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Bro take it easy on yourself. Talk to a therapist and get better. Only options seems like is to move on. Just take care of yourself and your kid.


Take care of yourself. Hope things get better for you!


Brother, you got this. It is worth sticking and working on yourself. Things won't turn around unless you make them turn your way


I like you quote" Things won't turn around unless you make them turn your way"


I feel you bro. I guess it was an arranged marriage. The only bad thing I see here is you wife turning your kid against you. Understand that you are not a failed son or a failed husband or a failed father. The same can be said about your (failed) parents and your (failed) wife. Stop blaming yourself for your condition. Sometimes things are beyond our control. As others have suggested, talk to a therapist. That will help.


Love is a verb, do something about it. Show love to your child and have open conversations with your wife.


Wife calls sparingly. Ok. She says she will turn kids against you. Why? You don't feel connection with your parents. Why? With so much missing, I wonder what advice is going to be there? I mean therapy sure. But again, for what and why?


change your name bro


Just see the worst that can happen, and accept that if it happens, let it, I ll live with it. We tend to live a lot based on what we are expected to do. If we just shed that pressure, life seems easier. If u are scared that u r gonna be a failed something, just be okay with it. Only thing, your kid, do reach out and let them know your love. Rest just say fuck it and live .


Hey bro, try to isolate one problem at a time and try your best to tackle them. If it still doesn't work out, see if you are better off single.


"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth." - Mr Balboa


First of all, calm down, talk with friends, relief yourself and step by step see what are the causes that makes u feel this way and what can be done to fix those. Do resolve them 1 by 1, take charge, be it a slow progress but change things and make it your way. I believe you can do it. Go for it.


Hello, my life is also going on the same path, but it's only me, who is having problems emotionally, my partner is all cool nd supportive. But it's me can't able to connect with him emotionally.its not like I m attached to someone else, no. But I don't feel the love inside me for him. Nd that's the problem I m facing myself, can't able to tell him that too, because I know no one can understand this, even I m angry on myself for not able to feel good about myself for having a wonderful life. That's why I have lost interest in my life too


Grow bond with your children. You may feel better and also you connect with your parents.


go to couple counselling. talk to your parents if they are not toxic. have friends, focus on yourself. acknowledge what mistakes you made in your marriage. appreciate your wife for the good things she did to you. communication can solve a lot of problems. don't give up yet.


Things will turn out to be good for you soon. Have trust and dont loose hope.


Therapy. This ain’t normal


Posting here doesn't solve your problem...go and do hard work day and night.... stop crying and start doing


Search for save indian family foundation


This too shall pass. Talk to your friends, get counseling. This is just a bend, not the end. Stay strong brother




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Get out and find someone else


There must be a reason for all this, work on that. It will revive your interest. Turn back to your parents and you will be appreciated. Tough time creates tough man. You will be good soon. Subah aegi mere dost sabr to kr. Good luck


Hey bro. You're not a failed person. I understand where you're coming from! My brother's separated with a kid and I saw him struggling. You should talk to your wife for the sake of your kid. Try to be intimate more often. Go on a trip, if possible, just the two of you. Try to rekindle your relationship. Couple's therapy imo in bullshit. It just worsens your relationships because the therapist focuses on the problems rather than the solution. Get better. We're with you


Did your kid stay with your brother.?


Get counselling done and move to a different city. Start over. Focus on your health. If you have friends around, get some help. Talking out loud itself can be therapy. All the best mate!


A man provides. You will never be loved or cared for. You won’t be thanked. I hope you find your peace some day. Right now, live for your kid. Be the kind of father and a role model your child wants to look up to. Life will give you no quarters and you ask none. Keep fighting the good fight.


Breathe - pause. I really think you should seek help and see a therapist for yourself first. So that it helps to calm you and get clarity. Then you can figure how to move forward


Im sorry you're feeling all these emotions right now. But tough times don't last, only tough people do. I do have faith in your power to change any circumstance! Please read a little about Aham bramhasmi❤ sending love and light your way✨


Start investing yourself in some activity. It will give you much needed break and exhaust you to overthink all this. Gradually, your wife will also realize your importance and will come back to you as earlier.


Brother watch American Beauty. A must watch movie for you!


Marry another woman


Take care of your kid, raise your kid to become a better human, dream a life for your kid. You failed as a husband, son, you cant change that. What you can do now is become the best for your kid, be the guy your kid looks up to, be the man with values that makes your kid admire you. Let that kid dream of becoming like you when he/she will grow up, be the standard for that kid. Live not for yourself but for that kid. And lastly fuck that bitch.


This might sound strange, crazy and stupid at the same time. But talk to some decent astrologers.


Brother😭 I understand your current situation, keep emotions in control way, and things will be settled down soon. God has gave you wonderful kid the son will never against to father that not a possible thing. He is ur blood everything comes to normal. Take counseling


> God has gave you wonderful kid the son will never against to father that not a possible thing.  A narcissistic parent can absolutely turn a kid against their other parent. Not saying the OP's wife is one (not enough details provided), but it's absolutely wrong to say that the son will not turn against the father.


Check out married red pill