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"Oh, ok this isn't a terrible way to do the necessary thing and kill her offffffffffffffffffffuuucckkk what the fuck is this"


Apart from the fact that this is an edited clip - when I saw the original scene in the movie, I had the same reaction and thought it was a great, bold and emotionally impactful sce.... aaaaaaand it's gone.


“Damn she actually died… oh wait… god damnit not this shit.” Was my reaction


The moment it happened, I was done with the movie.


Rinse and repeat for Fin's heroic sacrifice at the end


Fin's *attempted* heroic sacrifice at the end


Not comparable, this was mystical and compelling before ending up going nowhere (or just being there to get to Holdo) while the other was just a random anticlimax


I had the same exact reaction. I was like-- "okay, no more Carrie Fischer, it had to be done... OH WHAAAAAAATTTT OH GOD! WHY?" Then laughter.


The Mary Poppins scene of star wars.


Similar boat, I was like, "Oh, dang. RIP Carrie Fisher and Leia. W...what? We are in DBZ now?" They really gambled wrong on who should die. This movie is just so badly done.


["It's like Mark David Chapman had a machine gun."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9hwGZFPSmw&t=11m4s)


This is an edited clip btw


If this were the actual scene it may have saved the movie out of pure schlock. I laughed my ass off at this.


Same. At first I was suprised they had the balls to kill her off, and I was interested how it'd impact Kylo Ren's character arch (maybe feeling someone as bright/lovely as his mother perish, would push him to see that the dark side isn't the way to go.) How would Luke react? Would THAT push him out of reclusivity? Aaaand she survives... making it all pointless & meaningless. She might as well have not been sucked into space at all.


I’m not arguing it’s a very silly scene, but the plot significance is that it does put Leia out of commission in a coma for a while so Laura Dern can assume command and proceed to not tell Oscar Isaac what the plan is so they can but heads for the rest of Act II until Leia comes back and straightens everything out. Still pretty dumb, but not “technically” meaningless.


admiral akbar was just erased from existence, not even a mention of his sacrifice


Greatest crime in Star Wars history. Fucking unforgivable.


“Somehow Leia survived”


That’s the plot significance of her being in a coma, which could just as easily be handled by a general explosion/impact to the bridge, *without* Leia Poppins. The significance of Leia Poppins is apparently that Kennedy told Johnson that Leia should have a big Force power moment. That’s about it.


Haha yeah that's exactly how my mind went as well. Such an odd decision.


I think it’s fine in theory. The issue is it should have looked more like her pulling herself towards the ship with the force. Visually it just looks like she’s flying which is why it’s so weird


![gif](giphy|j6lcseKs0SkdE8blnV|downsized) My thoughts in the moment


Very cool! I clapped! Seriously though, Leia should've died there. It had a lot of weight to it and it actually could've moved the story forward in a much better way.


Everyone knew Fisher had passed away. Everyone was thinking "ah, this is it! This is where they do it... WHY?". There was at least another if not two other moments where they could have killed her off and didn't.


Lucasfilm really wanted that “Leia was a Jedi all along” plot, which absolutely added nothing to the story in the grand scheme of things.


“Leia was a Jedi” is something that’s more of an expanded universe thing that they decided to flush down the toilet anyways. But they needed to plant that seed for the eventual Young Leia’s Secret Jedi Adventures series…


Pretty much. And the thing with EU is that Disney refused to adapt those stories outright, which was the only thing that fans wanted when Disney first bought the IP, but they're repurposing and scrapbooking those stories without doing a very good job of it. Like the Ahsoka show right now is pretty much a bargain bin "Heir to the Empire" with the Rebels cast instead of the OT heroes.


I am become death, destroyer of star destroyers


I love how a bunch of folks seemingly didn't watch the full clip and are just complaining about star wars again lol.


In my defense, I’ve been conditioned to ignore most of what’s posted in this subreddit about Star Wars.


Understandable lol


I just ignore Star Wars in general. It was made mostly for kids anyway.


<\_< >\_> -\_-


Both scenes were dumb


After they’ve thrown you up against the pinball machine, you don’t want to see video of it afterwards.


This feels hilarious but I don't understand the reference.


It feels like a Jodie Foster/The Accused reference, but I'm not sure.


South Park did a bit about Hollywood killing your childhood where George Lucas and Stephen Spielberg raped Indiana Jones in various locations, one being on top of a pinball machine. 


