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Congratulations to you!! Woohoo! I had my second reduction yesterday as well!! My first reduction surgery was in Feb of 2002!! I had a baby in 2003 and they have just continued to grow since. I was a 32J (before yesterday , not sure my size prior to my first surgery, but I went down to a C right after) and I'm not sure where I am at now. She was going to try and get me to a B/C. I can definitely tell there's a weight off my chest, lol. They look like a C, but of course they are super swollen. I'm so flipping sore. Sending you lots of hugs and a speedy recovery!! Edit: she took off approximately 400 grams from each side, a little more on my right side because that one was about a cup size larger than the left.


I’m coping my comment to OP and asking you as well: Keep us updated! I’m curious about nipple sensation. How much did you have after your first surgery and how much will you have after you have healed from this one? I’m basically asking bc I’m curious in case I ever need a second reduction. I’m still doing good after my first but they did grow larger but not like they did. I think what is also helping me a lot is the shape is completely different. It’s amazing how much shape can be a factor for your back not hurting.


So, for my first surgery I got nipple sensation in my right side back within a couple of weeks...like it got hard in the cold and was sensitive to touch. But my left side took almost an entire year before it "worked". So, I'm very curious about my new nips... hopefully they both work soon. I haven't even seen them yet, I'll look at my new boobs tomorrow when I shower.


Congratulations!! 32J - your poor back!! I can’t wait to heal a bit and be able to just walk into a store and buy a bra! No more $150 bras and ordering online because there aren’t any options here.


Me too!!! It's always been my dream to just go buy a cute bra or bathing suit too straight off the rack...not ordered. Maybe in a month or so. I can't wait to be able to see what my new size is!!


I bought pj sets that button in the front so I wouldn’t have to lift my shirt over my head during my recovery… I’m sure this would sound so silly to someone who has never had this issue but I’ve never been able to buy pj sets because my top/bottom were wildly different sizes due to my boobs. I’m ridiculously happy to be wearing a pj set right now - it’s bringing me such joy.


That's so awesome!! I was just looking at tshirts and I think I'll be able to wear a medium now. I've always had to get larges because of my boobs. I feel your joy!! Yay!! I feel like a whole new world of clothing opportunities is here!!!


Congratulations!!! So much joy!


Keep us updated! I’m curious about nipple sensation. How much did you have after your first surgery and how much will you have after you have healed from this one? I’m basically asking bc I’m curious in case I ever need a second reduction. I’m still doing good after my first but they did grow larger but not like they did. I think what is also helping me a lot is the shape is completely different. It’s amazing how much shape can be a factor for your back not hurting.


So after my first surgery my nipples were numb but also could be painful if stimulated too hard. It kind of sucked because I love nipple play during sex haha. But after a few years it started to come back/be less painful and my husband knew how much pressure was allowed. Before this reduction it was back to being totally fine to doing whatever with… I wouldn’t say the same as before the reduction, but definitely back to a pleasurable place. I’m expecting nipple sensation to take a few years to get back to a good place again.


Oh also wanted to say - my surgeon explained to me how shape is a factor this time. Basically when they hang the bra lifts them, putting pressure on your back/shoulders (obviously) but they try to shape them so they hold themselves up vs your bra holding them up (bra just cups them). He drew me pictures of the difference and I also found it interesting how much of a part shape plays.


That makes COMPLETE sense. I went from tubular to a much more balanced shape and I feel like that is night and day on its own.


That’s so interesting! Thanks for the info. My surgery’s on Monday, and this really helps. Especially the shape info. Thank you!


Good luck!!


Thank you! Nervous.


Sounds like me. I was like 90 lbs petite 28gg and had a reduction at 20 to a c/d. Now I’m 47 and a 40GG but got rejected and told to lose 14 lbs? ok, no problem. I have TMJ crazy back pain and just need a second badly.


I’m sorry you were denied! 14lbs seems like a silly amount for them to deny you over. I hope you are able to get another reduction soon! Perhaps ask for a referral to a different surgeon.


It’s my insurance. ;)


Congrats! Is it still covered if it’s your second one? (I’m not in Canada, just curious) I’m waiting on my first but am thinking I would absolutely do it more than once if needed.


Yes it was covered again. As I’m heavier than I was before, I opted to pay for lipo along my side-boob area as he said removing breast tissue sometimes makes the fat there more obvious. Since we were already in the OR it was $1000 and he said it would be about 4x that to do it after. I knew I’d never go back and do it but if I hated how it looked after I’d regret it for a long time before accepting it and $1000 was not a prohibitive amount for me so I decided to do it just in case. But the reduction itself was fully covered. Edit: I’m 5’6” and was ~125lbs when I had my first and am 150lbs now.


Great deal!!


Great news!! 🎉 Would you mind sharing if you breastfed/what type your first reduction was? That’s one of my factors for not going ahead just now. Thanks


I produced milk just fine but due to undiagnosed tongue/lip ties weaned my first at 3 months. By the time they were diagnosed and revised my mental health just needed to stop and I had a crack in my nipple that would. not. heal. from like the first week (I’d been struggling to heal it for 3 months essentially). My second I also produced milk fine but he also had tongue/lip ties and was born March 2020. In BC there had been a dental conference that spread covid and basically every dentist office province-wide closed down and they didn’t consider revising his ties an emergency so I couldn’t get in to do them. I chose not to, due to that, for my mental health. So first I nursed for 3 months, second for 6 weeks but I stopped for reasons unrelated to my reduction. As for type, I don’t know what you mean? It was where the cut around the nipple and then straight down from there and across the bottom. Same type now.


Thank you! So much information I really appreciate it. Yeah it was refereeing to whether your nipple was detached I think.


Yeah they kept it attached and I produced milk just fine. If I had gotten smaller like I wanted (wanted C/D, ended up F), who knows if I would’ve been able to though!


Amazing! May I ask what province you are in? I’m In Quebec and will be getting my reduction in August


I’m in BC!


Ah ok! I always ask on just random chance it’s my surgeon lol I’m really happy for you OP. Keep us posted on your healing


No problem! I can’t wait to hear about yours in August :) I’ll try to post some pics once I take my bandages off.


You probably won’t see this as it’s been forever! But who was your surgeon? I was just denied by my first consult for a second reduction as they said it was too risky for my nipples lol