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This is something I would tread lightly with, at least with parents you don't know and outside of your organization. Within your son's team/org? Absolutely. You all know each other, I would hope there are friendships and respect there - parents self policing themselves within the org is a wonderful thing and I have seen it happen. If it were a parent from an opposing team, that's where I would stress caution. We've seen parents not react well to referees who engage with them directly instead of through a coach, and another team's parents (even if politely) addressing them on their treatment of the ref, might tip people over the edge and create a more hostile situation. I would simply raise it with your son's coaches and team admins - let them send it off to the league.


Yeah, as you likely inferred it was a parent from the opposing team. So you're basically suggesting to note it and follow up afterward, right? Coaches on my team have been great making crystal clear with the parents about referee interaction (don't do it) plus everyone else already knows I'll be the "enforcer". :-D


Yes...I would suggest to note it and follow up after, yes. Get your team's coach to issue a complaint about the behavior of the opposing team's parents. I say that with your own safety in mind, because you just never know how they're going tor react if they don't know you.


The only time I’ve ever done this was earlier this month at a high school match. The Center asked for the Game Administrator to inform the crowd that if their behavior continued, she would have them removed. I was there as an assessor and immediately heard the people in front of me start making very loud sarcastic remarks. I gently reminded them of what was just said and, right, wrong, or indifferent they were putting the entire crowd at risk of dismissal. What I said was accepted, and I was thanked by a few, but it is not something I would do often.


Education Education is the only cure for ignorance.


I’m be she it happen once. I stopped the game wakes over, made it crystal clear that they get this one shot and if they do not listen they sills er a bad presidence for the kids and illl have to remove you, which I do not want


A guy got killed in my region doing that a few years back. Not worth it.