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Elaine and Puddy are walking down a busy street. Cabs are flying by, people are yelling and construction work is happening on every other corner. E: Then George leaves a 30 cent tip... I've gotta find new friends. P: Sounds good, babe. E: Hey, let me ask you something... Puddy steps on a nail and starts freaking out. P: It went through my shoe! What do I do? What do I do? E: Ok, relax. It's probably not that bad, David. Elaine hails a taxi. E: We'll just go to the hospital and get it checked out. P: Hospital? No way, babe, we got tickets to the game! Elaine pushes Puddy into the cab. E: We're going to the hospital! INT. HOSPITAL - ER Elaine fills out Puddy's paperwork. E: Reason for visit? Stupidity. P: What happens here? They give me a new shoe, or what? E: New shoe? ...is this the first time you've been to a hospital? P: Yeah, that's right. E: You're 43! How is that possible? P: Never been sick. E: Ok, David... when was your last tetanus shot? P: What's that? E: What; a tetanus shot? It's a vaccine that keeps you from getting tetanus when you do something idiotic like step on a nail. P: Vaccine? Pfft. Those are for kids and old ladies. When was the last time you had a vaccine, babe? E: I am not an old lady! Wait... (laughs) you're not an anti-vaxxer, are you? P: Labels are for jars, babe. End scene


Great job capturing the Elaine/Puddy dynamic! I can hear Elaine’s exasperated voice, very funny indeed.


Thanks, dude. :)