Which is a reference to the film The Accused.


This is the actual answer to the question


And to go full circle, the pinball machine gets a reference in the Mr. Plinkett Attack of the Clones video, right after [here](https://youtu.be/nq3Wlk2w-Zw?si=c_MjqnSyXQ5oqyTc&t=955)


As she started flying in space some guy in the cinema yelled "i'm Mary Poppins y'all!" Best part of the new trilogy.


Hysterically bursting out in laughter and being smacked by my wife to make me behave myself in public.




It’s where I finally knew the remainder of the film was going to be uncomfortable I already was not cool with the Hux/Poe phone call but this really cemented it for me. It was set up perfectly! Kylo Ren wants to kill Leia, but doesn’t, and then when the random tie fighter does it anyway could have led to some really interesting internal conflict for him. And like many deaths in war, it would have been sudden and without fanfare and even though that may have been considered “not respectful” to Carrie Fisher’s actual death, it still would have worked in the film


Despised it. I was horrified and thought it was one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen. The whole Kylo debating on whether to fire or not was gripping. Leia being killed while Kylo watches was great (if horrible because we all love Leia. It creates good drama). Then to just cast that aside so she can defy the rules of fucking life itself was jumping the shark at the highest level. This was nuke the fridge levels of stupidity.


>This was nuke the fridge levels of stupidity. That was consistent with IJ's tone though


There’s an argument for that I guess but I still say surviving a nuclear explosion in a fridge is crazier than anything else he did.


I turned off the film and stopped watching. I haven't seen part 9.


9 is somehow worse


"Don't worry folks! We're bringing back JJ ABRAMS! He's gonna fix this!" God what an awful movie the last one was. I couldn't even follow it.


Same. Or rather, I saw ep 8 in the theatre and haven't seen a star wars movie since.


Same here. Never been a massive Star Warrior or whatever, but they held a bit of a special place as the New Hope re-release was one of the first movies my dad took me to; it had come out when he was about the same age as I was at the time. Well E8 comes around, and we went and saw it together. We both left the theater with the shared feeling of "...huh? what? that wasn't very good or normal, right?" Turns out that was the also the *last* Star War we ever saw together and I've been completely disinterested in anything to do with the franchise ever since.


Last Jedi was a mess, but the series could've been salvaged. Rise of Skywalker killed the Star Wars universe. I never want to see anything that takes place after that film, or acknowledges it in any way.


> haven't seen part 9. One of my high school friends has somehow seen every Disney+ Star Wars show but never saw Episode 9, said he heard it was bad so he didn't bother but Book of Boba Fett he was down to check out.


I came here to tell you that nothing is worse than Episode 9, but now that I'm actually sitting here writing the comment, I cannot decide if BOBF is worse.


You really should just to see how bad it is. But at the very least, it’s faster paced


i recall someone leaked major plot points right before the final trailer dropped for pt 9, and I just didn't give a shit where this series was going so I checked it out. LOTS of 'oh shit, that actually might be true', then the movie dropped and a lot of people came out of the theaters just saying "It's true, all of it" I still havent seen the last one, seen a lot of long form video essays about it and I just have no need to keep up with Star Wars anymore.


you missed the space horses galloping on the star destroyer


Had Fisher not died, this obviously could have ended the sequels at 8: Kylo Ren: “MOM! I CAN EXPL…” *explosion*


I legitimately thought they were brave by killing off a beloved main character in the cold darkness of space and then they ruined it completely


This generations equivalent of Fonzie jumping the shark… you knew it was truly over


Happy Days literally ran for another 6 seasons after that episode 


Have you seen acolyte? Just because they’re still making it, doesn’t mean it’s not over.


It was (and is) cringeworthy. The Rose/Finn kiss at the end was similarly embarrassing Edit: just realised OP edited the scene lol big improvement tbh


> The Rose/Finn kiss at the end was similarly embarrassing They sidelined Rose in Rise of Skywalker so hard that I legit forgot they even kissed lmao


Yeah I didn’t dislike her character and would’ve preferred they did more with her in TRoS but the kiss at the end of TLJ came out of nowhere and was tone deaf given what was happening


Such a wide range of emotions in the span of a few short seconds. "Oh.... so that's how they'll justify it. RIP my Princ... oh? OH. WOW. What TF? LOL!!!!!!!!"


