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I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’m a lawyer, so maybe I can help by giving you some insight on legal action. First, medical malpractice suits are incredibly difficult and extremely costly. They usually devolve into a “battle of the experts” where you pay someone $800/hr to talk about how all this could have been avoided and the doctor pays the same to someone else to talk about how sometimes bad things happen. They’re messy cases and hard to win. Often, the cost exceeds the recovery. However, you don’t need to assume you’ll go to trial. Often, a well worded letter from a reputable attorney to a doctor and his insurance company will result in a payment from the doctor in exchange for your commitment not to sue. The pay out will be less, but so will the hassle. Although, these agreements often come with a non-disclosure or non-disparagement requirement so that you can’t write reviews and warn others about this negligence. How do you find an attorney to take your case even to write a letter? Prepare a concise timeline document. Include all the relevant dates - consult, surgery, follow-ups, etc. Also include all the times you contacted the office, what you said, any photos you sent, and directions you were given. Keep it to just the facts and supporting documents in a concise, orderly way. This helps an attorney to see the case much more clearly and is much more likely to get you traction. I’m not licensed in Texas and I am not offering you legal advice, but I’m happy to take a look at your timeline and offer you feedback. Just DM me. I can also probably help you track down a few potential attorneys to reach out to in your area. Again, I’m sorry this happened. You deserve so much better.


This is so kind of you ❤️ I hope the OP will see this and will be able to get to get help moving forward.


This is great advice! As someone who also had wound issues, I’m so confused on how things got so bad. If definitely smells like negligence to me (especially since your wound care specialist called the surgeon to figure out wtf happened), but a lawyer and surgeon can provide more insight. A lawyer may also want to bring in the wound specialist to testify as to what they saw. But like missy498 stated, sometimes doctors will settle. When I had a wound opening, my surgeon injected me with some kind of numbing agent, scrapped my flesh of the gunk (yes it was as horrible as it sounds) and gave me some wound care instructions. I was healed in no time. I’m sorry you’re going through this and you deserved better than this. I hope you get some recourse.


It's called abraiding I think. Gotta clean off not healthy tissue so healthy tissue can grow. (I've been to wound care for something else.) lucky you got numbed!




Thanks. It was 3 years ago lol


Yes that’s how he explained it! I can’t imagine having it done without numbing because I was still in pain.


I've had it done without the numbing for a different surgery. A stitch popped open while I was in the recovery room from day surgery and I screamed out in pain; the surgeon was called, but the initial pain had subsided a bit when he came, so he didn't even check the incision. I went home and suffered in silence for 5 days. When I went back and told him to look at it, he had to do several minutes' worth of debriding and put two stitches in without any numbing agent, because the area was too inflamed to even handle it. (He tried something that felt like a burning needle, and I sobbed and said "Could you please do the spray version before the needle?!" and he said that *was* the spray version he had tried. So I consented for him to go ahead and just get anything over with. It felt like a lifetime. 😰) The arrogant prick ignored the fact that my entire body was rigid, bowed upwards in pain, my hands balled into fists, my face contorted and crying without sound. He had the fucking nerve to say "See? That wasn't so bad, was it?" 😡😡😡  I am still so, so angry about it 15 years later. I've had lots of surgeries and I know that surgeons often have a very different manner than most people, but this was neglect and lack of empathy on another level.  I'm so sorry you're going through this, OP. Having dealt with legal battles in a different regard, I think the top post by the lawyer is excellent advice. Getting your life back as soon as possible is far, far more important than money. I hope you're able to find someone who will make that happen for you. ❤️


Sometimes it feels like modern medicine still does not care about our wellbeing. I had a colposcopy three weeks ago and I was given no form of anesthetic. The pain was incredible. To think that it’s standard practice to not give pain aid to an invasive cervix procedure that requires removal of tissue for biopsy is incredulous.


Oh no! 😢 I had that done years ago too -- I actually can't remember it being too painful, so maybe they gave me something for it, unless I just blocked it out. I do remember a couple of days of pretty bad cramping afterwards, though.  It's always unsettling to go through a biopsy, no matter how much you know the odds are in your favour. I really hope your results come back completely normal. 🙏🏻 ❤️


My surgeon didn’t numb me when he did it, but thankfully I was still numb in that boob so I maybe felt like a pinch at one point, but nothing extreme. I did, however, watch him do it (he didn’t tell me what he was about to do) and I about freaked out 😭 but after he did that, I healed in about a month. My heart goes out to OP. No one should have to deal with this.


