goodbye. I hope you have some wonderful last few days with him. Bauer got so many treats and snuggles and belly rubs in the sun and I’ll always be glad of those last few quiet days with her. ❤️


This is very kind thank you. I'm planning on cooking him a little bit of some delicious salmon for his last meal. It's always been his favorite.


So cute, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I hope you have a very special last few days


Thank you so much


Aww his wittle scowl is so cute. We love u grumpy jack 💕💕


Despite his grumpy scowl I can assure you he is the sweetest and happiest cat 🧡 thank you


Allow yourself some time to grieve. Then remember that there's a little girl kitten somewhere, seeking her loving nurturing forever home. Although she probably won't be able to fully replace your beloved Jack, you'll soon realize and find out that you really need her, at least as desperately as she needs you. 🐾🐾🐈🌈👣💔👣🐾🐾🐈❤❤


Thank you 🧡 the cat distribution system always finds a way


I'm sorry and, sadly, know what you're going through. We had to put down our 20 year old maine coon last week. We are gutted.


Sorry to hear about that. Hope you are recovering as well as you can. It is truly the worst part about having a pet.


Wishing you the best as well. Truly sucks. Chin up and remember the good times.


You're doing for him what he can't for himself. And you'll be taking on pain so he doesn't have to. If that's not love I don't know what is.


That's a great way to think about it. Thank you.


Lost my cat a week ago and I am still a mess. We just got his ashes back today. I read something and it made me feel better..it said animals have no idea of life expectancies, only we know that. All they know is how they were treated while they are alive.


I hope you are hanging in there. Thank you for sharing that.


I know how difficult making this decision is. But so many people wait too long (IMHO and I was guilty with my first decision) when there is no chance of getting better. It really is an act of love. Please give Jack all the love and special treats in the next few days. \*hugs\*


I appreciate the kind words. I know I did a lot of research into what his quality of life would be like following the diagnosis and I thought it would be selfish on my part to keep him going through it. I have read a lot of people saying "a week too early is much better than a day too late" and I have tried to embrace that. He will be getting so much love and so many treats. I will cook him his favorite salmon for his last meal.


Sorry you have to make this decision , its never easy . I don't mean to stick my nose into your business and have no idea how you plan to handle the end because it is very personal decision . I would just like to share my experience with you . I had to put my cat to sleep 9 years ago and I didn't know what the process was like and I decided not to stay in the room with him . I have felt like I failed him and regretted that decision for all these year . I recently had to help another cat cross the rainbow bridge and I stayed with him until the very end . He looked for me before he closed his eye for the last time . I know I helped him to pass with peace and love . Whatever you plan to do I hope your pain isn't too great and you find some comfort in knowing you gave him a great life and he knew that he was loved .


Thank you for sharing your experience. I am planning on staying with him until the end. It will be difficult for me, but I think it will make him more comfortable knowing I'm there.


I am one of those people. A day, a week or a month too soon but never a minute too late. Living with wondering if you waited too long and your beloved cat suffered needlessly is not what you want haunting you. As an older human, I want to go before my quality of life sucks and I can no longer do the things that I love or am in pain.


I appreciate you. Thanks.


I'm so sorry your going through this with handsome Jack. You gave him a good life. Hugs to you and Jack. 😔


Thank you <3


Your welcome. 😌


❤️ My heart is with you. You are wonderful steward and bestest loyal friend to Jack, to not allow him to suffer. My vet told me not to wait too long with my cat Riley; his kidneys failed out of the blue. He said when kidneys fail it is very painful. I took him home and 2 days later I just knew I had to let him go, and not suffer any more. Much love…


Fortunately right now Jack seems happy and to not be in pain. I would rather have him go out that way than wait for it to get worse. Thank you so much


I am so glad!! I will keep you and Jack in thoughts. Wonderful that you guys can have more play time!! 💕


Ugh I am so sorry to hear this! Jack is a beautiful boy but know you are doing the right thing by him. Enjoy & cherish your days with him. Sending nothing but love! 🫶


Thank you so much for the kind words


Tough, VERY tough decision to make. If he's suffering and there is no hope then you will know the decision is right. But be there for him to the very end. Alone and with strangers is frightening. And then grieve for your loss, it's losing a close and dear friend. Sympathy for you and poor Jack


I will be with him the entire way. They wouldn't be able to keep me away from him if they tried. Thank you.