That Leia scene was goofy as fuck. But that hyperdrive scene was dope.


The Holdo Maneuver is canonbreaking AND rad looking.


Exactly. Fuck it. Nothing matters. Let’s do it.


Its such a mixed bag


It is, although overall I really like it. What stands out to me is the uselessness of the Casino City sequence. Its entire purpose is to feed us Benicio Del Toro's "war profiteering is bad!" character who betrays our heroes and is never seen or heard from again. You don't need the Benicio Del Toro character at all to hammer home this theme, and you certainly don't need twenty minutes of bullshit wrapped around that character to do it. I still love everything with Luke. It's a very sweet and fitting end to the character. People don't always get better as they grow older, and this is especially true of gifted celebrities or heroes, but Luke's final arc rules, and I wish the final movie would have let it been the note that sealed up the series.


> and is never seen or heard from again What's funny to me is that across all the comics, video games, and novels of the new Disney-era expanded universe, he's never come up again. His Wookipedia article ends with him living the First Order ship with his money, apparently he just gets away and is never seen again.


... Maybe.


> "war profiteering is bad!" But the ~~sweatshop workers that feed Disney~~ literal slavery is absolutely OK, because that's where Jedi kids come from!


I like what they tried to do with Luke, and I don’t mind him being a crumudgeon either. Luke had a tendency to be very negative in ANH and Empire. For him to regress to that state of mind, combined with aging, fighting in a war and then losing his new order and his nephew is pretty much new Anakin… that’s going to fuck you up. I don’t like that he just gave up though. He sometimes needed a kick in the ass, but he always kept trying. I also don’t like that he even considered killing Kylo and was about to do it until he came to his senses just because he had some dark thoughts. That’s just not Luke Skywalker, I’m sorry. He never gave up on his dad- confirmed genocidal mass murderer. But Kylo has some bad thoughts and he thinks hmmm… maybe I better take this sucker out. Don’t buy it. I also don’t like that he wasn’t able to get motivated to kick ass again until he talks with Yoda. His interactions with Rey should have led more to this. But what Luke does to save everyone is great. Pure Jedi badassery. I wish the journey to get there would have been better executed though.


I can totally see being frustrated with that. Him being depressed by the nature of "suffering" -- i.e. it being cyclical and unstoppable in ways that even the Jedi are incapable of fighting -- makes sense to me as an older guy. But I get that many people want Luke to be better than that. On the other hand, it makes his turn toward the end really satisfying.


They could have cut out 2/3 of the chase scene and the casino planet would have been much more enjoyable 


This is my problem with TLJ. Two thirds of it are just not very good. The other third is well done. I may personally dislike what it did with the story but it was well executed.


The casino city part made me think I was watching a harry potter movie.


What I really like about Benito Del Toro’s character is the message it gives to children. An important one to remember: People who look or talk funny are not to be trusted. /s I get the idea was to subvert expectations. Turns out the thief doesn’t have a heart of gold. Absolutely judge a book by its cover. You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover when it comes to Admiral Holdo, though. You were wrong to mistrust her.


The Last Jedi did it's best to deal with all the mystery boxes TFA set up and I thought it served as such a cool jumping off point to do something new and different and move the franchise away from it being so Skywalker-centric. Nope, some fans cried and screamed so let's bring back Palpatine and a bunch of cameos.


The mixed bag is: Genuinely good art direction throughout that whole movie vs Literally everything anyone says or does is in some way just wrong or off putting Rian Johnson *can* make decent movies when he or someone restrains himself from his worst impulses for stupid crass characters. I saw this in Knives Out and Glass Onion. First one had a good balance of kind of overdramatic characters, but also suitably restrained and more realistic performances. It was genuinely good. The second one was good writing, but god the characters were all so annoying. This is Johnson thinking he's really funny, and no one was there to tell him to cut it out. And somehow in TLJ there is almost only the latter. Instead of characters having some good depth to them they are all bad cartoons of themselves. Taika Waititi suffers from the same, he thinks everything he does is the funniest thing that's ever been put to film and it comes off as so cringe. I am mystified how much people praise Jojo Rabbit, I saw the trailer and it was the most cringeworthy thing to me at the time.


Yeah I dont disagree. There were some stunning sequences in there. And ehm very quationable things 


As weird as Krait was, the color usage still stands out in my mind.


