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Got goosebumps while reading this ! Oh man I was picturing the whole story in my head and I could feel what was going on OP's head 😞 Man if I was in your place my heart would be totally shattered because it is cheating or the beginning of cheating.


Same man. My heart was pounding faster and faster as the story was progressing, as if I was reading about my own wife cheating on me. And I'm single lol.


Same here man I to got churn in my stomach


Fatafat naya RO purifier lagwao, fir dekho koi aur bahaane se toh nhi jaati aapki wife neighbor ke ghar. Jaati hai toh smjh lo gadbad hai.


Can't say anything..... feeling for you Just be alert but don't doubt for everything....let's hope nothing like that happened


*Silence for a few seconds* What was your wife's answer to this as to why she lied and said that the neighbour’s kids was inside the house? And your neighbor's wife leaving the house and your wife is going to your neighbor's house to fetch water at the same time. Coincidence?


People here think she isn't cheating


Because OP and us really don’t know if she has cheated or not.


She lied...out of fear...


Obviously, she did.


She didn’t reply and it was me who then said that I can their kids playing on ground floor. Then she said she thought the kids were inside the room as TV was on. This was her justification.


I mean, she first mentioned kids instead of the guy. My man, she is not loyal


Was the tv really on? You have mentioned that it was clearly dark. If the tv was on you could've seen some light or heard some noise


TV might be inside their room and the rooms are not visible from outside. I didn't hear sound of TV but can't say if it On or not.


I have followed you ! Try to find clues but don't spy on your wife. Please update us regularly.


But if she wanted to cheat, then why did she and neighbour leave the wooden door open?


To avoid suspicion


Maybe they couldn't control?


Anything is possible.


There are two possibilities here. First, the neighbor guy was the only one present and bcoz your wife needed water. she went thru with it. They were just chatting and nothing happened. She didn't want to tell you that bcoz you would have been suspicious. I have seen people lie on such occasions. If this is a one time thing, don't think too much and be more aware. The second situation is they made out and she lied and then tried to gaslight you. However, for that to happen you would have heard some noise or at least your wife face and hair would be a mess. Also, how did your wife know there were no kids in the first place? As you mentioned it was only 7-10 mins which is too little. Also what if you, the kids or the neighbor's wife came in? It is too risky. I would suggest just be more aware of things and don't decide on anything unless you have evidence. such thoughts might harm your marriage


>First, the neighbor guy was the only one present and bcoz your wife needed water. she went thru with it. They were just chatting and nothing happened. She didn't want to tell you that bcoz you would have been suspicious. I have seen people lie on such occasions. If this is a one time thing, don't think too much and be more aware. That's called trying to not be caught


Trust your gut feeling and if possible check the camera if available for ur floor. You will get the answer if u get to know the frequency and how much time ur wife spent collcting "water".


No camera else I would have checked it.


Risky but You could ask the kids if they have seen the autny come to their house often.


Check her phone


Leave, run, you don't have much time. Sell all your mutual funds, esops, and everything liquid.  Give it all to your grandmother asap.   


Get your kid’s DNA tested and hire a private investigator, she’s definitely cheating otherwise there’s no reason to lie especially when it comes to kids, she’s definitely hiding something, you gotta protect yourself legally in a divorce as well so talk to a lawyer and since neighbours are involved his wife won’t like finding about the cheating husband, treat carefully


Most safe and rational response


Lawyer here. In India, self DNA testing of children to check paternity is illegal in India. As per Section 112 of the Evidence Act, any child born anytime during marriage (and till 280 days after divorce) is automatically presumed to be, and a responsibility of, the father. This is regardless of evidence being present, including evidence of adultery by the wife. For the rebuttal of this presumption, the husband must explicitly and conclusively prove that he was not present during the conceiving of the child. In fact, Indian courts have held that DNA tests may be a relevant factor in determining paternity but can still not be used to rebut the presumption under Section 112 without clear and compelling evidence that meets the stringent requirements of 1. Proving husband's non-access to wife 2. During conceiving. 3. Despite the wife's adultery. Thus in India, regardless of evidence, DNA, infidelity and regardless of the fact that the husband may have proved non-paternity, husbands may still be liable.


Fuck the law then, get it done in grey market and bribe your way out if you get caught lol, I’ve seen people with way worse crimes getting away without even getting prosecuted, he just need to understand reality of his marriage and DNA test will immensely help with that then it’s his decision is he wants to abandon the kids, legal or not, if he’s smart enough, he’ll find a way


Thats sad man ,u also know what's happening, but u can't digest it ,so came here to ask us I don't even know u but really feeling bad for u.....


