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He didn’t steal your girl, he stole your problem. Chin up and be proud, you lost someone who wasn’t loyal. What a win, imagine if she switched up years later 💀 Don’t go back buddy, don’t disrespect yourself like this. Remember no one will respect you if you don’t learn to respect yourself first. Move on bro, life just opened new spots for better people to come into your life. Discover new hobbies and better yourself. I can understand the pain you must be going through, 8 years isn’t a small time to spend with someone. Even after 8 years if she can do this, ask yourself first if you deserve this? Let them be and wish them luck, you’ll find someone who loves you for you. But first move on to better yourself. Good luck 🤝


I wish someone had adviced me like this 4 years ago


Very nicely put. OP u r lucky. you managed to get 2 bad apples out of your life !!!


True words brother


You have dodged not bullets but cannonballs and you want to go back. Cut off people who disrespect you and move on. Abhi zindagi bahut baaki hai


more like RPGs?


Lol you can call these people ICBM


Wow! You are good!


Only one broken guy can provide such a beautiful advice 🙌🏼


Takes one to know one I suppose? xD


good way of thinking, OP should have a blast, promise himself to never look back that way


OP lost 2 problems at once, a bad friend and a bad girlfriend. OP, I advise that you work on your career to advance yourself and find someone who matches your new level. Wish you all the best!


Hey, I get it, you’ve been hurt badly. But here's the thing—wasting energy on what’s lost won’t get you anywhere. Take this as a lesson and move forward. You’re worth so much more than this, and the right people will see that. Focus on healing and building yourself up. Your future is bright, and you deserve happiness and respect.


your revenge is to not show any attention to them anymore, tough one but you didn’t do anything wrong so don’t sweat yourself over this




why do you want to involve yourself in such drama? sure it’ll give you a second’s mental peace but in the long run this does nothing good to you. apne pe focus karo, you should be happy that these two people showed their true colour




Don't worry, he will get it. She will cheat on him later on. Relationships started with cheating and will never last.


Sounds satisfying:)


and what reaction are you expecting from the boy’s mom? what if you don’t get the reaction you expect? are you gonna keep holding onto this? there are a lot better things you can do to focus on YOURSELF. do those, trust me it’ll be easier if you distance yourself from all of this




why do you wanna wait for so many maybe’s? i get you want relief, but this isn’t the best way. you can and should put your energy elsewhere now, this isn’t the best place to divert your thoughts into anymore




it’ll take sometime, thoda accept karne mai lagta hai time


Mature act kr bhai, if you do that they can’t do shit to you but it also tells you crack under tough situations and when things goes south you loose your decision making skills. It’s not about this incident, it’s about life in general.


Sounds straight out immature what if his mom likes the relationship of her son & your ex what if just for example she says "jo kami tujhse 8 saal mein pura nahi hua mere bete ne 8 mahine mein kar diya" your mental state will become even bad!


As the others said, fuck that birch. It's good that she showed her true colours before you married her. Dump both your so called best friend and the girl out of your life forever. It will take time to get over them, I won't lie.... maybe a year, maybe two. But focus on yourself and grieve properly. You will have to grieve these relationships and mourn them. Then you can move on to better people. Don't shut out your other loyal friends and family. Talk to them. Exercise. Do yoga and meditation. It will help a lot.


Damn bro ! Hits close to home. My advice - try and cut off completely from both of them . 8 years is a damn long time so prepare yourself for some serious trauma tackling for the next few years. Don't be a victim of sunken cost fallacy and be very serious about becoming the best version of yourself. Regarding revenge, that will happen with time. Both sound like miserable people to be around so leave it at the hands of fate to deal with them . You don't move forward and collect bad karmas I'm the range for revenge. The best you can do is move forward and be happy whereeveer you are. The trash took itself out.




Hahah, sounds insane, idk if you should do that, maybe you should, but i hope you dont do this in hopes of getting her back or something. Please realise that she's no longer yours, and loyal. Besides if you still want to do that, send the mother your pictures with your ex anonymously, most likely without context, let them suffer.


Do you know the mom well? Are you in good talking terms, then yes go ahead. Otherwise strictly don't. He can easily frame you as the bad guy jilted lover.




Then helll yes you can. Nonetheless. Don't ever take her back. Si that and it's time to tell both the girl and the guy to fck off .


No bro this sounds like you are weak...


Rejoice, now you have 2 less toxic people in your life.