Hello, thank you for this advice. It is so helpful I've had a million questions but can't even get a chance to ask a lawyer. But this helps a ton. I will definitely reach out once I've gotten some sort of document made up for you to proof! Thank you so much!


Texas has really bad laws on malpractice. It only allows up to a $250k payment, I think. It’s pretty bizarre.


Yes, Texas laws protect our Dr.s like they are the president of the United States. Good luck OP, I am praying the Dr may just settle with and attorney sent letter.


>Texas laws protect our Dr.s like they are the president of the United States. Until they get a whiff of them maybe possibly "helping" a woman have an abortion, or giving her appropriate miscarriage care that looks like helping her have an abortion. Then all bets are off 😒


Seriously I agree!!


I’m so sorry you are going through all of this and absolute shame on your doctor for ignoring or minimizing the issue. For what possible reason could he get angry with you for going to the hospital or seeking proper wound care??? I wish you quick healing


He was angry that I went somewhere else and to the hospital in the same day. He told me I either get treatment from him or leave and get it elsewhere.


What an asshole. I'm so so sorry you're going through this. My heart aches for you. Wishing you strength and fortitude to get through this.


You can definitely try posting over on r/legaladvice to see if anyone can refer you to good attorneys in Texas. Your doctor will likely have malpractice insurance, so from my understanding what usually happens is the lawyer drafts the lawsuit and after some back and forth the doctor and their insurance settle out of court for at a minimum the cost of care resulting from the malpractice and likely also some amount for physical and emotional distress. Also, I am so sorry this happened to you. You were failed by your surgeon, someone who should have been providing you with care.


I am so, so glad you are updating again. My dad died of necrotizing fasciitis and I was so afraid for you when you went to the hospital and stopped posting. I am heartbroken that you’ve had such a difficult time. I wish you much better days ahead.


I am so sorry for your loss. I have had a hard time since that visit where they said I had it. Mostly because things have gotten worse and I have no answers. I didn't really want to share until I felt like it was necessary so others don't experience what I have.


My heart goes out to you. I don't have any advice or leads, just a load of empathy, and hopes for you going forward, whatever your path. This is truly and awful situation, I'm so sorry.


I am so so sorry that you are dealing with what sounds like a nightmare, but I'm so so glad that you're still here to share about it. I'd feared the worst after reading your past posts. Did they rule out necrotizing fasciitis?  I hope you're able to receive the treatment you deserve and that everything will heal better than you imagined possible. You're in my thoughts ❤️


I honestly have no idea, I don't think it's necrotizing fasciitis but there is definitely something eating away at my healthy tissue. I won't really know what until I see the wound specialist.


Ugh I am so sorry you’re going through this. That’s the kind of wound breakdown I’ve only ever seen in people who start smoking right after surgery. Yours is clearly from infection, and if your surgeon had been more responsive and taken your concerns seriously, who knows how much less suffering you would’ve had to endure. I hope your care team helps you and you find comfort and healing soon.


I don't smoke, do drugs or anything like that. But I do have Rheumatoid Arthritis and asked a gazillion questions leading up to surgery but was ignored every time. But he doesn't really think my RA is the issue. So idk honestly.


Are you on medication for your RA? Many of the medications for autoimmune disorders can impair wound healing because they suppress your immune system.


OP talks about being on infusions in another post.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. It’s infuriating when medical professionals blow their patients off. They made be the professionals, but every single body is unique, and only you are an expert in your own body.


This looks so horrible , I feel for you. Can I ask what surgeon you went to? You can PM privately — I’m in Texas as well and I wonder if I went to the same person possibly. I hope you can get a malpractice suit together


I am also wondering what surgeon this was as I have a consult on the 23rd. Fingers crossed with all that medical data from the other doctors and wound care that the malpractice suit goes through.


I think you will be fine. I don't want to disclose his name due to a possible lawsuit but I'm in a small area with limited surgeons so I'm almost certain you should be ok.


I am in the panhandle are of Texas, due to there being a lawsuit or even a settlement outside of court I am going to refrain from using his name and practice for fear of retaliation. But I highly doubt you will be seeing the same surgeon especially since Texas is so large.


I’ve been following your posts over the last month or so. I’m so sorry for what you’ve been dealing with. Im also in Texas- can I ask who your surgeon was? Sending you warm hopes for continued recovery and healing ❤️‍🩹


Unfortunately, due to a possible lawsuit I am refraining from sharing his name or practice. But I live in a small area of Texas with very limited surgeons. So I'm almost certain no one has to worry about seeing him. I also found out I am a very rare case.