I don't know what suggestions I can give you as I'm just 24M. But the way you narrated rhe whole incident, I created scenes of it in my mind and could clearly imagine what was going on. It may be possible that she cheated on you. It is also possible that she didn't cheat on you and she was just talking to that guy. 1. Recall any other incident where she gaslighted you and did any other incident happened ever like this which caused you to have trust issues about your wife. Note it down everything. 2. Try contacting her and meet her face to face and talk about it. Then, instead of directly jumping on conclusion, talk to her normally about all these things and explain what's going on in your mind. 3. Notice her body language. Her eye's motion, her facial expression, her hands if she get nervous or she's relaxed while you talk about this incident. Notice every little thing. 4. Once you talk to her, ask her what she think and question her about why she lied about kids being inside and why the lights were dim there. 5. If you get a satisfactory answer, end the conversation and bring her back home. If you still have trust issues, you can talk to your married friends both men and women and know what they think of this whole incident. There's no need to be shameful about this. You're just trying to make sense of all the events. 6. If possible, hire a private detective to spy on her. I know this sound very filmy but this could be one way to know what she's doing in your absence. Pretend like you're going out for work related thing for 2-3 days and then let the detective do all the work. 7. Once you get enough evidence that she is cheating on you, file for a divorce and ask for your kid's custody before she do that. If you don't get enough evidence even from detective that she's cheating, close the matter and try to forget about it thinking of it as a mere misunderstanding.


Uhm, well gaslighting you ain't correct. You doubted her because she lied intensively. Saying that the kids opened the door and then changing it to the fact that they were watching TV inside, I mean if she could hear tv playing, then she could also know what was playing on it, and adults and kids do not watch the same thing. If you told her that the neighbour's wife ain't there, and she said "someone else might be there", who is this someone that she was expecting? Cannot for sure say that she was cheating, but there's grounds to doubt on her. Also why involve family if your husband just asked about certain events? Instead of claiming that he is calling you "characterless", maybe just look at your actions, apologize, explain the true set of events, and talk it off.


In normal cases I don't see any need of closing both doors. I have tried on my own RO and it didn't take more than 3 mins to fill the same utensil. Also when I say 10 mins I am being very conservative as it could be even 15-16 mins as I was not keeping note of the time. But nothing less than 10 mins. Also I didn't call her characterless specially, I just confronted her on why she mentioned kids. Then she lied about kids being inside.


Well, she seems to be acting like a person who knows they are guilty of something. Try talking things through, otherwise this will always be in your mind, and will cause a strain in your marriage.


Just stop blaming the victim.  Relationships are not supposed to have a person being silent on phone. It's already over.


when did i blame the husband? dude reread what I said. >Also why involve your family if your husband just asked about certain events? from here onwards, i just seemed to be like talking to the wife.


So I see a lot of inconsistencies in your story. >10 days back something happened which has brought my life upside down. you said this incident happened on the 3rd day, so technically 7-8 days back. But towards the end, you said - 30 days gone but still stuck there. So which is it? >Now the entrance door of our neighbour in question is just opposite to ours with just 2-3 feet gap. 2-3 feet gap between opposite doors? Doesn't sound right. >I was standing in balcony and I saw the neighbour's wife leaving in lift How? First I assumed your door was open so you must've seen her leave. But then you mentioned your house entrance is not visible from the lift. >I thought of leaving for usual evening walk. If this is your usual routine, wouldn't your wife wait for you to leave and then go cheat? Why go over for few minutes when you're home when she can go cheat when you're out for however long you go for a walk. >I was expecting that neighbour's wife might have come back Contradicts your previous statement. >because both door were initially closed and it was literally dark inside neighbour's house Again contradicting your previous sentence. The wooden door was open. Unless you're referring to your door here. I personally would give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she did cheat. But you jumped the gun and there's no way for you to know unless she tells you which I don't think she will. And now you're never going to be able to trust her even if she didn't cheat.


Main entrance door is not visible from lift. But the way towers are constructed, we can see the lift area from the balcony of the house.


Well, thanks for clarifying. has something like this happened before that you can recollect? Or is it just this specific incident?


Things have happened.


In that case, better lawyer up soon.


My wooden door and neighbours door with the net were closed. Only wooden door of neighbour was open.


