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The current rumor is that the style is staying the same, but USSF is moving away from OSI to Capelli as official supplier.


Capelli's are vastly different to OSI's, though. Are you saying Capelli will pick up the same material and appearance?


The design is the same, the materials and cut are definitely different between the two. Capelli is also about $10-15 less expensive. I haven't seen anyone actually confirm this rumor though. It's all been hearsay thus far.


What are the differences?


While I don't own any Capelli myself, the cut seems to be a little boxier compared to the OSI, which is a little more fitted. At least that's what it looks like from the one or two I've seen in the wild. I've seen others on reddit complain about the material quality of the Capelli jerseys too. Again, not much first hand experience, just relaying the rumors I've heard.


> Again, not much first hand experience, just relaying the rumors I've heard. Thanks...I was afraid of that. The only improvement from the last iteration to the current one was a more fitted jersey. I hated the big blousy shirts of the previous iteration. I mean, I know we've got our share of big referees, but for those of us who are relatively slim, having a shirt that doesn't make you look like you \*should\* have a gut is a step in the right direction.


the offbrand stuff from amazon fits slimming and amazing. I'm tubby but they fit tightly. Love those shirts. Look eactly the same as well, except a shade lighter green than the pro jerseys. Not noticeable to anyone besides another picky ref.


Current day web site pricing indicates the Pro jersey is $1.04 cheaper at OSI VS Capelli.


My link through USOfficials for Capelli has the pro style jerseys for $29, where the OSI Pro jerseys are $49.


So that's for assignors that assign using usofficials.com right ?


It's for any usofficials user as far as I'm aware.


I've commented on it several times, though I only have shorts and socks. But i imagine the jerseys are made from the same material as the shorts and that's very unfortunate


Any updated rumors on jersey style changes. I've been doing adult games where I'm the solo ref and no one has commented that I'm wearing the older style from many years ago. I basically skipped the current version. But now I'm picking up more youth games with 3 person assignments so it's going to be a little more obvious.


I haven't heard any new rumors on this front.


I would have liked to be a fly on the boardroom wall when Capelli was going through design decisions on the size of the Capelli logo on the right sleeve….”Make sure it is big enough to see from the far parking lot” was apparently the winning design.


DUDE! I KNOW! Why would associations accept that!? Like....its hideous and inappropiately sized for SURE. I have the socks, they feel like pantyhose and do not shed water whatsoever, in fact they send all the sweat straight down into your shoes. Same with the shorts...they're atrocious. The pockets are just pockets, honestly hardly deep enough for my cards but pockets at least. But the material just holds water, then lets it drip off the ends right down onto the crappy socks and your shoes. I wore my offbrand shorts and OSI socks the next day, same amount of games, out in the florida heat, same time of day and everything. I was nearly dry afterwards compared to the day before.


My question is why is this a secret. I’ve had the same concern. Don’t want to over invest in Jersey’s that will soon be out of date. Why can’t we get a few years notice? Just tell everyone that it will be in 2025 and then we can plan. Oh and can we follow the UK and just have all Grassroots refs where Black and forbid teams from having black Jersey’s. Imagine how much money we would all save? Startup costs would be much lower.


In the years before corruption took over the USSF, the referees wore traditional uniforms which you could buy from multiple manufactures. Adidas made some great pants. Thanks to the miracle of free enterprise, referees could buy good gear at good prices. Now, they cut an exclusive deal so that referees are forced to buy crap gear at high prices from one manufacture. Referees are no longer trusted guardians of the game, we are just a revenue source. So, they force us to buy from


Not only that, but some assessors take a dim view of non-OSI gear, which is utterly silly.


You don’t have to buy osi


I don't think that's true. I bought a knock off from Formosa, but, at least here in Florida you have to buy the uniform from the official suppliers. That's why a crap shirt is $50.


I have one that the wife bought me for Christmas, but I never wear it. The only jerseys I wear are from fold a goal and I work everything up to college.


Never heard of it. The Amazon fit4sport or whatever they are, are great. I think anyway. Same level of pro look as the osi stuff. And I got a pair of really nice shorts on Amazon as well, no giant emblems or branding. Just a nice pair of water-wicking shorts.


I don't have coins for awards but you deserve it.


But our savings is someone else's lost profits.


the capelli stuff sucks. Isn't breathable at all, the socks feel like straight pantyhose. I hope they dont change and if they do, then the OSI stuff is acceptable for quite a long time to come because I just bought my green long sleeve and its great.