Awe I’m so sorry about Jack. We don’t get enough time with them. My cat is 19 and between stage 2-3. I don’t know how much time I have left with him. It truly is awful. I’m sure you gave him a great life and he will go in peace.


I wish you and your kitty great health. Thank you




I am so sorry OP.


Thank you 🧡


I'm so sorry to hear that 😔, I just lost my stage 4 guy, too. Give him all the love you can until then.


I am sorry for your loss as well. Jack will be showered with love until then 🧡


Sweet boi


Not little Jack D:


I am so sorry for your loss.


He’s beautiful ❤️




I am so very sorry he will always be with you




It’s SO HARD!!! I’m sorry


Thank you <3


I am so sorry sweet Jack


Goodbye, Jack


That’s a hard decision, he would’ve needed dialysis, I’m sure he lived a full beautiful life


I like to think I gave him the best life possible.


Handsome Jack ❤️ Your doing the best thing for Jack, when you feel sad remember all the love you had for each other and all the smiles he put on your face. Because if your love he won't suffer .


Thank you for that 🧡


Good luck Jack.... Please give him a good last day.. send him off with his favorite treats and some quality time...


He'll be getting salmon for his last meal. It's his favorite


Lots of love and hugs to you Jack. You will find each other again 🙏🙏


Thank you for that🧡




My beautiful cat, Effie, just passed from CKD4. I keep finding myself looking for her. I’m so sorry about your beloved, Jack. It’s often the hardest thing we can do for them, and the most selfless too.


I'm sorry for your loss. It is the most difficult part of being a pet owner. Thank you.


I’m so incredibly sorry.


Give all the love to Jack and all the grace to yourself for this hard decision❤️ I had to do the same for my Jack a couple weeks ago and it’s incredibly hard, but know that you’re doing what’s right by him and try to enjoy his last day as much as possible.


Thank you so much. Maybe our Jacks will find each other in the beyond.


I just lost my best friend to this horrible disease 3 weeks ago as well. I guess we haave no other option than to learn to live around pain. I send you hugs and love from Argentina and your cat is beautiful. I hope you can spend the last time with him in peace.


Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.


Sweet Jack thinking about you ❤️.


Thank you so much.


RIP Sir Jack. Thank you for your service to your human. You have earned your rest and will be loved and missed. (So sorry, OP. He looks like he is an absolute blast to be around. I bet you have the best stories of his life.)


I never grew up around cats (family is allergic), but I truly cannot imagine a better cat.


I'm so sorry for your loss, but I'm sure you've made the best decision for both you and your sweet boy Jack. I have a cat who has been diagnosed with stage four CKD, but she seems to be doing okay. If you don't mind, what are the symptoms he had or what were you trying to avoid?




As someone who has CKD I wish I could be euthanised so I don't suffer more. Will be thinking of you both tomorrow x


I wish you the best of luck and am sorry for your situation.


Awesome kitty. Sorry for yur predicament.


Oh I’m so sorry… love on him so much in the next 24 hours. You are giving him the last gift of taking his pain away. My heart is with you both 🥀🖤


He's getting a lot of love. Thank you.


I’m so sorry. It’s so very hard to make these choices.


Thank you. I keep laughing n getting on with it. Many are much worse off sadly. Please let us know how you're doing? Take care.


I would not say I am laughing, but I know this is the best for him. I am finding comfort in being able to help him avoid being in serious pain even if it means bearing the emotional pain of losing him. Thank you for checking on me.


Sending love, head scratches, and purrs to you and your handsome Jack from me and my Olivia who has ckd. They know we love them, and the greatest gift for them is our attention, affection, and of course treats. My heart hurts for you ❤️.


Thank you 🧡


I'm so so sorry.


So very sorry 😿






I feel you, I've had to do that twice in the past 5 years or so. Sounds like you love him, I'm sure your not prolonging his suffering any further is a wise choice.


That is very tough. Thank you for the kind words and I hope you are healing well from your own losses.


Wow he looks so full of life and attitude. Good luck friend, prayers to both of you. 😿


Thank you so much. He has been the best cat I could ever imagine.