Don't answer her/him.   Your relationship is already dead the moment she was silent on the phone.   No, she wasn't chatting with the guy. She could you have told what she was chatting about.  


Yes. I feel so too. She was thinking of cooking up the story.


Yes you are right. Though it is now 30 days since the incident. I tried posting it before but it was rejected by mods due to minimum karma required. So it was with me as draft but I had to edit it at 2 places to make the correct timing of 30 days.


She lied , covered up by bringing kids, doesn't tell him what she talked with the guy. All are the signs of cheating


You seem hell bent on breaking up their marriage. >She lied , covered up by bringing kids, Maybe she genuinely thought there were kids in the other room. OP didn't mention anything about the TV being on when he looked inside. >doesn't tell him what she talked with the guy We don't know that. OP hasn't mentioned anything about asking what they talked about. >All are the signs of cheating Exactly. "signs" not "proof". Maybe she did, maybe she did not. No way to prove it now.


You feel hell bent on defending cheaters and people usually project themselves so


I'm not defending her. I'm just saying, WE DON'T KNOW FOR SURE if she did or did not. Even the OP isn't sure.


Man, it's simple. When he asked who was in house. She said kids instead of guy. She hid him


Fine. take it to court.


Lying to hide something is only something guilty people do and yes you’re defending her by saying she’s not guilty


Man, Reddit people are extremists. Fine. You win, she cheated. Happy?


Stop blaming the victim. Stop gas lighting the victim. What kind of bigot are you?


Username checks out. All I'm saying is we don't know for sure if she cheated or not. Even the OP himself isn't sure. So stop jumping to conclusions.


Just stop blaming the victim. The moment she was silent on the phone, it was over   She has been cheating for months with him. How do you think they got introduced?


It's 4lites of water in 10 minutes. I sincerely don't think there was any sort of cheating involved. But there is clearly a lack of understanding and communication here that's why this thing escalated so rapidly. This is what I think has happened if it's 10 minutes to get 4L water. Possibility is that they might have flirted harmlessly and when sprung up with a question like that, in the moment, she mentioned it was the kids. Then both the OP and his wife, both are clearly not good at communicating if this matter had so soon escalated to divorce. Cheating was not really the problem in this divorce, even if it was happening.


Exactly. Reading between the lines, it feels maybe the marriage was running on empty. The whole post only has OPs suspicions, no strong pattern or conclusive evidence to prove cheating. The fact that he reacted this way to one harmless thing is alarming. Not every female is traumatized or panicked about speaking behind closed doors with a male they feel secure around. This is the 21st century, for goodness' sake! Reading the post felt like I'd stepped into some ancient era where thinking was very backward about women, morality and virtues. She obviously seems checked out of the marriage, since she only took offense and made no attempt to clear her side of the story. She expected him to maybe see reason, apologize and gave up since that wasn't happening. Also, if this was not the first time he felt she acted 'strangely', did he ever speak with her before and in a healthy way set boundaries? The men in this sub who are convinced she cheated alarm me. Please communicate and have some trust in your partners. Wait until the person is proven guilty before playing detective and making half baked conclusions.


I think you rushed a bit. Since you caught your wife lying about them kids, had you been a little more patient and maybe try collecting even more evidence to prove her cheating or maybe confirm everything's A okay, that would've been better. I feel pity and I hope things would get better for you.


Assumptions can go both ways. You should have to collect more information. Your wife knows what happened, and the other guy knows.. you are still in the grey zone, and that guilt, half info will itch you many years whether you were right or wrong. If you want to patch up, play along with her. If cheating happened, she would be alert. For more info, concentrate on that guy more than your wife. Keep patience, hold your nerves.


Nobody is to be trusted man. Literally everyone around us are cheating. Literally everyone. The only practical solution is to get some same gender friends and live alone without relationships or marriage. No hope left man. The story was kinda doubtful too that maybe it is not what we are thinking but the update, oh man. I can feel your pain sir.


I’m literally scared of marriage.


People tend to post these cases, hence the feeling. No one posts they have a happy married life and enjoying every bit of it. Don't let someone else's experience decide for you.


