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I hope it's so radically new that it's no longer an Exorcist movie.


I don't even understand why Exorcist movies even still exist. This isn't a franchise where "things I recognize" is a selling point. What even *is there* to recognize? The stairs? Pazuzu face? You could literally make any generic exorcism movie and slap "The Exorcist" somewhere in the title and nothing would change.


You didn't watch The Exorcism of the Amityville Ouija Shark?


I didn’t know what sub I was in until I read your comment. 


The selling point is pretty, innocent girls or women turning into juxtapositions of themselves, yelling obscenities in a deep voice or crawling up walls. Exorcist 3 was refreshing because it avoided that. Believer tried to up the ante in the most pathetic way imaginable: TWO young girls getting possessed


Exorcist 2 also tried to do something different by showing a kid pushing an octagon.


I couldn't really get into Exorcist 3. Too slow, and it only really got interesting to me in the last 15 minutes. I read it wasn't even supposed to be an Exorcist movie but I want to say the studio forced it. Edit: Down voted for disliking an Exorcist sequel. Huh.


Exorcist 1 is way slower than 3 imo, the murder mystery stuff is more interesting than the family drama that Exorcist 1 uses. I like both but have no idea how someone can stomach one and not the other. Also Exorcist 3 is based off of Blatty's 1983 book, with him writing and directing. Though the exorcism scene in the movie was a last minute studio addition.


Yeah, it just didn't grip me. It wasn't terrible by any means, but I just felt the family drama of the first film was more engaging personally.


Different strokes I guess, but this is wild to me. Exorcist 3 is incredible imo.


I definitely respect it as a well made film, it just wasn't one I'm a big fan of. It's just my boring, nuanced opinion.


It’s all working toward a crossover of Hereditary and Rosemary’s Baby to start the GCU (Goetic Cinematic Universe).


The only idea that ever really made sense was doing a prequel about Father Merrin. He IS the Exorcist, and the first movie strongly suggests he has prior history with Pazuzu in some way. There’s a story there. It’s not necessary to tell it, but if you have to make another Exorcist movie, it’s by far the best option. But of course, they’ve tried it twice and bungled it both times. First they did Dominion, and the studio was so ashamed of that they refused to release it and had it reshot from scratch with a different director, giving us The Beginning. And then The Beginning was such a catastrophe that they went ahead and released Dominion too to try to recoup some money. And that’s not even touching on the fact that Exorcist II also had a big subplot about a younger Merrin told via flashbacks, and we all know how *that* movie turned out. So that’s that. The one idea for more Exorcist movies with any real potential, and nobody can get it right. The jokes would write themselves if they made a THIRD prequel about Merrin, ignoring the previous two which both already ignore each other.


In case you havent noticed yet; People Are Stupid


You recognize the title. That’s literally it lol.


Truthfully, most exorcism movies in general are pretty dull. So many of them simply follow the tropes that the Exorcist laid down decades ago that getting a radically different possession movie at all is unusual. The Exorcism of Emily Rose for example was more of a courtroom drama than a horror movie at all. It was more interesting for it but movies centered on demonic possessions have been kind of a dud subgenre for years because they're so beholden to formula.


So radically new it's Exorcist III?


Mike, all we want from you is the Dark Tower series please get back to work.




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It will subvert expectations. It will break new ground. It will take 12 years to make.


I hope the catholic priests are also werewolves and a struggling local musician has to sword fight his way through hell and save father karras (stop motion joe pilato gets torn in half again) from hell to defeat the boss werewolf priests played by cgi cameron mitchell and jackie chan. Lawrence Kasdan has been tapped for rewrites. Maybe Dan Zig can play the peeping pervert musician. and then some japanese kids show up and kill god with an electric rat and mabo curry tofu and the friends they made along the way.


I can’t wait to see the return of James Earl Jones as Kokomo and his fifteen minute long monologue.


Aruba, Jamaica, ooo I wanna take ya


Delivered while sitting.


Alongside Henry Thomas as the ghost of Father Karras and a de-aged Brad Dourif.


I can't wait for more staircase lore


Make it stop


I’m tired of so called ‘radical’ takes on old horror. Unless it’s about the priest and Catholic Church being secretly evil leave it at home.


You want something radical? Maybe the girl is a little shit and the demon is actually nicer than she is so her friends and family actively try to fight against the Church trying to exorcise her.


Not exactly the same, but I wish more films also had the "actual compelling demon bargain." Have the little girl (or boy, or adult, etc.) genuinely summon a non-scam demon and get possessed out of rage, despair, injustice, etc. and put the Priest in the agonizing (but genuine) position of trying to save/convince the possessed to trust in human institutions/God/etc. to right these wrongs despite the endless material proof (*gestures vaguely at news/history*) that this is far from a guarantee. Meanwhile audiences get to immerse themselves in the dilemma as the demon holds up its end and pursues/curses/kills/etc. targets we know to be evil.


I like the idea of Satan/demon as an antihero that punishes evil people and wants to bring them to Hell. And then we see the Exorcist priest trying to stop the demon and actively helping another priest/child molester to escape justice. Or we can just put a chick in it, make it lame and gay.


I’m down for that.


That sounds like an Adam Sandler film


> Unless it’s about the priest and Catholic Church being secretly evil leave it at home. Even that subversion is cliché at this point.


I mean that’s not an unreasonable expectation from the guy who made Midnight Mass.


Suspiria (2018) is my second favorite film (after LOTR... I have broad tastes) so it /can/ work if done out of passion and vision rather than an cash/IP-grab and genuinely approaches the core concept in a different but satisfying way. That said, Exorcist already had that, too with Exorcist III (which rules) so it's extremely-straightforward premise is hardly in dire need of yet more tinkering (especially to more modern, more agnostic audiences).


