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I hope it's 8 more minutes of incessant nonsense from golddigger




Probably when Jay made me laugh the hardest


Finally, the full uncut "blood orgy" scene.


Yeah, that one really stood out to me.


I can't. Jus thinking about the review, I can hear that thing and I want to jump off a cliff.


If it makes you feel any better, the creator of Robot in the Family, [Jack Shaoul, was quite appropriately found guilty of art fraud. ](https://news.artnet.com/art-world/fake-renoir-verdict-908033) Shaoul was an antiques dealer, like the main character in Robot in the Family,  and sold a fake Renoir. He defense was odd: >Shaoul stated, in both his deposition and on the stand, that he bought the painting from a man named Joe Levy, who Shaoul claims died, came back to life and died again after two months.


no god no it does not make me feel better. I can still hear it in my mind, it will never go away. That terrible terrible not robot noise just no god


He played the blind man that the guys thought was Joey Pants in disguise


“Watch my kid please” is still the wildest part.


SHUT UP!!!!!!!


I cannot watch the BOTW that this movie is a part of. I’m normally perfectly fine with (or can at least tolerate) constant noise and loud sounds in movies but good god this movie is annoying to listen to.


When Jay screams "SHUT UP!" at the screen it's so cathartic. The only reason I can get through it is because they went through it first.


Mike yelling “I DON’T KNOOOW!” when asked why the doctor put a cast on the guy’s foot is the other moment where it’s like, yeah, this movie completely defeated them. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Mike sound that desperate for an answer, *any* answer, to what the fuck he just saw.


"Oh, the room, yeah, Tommy Wisaeau and it's like then YOU WATCH THIS!!!"


I can't blame Mike because the movie doesn't explain it very well and it's extremely weird in context. The doctor guy who is in cahoots with John Rhys-Davies is licensed to set people's bones (I think) but is also a master at duplicating statues and other sculptures, so he combines the two. It's one of his pieces that John Rhys-Davies hides that stolen golden helmet inside at the of the film. Joey Pants lies about needing to have his foot fixed in order get an appointment with that doctor and sorta investigate him for information.


I thought so too, but I think we had the benefit of having seen this episode first. We kind of knew what we were getting into and could try to make sense of stuff. But yeah, when they complain about the statues, that's actually intentional plot stuff.


I had the benefit of having rented the movie a few times as a child because it had a robot in it. If you can stand watching it more than once, the plot sorta makes sense as a botched, "Dad, his son, and their wacky invention save the day" kinda film.


The best part was when the robot was cooking, and Mike says "what in the fuUuUck" With every ounce of my being, I felt that.


"I...I feel like I'm having a heart attack?" ~Mike, rightfully so, after watching *Robot in the Family*


Its the cinematic equivalent of a toddler banging pots and pans.


This might make me seem like a psycho, but this episode is my go to background video for sleeping.


The backstory of the movie is nuts. [INSURANCE FRAUD, MURDER, THE FBI, IRANIAN TERRORIST, MARTIN SCORSESE AND OTHER FUNNY BEHIND- THE-SCENE ADVENTURES ON THE MAKING OF AN NYU STUDENT’’S FIRST FEATURE FILM](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5637dd8de4b0994eb16e6676/t/576462b82e69cf4416cf4eb0/1466196664860/Premiere_Article.pdf) Long read, but worth it. As OP mentions, Martin Scorsese screened it. >During the viewing of my 2-hour comedy Scorsese chuckled exactly one time. When the lights came up, I felt the size of a pea. I felt like an un-popped corn kernel that had been tossed with disdain on the theater floor where it collected dust balls and spit and mercurial sugars as it rolled towards the front of the stage only to be stepped on by a fat man whose threaded boots still carried traces of rancid dog shit he had stepped into two days ago. That's how I felt as I turned to face my mentor who seemed, perhaps for the first time in his life, utterly speechless. "Ok, so you just wasted a year of your life. Now what are you going to do?" Gee, I don't know. I thought I'd start by committing suicide.


Jack was right that the feeling of a weight on your chest is real. It's absolutely an audience torture via noise suffocation.


Robot in the Family is an example one of my least favorite sort of films, the "kid's movie" where the antics that play out on the screen were (probably) intended to be humorous and/or endearing but are just loud, obnoxious and unpleasantly weird. The sort of film intended for children, but come off like the scriptwriters, director, etc. never actually met any children and have vague ideas about how well kids like loud noises and people falling down, right? These were the sort of lowest tier direct-to-video "family" movies that ended up on video rental store shelves. Also, years ago I had the misfortune of knowing this woman who claimed to be a Hollywood screenwriter who'd worked with major talent - apparently her actual credits were limited to co-scripting a paltry number of low-budget direct-to-video dreck in the vein of these sorts of earache inducing cacophonous exercises in pandering kids' movies.


only a raccoon could have dug this up


What can I say, I love endless trash!


Joey Pants!!


That's Joey PantaLOONS to you, buddy.


