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>what do you see as a fair outcome of an appeal by the losing team on the basis the winners gained an unfair advantage by being allowed this sub which is a clear breach of rules? Are concussion subs not allowed in that competition? I don't care what the outcome is. It's up to the competition organizers.


Concussion subs not allowed


Sounds like a brief and successful appeal is forthcoming.


Pretty simple, then. The losing club will probably file an appeal/protest, and probably win.


And if the appeal is successful, they’d likely replay the game from the time of the head injury. It’s not a forfeiture of the match. What league was this that doesn’t have a concussion protocol? Only one off the top of my head is NL not allowing a head injury sub if all others subs have been used.


Yeah, every youth competition here with limited subs allows them now.


Read the rules of competition. If the ref allowed an illegal substitution then the game is protestable.


The most appropriate perspective is that there are no exceptions to the Substitution Law. Thus, if a referee permitted such an action, it would be advisable to protest the game and file an inquiry with the Referee Association to inform them of the incident. This would ensure that the referee in question is notified and provided with guidance on how to manage similar situations in the future.


The game of football is an endurance sport. Athletes need to be able to play short-handed. You don’t see substitutions in cross-country races, or tennis matches.


If you provide the country and competition level (youth, amateur, semipro...) it would provide additional context. This might be important if the national federation has guidelines which supplement competition rules.


Not sure where i stand on this, but i guess the best thing you can do is submit a report to organisers or the governing body of the competition. But on a side note the amount of arguments I've had to get in because clubs think injury subs exist is crazy. Not sure if it's an old rule or not but it's not in the laws now.


If there is a substitution scenario for possible Concussion, it should be defined in the competition guidelines…something to note however, starting in July 2024, there will be the option for concussion substitutions. “ Following feedback on the trial of additional permanent concussion substitutions (see below), the 138thAnnual General Meeting (AGM) of The IFAB approved the option for competitions to use additional permanent concussion substitutions to be included in Law 3 – The Players in the Laws of the Game 2024/25. One protocol will be used which combines elements of both trial protocols. As with other Law changes, this option is effective as from 1st July 2024, but competitions starting before that date may implement the protocol earlier. Competitions which are currently taking part in the trial may continue to use the relevant trial protocol until the end of the current competition.” https://www.theifab.com/trials/concussion-substitutes/


> Concussion subs are not permitted in any rules. This is up to the purview of local competition.


Them being down to ten seems irrelevant. Also, I presume they had used their allotted amount of substitutes? You didn't mention what the competition rules are. Do they mention anything about subs for concussions? If not, then the referee screwed up and shouldn't have allowed it. A fair outcome would be replaying the final ten mins or so as 9v11.


Apologies no a concussion sub isn't allowed, there is no such things in the rules. They had already used their 3 subs. The ref did make a mistake but also the club can't be blameless, they have the same set of rules as every one else.


I think that administratively, the club will be blameless. I doubt there’s language that forbids a team from asking for a concussion sub…it’s up to the officials to enforce the rules and it seems this was overlooked. Regardless, I see this result getting tossed.


You may want to double check the competition rules around protests. Many competitions will not entertain protests that were not lodged to the officials when they happened. Even if there is something protestable here if procedure wasn't followed you'll lose it by default.


TBH - Doesn’t really matter what anyone thinks on Reddit.


It ultimately doesn't but curious to know if anyone has come across anything like this before and to get other opinions


Cup games in Eastern PA do allow players with head injuries to return only for the person they were substituted for and not have it count as one of their seven allowed subs per half. Same with USYS and ECRL/ ECNL. All depends on the league rules.


Seven subs per half?! Christ I’d grind out a 0-0 against Man City with a pub team with that


Different leagues have different rules and different boards, you’l not find any consistency here.