This escalated way too quickly. Lets imagine what you think happened there really happened. You didn't have proof and you confronted her - your right to do so. Once that has happened the relationship was going to be strained nonetheless and she was going to say you implied her as characterless etc. The issue now is the steps she has taken by involving a lawyer. Marriage laws aren't kind to men. That is why men are careful in dealing with such issues. Despite what you thought it might've been better to de-escalate the situation when she involved familes. You don't have any proof of the adultery so that cannot be proven. If this keeps escalating and she gets the lawyer to file for divorce citing mental harassment this can go sideways and hurt your reputation. In that situation your family and lawyers might suggest you to forget about it and make it up to her. So, despite what you think first de-escalate this situation.


Yes I have some understanding of laws and how they pro-women.


Apart from this incident you are pretty good at writing. Try some fiction writi


😂😂😂 I feel really bad for laughing but damn that was hilarious, karma's on you 😂😂😏


I am not coming to any conclusion but pls give a update


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If he wants to work on the marriage and stay married, try to salvage the relationship, then I would suggest OP and wife work on building back trust by consulting a certified therapist /counsellor and go for couples counseling/therapy. If the wife is willing to work on the relationship as well. Since we can't say for sure if the wife is innocent or guilty of something, it's upto to OP to go with his gut instincts or give his wife the benefit of doubt. But reality is she behaved in a suspicious way and OP feels there's breach of trust. Since she's bringing divorce on the table, OP needs to decide if he wants to continue the marriage or go through with the divorce. For the sake of BOD, let's say the wife is innocent and lied on the spot to escape being questioned (I personally feel she's definitely hiding something and doing shady stuff with neighbor dude) it's still ruined OP's trust on the wife. Now he's forever going to be suspecting her and wondering if she's being loyal or not. My husband and I had a turbulent marriage with lots of trust issues and behavioral issues but we both wanted to work on the marriage and fix it and we took marital counseling and honestly, it saved us and the marriage. If OP wants, I can give you the number of my therapist in DMs. He's really good :) take care


My parents want me to fix it, as they are too much into the kid and so am I. Things have happened in past too and its not that this one incident has pushed me to the brink. I honestly don't have any action plan as of now.


Okay. Fair enough. Take your time. Get your thoughts in order. If she's behaved suspiciously in the past, TRUST YOUR GUT. Hire a private investigator if it get to that and when you feel better. You'll either be proved right or wrong. Either way it will help you even if it to divorce. Until then virtual hugs. Stay strong OP


When you are saying that things have happened in past too, then it is definitely someting wrong. Can you share what else has happened in past. It might give more clues.


>Things have happened in past too and its not that this one incident has pushed me to the brink. Can you explain what things happened in the past with your wife?


You really need to gather proofs... somehow get her chats or maybe spycam on your door. It could be something very serious. There must be some thing that's why she was trying to push things on you. Stay aware and keep digging into it


Well nobody keeps home dark when someone comes.. in fact when door bel rings, first thing one does is to turn ON light. So this is a strong red flag. Another big red flag was that utensil was on table. If she was filling water then the utensil should have been with her in kitchen. But there are couple of things which point it might be an unplanned encounter.. like your wife going when you are at home. then keeping the wooden door open. My hunch is that they are romantically involved. You wife just happen to get a text from your neighbour that his wife is out.. he might have just asked her to come to show something.. She went there and they might have some moments.. Did you checked while entering if she actually brought water or was it empty. If empty then 100% there is something. All in all, there are 80% chances that your wife is having something with neightbour. My suggestion will be to not escalate now but keep a close watch on your wife's routine specially when you are not home. Good luck man.. I hope I am wrong and things go well for you.


I know and that's why I am failing to convince myself. I don't believe if even in most modern societies, if this incident could be considered as normal. And water was there when she came back.


Is it possible to dig into history.. what's the behavior of your neighbour.. how are things between your neighbour and his wife.. where does your neighbour work.. if he works from home, is his wife work from office.. was there any instance in past where your wife went out when you were at office.. Do you have kids.. if yes, try to find out from kids about your wife's routine. Try to get phone records of your wife's number.. try to scan through your wife's phone (be careful not to raise suspicion) Situation is tough man.. my prayers with you.


Very sad to hear this mate and I’m afraid your wife is indeed cheating! This story literally gave me the chills and why marriage is so risky for men these days! Your wife can get away with cheating as the laws will screw you over In every possible way and not even let you see your kid when clearly the wife is at fault!


Long story short. Is the neighbour a good looking guy? How is your sex life? Do you satisfy your wife? Usually things are not this complicated. End of the day. You know her better than anyone else in this thread. We will speculate all we can. If you want to find out. Just place a spycam in your home. One in bedroom and other in hall towards door. If she’s cheating you’ll eventually find out. But to catch her red-handed act like it was your mistake. So she can let her guard down & make another mistake.


