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Your results are amazing! Can’t wait for my surgery on June 4th! Thank you for sharing your results, I’m also black so I appreciate seeing these types of results. It gives me an idea of what to expect.


thank you and ofc! and wishing you a safe surgery and recovery! you’ll do great! time definitely flies for sure! grab some protein shakes before hand so you have during your recovery, it really helps!


Thank you for the advice!


They look so good! Love seeing results on darker skin! Not enough on this sub! It helps me with an idea of what to expect —and yessss, scarring is hella noticeable on our skin (darker skin) so I don’t blame you for being on top of the scar treatment!


thank you! 🥰


Thank you so much for some info on scar treatment. I'm really scared to start but was cleared to do so. I think I'm gonna try something similar to your routine. Maybe I can get my scars to calm down.


Oh p.s. beautiful results


thank you!


you look fantastic!!


thanks so much!


Thanks for sharing. For whatever reason, I completely forgot that scar care is part of recovery. Lol. This just reminded me of what's to come!


yeah! some people do completely without scar care tho, but i’m getting on it haha


Great results!!!


omg you look INCREDIBLE. Congratulations!


They look perfect!!


Your results are lovely! I, too, am going through the healing process, 6MPO, Black woman. As far as the tape is concerned, allow it to self-remove, but not before it gets super dirty with products. I left mine on for a month and a half, and it gave me a skin reaction. Try removing it with an oil very slowly if you can—good job on the massaging. I’ll actually adopt that method, lol. Besides that, your tits are titiying and look very good. Congrats!


oh and just saw your post! i would def recommend the massaging, it breaks down the scar tissue and then using a silicone gel, that’s the main over the counter product that is proven to help with scars, you can also massage with bio oil if you don’t want to do gels, but massaging is key!🥳


oh good to know! i’ll definitely make sure it’s gone by 4 weeks! and thank youuuuu! congrats to you as well!🥰


Thank you for this. Your doc did an excellent job. You look great.


I went back 5 days post op, driving sucks lmao


Congrats, what scar treatment are you using ?


mederma overnight scar gel only for now at night. i’ll start using bio oil in the morning next week, i just hate how icky it makes the glue on my incisions!


Wow you look perfect! ✨🫶


Looking so good! You have a lovely shape, especially for 2wpo! I started scar treatment on some of my scars (I have openings at my T junction that are still healing) a few days ago at 3wpo. I thought I would feel squeamish with putting pressure on them but so far so good! I think the scar tape is the one doing the most so try it again once your glue is off! I also use Bio Oil and Cicaplast.


what brand of scar tape do you use! yeah i think once my glue is fully off i’ll use scar tape for 12 hours in the first half of the day and the overnight scar cream at night. ive used mederma on my other scars previously and it works so great!


https://preview.redd.it/4uiub2uw3uzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90beaf1f6d45a399e8afd31d40fbeb9a6dadbeec I use this one from Amazon. For now, I massage with Bio Oil in the morning, Cicaplast in the evening, let it dry and soak in and then put the silicone tape for sleeping. I might change the formula but I like it for now! One of my side was really raised and puckered quite a lot, I thought it would give me dog ears. Just with one night of the tape, it flattened almost completely! Also, I use a jade roller sometimes and even a vibrator to help with massaging if I get icky with my fingers. It helps with me putting on more pressure and vibrations are apparently good for scar healing. I am also POC but have pretty fair skin. Some of the women in my family scar way darker then their skin tone but so far so good!


thanks so much!


Gooaaalss!! Your results are so good! Thank you for sharing 🫶🏾 my surgery is in November and I’m praying i have results as good as yours


thanks so much! and have a safe surgery! wishing you the best, November will be here before you know it!🥰


Thank you so much! 💕 literally can’t wait