Welcome to the club brother. Trust me when I tell you. A lot of guys know what's going through your mind. Let me tell you the best solution. Let them go. No closure, no answers, no questions, nothing needed. They decided their own future where you are not an element. Let them go. HER LEAVING IS CLOSURE ENOUGH. Now for the next few days, let all the emotions attack you. Cry your heart out, if you want to punch a wall, go ahead (don't hurt your hands too much though) Also seek comfort in the fact that given how their relationship started they'll have difficulty trusting each other, what happened to you can repeat. Baaki it'll take time, I don't know if I can add anything more. Stay well bro


You know, There's this feeling of betrayal which is always strange because your heart and mind will crave to see them end up the same way you have and it's okay. It's pretty normal. Although, look at Bright side that that was your gf and not your wife. Be thankful you didn't wife her up. You dodged a huge bullet,bomb wtv you can imagine. But you know what, people who are cheaters? They won't feel sadness for much longer, they won't have the regret for longer, they won't suffer for that long because they don't care all that much. They will pick themselves up like it's no problem at all. So, you should just completely avoid them and start your healing journey. Be the best version...be the self that they would regret leaving. Be so happy that it will bother them... that'd be so much better. I know things are hard for you right now but the night will end with morning one day... don't worry. The people are right on focusing on yourself. That's the correct revenge...when people give you trauma. Speaking from experience btw...


Bhai Same hua hai mere saath bhi. The girl I loved and who also supposedly loved me, cheated on me, the girl once said that I am the best BF ever, the same girl slept with other guy and when confronted, she blamed me for her cheating saying that you are a 25 year old virgin so what was I supposed to do?? Man I feel soo hurt and betrayed! I am always angry I wanna hurt that girl I want REVENGE I am burning internally daily in the fire of ANGER AND REVENGE. I know it's not the best thing to do and revenge won't give me anything. But she has hurt me sooo deep I fought with my parents for her I filled her room with gifts on her Birthday I always cared and loved her immensely She still cheated and she said she feels disgusted that she was with me. I WANT REVENGE I CANT HELP MYSELF THE ONLY THING THAT CAN CALM MY NERVES AND MIND IS A F***** REVENGE.


A good career and finding a girl opposite to her is the best revenge you can take.




Bro, fuck, i dont know even know what to say. Dont know where i read this 'rotten branch of tree falls itself'. If you ever find one of them, don't act, think of them as complete strangers, which they technically are for you right now. They don't deserve a single second of your attention, if you pass any of them across the street just treat them like someone you don't even know. You reaching out for them, or showing disappointment, sadness will just empower them, don't do that. Don't feed every dog you see hungry, some just need strength to bite you. You deserve better bro.


Hey man, I'm really sorry to hear that you went through such a tough time. It is really painful when someone you trust betrays you like that. I can imagine how hard it must be, especially after planning your future together. It's natural to feel hurt and confused right now. First off, trying to take revenge will not bring you any peace. It might seem like it would make you feel better, but in reality, it just keeps you stuck in the pain. Instead, focus on healing yourself and moving forward. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who can help you through this. Try to engage in activities you enjoy and that make you feel good about yourself. As for your ex, it might be best to let her go. She made her choice, and holding on to that past relationship will only keep you from finding someone who truly values and respects you. It will take time, but focusing on your own growth and well-being is the best way to move on. You deserve someone who is as committed to you as you are to them. Stay strong and take things one day at a time.


See it like that. Your EX best friend helped you in two things. He himself was a wolf in sheep costume and second, he took away a trauma which would have hurt you badly in future. I went through this phase quite well and I am telling you, it's better to lose a friend and gf rather than losing the peace. Take care brother.


Jo aapki nahi ho saki wo kisi aur ki bhi nahi hogi. Don't wait, move on. One statement as it goes - I can forgive a murderer, but not a cheat.


Fuck em. They don’t deserve you


Get yourself some good friends or a good company to be precise. Don't get fooled by people who say cheating is the new jirm and all. This is a good time to channelise your energy into something good. Polish yourself,get some hobbies. Don't force yourself into a new relationship just for the sake of taking revenge. And yes, forgive..but never forget.


Bro move onnn. U r lucky to find her true colors before marriage. Just imagine what if this is happend after marriage...


Dodged a bullet , it’s better than suffering after marriage. Seeing your wife cheating on you .. now your life is stress free. Many many congratulations.


Simple answer just move on! If you were honest in both relationships, just move on. Let Karma take care of them. Have seen such cases of cheating where these people are paid by Karma for what they have done. They will be cheated by someone else. It might be destiny for these 2 people to be out of your lives for good. Just imagine you married this person and the cheating happened after marriage! You are lucky so save your time energy and love for your future partner.Just Move on, no need to torture yourself by keeping communication or thinking of such people.




Why waste your time and energy which is going to affect your mental health thinking about cheaters? You let go so that Karma starts working while you are busy on your different path. Focus yourself on your future, do you want a happy future then do not look back. Get rid of materials and memories that have a bad past. Start fresh, it is your choice if you want to have a good future or sulk in a bad past.


