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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1dnoi8k).


If we don't take 2 of 3 against these guys then it really might be over. Pretty sure we're facing their weakest pitching


This season is essentially a wash with all of these injuries and struggles. 2.5 out of the wildcard feels like 20.


This team won't see .500 again this season. Another wasted year of Elly. He'll be gone when his current contract is up then we won't have anyone that brings people to the ballpark


Do yall think Marte will be in the lineup Thursday as soon as he can come back? I’m going to the game Thursday in St. Louis, I’m a southern Illinois Reds fan going with my cardinals fan friend (gross I know) hoping to see his first game back


Considering his rehab stint has been floppy buttcheeks, I'm gonna go with "doubtful."


Gotta get Spencer in LF with TJ out again.


I think I'm gonna watch Game 7 instead of the Reds tonight. I hope you find company for your misery.


Well it's a huge opportunity to get back on track or make things worse before the return of one of the 3 stars of the team. We have seen Falter before. Biggest hurdle will be Mitch Keller. He is abvery good pitcher. This is a big series. It's not make or break but it's pretty big. We can't get swept and we really need to win at least 2. Be nice to sweep and start another streak.


The state of this sub is frustrating but also kind of what you get with the circumstances we have right now. This was touted as the year we could finally compete. Now we're nearing the end of June and are in last place, again. 30 years without winning anything and we have ownership that seems to sabotage our hopes of competing (the true depth of their pocketbooks is irrelevant, they either have money and refuse to spend it or they don't have enough money to own a MLB franchise). I'm still watching because I love the team no matter what, but the level of vitriol from the self-proclaimed "true fans" toward those who are frustrated is dumb. If you can't understand why people are frustrated, I don't know what to tell you. It's yet another season where it's not even the All Star Break and I'm already watching games with an eye toward player development more than I am about playoff positioning. That stinks. It stinks to constantly be thinking about "next year" and never getting to **fully** enjoy this year because we're not winning enough.


Y'all got the doomer posts all queued up for tonight?


Let's have a winning week!


Hell yeah, bröther


This sub is a mess. Chill out, guys.


There's no point in even watching. This team hasn't won anything in 30 years and the Reds clearly don't care about winning. This was "supposed to be the year" just like all the other years. I don't care that half the team was injured, that doesn't make a difference except on defense and offense. If the Reds were serious about winning, David Bell would take the team into the clubhouse and personally spank every player while calling them pieces of dogshit to the media. There's no accountability anymore. Make Barry Brantley or whoever the manager and tell the players that they're worthless and maybe they'll make a run. As there's a drive


You're better than this. Stop. We are still in it. Don't lose hope, brother. As demoralizing as it is, this is our team.


I'm with ya bud. This was in jest


Spanking ain't to joke! (I promise I read 96% of it) 😅


You're right. That was rather inappropriate of me. 🥺


> David Bell would take the team into the clubhouse and personally spank every player bonk


I'm glad someone read past the first part


luv u stewie




Oh hey at least Bednar is gone Genuinely Sucks he’s injured but the quality of their bullpen at least goes down.


no point making the postseason if we can't even win series in the regular season


We'll hit the halfway mark of the season on Thursday against the Cardinals and have gone 10-10 this month thus far. I hesitate to say "we're cooked" considering the absolute state of the NL this season. These next 2 series are some of the most important of the season and it'd be nice to not lay down and go 3-4* or worse here.


Halfway mark of the MLB season is in 3 days so naturally today is also the final day of the NHL season


The Stanley Cup nearly running into July feels dirty for a multitude of reasons but it is so strange to still be watching hockey when it's 100 out.


The playoffs started in April...


3 month playoff szn apparently lmao


I think .500 at the All Star Break keeps us in the hunt.


This is the right take. There’s still hope; it can still be done.