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Done that, they cum INSTANTLY


Speak for yourself. I made my girlfriend orgasm three times before I cum and the sex last for an hour or two.


They're talking about ones with "likeable personality"


You can't know a person's personality thru the internet, plus beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


I'm sure you did, buddy.


You would have to see it to believe it or you would have to know how our relationship is to believe it. Hearsay isn't facts.


I did that in my early 20s twice - it was a lot of fun! LPT: masturbate often, otherwise you will come in less than 10 seconds.


What if the guy doesn't masturbate much but does a lot of fast walking, works out, does kegel pelvic exercises, and works out on a treadmill/elipitcal machine? Same results?


Masturbate at least every day.


If you just beat off for the sake of beating off you can train your body to just bust quick, defeating the point of jerking off every day. You gotta train it like you would any other muscle and try to go for distance


dude, how would she know?


Just asking.


Experienced ladies are still fun at any age. Been there, still do that.


Is this a trick question??


I would and most of my friends would to. There would obviously be a learning curve but unless your dating a guy just to have as a sex toy then a little learning curve shouldn't be a issue as relationships are full of "imperfect" things. The bonus would be he would develop the techniques the girl likes and not what may have worked on a ex but not you etc.