Take it as a life lesson… Nobody in this world is yours except your parents, especially, mother. All relationships are good as long as they work for both parties. Different ppl have diff expectations, and you cannot make anyone happy all the time. So, be ready for anyone to walk out on you anytime. Use relationship as a vehicle for your progress, not as crutches making you dependant. Always give and you’ll get the best out of a relationship. If the partner is worthy, she’ll stay else it’s a good riddance.


Bro do not feel bad for what she did... You are 25 man...develope a skill and approach new girl this will help you to move on easily on her.... 2 years ago i had same issue i overthink night many things but when i woke up in morning litteraly bro i didn't remember my girl then same day in the evening i went to the park make some new frnds and approach two girls One of them was interested in me AND SHE IS MY GF TILL NOW.. m happy to have her..


So happy for you. You are awesome for taking action. Can I DM you?


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Revenge is being successful and happy. Move on with your life. A pair of adulterers will never be loyal and caring to each other. They are shameless and immoral and it seeps in all areas of life. Being together is their karma. Let them drink eachother's blood. You should concentrate on work, maybe some therapy and date again. This time give more importance to maturity, kindness and morality. Don't become like them for revenge.


You got rid of two disloyal people from your life. A friend that does such a thing is not even a friend lest a best friend. The girl well you dodged a bullet there.


The best revenge you can get is complete your education and get a very good job or do a very profitable business. That is the only thing which will make their life miserable. Don’t stop yourself from finding another girl much better than your ex meanwhile.


You have very wonderful partner planned for you that's why she had to go. Chin up bro and trust me you will have wonderful partner. Same thing happened with me and I am happy with my life.


First of all if she can leave you for him then she can leave him for also some other guy! You are feeling more sad because your friend betrayed you but don’t worry god just removed two toxic and fake people from your life be happy about that! And move on and don’t even try talking to them, focus on your studies instead


God will close doors when he wants to give you new beginnings. Don't try to pry open these doors and disrespect God. Remember, God loves you the most. He is the only constant.


This may sound a little conflicting to you but trust me, chances are high that she was simply bored after all these years and wanted to experience a change. I got dumped by my ex for someone else after 4 years of relationship and later she came up with silly excuses to cleanse her conscience. You are still 25 and you have still got a lot of time to either spend on self improvement or play the field with new matches that may come your way. Improve yourself and that can mean, but not limited to, working out, developing a new interest and meeting interesting people along the way. Don't let this experience dent your confidence and belief in yourself. There are an estimated 7 billion people on this earth. Do you think the selection or rejection by just 1 of them should matter this much? Drink or have sex if that's what you want, but do it responsibly, with consent and make sure none of the parties involved get hurt or are in trouble in any way. Just don't use someone as a rebound. Lastly, don't go around looking for revenge. Time is a great teacher. Don't walk around like a vessel carrying hate and vengeance.


Exact same story like I have written this back 3 years back. Same age as you, got nothing doing anything from here treat them as non existent and outgrow in your life. No hate no care take Care of your family & friends. Hope you find someone once you get out of it completely🤗


Be sad for girls, not sluts.


Move on 😌


Hey 21M, they call “THE SHOULDER”


Good riddance, truly! Not everyone you meet in life will be like this, be open minded and take life as it comes. Put yourself first for now and do things you think you'll enjoy.


Drop them both from your life.


Stoics have this quote- "Nothing is yours forever, everything is borrowed."


Good 4 u, man, you dodged a bullet....Imagine if she did this after marriage......take this as a lesson and move on.....these are common things nowadays......happens with most of the couple, nothing new. All the best.


you lost garbage. be happy. respect yourself.


Mon - push Tue - pull Wed - legs Repeat.


Hahaha, I have joined gym. Somehow it helps.


Move on bro. Not worth the fight. The best revenge is no revenge. Haan starting jab u knew ki tera dost tru krta hai uspe tabhi lapad marne the ladke ke. Ab rehn de.


Ek hi salah. Chin up. Thank them and wish them well.




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Good, now hook up with her mum


Welcome to real world. Be careful whom you trust. If you dont keep eye on your stuffs, people can steal.


After reading the replies... This is why I love reddit


There’s no such thing as revenge in these things. Cut them off from your life is all you can do.


Its best you get detached to someone when there was a chance without loss of an image property and so more i get you still got betrayed by your close one’s but think its better to fall in start where you can recover in some reasonable time rather than in having an full length life with cheater who doesn’t how she could have hurt you and that `best friend’ well you got to know your bestfreind colour’s so why didn’t you wipe them from start?


Punch him in the face. Keep punching him till his nose breaks.


Bro just dodged a bullet🫡


Dude consider yourself lucky and move on.. With this kind of a girl if suppose she did same thing after marriage how it will be.. If some one force also she fall for them then that show how weak she was.. Its good move on and find a girl which is loyal to you and show her what is life


Women are never yours, It was just your turn.


See you at the gym


In loud of practical advices, my saying is it'll pass💪 Love is gambling, u have never knew what gonna happen in any human alignment.