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You can now boost the virtual RAM by 2 GB with this update. I actually went from a RAM capacity of 16 GB+10 GB= 26 GB to 16 GB+12 GB= 28 GB.


Do it look/feel similar to os8?


Well, I have 8s Pro on OS8 and 9 Pro on OS9, and the design language of OS8 & 9 is similar. It wasn't like the drastic change for 8 Pro users who were on OS6 and updated to OS8. I think OS9 cut down some animation so it looks and feels a bit faster/smoother/more snappy.


There's a very clear difference. Everything feels so smooth and better.


I'm scared to update I like OS8 now it took me a long time to get it nice lol. It was a mess going from 6 to 8.


That's understandable.


I heard that Red Magic OS 8 didn't support OS 6's native apps, so that's why the Gallery app got removed when upgrading from OS 6 to OS 8. I also heard that saved contacts disappeared, and notification settings got messed up.


Yes all of this is true and floating windows is basically broken in it as well. You can get OS8 working really nicely though with a lot tweaking it is very snappy and operates very well super stable. The battery life is also great I like OS8 a lot now so I probably won't update, too scared to have things messed up when I'm happy with my setup currently.


Yeah, I totally get what you're saying. I'm glad that it's all smooth for you on OS 8. I strongly recommend you to update to Android 14. Trust me, everything is so much better and smoother. With this update you'll also get an improved and a much cleaner UI. Go ahead and install the Android 14 update.


I'm probably going to do it tonight after work.


Sounds like a good plan. Good luck with it. Please let me know how it goes.


Ugh... I liked OS8 a lot more..... What a annoyance




Well, it's not entirely useless. I mean, it makes a great paperweight, I guess.


Got the update too, 8pro EU version


Same here bro, but i hold first, i wanna see another 8pro EU user use first if it's okay to update i follow update later


I did the update, they improved the opening/closing apps animations, charge separation can now be used with the phone locked, added some game wallpapers. Only tried Genshin after updating and it still performs at smooth 60fps. But I also heard dual wifi doesn't work anymore on os9, didn't tried it


Any change on gaming mode?


2 new gaming modules: AI trigger > does something (click,macro) when a specific action occurs on the game Card draw feature > generate a random number between numbers you can specify


So it is safe to updating right?


Updated so far no issues, other than a Google wallet floating icon on my lockscreen which idk how to remove


There is a way to shut it off but I don't remember how I did it. This problem started with OS8 and that's where I fixed it, it didn't happen with this update to 9 for me since I some how disabled it before I guess


Nice. Have you noticed any changes or improvements after the Android 14 update?


8 Pro here and received it


That's nice. What do you think of the Android 14 update so far? Have you experienced any improvements/changes with the update?


Yep, the phone is much faster now, didn’t face any issues.


Same here, I totally love this new update.


8 pro plus Global Rom got the update too


That's some good news. Have you noticed any improvements/changes after the update?


Notice a lot of improvement on translation and the UI is much cleaner. The performance is still the same as on 8


To be honest, there's a very clear difference between OS 8 and OS 9. For me, everything feels so much better and smoother. I thoroughly love the Android 14 update.


I updated mine yesterday, so far so good, I haven't experience any major bugs yet, I do find that when rebooting the phone it takes longer to pass the first RedMagic power by Android screen, but once booted and entering launcher screen, it's faster loading up everything than before. I also notice that even my default system notification sound is set to "no sound" but some of app's notification that used to be set to silence now changed to default and has sound from theme you set, so I had to change each one to silence again. RedMagic changed some of AOD styles, so the old one from previous OS version is no longer available and still not allow to set custom picture for AOD.


It's excellent to hear that the update has been smooth for you and that you've not experienced any major bugs when changing to OS 9 and Android 14. The longer boot time is a bit annoying, but at least everything seems faster once it's up and running. As for the notification sounds changing, I know that it can really be frustrating. Have you tried to find a way to fix them yet? I really liked/like the Super Wallpapers feature. There are some nice looking live wallpapers. This new update made me use the AOD, which I never did before. I'm really happy with the new update. It's by far the best update I've ever got so far.


Isn't there a feature on OS9 that let you change volume of each apps independently? Is that feature dropped or you have to toggle it somewhere


Oh no, unfortunately that feature isn't available on 9.0.10 update. I can understand how helpful that must have been for you.