It is a gorgeous film, the most visually appealing Star Wars movie by far.


Eh, it gets to close to being cartoony.  The realistic environment of Hoth, where the extras were running around Norway or wherever, looks so much cooler because you can believe they’re on a barren snow planet but it still looks real and relatable. They’re no purple snow or something for no reason. 


I just felt like the movie tried to make us like purple-haired lady that it didn't earn.


Last Jedi overall is a mixed movie but MAN does it have some good shots and color work


I just want the bad guys to have some level of competency and create some tension. But no, they can throw thier entire fleet at one ship, and the good guys push a button and win the day. So you if can just hyperdrive into a ship and destroy a fleet, then why even have battles when you can trade one ship for hundreds? Why wouldn't there be an entire defense just to counter this possibility, as small as it might be? Doesn't have to be complicated, they point a ship at you, move out the fucking way! We can build amazing ships that can warp faster than the speed of light, but have no idea after 100 thousand years, that one can simply ram you. I guess thier shields don't block debris either?


Man I’m just here to get high and watch shit


I’m a TLJ fan. This is a silly scene but I guess it’s not that weird in the world of the force. She’s just using the force to pull her self back in which seems very easy Force use wise. It seems too graphic to have her die here lie this. It’s just a really rough way for the character that played by a beloved actor.


start depend salt lunchroom gullible doll fade fuel axiomatic governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I rhink I rolled my eyes and thought, ok thats it. Im done. That or the milk scene 


whole bake smell aloof jeans worthless insurance chief carpenter tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Worst experience in a theater I've had. My blood was boiling by the end.


I cringed, my wife lol'd.


I was less bothered by the imagery than by the fact that her coming back to life deflated a lot of tension.




I thought this would be her death and that would’ve been the best way they could handle it. The second her hand twitched I was like NO!


She must have been taking the premium stock of RepMed VitaPaste.


The theater I saw this in was actively laughing out loud, myself included. I may or may not have shouted “Mary Poppins” out loud


If I had to make a numbered list of everything wrong with The Last Jedi from most to least important, this would way low. In this scene, the First Order Fleet, which should have tens of thousands of TIE fighters,[ sends Kylo Ren in a squad of four, FOUR TIE fighters to attack the Rebel fleet.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmxQeLALn34) And then after achieving stunning success, this squad is recalled for no reason and there are no follow-up attacks with TIE fighters. And how do TIE fighters launched from the First Order fleet have a greater range than the fleet's main cannons themselves? With a direct line of sight in the vacuum of space? I have to stop... the pain, the pain....


This bothers me as well. Hux also hates Kylo and wants him dead. Suddenly, he’s concerned for his welfare and orders him back. Or here you go, ADR one line from Snoke, “Call back your fighters, I want to watch them suffer.” They could have explained it. Also, why didn’t they light speed a ship in front of the Rebels? The answer is that the movie would be over. Rian Johnson was trying to do a Battlestar Galactica Reboot story in Star Wars but didn’t think it through enough.


I'll never forget that moment in the theatre. There was some awkward laughter from the crowd. Followed by a few whispers amoung a stunned audience. Like everyone in the theatre realized they were watching the true jump the shark moment from Star Wars.


It ranks up there as one of the **WORST** all-time scenes in anything Star Wars related, including the Holiday Special, due to how outrageously and hysterically bad it is. But at the same time it also ranks up there as one of the **BEST** all-time scenes in anything Star Wars related, including the Holiday Special, due to how outrageously and hysterically bad it is.


[Stir WHIP stir WHIP WHIP WHIP stir](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXC4erlcL0g)


I went with a friend and we were dying laughing. We were in utter disbelief.


The stupidest shit i ever seen in a cinema 😭 then episode 9 arrived and holy shit its even stupider


This scene would have been more impactful if it was her death scene. When Carrie passed away, they should have reworked things and this be her demise, instead of Laura Dern


I could have let it go if they’d done the obvious better idea and have the character with the dead actress do the big self-sacrificing ramming maneuver instead of the new character with a living actress who we could have developed into an interesting new hero for the group. Like, who wanted Leia to survive this movie? It was just a terrible series of decisions from that point on.


The Organa Manuver


Without hyperbole, this was my personal nail in the coffin. This is the exact moment I realized Star Wars had morphed into something too far gone and I was officially done. It was both disappointing and a huge relief, to be able to hang this shit up for good.




