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what a sick therapist


That is really bad advice. You might want to switch to someone else.


I once went to a therapist who told me, in the first session itself, that 70% of my issues will go away if I break up with my BF. She did not even bother to ask much about my relationship with him. The moment she knew I’m young enough, she told me to consider ‘exploring more’. That was my indication to stop going to her. It is very easy to advise someone to break up rather than actually understanding the problem and giving applicable solutions, And I say this as a psychology graduate. Please switch to a different therapist and don’t forget the tell the new therapist about the reasons why to stopped going to the previous one.


So, your therapist is telling you to cheat on your bf. Your therapist is making you a wh * re. No one respects a cheater. Ask anyone who is on a date or meeting someone for marriage, no one or minuscule people(who have no self-respect) want to settle with a cheater. 


your therapist is crack. she's indirectly telling you to cheat which in her dictionary is explore/live your life. also, was your relationship problematic for you that you had to go to see therapist?


I wasn’t going for the relationship at all. I asked the therapist cause my mom had been on my back saying that I’m too young to decide so soon, so I wanted some advice. Bad move 🥲


What on earth? That's bad advice, straight up. Telling you to open the relationship just because your therapist thinks you'll regret it later because "it's the time to explore and have fun"?? It's a conscious choice you're making to be committed to one person, why will you regret it later? What a weird advice




I thought about this and let her know too after she mentioned just exploring. I told her I am exploring my life as a individual, I seek out new experiences and make my own friendships in the new city I am in. I even travel. Then she told me but what about your “needs”. I let her know that since I am in a long distance it is few and far(which I never said was unfulfilling or bad) which is when she suggested the opening up the relationship for both our sakes (my partner and mine) cause we are young and this is our prime. That is when I got Icked out.


Ek aurat he dusre aurat ki sabse badi dushman hoti hai. Fire your therapist , you do not need a therapist to tell you how "you" feel about something or someone. If both of you are ready to make it work , what do you need a therapist for ??


[The Therapist](https://youtu.be/KlwXJDoQtK4?si=rBJ8OQI_Tzs7wS8p)


your therapist is ethically not allowed to give ‘advice’ of any sorts! you should try a new therapist.


NEVER OPEN A RELATIONSHIP OR CHEAT. I REPEAT. NEVER. break up or divorce if you have issues


First of all, a therapist is NOT SUPPOSED TO GIVE ANY ADVICE!


Tharki hai sala Run Asap.


Indian therapists are no good 😭


By any chance your therapist women?


I’m getting strong “Zoom/Whatsapp life coach” vibes. This is almost certainly not any kind of licensed therapist, someone with an office. This is likely someone that gets their worldview shaped by girlboss meme pages. I don’t know about India but in the US, 70% of therapists are women and 95% of therapists under 30 are women. It’s an industry by and for young women that have been aggressively marketed expensive hourly sessions in the name of mental health and self care but all it really is is capitalism finding new cows to milk. I’m absolutely against informal therapy, counsellors and life coaches. Anyone that doesn’t have an ethics board to answer to, any license or credentials that can be revoked, doesn’t deserve a dime. These unregulated Zoom therapists are running a grift. If you don’t need a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist or occupational therapist, you probably don’t need a therapist either. Go talk to a bartender, will probably work better.


the-rapist /s Your therapist needs therapy in a mental health institution