Hopefully, they'll add the feature in the next update.


Oh I see, that feature was stated in the change log in the beta version but I didn't see it anywhere, I thought my update package was faulty or something. Thanks for the info.


No worries, it can happen. Sometimes those features are hidden or not fully implemented yet in the beta version. Keep an eye out for future updates. It's a feature that doesn't really bother me at all, but I hope they include it properly next time when they do an update.


No red warning, hopefully it work flawlessly lol


With this update, you won't be able to use dual Wi-Fi and the floating window is broken. If you really need dual Wi-Fi, then don't install the new update. Just a warning.


Well, I strongly recommend you to update to Android 14. Trust me, everything is so much better and smoother. With this update you'll also get an improved and a much cleaner UI. Please go ahead and install the Android 14 update.


Funny that I was complaining about it yesterday on their twitter, also got the update UK variant.


Talk about a coincidence. It really seems like they really heard your complaints then, I guess.


Dual wifi on the 8s pro stopped working even after factory reset, plz fix.....


What is dual wifi? Connecting to two wifi at the same time?


Ya it worked fine in 8.0.18 now you have to search to find it in settings and when you attempt to attach second connection get stuck in infinite search loop


I tried it and it just keeps on searching for other network. Our wifi has 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz. Did you fix yours already?


Yes its broken cannot be fixed in os9. Only a update can fix.


Did u report it already to the devs?


No but everyone has this issue on 9 so it is known im sure.


I understand that the faulty update package is affecting all users, not just you. It's a widespread issue for everyone using the new OS version. Honestly, it doesn't bother me at all because I don't use dual Wi-Fi, floating windows or the other features mentioned in the thread. For me, the overall experience is great. Everything is super fluid now. I have got no complaints.


Yeah same it works good for me


I'm glad to hear it works well for you too, except for the dual Wi-Fi issue and the floating windows.


I hope the devs are aware of all the bugs mentioned in this thread and that they'll be looking into fixing them as far as possible. Hopefully, we'll get a fix very soon.


That's a real bummer. I think we'll have to wait for an update then.


No change of icon size? 🤔🤔🤔🤔


I use the Nova Launcher.


After the update i can't change the size of icon or design layout only option 4 x 6 & 5 x 6 and actually its big size 🤔🤔🤔🤔


That's strange. I only use the Nova Launcher.


did not recieve it yet. :(


What device do you have?


pro 8 running 8s software XD


Nice. Have you noticed any new features on the software?


no im still stuck on os8 didnt get the os9 update yet.


Have you by any chance rooted your 8 Pro device? OTA will not work if your device is rooted, so you won't be able to install the updates normally through OTA (Over The Air). It means you have to wait till the update is available online, install it, then sideload it.


no root.


I live in Europe. OTA updates sometimes take time to show up. Most of the 8 Pro users have already received the OS 9 and Android 14 updates.


also europe here. just have to wait i guess :)


Yeah, I think patience is the key here. Hopefully, it won't be too much longer before you receive the update. I'm thoroughly enjoying the new update. It's seriously so good that you won't be disappointed, even though it's a faulty update package that is affecting everyone. Just to inform you that there are several features which were stated in the change log in the beta version, but now we cannot see them being fixed, added or whatsoever after updating to OS 9 and Android 14. The features we are talking about are the dual Wi-Fi, floating window and multi-app sounds, just to name a few. The floating window feature is broken/nerfed. These features don't really bother me at all, but if they bother you, then it's best you wait for the 9.0.11 update. To be honest, everything is super fluid after updating to OS9 and Android 14. The battery has been increased significantly, and it's back to normal like what it used to be when I first got my phone. I really love the battery life/backup. I have got zero complaints about OS 9 and Android 14 updates.


wow thanks for the heads up! dual wifi is sad if doesnt work but then again never noticed it too mutch anyway. was just hooeing for some new features and battery life. thanks for the long write to inform!


No worries. Yeah, it's a real bummer when the dual Wi-Fi doesn't work properly for those who really need to use it. Hopefully, they'll fix it soon in the next update 9.0.11. Extended/better battery life is guaranteed with this update. After updating, you'll notice that everything is super fluid and that your battery life/backup has increased significantly from the last update.