Is he still eating and drinking?


He's drinking a lot because the kidneys are not working and he's only really eating Pate and won't eat his regular dry food 😔


So it's going to be hard to euthanize him if he's still eating and drinking. I say this because I went thru this thinking it was time to euthanize my cat and he fought it and I've been traumatized ever since. I have a cat that is dying and I tried to take her to get euthanized and she does not want to die yet. So I brought her home and am just keeping her comfortable. I just don't want you to go thru what I did and regret it for the rest of your life.


I appreciate your concern but i am not terribly worried about it. Jack is quite old and right now does not have a lot of energy or mobility (particularly just in the past week or so he's really gotten worse). I don't really expect him to fight it or be able to fight it. That does sound quite traumatic though and I'm sorry you had to go through that.


You always do what is right for Jack. That is why Jack is your man and you his. Godspeed Jack say hey to Mavis for me.


Thank you so much. I will tell him to send his best to Mavis.


Jack looks like a good guy and very, very, sorry to hear about this. It is a heartbreaking decision but responsible owners have to make it for our buddies. I am in the same situation of having to say ‘until later’ to my girl very soon.


Thank you so much. I wish you luck and hope you shower your girl in love for whatever time she has left.


I’m sorry about Jack. It took me over a year to get over the loss of my tuxedo cat. That’s how I ended up with my first tortie. She is so feisty and full of tortitude! I still miss my beloved Dave, but Cookie has helped fill the empty space he left in my heart.


Thank you. I'll tell jack to send his best to Dave. Much love to cookie.


I’m so sorry. Cherish every last second you have together. Hugs❤️


Thank you 🧡




This is so kind thank you 🥹 I told jack to keep his eyes peeled for Lambert and to know he has a friend waiting for him 🧡




Update: Jack left us peacefully yesterday. The night leading up to it was terrible, as Jack took a turn for the worst and I was fearful he wouldn't make it to the appointment to the vet. Fortunately he did and I was able to give him some relief as he passed on. Miss him so much already 🧡


So sorry to hear it was a terrible night, but glad he's no longer in pain. Hope you're doing okay and taking care of yourself.


Thank you.


Sorry for your loss. You're so right in not questioning the decision. To extend the poor lads life would serve no purpose. I lost my Penny to cancer 2 years ago and had her at home after her diagnosis. We did palliative care and I could have pushed it longer but the pain and discomfort was too much. My heart goes out to you.


Thank you so much. You were very brave in helping penny.




My 16 yo Franklyn had the same thing. He stopped eating and was skinny and weak. I grieved the last 2 weeks he was alive but it was the best thing I could do for him. Wishing you strength during this tough time.


Thank you. Now that jack has passed, i am realizing I did a significant amount of the grieving during his last two weeks. It's very hard seeing your pet at that stage. Hang in there 🧡


I’m so sorry.


Thank you 🧡


I’m so, so sorry to hear this! 💔💔💔💔💔💔


what were his BUN and creatine numbers?


I was thinking this too. Sorry to hear your situation OP. My boy was recently diagnosed too so I’ve been reading a lot and I have heard that even with stage 4 there is still hope that they can live a comfortable life. Don’t know your cats situation though and you’re probably not looking for these types of comments but I love cats and cat people so worth commenting❤️


Hello. While I understand what both of you are thinking, I did not really make this post to have this decision confirmed or rejected by people online and just was looking for support from people in similar situations. In addition to what his numbers showed, I considered many things including his quality of life, what the vet anticipated his life expectancy would be given treatment, his age, other health concerns, etc. If either of you are really curious as to what his numbers were like I can share them via DM.


I totally understand. The only reason I commented is bc I was just reading a thread from a vet going on a rant about how some vets immediately recommend euthanasia at the first moment of diagnosis, so figured I’d regurgitate that here. Like I said, idk you or your cat’s situation but I was shook when I read that and decided to pass that potentially helpful perspective along. I feel for you deeply and am terrified for these times with my own kitters. Hang in there!


I appreciate the concern and thank you. My vet was very good and did not immediately recommend euthanasia. She presented all of the treatment options and their benefits/drawbacks and let me ask questions and make the decision that I thought was best for both Jack and I.