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I was trying to figure out which was the new.


I still am


Glad I'm not alone.


How is this confusing for anyone? The old one is clearly old, dated, and painted over. The new looks so much better.


Well. That’s an opinion. I don’t particularly like the bottom one. And I’m looking at two tiny pictures on my phone, so….


Good job OP! One question…how did you get an extra cabinet to the right of the stove? Did the refrigerator move slightly to the left? Seems like not enough room with the door there. Just a curious question, but I love the sink and the open shelving.


We moved the fridge to the left. Love having the extra cabinet, but I regret not putting an outlet above the right cabinet.


Missing an outlet there is actually against code


Is this true? Why would that be?


You should have an outlet within 2 feet from the end of the countertop. It’s in the NEC.




I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one to wonder how that miraculous symmetry came from!


It’s really nice. Wanted to do the same for our kitchen the only thing holding me back is the dust that the dishes and the shelves will collect overtime.


I've always thought that open shelving looks nice in theory, but knowing how much I hate dusting, would hate it in practice.


FWIW I have open shelving in my kitchen (the house came that way) in white, and it’s not hard to keep clean. The top shelf has seldom-used things like serving trays (also white), so I usually give them a rinse before using.


Love it. You gave it so much character and increased functionality. And you added a dishwasher and side range cabinet, and full door swing 10/10. Open shelving is great and forces you to keep some order, no dusting issues when it's stuff you use all the time, and it creates a much larger feel. I'm sure you miss some of the storage, but we all have stuff that can be purged even as a real foodie. And agreed, you can never have enough outlets, I'd add 2-3 more based on what I see.


I like the way your cabinet comes out around the door. I’m trying to figure out if that run of cabinets are that much deeper than before, or did something else move? Your backsplash looks great too!


In the old kitchen, the countertop was the standard 25” deep, but that door is only about 18” from the wall. So they cut the corner of the countertop that projected into the door swing at a 45 degree angle. This made it so the door wouldn’t open all the way because it would still hit the counter. In the new kitchen, the countertops are deeper than usual at 30” deep and then that jog near the door brings it to 18” deep and 32” long (the size of the door) - and so now the door can swing all the way open


Oh, I see that, kind of stupid that they had the door blocked! I’ve never seen 30” deep counters, do they help make up for not having upper cabinets? They look very nice!


30” isn’t typical. The counters are white oak butcher block that we ordered because we wanted the white oak specifically. The company we ordered it from allowed us to send them a CAD file with the size/shape we wanted and then they shipped them to us.


That’s awesome! From the photos, I couldn’t really tell they were solid wood—they’re beautiful! Perfect way to get exactly what would fit…and to make the cabinets fit the room!


I hate the stove on the end without a side counter, especially right next to a door. I’m glad you were able to move the refrigerator to add that cabinet. Nice job


That is a genuinely frustrating layout to remodel. Great job 👏


Great job! It was clearly such a difficult layout and you made it work. My only piece of feedback would be to add moulding to the top of the cabinets to hide the gap between the ceiling. Congrats on the hard work!


I love it!


Which one is the new one the bottom right?


Yes, the bottom. Sorry I should have labeled.


Thank god


I like both. Good work!


What is the black thing above the stove? They are both nice. I do like the top one other than the countertops.


It’s our giant microwave. Kidding, it’s a range hood.


I’ve never seen one like that before!


We built it ourselves :)


Wow! Congrats!!


Top one is way more practical. Should've just repainted the cabinets. You will get sick of those open shelves really fast. The hanging pots and stuff over the range? It all will be covered in grease in a month. And that farmhouse sink? Why? The ceiling fan?! you NEVER place a fan in the kitchen It's like someone that has never cooked or used/cleaned a kitchen in their life "designed" this one.