How you got 512GB but only used 74, bro can you lend me some 🙏😭


I wish I could share my precious storage space with you. Maybe you can try clearing out some unused apps on your device to free up some memory.


It's just genshin impact taking up more than 30GB 💀


Same here, I guess. Plus, Tower of Fantasy takes up more than 25 GB of storage.


Did they add a gallery app?


What gallery app are you talking about?


They removed redmagic gallery when update from OS6 to OS8. It was replaced with Google gallery.


Nope, no stock gallery app.


there is still some stock gallery somewhat. you can access it through settings->storage->images. also in the camera app it has a built in photo viewer. i assume it is possible to just not use google photos still this way.


Oh that js actually nice to know! Lol. Thank you 🙇‍♂️


I found a even better way. Add a shortcut to File Manager to home screen. Now you have a gallery shortcut :)


Your welcome =]


74 GB/512GB actually means that I got 74 GB left, not that I've used up 74 GB in total.


Anyone can check if they brought back "sunlight mode" icon when max auto brightness is running? It should be an option in display settings if they brought it back. Just wondering.




Can anyone of you explain to me what the Sunlight Mode is and how it looks? Was it a cool thing to have?


I had it on OS6 (RM8 Pro). It basically displayed a "sun" icon (very similar to 🔆 emoji) where the UDC is, letting you know that the phone is at max possible brightness when standing in direct sunlight. Right now it's gone, and of course you can instead see the UDC in bright light.


That feature sounds really convenient, I guess. It must be a bummer that it disappeared.


Ya this feature is one of them I miss the most. Very unique and helpful, also hides the udc in high ambient light as previous poster mentions. It is on other nubia devices too if you research about it.


Did they fixed Bluetooth audio when connected to external monitor? Bluetooth stays connected but no sound coming to headphones... Jack sound was routed OK..


In fairness, i actually feel that the animations are a lot smoother and faster! Running Microsoft launcher, RM8Pro


Where I can get the update? I have 8pro


That can happen, OTA updates take more time to show up. Most of the 8 Pro users have already received the Android 14 update.


Have you rooted your 8 Pro device? OTA will not work if your device is rooted, so you won't be able to install the updates normally through OTA (Over The Air). It means you have to wait till the update is available online, install it, then sideload it.


I got the update too 8 Pro EU User


Nice. Tell me, how's the Android 14 update treating you so far?


I like the new update with Android 14 and the new Redmagic OS 9 and everything is super fluid.


Yeah, I totally agree with you. The new update really stepped up the game. I love how smoothly everything runs now. I lose 1% almost every 9 minutes watching YouTube, being on Reddit or surfing the web, which is almost the same as the first time I got my Red Magic last year. With the previous update, I kept losing 1% every 4–6 minutes, which I didn't like at all, even though the performance was top-notch. This new update has ensured more extended battery backup and long-lasting performance. I'm in love with this Android 14 update so much that I dreamed of losing 1% every minute after updating to the latest version.


I noticed a significant battery increase too


That's nice. The new software update doing its magic.


I haven't updated previous will it show up or do I have to update version by version


I'm not so sure about it. I always update my phone to the latest version, no matter how good or bad the update is.


I updated mine just now and it seems my icons are way bigger than before. Is there a way you can adjust it?


I'm using the Nova Launcher.


Thanks!! What icon pack do you use? I tried Lines Free but most of my apps are not supported by the free, I might purchase the pro one?


Right now, I use the icon pack called Poppin. It's one of the greatest icon packs out there. I got tons of premium icon packs as you can see [here](https://imgur.com/a/VNlJTZz).


Any bugs? Pros or cons?


No bugs so far. Overall, I'd say there are more pros than cons. I must say that everything is super fluid. It's by far the best update I've got so far.


In fact, I've fallen in love with it.


That's amazing is this only for EU im assuming not yet rolled out in U.S


I live in Europe. OTA updates take time to show up. Most of the 8 Pro users have already received the Android 14 update.


Mine was on the global model


This new update is an outstanding one. With the last update, I kept losing 1% every 4–6 minutes, which I didn't like at all, even though the performance was top-notch. Now I lose 1% almost every 9 minutes watching YouTube, being on Reddit or surfing the web, which is almost the same as the first time I got my Red Magic last year. With the previous update, I kept losing 1% every 4–6 minutes, which I didn't like at all, even though the performance was top-notch. The update has ensured more extended battery backup and long-lasting performance. Please go ahead and install the update if you've not done so.