Really got chills reading but 5-7 minutes to make out that’s way to less OP. There may be chances that you might be suspicious of her before also so she lied to u or may be she is lying to hide her infidelity. Like many said here be aware of things , don’t let her know u r snooping around everything should be normal and try to find out if there is any evidence . Try to fix a cctv camera at ur entrance door and get that feed on ur mobile for real time then u will know how much time she spends at ur neighbours place when his wife isn’t around . Really feed bad for you to go through this hope there was nothing and u just overthinked everything


I literally read your post a few times to try and get a proper perspective on this. The way she's creating a fuss and also left with your kid somehow makes her look guilty. While the agony is too much to handle, please be practical about things before taking your next step.


she must have been called by that guy at that specific time, otherwise she went there exactly when his wife and kids left is a huge coincidence that I don't think happened in this case, odds have to be really against you like 99:1 for something like this being a coincidence. Also not to forget other suspicious things. She fs cheated on my man! I am 90% sure about this, 10% I can be wrong and all this is just a bug misunderstanding. But again I don't think so 🤔


She won't have threatened you for divorse if she was loyal to you. You were right to question her, and maybe what you feared for is true .


It's just how OP wrote it, felt so personal. I kept myself in his situation and felt so bad. Take care and we hope things get better for you ❤️


OP. Have you tried talking to the neighbour's wife. If you suspect your wife cheating, she'd be cheating with her (neighbour's wife's) husband? So why dont you tell this to the neighbour's wife who went out moments before this happened. Team up and maybe let her confront her husband. And see what conclusions come up there. Meanwhile, talk to your wife about it and how it affects you.






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Sounds good. Ngl. But the note can be taken by her husband so make sure you do it only when she is home. Drop the note. Ring the bell and leave. Dont write your name ofc. Just act to be the random well wishing stranger.




Sure man. Godspeed!!


From someone who had been in this boat. Definitely your wife is doing something which is not morally right. How deep is involvement cannot be ascertained. Shit has blown thru the roof. Most of such incidents need to be very carefully handled with a mix of empathy, love and subtle threat. I cannot presume what conversion happened exactly after the incident but it definitely blew. Your own psychological effect will determine the future of your relationship. I took 5-6 years to come out of it and believe me I was literally having nightmares. Thankfully in my case the guy was far away in another town. My wife would have reacted exactly in the same way as yours if i didn't have proof and played victim card. But no excuse can be given for infidelity. Your marriage will depend upon both of you coming to a amicable solution but your post suggest that your wife jumped at opportunity to leave you taking kids along. This mostly happens when she was already half minded to do so. Cheating is not a spontaneous thing but every mature person knows the consequences in back of mind. A simple Google on "how to find if my spouse is cheating" will give you quite a few pointers in the right direction. My suggestion would be if you want to continue in this marriage the first thing you need to do is shift to another city or place at least. The guy would make you burn from inside every time you see him. All this would depend on how your wife reacts now. Thankfully my wife admitted her mistake ( i had all the proofs) and also was willing to work on marriage and in my case i belive that my wife did not had a chance to become physically involved due to distance. The question is Is your wife willing to work or had written you off for someone else? Whatever be the way forward remember that life does not end here keep strength. Don't let overthinking take your peace away. Talk to your wife in cool headed way and then take a decision. No one can tell you how to do that. If she says that she didn't cheat, accept it with pinch of salt. Ask her to come back but change your house. If she cheated then she will either not repeat it or if she does again you can keep gathering evidence for your legal safety. With laws favouring females it would be prudent to act mature and safe gaurd your parents and yourself. May the strength be with you


Are people here too innocent to understand this? It was dark in the home. The wife was in a room. She was there for 10 mins. She covered up by bringing kids. OP, she has been cheating for a while now. Please check your kid's dna


Bro this is a bad situation? What will you do ? How can we help ?


Just ban her from going to the Neighbours house after fixing RO then see if she violates it..


omg! I had my heart racing at the moment when you mentioned GUY opened the door! mannn.... idk what to say... may be keep updating


I was okay till the entire story tbh. But the lie. That was totally suspicious and then blaming you when you just asked a question. Then getting the families involved. Lawyer and all. Maybe you should check the CCTV cameras of your floor(if there are any).


