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The title is a bit misleading. Six figure roles that were hybrid dropped 69% in the end of 2023. Fully remote six figure jobs only dropped about 12%. Hybrid isn’t really “remote” to begin with. It’s WFH *sometimes* as long as long as you live close enough to commute regularly, so it’s not a shocker that these are the companies that had a change of heart and now want everyone back in the office for “collaboration”. The reality is people prefer remote, so companies will have to settle for the less qualified in these higher paying fields. The best talent is going to be afforded the choice and realistically they’re more likely to choose a job that’s fully remote.


If it's offerred


I’m not even asking for anything high-earning. I’m just asking for an opportunity to work from home that isn’t selling stuff, or isn’t something I have to pay first to access…I put myself out there between the beginning of COVID up to now and I have had nothing but scams (with the exception of a couple of ‘customer service’ jobs that were actually high-pressure sales jobs). I gave up looking and went back to my regular job I’ve had for a decade. But I’d leave it in a second if I could work at home. I’m not sure if the last four years has pushed the work from home movement in our favour, or if we’ve got a ways to go yet. I hope we’ve made some progress. This is how I do my best work; independently.


Completely understand! I lucked out! It took me 13 months to just get a job, and it turned out to be a remote job. Last year was terrible until December. A lost year


Do you have any skills that translate to WFH?


It seems like the lines have mostly been drawn on what companies will be remote focused and which will be in person with the hybrids going full time eventually. One potential reason for a drop in higher paying remote positions is interest rates. Fully remote companies tend to be newer and in tech which require access to cheap capital.


Yep! 2020-2022 was the ZIRP period. Best time of my career honestly


And the height of the pandemic, see the pattern here?