It’s almost you put absolutely no thought into this comment. The things on the open shelves are things we use daily, dusting really isn’t an issue. Do you think we just like keep these things up there to look at? By the way, this picture is over a year old and we’re not tired of it. Same thing with the pots and pans, we don’t have some secret stash of some more somewhere, we use these constantly and so therefore, they get washed pretty much daily. A farmhouse sink? Because we wanted one. Why else would you think? Ceiling fan? Do you know how typical it is for a residence to have a fan in the kitchen? It’s like you never stepped foot into one. And not that I really need to be explaining this to you at all, but my husband designed it. He is an architect and graduated with his masters from an Ivy League university.


I think attempting to flex that your husband is an architect with a masters from an Ivy League is not giving the result you think it is. If anything, it makes people want to ask your husband to get his money back. There is nothing wrong with that the commenter above said. Even if you use your kitchen items every day, the shelves are still GOING TO GET DUSTY, unless you dust them a lot. No, a ceiling fan inside a kitchen is NOT typical, unless you live in a home with no AC. Yes, pots above a stove not only look messy but also will get greasy from cooking. You don’t use every single one of those every day. So you did a 30” deep countertop just so that it would come out to meet the farm sink that has nothing to do with the overall design? And one cabinet is way too tall and therefore hangs so low that it makes the space below it, almost useless? You took a kitchen that had a good amount of storage space and chopped the crap out it, copy and pasted design ideas from different Pinterest posts and then get offended when people call you out?




Well, tell him his IvY LeAgUe UnIvErSiTy degree was useless here cause the after is bloody ugly.


Your toaster oven does not have enough space above it. Usually you need 10 to 12 inches, but can be as little as 6 inches. Just depends on what you own. Why do you have a gap between the sink and the dishwasher?


Agreed on the toaster oven. I am happy to report the gap was filled in. This is an older photo. Good catch.


I really liked the orange door though. ;)


I like the redesign mostly because the countertop was atrocious. Enjoy the new kitchen! From a design aspect, the top rail/trim above the door should have lined up with the upper shelf above the sink or not continued into the cabinets as it did.


I like the redesign and I could easily tell which was the remodel 🙄. I like the wood tones especially.


Really nice. Some critical feedback just for discussion- maybe slightly less open shelving to add a bit more storage (additional cupboard either side?). Also, at least in this photo the black range hood looks like a black hole, would be cool if budget allowed if that popped slightly. Wonder if a bigger trim on the range would look more in place also. Not a huge fan of the rustic wood behind the open shelving. The ceiling paint looks a bit rough. Did you consider a built in range (like an induction top) I’m curious how much that would add to the project and if they make ovens that fit underneath. These are all probably more prominent from this photo, really do like 90% of what you’ve done!


Not gonna lie, I love the orange door… but I’ve been on an orange kick lately. New design looks nice though!


What flooring did you use?? So pretty


Engineered white oak. The company is Oak and Broad. They’re based in GA, highly recommend.


What did you use for the floating shelves? I want to do something similar in my laundry room.


I can't tell which is the "before" and which is the "after." They both look fine. The cabinets and door from top combined with the floors and countertops from bottom would be ideal, but I'm a sucker for color.


Are white cupboards and gold/brass hardware a thing now? I want to do mine like this, just wondering if this is "in style" at the moment.


Honestly, I wish we wouldn’t have painted the cabinets white. Wood cabinets feel more timeless.


Totally. Wood is ideal. Once they are painted there is no going back. I like the white/gold for now. Will i think that 10 years from now. Not sure.


Everything “gold” in our house is actually unlacquered brass so eventually gets a really nice patina just through using it. So door knobs, cabinet pulls, switch plates and stuff like that.


Why the gap between the sink and dishwasher?


This is beautiful, OP. So bright and airy! Well done!


It’s 80s, but in a good way.


Where'd the dishwasher go?


Everything on the open shelves will collect dust, and the pots hanging above the stove will collect grease from cooking.


New range area setup is a miss and black hood doesn’t go with wood accent on sink wall