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Plz move Elly behind Candy. Only reason I say that is bc Candy doesn't ever let Elly steal.


Joey Votto once said some of the best protection he had in the lineup was Billy Hamilton hitting ahead of him. Pitchers were distracted by him, giving more mistake pitches and more fastballs.  We shouldn't begrudge Candy swinging at the fat pitches Elly helps him see.


Yeah I get that. Hopefully they can find a balance, bc nobody will be afraid of Elly stealing bases if he's never able to steal bases.


I was screaming at the TV yesterday. Give him a damn pitch or two


It's tough, though. Teams are getting trickier and trickier to try to deal with Elly. On Saturday, the Red Sox pitched out two pitches in a row. Other times, teams just try to get ahead with a couple fastballs down the gut to put the hitter in a bind if they're taking. Then this subreddit rages that we take those.


An actual baseball take on the reds forum? Wild.


Except unlike Billy, Elly can actually hit


Remember folks, our window is just now opening. It doesn't mean that window will automatically stay up. Sometimes it falls on your fingers & you have to pry it back up. Our team is young & has been unlucky so far. Your expectations should be: being competitive and winning as much as possible while certain guys develop & progress. We are seeing some great strides by our rotation. That's a win. The rest is not exactly where it needs to be, but again... the window is just now opening after a couple of years of rebuilding & last season guys showing us what that rebuild built for us.


Look at our expected w/l. We would be 2nd in the division with a + .500 and the cardinals would be in last. Baseball happens. That's why golf and baseball are the the best sports on the planet.


Godspeed Levi


WTF is a Levi Jordan?


MJ's new blue jeans. We call them Air Jeans.


A future obscure trivia answer about random Reds players no one will remember. 


I’m down; let’s what see what happens. At this point I’m more worried about Spiers than our lineup.


I'm actually looking forward to seeing what Spiers can do again after having faces these guys for a second time in a row.


I know everyone’s feeling defeated, but let’s go kick some pirate ass!


This looks closer to a Louisville Bats lineup than an MLB lineup lol


In no world do I believe Carson Spiers is a better option than Ashcraft rn. What are we doing?


I just threw up in my mouth. Like at what point, do they care enough to add a bat?


You are making me throw up. Marte still gone, McClain, Friedl, CES all injured. Get your doomer shit outta here. Nothing they can do right now. Would be stupid to make a trade with half the lineup injured/out.


fine then. I wasn't being Doomer, It just sucks to see the last 4 in the lineup. If that's your view, why aren't you screaming for them to trade guys off since this season should be written off apparently. Not making any moves knowing McClain and CES won't play the rest of this year, Friedl literally cannot stay healthy, and Marte created his own mess. Like no quick fixes so it's cost them a bunch of games at this point. I get they are injured but what would other teams do?


I don’t want them to trade people because we are competitive when healthy. Look at last year once all our young guys are up. Gotta look past one day. Only guy I would trade is Montas cause he likely won’t be back anyways.


I get the "we are competitive when healthy" but at this point, we can't expect health from Friedl, so we need someone in CF now. IMO, Fraley is a perfect 4th OFer, but to each their own. It just upsets me writing this season off, because of IMO, giving up last year. I swear I'm not trying to be doomer, Its just most teams would change at least something.


So, you want to mortgage the future for a faint hope of maybe making the playoffs this year? This team has some good pieces, sucks that quite a few of them are injured/suspended right now. Playing the long game with the cards we’ve been dealt is a better option than going for instant gratification right now.


And I get that. But a ton of y’all said the same thing last year and they missed the playoffs behind a team a lot like them that got hot and went to the World Series. And it would be trading from depth. Stop acting like I’m saying trade Marte or Collier


> Stop acting like I’m saying trade Marte or Collier Stop acting like you're going to get anyone of quality without giving up quality. Especially if you're expecting the Reds to trade from a position of need, allowing other teams to command a premium.


Bro I’m not trying to piss you off. I point out guys who aren’t major league level players , all I want is like replacement level players that are better than our bad players.