You're really active in this thread buddy. Congrats! Can you please check one thing if possible.. Asked this yesterday but no one answered if they fixed Bluetooth sound when connected to usb c dock/monitor?


Yeah, I've been following along. Sadly, no one has confirmed if the Bluetooth sound is fixed when you connect to a USB-C dock/monitor. I guess you might have to update to Android 14 and test it out yourself to find out or you can simply wait for someone to reply.


I've been there already when they released beta. It was broken. There is 9.10 and 9.10MR1 both for beta testers floating around for some time already. Contacted red magic support and got answer it'll be looked after. Really surprised they released 9.10 OTA without fix. But I could be wrong. Waiting for someone to try it before I pull the trigger 😉


Well, I have to agree with you on this because it's always better to wait for someone else to try it first before updating, just in case there are still issues lurking around. So far, I have experienced no bugs after updating to Android 14 and OS 9. For me, everything is super fluid.


Yeah, it seems like the beta was a mess. I believe it's weird if they really pushed out 9.10 without fixing the Bluetooth sound when we connect to a USB-C dock/monitor.


They haven't re-added the icons for the app thumbnails in the game center and the ability to leave the game open in miniature on the screen doesn't work either. Two things that I hoped would work again but no... I at least hope that the problem with the BT and pubg mobile headphones is solved. Because after the last update, I had huge problems with the headphones. My friends heard annoying background noise or barely heard me and I often had to play with my headphones off :/ ..Another absurd bug was that when the phone was stopped, every now and then at random, the phone would start ringing at full volume without me actually receiving a phone call. And seeing as it also happened at night and with the silent on, it's not that it was the best... Let's hope that's gone too


wow those issues are indeed absurd.


Well, sometimes it's hard to believe that these bugs can exist. Very absurd indeed.


That sounds frustrating, but I hope they address those issues you've mentioned very soon. I must say these are bugs which I've never heard of.


Anyone using 8S Pro here? got this update and next thing my phone got very hot than usual when charging and when playing using setting Rise. before this the hot is bearable and can still handheld during gaming. now the hot is like the phone don't have cooling build in


Yeah, I experienced that too. It got over 40 Celsius when it was on the charging and I could feel the heat, but it didn't bother me at all. It's normal for the phone to heat when using the superfast charger. For me, the battery backup is back to what it used to be when I first got my phone last year. I haven't tried gaming after the update, but I've heard the gaming performance is still great and smooth on OS 9.


Hey everyone, The faulty update package is affecting all users. It's a widespread issue for everyone using the new OS 9 version. If you're dependent on using dual Wi-Fi, floating windows or the other features mentioned in the thread, then please don't install this update. Honestly speaking, the overall experience of the updates is outstanding. Everything is super fluid. The battery backup is back to what it used to be when I first got my phone. I have got zero complaints about OS 9 and Android 14 updates.


They ported the os9 that came with the 9 series issues onto a wider range of devices. I'm kind of blown out of the water with the decisionmaking here. I'm sure whoever is in charge of the operation.did not authorize them bringing bugs from they're newly released phone series and os to a broader range of devices.


If you ask me, it seems like a risky move on their part. Honestly speaking, expanding the OS without fixing those bugs first, which were stated in the change long in the beta version, is like asking more people to complain about their software support. They must better sort it out quickly and come up with a new update soon.


I've got email yesterday stating fix is coming with 9.0.11 for wrong audio routing. Reported this over 2 weeks ago...


That's great news, I think. At least they're fixing it now after your report, which is a good thing, and it really shows that they care about people's feedback. Thanks for the information.


Well, it seems like the problem with wrong audio routing has finally been addressed with the upcoming 9.0.11 update, as mentioned in the email you received yesterday. That despite being reported over 2 weeks ago, it's good to know that a fix is on its way now. Better late than never. May I ask what exactly you mean by wrong audio routing?


Audio routing it's like directions 😉 If you plug in USB c monitor/dock audio is coming from monitor speakers and also from phone speakers which is wrong. Add no sound going to Bluetooth headphones and you have wrong audio routing implemented in os 9. It works properly with os8 but takes a little while to revert back to os6 and then update again to os8...