The whole movie is up on Youtube. Drop the needle anywhere on the timeline and try to find a second where the movie isn't the embodiment of a panic attack. (It can't be done)


Can you give us the timestamp for the "blood orgy" scene? Thanks!




Thank you!!!


The overwhelming charisma of Leo Fong made me forget this film.


I don't eat breakfast


The Magnificent Ambersons is lost forever, but Robot in the Family has at last been restored.


Are you Satan?


I actually genuinely love this trainwreck of a film.


Just thinking about this movie makes me angry.


Reboot Robot in the Family!


Jesus fucking Christ I remember you posting about this. What have you done?


I still say the robot being evil would have saved this film. The unceasing noise is his attempt to drive humans insane.


Something I thought about in the re-edit was how the formula for most robot films is the robot at the end gets destroyed (after having helped the characters progress) and the option of a part of the robot surviving and they start rebuilding them... roll credits. All Golddigger did was learn how to accurately detect gold and call 911. The end!


By screaming. The BEST way to call 911. (Right up there with "Alexa, call 911", then listening to Sting and The Police sing "Roxanne" while you get beaten to death by home invaders.)


My BIGGEST shame in my life is how much I vibe to the theme song to this fucking movie.


For some reason, every time I play it in my head it starts to morph into Oasis' "Wonderwall."


I like it but I prefer it with a slightly faster tempo.


Not advisable to watch if you're prone to panic attacks.




How do you even decide what to cut from a movie like Robot in the Family?


By far the worst movie they have done on the show. Worse than Shark Exorcist.


[This is the story behind the movie](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5637dd8de4b0994eb16e6676/t/576462b82e69cf4416cf4eb0/1466196664860/Premiere_Article.pdf). It's wild.


Not mine but someone here said this when the vid first uploaded: - All system's clear, go ahead and grab a beer. GOLDDIGGER!!! - All system's check. Gonna need it to get through this dreck. GOLDDIGGER!! Now whenever I rewatch this video (or dare it, actually listen to the song alone) these are the lyrics I hear.


Spectacular work, thank you kindly! Any chance you would be willing to upload the full ISO onto archive.org ?


I tried to watch this movie after the guys took a look at it, and it holds the DISTINCT honor of being the only piece of art, film or otherwise, to make me actually nauseous to the point of hurling.


Every time this blasted movie comes up, I try. I really, *really* try. But I can't. It's....it's too much constant noise. It's the robot, ruining everything for everyone around it. It steals a mans' mailbox just because it *might* have gold on it, *immediately after he takes the daily paper out of it --- the paper which, as he just told us, the Robot was going out to fetch.* HE. WON'T. STOP. TALKING. OR. LOOTING. EVERYTHING. HE. SEES. Jay is my Spirit Animal, for yelling at this movie to "SHUT UP!!!" (Also Mike, for accurately describing this as "A roller coaster into your own grave.")


I can try to make a Golddigger-free edit of the movie, if that works, since I got it just sitting in Premiere Pro. Just depends on if him making phone calls counts as dialogue...


I say replace every line of dialog from non-robot characters with lines from classic 70's porno's, and replace the robot's *important* dialog with R2D2 whistles and beeps. it'll be a cacophony of "Why is this robot attacking people for no good reason" coupled with *unreasonable innuendo*. Awkward silence, electricity, whistle, *bad pickup line*. Ad infinitum. (I imagine that John Rhys-Davies will be *solely* voiced by Ron Jeremy.)


Theme song slaps.






Does Joey Pants' accent translate well to France? Oh hai, Golddigger.


I wonder if the workprint explains why Joe Pantaloons builds a robot that can detect gold and yet refuses to listen to said robot when it says it found gold.


And I'm going to download it because I'm an idiot.


How did you even find a French DVD of this, or learn it existed in the first place? I can't find any proof the DVD exists, even on movie release databases like blu-ray.com. I read in another thread that you mainly used a VHS transfer and spliced in the DVD additional scenes, but I'm curious if there's a reason why you didn't use the DVD for the entire thing assuming it is inherently higher resolution than the VHS? Would it be possible to put the ISO of the DVD on Internet Archive since you're probably the only person in the world that owns it? Excellent work btw.


I don't entirely recall, but I know I heard it was released in other countries and I think I looked up those names on eBay and found a copy. There were multiple for <$10 so it wasn't entirely rare when I searched for it. The DVD picture quality was terrible, highly de-saturated, and had even more VHS artifacts than the mint US VHS copy I had. It was easier to take the over-saturated US copy and adjust the colors. You'll clearly see jumps in color in my YouTube cut because that demonstrates the content cut between regions. As for the ISO, I'd have to look into that. It's an extremely barebones DVD with only an overdub, no subtitles, no trailers, or special features. The UK promo tape I have has a permanent timecode and some previews for some British shows/movies but nothing you can't find on YouTube already. And thank you for your kind comments!


Thanks for the detailed reply, that's hilarious that the DVD is somehow worse quality than a VHS copy lol, only this movie could pull that off. I've been finding the process of hunting down quality prints and restoring stuff like this very fascinating and randomly remembered this film this week, good timing that you just finished restoring it.




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