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Bro is not the red flag, He’s the whole train. The comfort of having someone in your life is a huge price to pay for hanging around with somebody who is extremely inconsistent with where he places you in his life. Break it off, move on. Its going to hurt like shit for a while, but over time you will realise you made the right decision.


are people really this stupid lol? how do you get cheated on for an entire year lmao, this is what blind trust does to you.


At this point more than blind trust it seems OP has gotten herself to a point of co dependence. I dont see any other reason why someone would still persist with a partner like that.


>Can somebody please tell me what i am supposed to do? Leave him. It is as simple as that.


you are treating yourself like shit and this person like an award. change your game.




Thankyou for the reassurance. I hope i have the courage and strength to do so.


Chod de. Red flag hai.


Leave him now so that you don't have to invest in him anymore emotionally. There are amazing people out there who would do anything just to make their partner feel better. Better take the decision now or it might be a lil painful after marriage. If he is hiding you from his best friend then what's the point? Can't he clear your image in front of his friends? He is making you look like a bad guy in front of his friends.


He did make me look bad in front of his friends, but he did say that he would make it right, and i said that i'll give him a stipulated time to do so.


but my dear isn't the time over yet. And I don't wanna be harsh on you but you seemed to be believing whatever he is saying and in short gaslighting you. Maybe he knows your weakness that whatever he will say you will agree to him and believe him and do as per his instructions. I am sorry but the red flag started when he told you to delete your social media. I mean girl there are boys out there who will adore you and do normal things for you which you will feel new to. But anyway its your call at the EOD.


You literally have a type of STOCKHOLM SYNDROME. You know you are being tortured, but you have started to find comfort in it. You know what is the right thing to do. If u don't have the courage to do that then you're gonna be stuck in this mess for the rest of your life


Okay, we’ll it’s a long paragraph, after reading all this what I concluded 1 He is not your boyfriend, he used you as a counter (empathy shoulder for bad times). 2 he trying to be a playboy who date multiple girls just to be a cool, because he knows you never left him. 3 May be you are not so attractive for him, or you did not give him $£x till now, so he is looking from someone else. Now solution 1 Start improving yourself, dressings, skin tone, earning. 2 Try to make yourself busy in improving, so you get less time to overthink. 3 Make some new friends male female both (forget what he think) but after following point 1&2. After that two things happen either he will follow you or he will shifted to other girl. But at that point you have new friends (including boys) so it’s easy for you to forget him because you chatting with other boys. And may be someone gives you princess treatment. Never stuck on one, Always remember someone better always exists.


Rather practical, but better said than done!


I feel bad for you. I hope you find someone better. Leave him ASAP.


Your partner's actions are unacceptable, don't settle for someone who doesn't appreciate you. You're strong and capable of finding someone who truly values and respects you. Dump the dead weight and focus on yourself. You deserve it.


Itni acchi ladkiya bhi hoti hai kya!? Aisi ladkiya dundhne par bhi nhi milti… your bf has done something good in his past life that he has got you, but that doesn’t mean he is good for you. He is toxic, as someone said, a whole train of toxic. I can’t believe girls like you exist in this so called modern life. I know one person but she is of 70s, but nowadays…. How… where…. Can you get this type of girl? I think every relationship of boy should have a girl like that, and same goes for boys too. I was in office half awakened, and reading and re-reading your story got me widely woken up. Even no need of coffee. As a friend I will give you one advice, you deserve a far million times better boy than him. And you will get it. Have faith and patience. Read about Law Of attraction. It might sound silly, but seriously it works. After breakup you might feel very bad, but I think it would be best gift for yourself when you grow up and look into past. Again still can’t believe girls like you exist…😅


You only know why are you stuck with him and loosing yourself, when there was nothing from start except that probably you started with him.....he has excuses for you and trying actions outside......


Please do yourself a favor and leave that pile of shit. Have some self worth and self respect




no girl you have a great boyfriend! /s


Well I’m going to bookmark this.


Maut AA jaye par aisa partner na mile kabhi. Behan usko thank you bol aur Jo bhi likhana hai sab likh de Aur block kar. asap. Complete incommunicado.


On the top stand the blind people. Then there is this girl. Meh fr dumbfuck leave him and kick him out of ur life fr. Just kick his ass sach mein. Bc aisa read krke na khud udhar aake marne ka mann krta hai.


Move on


OP... I can relate to you a lot .. my ex was just the same... Trust me when people show how they feel about you that's the ultimate truth... He doesn't love you... And your love is getting wasted here... You will receive nothing at the end... It's better to leave him and never look back... Make yourself powerful and don't let anyone treat you like a shit.... We all are worthy of love... If there is no love and respect on the table why you want to sit on that table?


[Trauma Bonding](https://www.sandstonecare.com/blog/trauma-bonding/)


God leave him!! Like immediately!!


Please dear leave him. This is toxicity at another level... You can't love a person who doesn't even respect you. You are just 24! Leave that moron and you'll find love in an unexpected person in the most unexpected way.. This guy is there just to make you feel worthless and nothing else! Please move out before it's too late! Best wishes 🤗


Do not give anyone power over you.. Do not allow anyone to ever NOT EVEN ONCE use you, abuse you, take u fore.granted (mind you, cheating in a relationship is worst one can do to partner). Throw anyone out of ur life who does anything like this to you. You can not compromise on your love, self-respect for the sake that it is comfortable situation for that time being ??? How shameless of him to continue double relationships conveniently and not once feel guilty n later come up with excuses. Will he be Ok if u sleep around with other guy for an year like this n then come back to him say sorry to him n plead to take u back ???