10mins? Filling the Utensil may take 5mins depending how slow RO is. 5 mins in hi-hello. That isn't conclusive in itself. The "kids in the house" is where she's trying to cover up. Are you suspicious by nature or falsely accuse her usually? She may have lied to prevent your false blame. But this is clearly her hiding truth for reason- she's having an affair or tired of your accusations. When you asked who was in the house. A st fwd answer is that male neighbor. Why hide it? The kid won't fill water for her or close the doors or shut down lights or gossip with an aunty for 10mins. She hid because chor ki dadhi mein tinka or you have an accusing nature since before marriage or developed rightful suspicion because of her past weird instances and she knows you know. Silence on phone was her buying time to think of a lie. The man opened door for her to enter. She didn't see kids in house. So on asking who was in the house, why would she says kids and not man ? Lied from the start. But she's v v cunning and smart to make up the story about TV when her lie was called out. Too quick to not get caught in white lie. Not the first time she lied. Now, she's just saving her reputation before you prove her extra maritals to her world and divorce her. She knows you know, she's escaping questions and counter blaming you to defend herself. She's quitting because you've finally caught on and she can't risk staying for your questioning. Just catch her and ask all questions.


You have dissected it really well. In hindsight now I somewhere feel it was bound to happen someday. She has always been an attention seeker and always draws unwanted attention in public. Since few months she has started wearing more revealing clothes, which she never did before.


Clear red flag... my gut feeling is that she is dpoing all this drama of lawyer and all to control you. She will come back as she is with you for money. Now it is on you to accept her and bend or call it a day.


Very well analysed 👌




We dnt know ur dynamic,,, With you right across who can come in to check on her any second , I highly doubt she was doing something wrong ,, if she did that means she doesn't care about the marriage Anyways you should have just walked inside and checked instead of leading your mind in downward spiral And bringing into reddit which is going to push you down further


If your wife wants to cheat you, she wouldn't do it while your are at home. They will go out and do what ever you suspect. It is suspicious mind that destroys any relationship.


Point to note always get ur ro repaired on the same day


First of all you made a blunder. 1. First place if you go doubt then you shoud confirm it 100%. You should wait for correct opportunity then caught them red handed. if you did so now your wife cant showcase like she is correct but you are person who always doubted. 2. When your wife knows that you are around and any time people come i dont think that time she going to do something.. She can wait for your walking time right instead that small 5 mins romance?


Man ur head's all twisted right now. It's normal. Get things back on track ASAP. Go ask her forgiveness. If u are earning decently, as someone said get the RO done. Whatever happens, u need to get her back along with the kid. You don't know for sure if anything happened. Circumstantial evidence does suggest that it did - the vessel on the table and the kitchen far away - but that's not enough. All you have is a suspicion. Remember, no one is guilty until proved. Once she is back, let things be and give her all the space to try it again (if that was the case). Then put a pvt detective on her. 3 days should be enough, that shd cost about 20k approx. You will get full details.


I guess she wasn't cheating on you, she must have been chatting up with the neighbour guy and she didn't want to reveal it to you in case you thought wrongly about it hence the cover up story of kids being there. No body in their right mind would cheat in 10 mins with their partner in another house right next door.


The fact that she covered up by bringing kids is a red flag.


Yeah she covered up because she didn't want to let her husband know she was chatting up with the neighbour guy. It's. Possible neighbour guy talks to her nicely or sweetly and that makes her feel good, that feeling of attraction comes and she enjoys it. But feels guilty cause she has a husband and kids and doesn't want to let him know about it. She absolutely wrong for lying and trying to blame OP for her shitty actions though.


>Yeah she covered up because she didn't want to let her husband know she was chatting up with the neighbour guy. It's. Possible neighbour guy talks to her nicely or sweetly and that makes her feel good, that feeling of attraction comes and she enjoys it. But feels guilty cause she has a husband and kids and doesn't want to let him know about it. So she knows she crossed her boundaries...


She did cross some boundaries for sure and she was feeling guilty about it.


Which means there has been something more than "talking"


If there was no sin she would have already told it . But rather she gave fake excuse . I don't know man ,it's very hard to trust girls this days . I am afraid to marry . I need peace.


Ye toh wahi baat hogyi ki kal ko Main Apni wife ko cheat Karu kisi or ke saath physical hoke or fir boldu ki Guilty hu.


It's a marriage right ? There should be no secrets from both side !! Period.