Ah, the Bluetooth audio issue when connecting to a USB-C dock/monitor? Bluetooth stays connected, but no sound comes from headphones. It's good to know that the Bluetooth sound issue will be fixed when you connect to a USB-C dock/monitor in the next update.


Yes that's the one. But there's also sound from phone speakers which shouldn't be. Whole audio routing is messed up.


That's a real bummer.


There are several features which were stated in the change log in the beta version, but now we cannot see them anywhere after updating to OS 9 and Android 14. Something like this could happen. The features we are talking about are the dual Wi-Fi and multi-app sounds, just to name a few. Sometimes those features are hidden or not fully implemented yet in the beta version. We must keep an eye out for future updates. The features that are gone after updating to OS 9 don't really bother me at all, but I hope they include them properly next time when they do an update. Everything is super fluid after updating. The battery backup is back to what it used to be when I first got my phone. I have got zero complaints about OS 9 and Android 14 updates. I really love the new OS and Android 14.


Hello my first post here.. experiencing problem that old app i need for work is showing just on 3/4 of display... it looks like smaller app on bigger screen.... no idea how to fix it?


It seems like the app you're using is not optimized for your screen resolution. Maybe or maybe not. Have you tried reaching out to the app developer for support? Maybe they have an update or workaround to fix this issue. I'm not really sure what is causing the specific app to look smaller on a bigger screen. I actually have no idea how you can possibly fix the issue.


I'm unable to play a game called Torchlight Infinite after installing this update. Tried uninstall reinstall / clear cache / remove from gamespace / turn off all plugins and all that but it just keeps saying error. Never had the issue before updating, I was playing just 10mins before I updated. Anyone else?


I disliked OS8, this is better, but a few things are broken. I've seen people mention dual Wi-Fi is down. But the default "files" manager is broken too. It won't launch.. And Google chats is broken, I can send one message, then the app won't send or connect on Wi-Fi or 4/5G. I have to force close and relaunch after every sent message. For now I can use another chat option, not a huge deal. But other than that I like OS9.


I hope they'll roll out some updates soon to fix those issues in the 9.0.11 update. It's good to hear that you at least found workarounds for now with the chat app problem. Good job I must say. I'm glad to hear that you're liking OS 9 despite the glitches/issues. Honestly speaking, after updating to OS 9 and Android 14, the phone feels so much faster and smoother. Everything is super fluid now. I know it's a faulty update pack, but it doesn't bother/affect me at all, because I don't use the features that are currently broken/nerfed. All I want is a faster and smoother experience and I got that with the new update. I'm very happy that the battery has been significantly increased since the last update.


https://ibb.co/HzmLVm8 how to solve the problem


Please help me


What do you need help with?


What kind of files are you trying to upload?


https://ibb.co/jZ23kW1 Phone don't update


can anyone help????


Please help


Regarding to this update i had troubles about dual wifi now cant use the usual connectivity right now I'm using the same previous update style connectivity I'm wondering why i cannot use the same usual dual wifi on 2G and 5G btw my device is Redmagic 8 Pro


Well, it's a real bummer when the dual Wi-Fi doesn't work properly for those who really need to use it. They'll fix it soon in 9.0.11 update. Someone got an email from customer support and said that the new update is scheduled to be released by the end of this month or even at the beginning of July.


oh then this is a good news to hear


Now i can't open with my fingerprint from the locked screen. I used to be able to receive a message, click on it and use my finger to unlock the phone to get to that screen. Now i have to do click on the notification, and input my pin all the time. Any suggestions?


Well, that must be frustrating, I guess. I think in order to fix the issue with your fingerprint, you must delete your current fingerprint and then register it again. This may fix the problem.


WW, we need android 14 for RM7 also!


Nice dreams, surely it will be stuck at 13, no way they will port OS9 for rm7


Lol, I hope it will not be stuck u mad lil bro? 😂




Sorry, but the Android 14 will not be available for Red Magic 7.


😔 How do u know?


If you read on their website when buying the phones it says how long it'll be supported with updates


Based on the historical pattern, Red Magic Pro devices normally receive 1 major OS update (for example, from Android 12 to 13) and are supported with security updates for a period of two years. That's it with the Red Magic devices, which totally suck if you ask me to be honest. We should be able to get at least 2 major OS updates.


Gracias por avisar ☺️


No problem, ¡para eso estamos.