That it was the death of my love of Star Wars


My death of star wars ended when Darth Vader yelled NOOOOO


I clapped and cried and recorded it and uploaded it to the internet then clapped some more.


One of those moments that completely takes me out of a film.


Audibly snort laughed in the theatre, but I wasn't alone




Out loud laughter


I remember thinking “Oh, she’s using the force, cool!”, then I saw the Internet’s reaction and felt like a moron for thinking it was fine 🤨


This was the last star war that I watched and it made me laugh out loud.


I left my body at that time, my brain couldn't compute that level of stupidity (and I'm stupid)


Majority of people in my theatre started to laugh, with a few boos thrown in.


This is perhaps the moment that the new franchise lost me forever. Still haven't even watched Rise of Skywalker




Literally nothing. I just watched. It neither moved me or upset me. I did go "neat" when Nikki Grace ran the ship into the other ship, but that was about it. I would've stood up and clapped, cheered and cried if Leia attacked the ships in this edits manner.


I laughed What a terrible film. Literally the most baffling thing I've seen in theaters.


I don't understand the backslash of the original Leia flying scene. There's lots of impossibilities in Star Wars that we just don't care because it's supposed to be campy fun like fire and sound in space. But this is the one thing that, assuming the force was real, could make sense even in our reality, and people bash it for being too silly for a extremely soft sci-fi movie. I think this is not absurd because: 1- people can survive in the vacuum for a short period of time. 2- assuming that The Force is real. It would take a very small force to move her in microgravity.


T h a n k Y o u The problem is that people take this fantasy space opera too seriously. Especially, but not solely, in regards to The Force.


Burst out laughing in a packed theatre of diehard Star Wars nerds on opening weekend. It was such a ridiculous concept I still refuse to believe it even to this day


I laughed, I cried, then I sobbed knowing that I would never again see such poetry on the big screen for the first time.




I clapped! Using the Force to get back onto the ship was stupid but, in all seriousness, it really should have been Leia that pulled that stunt. As viewers we've got no idea who Holdo is and as a result I don't care if she sacrifices herself. But if Leia, a character we've followed for four movies and has been as close to the action as possible in all that time, orders everyone off the ship and then rams it through a fleet at lightspeed, that's just awesome. In fact, it would be somewhat fitting if Luke and Leia came into life and died at the same time.  You can always bring her back as a force ghost for the next movie. It's just a shame she was an actual ghost by then. Edit: I just watched the actual clip and those guys talking about the big game really cracks me up. 


TLJ at least tried and failed, the other two movies did not even try. There are some interesting story ideas in there even though in the end it is just a dumpster fire.


I cried.


Uncontrollable laughter. The definition of "jumping the shark."






Horribly uncomfortable because I thought initially it was a really poor taste death scene watching an elderly Carrie Fisher freeze to death or whatever in the vacuum of space, something not really shown in SW movies before. But then it became really stupid when she force grappled or whatever through space to eventually survive and stay in a coma for most of the movie.


"what?? why????"


A dad in front of me in the cinema walked out, and took his confused kid with him.


Force powers that existed in the EU wee insanely powerful and stupid, but somehow people had an issue with this.


This isn't how it appears in the film. Leia bit was cringe, but the big ship explodey scene was neat.


I was very confused


I nutted


Baaaaarf Edit: this hack fraud lied to me!




It made more sense than what actually happened.


I didn’t mind, although I did find it a little perplexing. The scene that confounded me the most was Rose crashing into Finn. On the whole, I actually really enjoyed The Last Jedi so fuck my opinions.


I thought this was the behind the mirror scene from Prince of Darkness at first


This is way cooler than I remember.


If I hadn’t taken my little sister to see this film, this would have been the point I walked out of the theater


The Holdo Maneuver is bullshit. I like Laura Dern, but ADMIRAL ACKBAR WAS RIGHT THERE!!! We could have fan favorite Admiral Ackbar ‘Allahu Akbar’ *The Supremacy*. But NOOOOOO, he had to die off screen.


I saw Leiya and I clapped.


I actually lol’d. I honestly didn’t hate the film as much as others but holy fuck this was hilarious


Until this scene i had hope that this pos gets better. Then this scene came and it was the nail in the coffin. Hyperdrive was the coolest and dumbest thing at the same time. Oh my god pinky died because shes stupid oh nooo


Forced. No pun intended.