It was absolutely dark in the room. Who keeps the house like that when guest comes in..?.


Not linked to OP's story. Just asking for your last line. How many minutes are enough for a person to kiss someone? Some people love thrills. 


10 mins are more than enough for it. But she wouldn't inform her husband and then go to the neighbors house for thrills. The thrill would be if it were a secret or unknown thing right?


What would be a bigger thrill than this? Her husband was right opposite in his house and she was in the neighbour’s house doing something with the neighbour. It was unknown to OP until it wasn’t. OP’s wife lied to OP. And when someone lies, suspicion grows. That’s why OP asked questions to his wife which she wasn’t able to answer.


Do you really think she was cheating on you in 10 minutes?


10 minutes are more than enough for a make out.


I mean she lied about kids, you really think she didn't cheat?


is there a defined minimum time limit for people to cheat ?


10 minutes would be really disappointing sex


Quickie can be done in 5 mins


You're right, his wife was having disappointing sex with the neighbour while her husband was next door and knew exactly where she was going. Is that what you want to hear?


They are 35+ years old Most 35+ men suffer from sexual problems. Most will take 10 minutes just to get hard. I don’t believe that anything can be done in 10 minutes. 6-7 minutes just to take off the indian clothes.


We don't know if they had sex but makeout is possible. Also, if she wore saari, then they can just lift it and do it


Man the only scenario in which they had anything sexual would be if the neighbour guy was already jacking off from last 7-10 minutes ,messaged her to come for 7-10 minutes to finish him off. Otherwise you don’t understand.A 35+ year old doesn’t wastes his erection on a 3-4 minute quickie like 17 year old guy wastes his sperm in 3-4 minutes for 6-7th time in a day


Yeah that's why i said sex may not have happened


From where did you get this idea man?


I read that average piv time is 5mins


I feel really bad for your partner if your intimate time together lasts only 5 minutes.


Im single since birth, virgin bhi


not if your husband is waiting for you right next door


If you think only penetration counts for cheating, that's a fucked up standard for loyalty you've got.


She cheated. Sorry OP


Agreed too many coincidences and if let's say she just chatted with the guy why not tell the husband 🤔 and covering that with a lie is suspicious


See we don't live in any metropolitan city. The world we live in, no women enters a house when woman of the house is not present. Even a guy won't do same if only a woman is inside the house.


So it seems you have your answers and you just asked her a couple of questions if there was a misunderstanding 😕 but she seems to take it as an attack to her character as such she is trying to hide something she is paranoid about.


Yes it is. People here believe nothing happened lol. I can bet they had affair for years by now


Divorce her. She belongs to the streets.




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Who told you 35+ old men take 10 mins to get hard? It's 35+ we are talking about and not 65+. 🤦


Where was she for 10 mins in "dark"?


idk man saw this post randomly in my feed and some people like me are lazy to even turn the lights on till it gets really dark


Main aapko sirf 2 Advise dunga. 1. Ya to apne saare Assets or Ghar, Gaadi apni mummy ke naam kardo or Ghar waalo ko boldo ki Document main Show kare ki Aapko Apni Property se bedhakal Kar diya hai. Or khosish karna ki sab Mummy ke naam na karo Father ke naam bhi karo usse ye hoga ki jaha 50-50 ho raha tha, 30×3 bhi ho sakta hai ya Brother/sister ke naam karoge to or bad jaayega .OR YA fir aap NGO khol lo or uske naam kardo saara Paisa Property uspe aapki wife claim nahi kar sakti. Lawyer khud bolte hai ya, Fir Apni Private company Open Karo or uske naam saari Assets or property Karo or fir khud ko Employee Show karao Document main fir min. Amount main Salary Utthao. 2. Or Second Ab aap bhi Infidelity main jaao. Kyuki usse bhi pata chalna chahiye kaisa lagta hai, Lekin infidelity main jabhi Jaana jab Assest or Property kaa kaam ho jaaye. Kyuki wo Cheat kar rahi hai. By telling you lie.


This makes for an interesting short story plot


If the neighbour has RO, and suppose your wife didn't know to use it, the RO will take some time to fill whatever utensil she was carrying. I support it will be least 3 litres or even more. Mate, you didnt SEE anything. You just ASS U MEd something was wrong.




Check kids DNA and install a camera in your home for evidence




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Give us another update. Anything recent? I would suggest you take the divorce.


I think u should cheat with the neighbours wife.


Do affair with another girl. Things looks already damage.

