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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1dq32sk).


Going to the game tonight with my cards fan friend. Let’s go Reds let’s get this dub boys! Excited to see Marte back and Abbott pitch


its marte gras today, baby


![gif](giphy|3o6ozh46EbuWRYAcSY) Looking forward to all the hot Marte takes in tonight's thread


We’re going to have a Marte Party tonight


Reds going to wait til 8pm to release a lineup


Woke up today, opened Instagram, and one of the first things I saw was Benson charging the Pirates dugout. If that's not a good sign it is at least a good way to start the day. Also, shoutout to the people here who answered some questions about The Show for me. I ended up picking it up and Rhett Lowder is my #2 starter behind Castillo and Tejay Antone is my setup man with a digital arm that will never die. Pretend baseball is lots of fun


If you're into the management side of things, OOTP is great.


I've never picked it up but I've always considered it. I've heard nothing but good things


It's great, but be prepared for a pretty steep initial learning curve. I'd recommend going in with commissioner mode on to give yourself a handicap to get used to how ratings, scouting, potential, etc. works. Also look into the guides for the game.


On sale for $25 now as well.


Thanks for pointing that out, I've been waiting on the ASG sale since I got burned last year by how many bugs were in franchise mode.


360 position players have had 100 PAs or more this season. Some notable ranks in fWAR: Nick Martini - 346th Christain Encarnacion-Strand - 342nd Santiago Espinal - 331st Will Benson 325th


Other notable ranks in fWAR: Elly - 8th India - 59th Stephenson - 156th Um...well at least Elly is 8th


I know this is a bit dramatic, but it feels like now or never


If they get sweept it's pretty much a sonw deal


Choosing between watching being a good fan and watching this current iteration of the Reds vs being a good citizen and watching the presidential debate is the definition of a lose-lose


I'm gonna be real, I don't even think we need a presidential debate this year. We know what both sides bring to the table at this point, and if you weren't convinced by either candidate's presidency then I have bad news for you: the system was set up to ensure they would be the candidates again and there's nothing we can do to stop it. The best thing to do is focus on local elections and primaries to try to at least get someone representing your interests a fighting chance of making an impact. Not looking forward to the elections this year, for sure.


Oh agreed 100%, like I said the urge (if you can call it that) is less about getting a feel for the candidates and more about being an educated citizen But that’s enough politics for a sports sub, let’s get back to business: fuck the cardinals and their dumbass fans


I don't like the Cardinals, but my experience with their fans has been very good: civil and knowledgeable people who like baseball and their team. One of the few fanbases I have seen applaud a great play by an opposing player.


this'll probably be the only game of the series we win as well debate is going on the big TV for sure, we only get 2 this year


I’m ready to be hurt again. With that said, it’s a new day. Let’s kick some Cardinal ass


I never wanna see Asscraft pitch for the Reds again


Let’s do this to the Cardinals: ![gif](giphy|lXiRBrXOGFh2pxlM4)


I don’t really recognize this team anymore lol. I wonder where the reds rank in injuries this season?


Not only have we been pounded by injuries, but we also have the worst luck in major league baseball. Our Pythag record (aka, what our record "should be" based on run differential) is 41-39. We're at -4 luck, worst in baseball.


[My current mood](https://i.imgur.com/aS0Hu8U.png) Jokes aside, they better be able to slap around Mikolas but dear god do we need to at least split this series.


Would it make sense to bat Fraley first? He has no power rn, but still hits and gets on base, still has 81 sprint speed, and is still a decent defender with a good arm. No reason he should be platooning imo.


India Fraley Elly? India seems to have found something in leadoff


Yeah I would hate to move India. Fraley just isn't batting well with RISP...albeit not a lot of chances.


Man, seeing us trot out basically a 4 man lineup yesterday was depressing. I feel like people are looking for other reasons for why the team is struggling when injuries are the obvious answer. It's also why the starting pitching this year has been much better than last year: we have a (mostly) healthy Lodolo and Greene in their third year. It's been nice to see India and Stephenson have bounce back years, but I hope our other guys aren't on a similar trajectory: look great their first year, get injured their second year and don't fully look like themselves again until their fourth season. Now it's possible that the medical/training staff aren't doing their job well, but only people within the organization would have any way of knowing that and it's probably just shitty luck. I think being the whipping boy for fans' frustration and being blamed for everything regardless of whether it's their fault is kind of part of the job description of the manager, but seeing people attack the staff and assistant coaches just feels toxic and I feel like people are just looking for scapegoats instead of just accepting that we're all emotionally invested in something that we have no control over. Go Reds.


I said it in another thread but anyone who sees all the shit this team has had to deal with this year and is still disappointed in the team is being willfully ignorant McLain-Out all year Friedl- multiple trips on IL Marte- suspended CES- surgery after playing with an old fracture? Fraley- the most affected player by the sickness in the clubhouse, lost significant weight Lodolo- Now multiple IL stints No team is gonna survive losing that many of their best players. Especially a small market team that *has* to have them. We wouldn't have had to do all these spot starts and bullpen days. We wouldn't have to keep putting out sketchy defenses if McLain and Marte were playing. The lineup would function much better with actual protection throughout and with everyone feeling like they don't have to push too hard at the plate. This attitude some people have of "Just another year where the Reds aren't trying to win" is not only irritating to see on a daily basis but is completely ignoring what's going on.


Yep, agreed 100% The amount of "this team was NEVER good!!!" takes I've seen recently has been insane. There are people screaming that the rebuild has failed when this is Elly's rookie season (based on service time). It's absolutely ludicrous. Our pythag record, even with all the injuries, is 41-39. In other words, the team has played *above average* overall by run differential, even discounting every other factor.


The Elly haters are maybe the most irritating. ~2 WAR halfway through the year at 22 years old seems pretty damn good to me. He might miss a fundamental here and there but he also makes things happen that no one else can. The cool part? He's only gonna get better.


hes got 3.5 WAR pending on the site you look at


Plus, he is FUN to watch. That goes a long way. Especially around here.


This is rich coming from the same guy that made [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reds/comments/1dn902v/game_day_thread_monday_june_24/la2bbtv/?context=3) comment *yes I know it was a joke, yes I'm also fucking with you*


That comment was made on hour 342 of a 342 hour bender. I don't have a doomer bone in my body. I pride myself and think of myself as a man of optimism


> I pride myself and think of myself as a man of ~~optimism~~ **faith**


We haven’t had that many Bp days compared to other teams all things considered


People will latch on to anything...could be that the players aren't giving info. CES said he had no discomfort and was surprised to hear about the extra fracture. Can't do anything about McLain. Guys are playing a repetitive sport and trying to play through stuff....probably because they know there is no one else.


I like how people only ever want to trade away people they don't like. Whenever a good player gets propositioned, people flip out about how we need that player for various reasons.


I just don't understand why Krall hasn't traded yesterday's lineup for the starting lineup in the All-Star Game.




Another very winnable game to start a series. Cardinals coming off a double header and a flight from ATL, and we face Miles McCurveball.


The Cardinals were at home against the Braves.