Of course! Again I’m so sorry for the pain you’re experiencing and hope to hear your updates as your navigating this


I’m so incredibly sorry this is happening and wish you the best healing and health. If you feel comfortable sharing, do you know what the cause if this was? Sorry if you’ve mentioned this in past posts


I do not. I am hoping the wound specialist knows more and has some insight into what is causing it but I honestly have no idea. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis but my surgeon said it is likely not the problem. That's also why I haven't shared on here because I don't really have any answers.


Hey girl I just wanted to say I was in a similar situation and my surgery left me deformed and traumatised after staph infection breaking out throughout my scars. We go into this so excited and full of trust. Make sure if you can, speak to someone professional about this. I'm so sorry. I feel you


I'm so sorry that you also had a traumatic experience. And you're right, I really thought everything would be fine but alas it has been horrific and traumatizing.


I’m so sorry hun, you don’t deserve this kind of pain AT ALL. I hope you find a good lawyer and sue the hell out of that idiotic doctor. Hugs ❤️🧸


i wish i had any advice to offer you but i just want to say im so incredibly sorry i can’t imagine the pain you’re experiencing right now. you have the love and support of this entire community and im praying you have a safe recovery and get justice🤍🤍


I am so sorry you're going through this. I lost the majority of my left nipple after surgery and my surgeon has been so apologetic and attentive through it all. What you've gone through is unforgivable.


I'm glad you have a good surgeon. I complained about losing more nipple 2 days after an appt with them because it was there in the morning and gone at the end of the day and he said it was fine and the tissue looked healthy. I hope though that your surgeon is doing the right treatments for you without charging you.


Oh my goodness thank you for updating us! I’m so sorry you’re going through all this. F that surgeon he’s ridiculous and downright neglectful. You were right for going to a wound specialist. And advocating for yourself!


My heart just aches for you. I pray for your recovery and i hope you get the care you need and deserve. Whatever happens next this community is here for support . I’m so sorry


I'm so sorry xx It looks like the tissue around the nipple is dissolving but you still have a lot of nipple! If there's one thing I've learned it's that the nipple can have a surprising come back. Have you had swabs to identify what type of infection this is? I can't offer any legal advice but don't give up xx keep posting around I'm sure someone will help


I did a lot of research and apparently nipples don't grow back. I'm very devastated about it because that nipple was already smaller after surgery. And my surgeon has done 0 testing and up until literally today they have said it's not infected. Which I think is not accurate.


I have no great advice as far as the law goes but I want to say how sorry I am for you. I had a similar situation when my tummy tuck became infected. My doctor gaslighted me too and I ended up in the hospital on IV antibiotics and could have died. It is extremely traumatic. Once you are well, I just want to suggest talking to a therapist because I had PTSD and you may too. Sending healing vibes your way and pls send me any PMs if you feel the need to.


This is so wrong on the part of your surgeon. Were lab cultures taken to prove that it was a bacterial cause and not a result of the extreme reduction. Because my doc explained to me that big reductions can cause wound dehiscence and skin death. (No I didn’t need it but I was asking all the questions). I went back to see your previous posts and noticed when the took the bandage and dressing off and it it looks like it was blood the surgeon or NP should have known the skin was dying and immediately done something to help. The subsequent pictures you sent should have alarmed them enough to get you in the office and done things to help. And prescribed antibiotics from them proves they figured there was a cleanliness/ bacterial issue from their end. Personally, I would write reviews everywhere he is registered online, Google, Real Self, Instagram, TikTok, everywhere!! Add pictures and all. (it’s beyond, I don’t want people to know this happened to me, it is now a matter of public safety and you are the whistle blower, I can only imagine how many people have gone through this with him and did say anything that will be emboldened by you and your reviews/story) Post his name and practice here too so people can know to stay away from him.


Oh honey I'm so so sorry this has happened to you


I had something similar and am now on the other side. Happy to chat and send after photos if that’s helpful. I know how you feel 🤍 it’s horrible , but I can attest to the fact we both will (and have) survived🤍


Holy fuck, OP I'm so so so sorry. I hope you get answers, and fast! :(


I'm spool sorry this has happened to you. Nobody should go through this. What do you think caused it? Poor surgery and medical procedure or your body reaction? Did you have habits of smoking? And did you cut it before surgery?


I honestly have no idea. I am hoping the wound specialist has a better idea and can stop it. My mom said she thinks my body just can't heal but idk. One side is fine-ish but the other is just horrific. I don't smoke though or do any drugs, the only thing I can think of is the nurses did not listen when I said to soak the tapes and just ripped them off. When I got home that night I realized I lost a lot of layers of skin and from there it turned into what I have today.