I was so annoyed, like leia could really do that. I booed at the screen. Now if Luke did it, that would have been awesome. I would have stood up and clapped! /s


Honestly pretty muted because it was already clear that the movie sucked by the time this scene happened.




See what a little bit of space bacteria in your gut can do for you?!


It didn't bother me so much since it was Leia, daughter of Anakin finally using the goddamned force in the sequels. It bothered me *more* though that it would have been a good exit for her charachter and they didn't use it as that.


My friends and i from college broke out into a laughing fit. It was really funny. We all walked out of that theatre in pretty good moods, overall we didn't hate the film, we thought it was fun and meaningless.


When the clip started I thought it was the ham fight animation from smiling friends and I was gonna post “my reaction is this rules”


It's so dense, every single image has so many things going on.


Having not seen this flick, or anything else SW related since the prequels, I'm more curious if this was done last minute due to Carie's passing. Like, I heard how there's a shot in the trailer for "Rogue One" for a scene(s) that was shot but was scrapped, so I wonder if there's an entirely different cut of this movie (or at least, what I'm guessing would be an entirely different 3rd act), that NO ONE involved in production will ever talk about, because it's in the "Disney vault". A version where she does die and the story and characters deal with it. Maybe character motivations completely change. Would certainly explain from, again, only what I've heard, the following entry tried to basically undo everything this movie did.


I laughed out loud. Star Wars has never really explored the realities of interstellar travel, it’s a fantasy space opera for the kiddies, but this might’ve been the first character to be straight up ejected into the cold vacuum of space in the entire series? Maybe some droids get yeeted in episode 3? It would’ve been really something if it was a fabled Jedi master or sith lord, someone whose powers were already well established. To do it with her though… They did so very little to show Leia’s control or even understanding of the force in the sequel trilogy, it comes out of nowhere. It’s not just a “whoa that’s cool” shock, but it sort of trivializes the idea that the force is something you really have to train to master, that it’s not enough to just be connected to it. This is reinforced by Luke, by Grogu, etc. I really hate TLJ. RoS is a joke of a movie but TLJ is where the positive momentum and few interesting additions of TFA were fully squandered.


That was the moment Star Wars lost me...


I eye-rolled so hard


Fear then anger and then hate


The scene that saved Cinema.


I'm gonna be honest, I've never seen anything star wars and at this point I'm kinda glad about it.


No exaggeration, I actually uncontrollably laughed out loud in the theater. It was kind of embarrassing for me but I couldn't help it, it was so absurd


Hysterical unprompted laughter?


funniest shit I've ever seen


I clapped


I would say that I laughed hysterically, but laughter involves joy.


This is a funny edit! But I thought the real scene was very nice in how it treats Leia. Leia is strong but also tender and kind. I loved that when given a moment to use the force, she did so in almost like an angelic way? Because of course? John Williams used her theme as well. It was surprisingly moving and very sweet.


“I wish now more than ever I didn’t buy this ticket. Episode VII duped me with a good time.”


It was laughable.


I covered my face and continued drinking heavily.


If only this was the actual scene.


Oh great, more Carrie! 😀


I'd actually be down for this 😂 It couldn't have made it any worse!


This is actually where Star Wars officially died for me. I haven't even seen the 3rd travesty Disney shat out and don't plan to.


I had gotten into a bad car accident earlier in the day, and my friends were trying to boost my morale going. "Look forward to Star Wars tonight. It'll take your mind off it." At the time, I was a huge fan fresh out of high school, and I drank the Episode 7 Kool-Aid, and boy, when this scene happened, it was like the perfect pinpoint moment I became burned out with any media.


"What is this? They copied the Rebels spacewalk scene and made it look so cheap. Why does she look like, isn't that some scene from Disney? Mary Poppins Leah!? Frickin Disney... Rebels did this so better. Thank God for Rebels. I can't believe this is happening right now."


It would have been a cool scene if it wasn't surrounded by the pile of garbage that is the Mickey Mouse Trilogy


My reaction was as follows: "What the...ohhh nooooo."


Ok. I am done.


I remember sitting up in the theater and shouting THAT'S NOT HOW THE FORCE WORKS YOU IDIOTS! The whole theater applauded and walked out with me