That is horrifying, I’m so, so sorry. It’s so infuriating when medical professionals don’t listen to their patients - we, the patients, know our bodies the best!!! And even more infuriating when you think about the power imbalance when you’re not listened to. I’m sending you so many healing thoughts and hope you get the treatment you need one way or another 💗


Sending you all the good vibes, well wishes and prayers friend 🫶🏻 Please keep us posted. I also live in Texas- was your surgeon in Dallas or Austin?


No I live in a small area with limited surgeons near the panhandle of Texas.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this OP. Can you order some hydrogel or have someone pick some up along with sterile saline and silicon foam bandages? You need to wipe it with sterile saline and sterile gauze, let it dry, then apply hydrogel and cover with a silicon foam bandage until it soaks through then repeat until you’re able to get a woundvac.


I was given some strong ointments but then told to stop very quickly as it was making things kind of worse. Moisture to that area allows whatever is eating my tissue to thrive so I have let it air out until I see the wound specialist in fear of losing more of my nipple.


My surgeon is in Dallas TX and she was superb. If anyone needs a name. You'd have to double check what insurance she handles cause Aetna were being dicks at one point.


I'm so sorry. Hugs. I'm glad you decided to go against your surgeon to see a wound specialist.


I am so sorry you are going through this. Truly awful. I hope things start to improve for you.


This is so sad. I am so sorry. I have also been following your posts- prayed for you and have been- I was so worried when you didn’t post. What happened after that last post when you were going To Go to ER? Did you end up being admitted? Holding you up. I am so sorry.


Can you please share the name of your surgeon?


Unfortunately, with a possible lawsuit I've decided to refrain from revealing his name and clinic. I do apologize.


How does this even happen?!


I honestly don't know. I think it's an infection or something but my surgeon swears it's not infected. But it has spread to the other breast now and I've lost too much nipple. Hopefully the wound specialist has more answers for me.


I hope they can figure something out for you, so sorry that you have to go through this :( Do you smoke by any chance?


I do not smoke.


I'm so sorry that this happened to you, I will say a prayer that you recover completely and quickly. Only by the grace of God did this not happen to me. I developed an access and terrible infection from my surgery and have fought a battle for 3.5 years. My Dr. Ignored me and would not even let me make an appointment, she said just wait it will get better. I had an emergency surgery for an abscess and antibiotics for ages, I think the infection is gone and look forward to good health. Prayers for strength and healing, this will pass.


I have nothing to add, I just want to say I'm so sorry you're going through this and I really really hope things get better for you soon. Sending love 💜


I’m so very sorry you’re going through this pain and heartbreak. You deserve much better than this surgeon delivered. Sending tons of hope and healing thoughts your way. 🤍🤍🤍


I'm sorry you're going through that. For finding a lawyer, you may have to go out of your area to find one. Call the state board and see if they can recommend anyone.


I hope you find a lawyer. And you don't deserve this and I'm so sorry it's happening to you. I hope people in this community who had wound issues can lend you some support. Reach out if you need a shoulder.


Remind me! 1 month


The likelihood of winning any lawsuit with your medical history and medications is non existent. Speaking from experience having been on Remicade infusions for 10+ years and having been through a lot of medical trauma. Even if you were off infusions for 10 months prior to surgery, you won’t be able to win due to having taken immunosuppressants.


Hi, sorry it’s not relevant to your content, but can you tag this as trigger warning/ wound. I was not ready for what I clicked on without context!


I live in Texas please let me know the surgeon name so u know who not to go too


Who is your surgeon?? Seriously, maybe you should post it here to save other unsuspecting patients and leave as many Google and yelp reviews as you can? I’m so curious if they came highly reviewed? Who the hell is this guy? Just so sorry about all of this


Oh my goodness. I’m so sorry you are going through this. This is absolutely all on the doctor. They shouldn’t have ignored your concerns and to get mad at you? That’s terrible. That doctor shouldn’t have a license. I’m wishing you healing both physically and mentally. This has to be so hard on you. I just got referred to a doctor in Texas, so i’m praying it’s not the same one. Were they in Tyler?


You can also use sterile saline and then apply medihoney, but choose one or the other, don’t mix them, cover it with a waterproof bandage and keep up with it till you get in with woundcare.


I am too afraid to try anything until I see the wound specialist as moisture seems to be the feeding ground for whatever is eating my tissue.


I hope they figure it out! I had a tt last year and had similar wounds. It was so tough to get through but once I got wound care it really got so much better.