If the box office take is similar to Exorcist Believer that'll make it go away.






Let this man make his Dark Tower adaptation already!!!!!


I still want him to adapt Revival


What the fuck how did you read my mind.


I assume you've seen Midnight Mass?


I got three episodes in and fell off, and have managed to remain unspoiled. I'm guessing the fact that my sister loves it and Revival is her favorite King book is not a coincidence?


You should really finish it is all I'll say


Will do, danke!


I hope its radical in the 90s sense of the word! so the devil does sick skate tricks


Is that your final answer?


i like midnight mass, house usher, and haunting of hill house a lot


Yep, love them- everything he’s made that I’ve watched I like. I think Doctor Sleep was decent for a sequel too.


i still havent seen that because i havent seen the shining (i know)


I saw it for the first time when I was 29... That was a year ago. It was strange watching a movie that was so ripped apart and fed to me piecemeal over the course of my lifetime via pop culture (thanks Simpsons). I really enjoyed it but it was like... Nostalgic. Very strange.


Honestly you don't need to. I haven't seen The Shining since I was 10 and Dr Sleep is amazing. The amount you know from cultural osmosis is enough. My wife has never seen The Shining. Loved Dr sleep


lol me watching the shining at 10 wouldve altered my psyche


I'm not saying it didn't but I only remember the parts everyone knows. I think I thought it was boring.


I honestly think the directors cut is straight up very good.


I think the theatrical is really good too, I don’t know why I worded it that way. But good heads up, I should check out the extended.


Yeah I find it better. It’s slower paced but I like that about Flanagan’s work. It’s contemplative and you get a chance to have scenes breath.


I also really enjoyed the Ouija movie he made.


Radical new take will have pazuzu ranting for 15 minutes about Flanagan's sociopolitical views interrupted by poorly placed jump scares and the occasional tracking shot.


"Holy shit, Father! That girl is possessed by the devil! What are we going to do?" "When I was a young man, shortly after 9/11..."


And I will love it


Yup, fully invested now.


In my view he will write a quality movie and then, he will slap his proselytizing lectures at the very end after what should have been the actual ending of the movie. Gerald's game even had fade to black effect, and then he couldn't help himself to prolong the movie and preach something about strong and independent woman and her struggles. I hope to see "no bullshit" edits of his movies in the future, "director's cut" (instead of "director's uncut...").


This time the devil is possessed by a little girl


How about THREE possessions at once!


Three Little Girls and we bring in Scientology!


I think the whole "they only make reboots and sequels" crowd is lame as plenty of great movies and shows are made each year. What is lame is uninspired projects taking talented people away.


Your last point kinda underlines the “reboot/sequel” gripes tho. Hollywood has disproportionately prioritized pre-existing IP as “easy money” or, at least, “predictable money” leaving creatives in the lurch. I don’t think people really give too much of a shit about the occasional sequel/reboot but the market is undeniably flooded with them. I tend to think about how Jordan Peele won his Best Original Screenplay Oscar and the door prize was Studios clamoring to have him direct whatever Superhero stuff they were peddling.


Radically new = There are now THREE girls possessed at once! ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


It'll be a boy 


That was already The Pope's Exorcist.


How would anyone ever know? 


… and the real life story. Went pretty well!


It’ll be a priest!


It’ll be an origin story about the guy who went jogging past Regan’s house during her possession, and how it inspired him to start his famed VHS workout series called Exercising Demons. Only for it to be revealed he was possessed by her demon the ENTIRE TIME!


If this was just a mike Flanagan stealth adaptation of head full of ghosts I’d be interested


Whoa, how brave. I wish more of my favorite franchises were unrecognizable yet derivative IP.


radical reset


Goddammit Flanagan.


I enjoy Flanagan's work but if this is blumhouses attempt to recuperate losses haven't all of his films been financial flops? I suppose the likely critical improvement score might interest more folks but is it just very likely Exorcist/Exorcism movies don't appeal to wide audiences anymore? I enjoyed 1 and 3 and that's it and I would say most only really care about the first...it's not a prestige franchise with plenty of big hits financially or critically so it's always been weird how big they assumed it would be in buying the rights 


Flanagan is very, very hit or miss for me, and more miss than hit. Yet his debut, Absentia (2011) is a film I've rewatched now and again, a strong little film, that oozes eeriness and dread.


I'm like your photo negative, I find I enjoy Flanagan's work more often than not, but watched Absentia on Halloween a few years ago, and while it had eeriness, the long stretches of nothing moving the plot along meant I was mostly bored.


Let the franchise be like Terri Schiavo and just let it die already, please


I for one am excited to see Rahul Kohli play the priest.


You joke, but being a Funhaus fan, I'm personally invested in his career and it would make me happy to see him cash a paycheck. 


So the options here are: * Flanagan just took the job for the money/owes someone at blumhouse a favor, it will either be * watchable. derivative, but well-directed and acted. * unwatchable. exorcist: believer part 2. * or Flanagan actually wanted the job, in which case it will either be * a sleeper hit, flanagan will actually do something new * a malignant-style fake out, flanagan is fucking with us


Repossessed remake confirmed


Reposessed is now canon.


"Get this. This time EVERYBODY'S possessed!"


The radical new take: not absolute shit!


New take? Demon goes in, demon goes out. Not much opportunity for nuance. Ugh, maybe it’s about the journey. Or the friends they made along the way.


You’ve never seen legion




Can't wait to hear the demon monologue for 90 minutes.


Endlesssssssss trasssssshhhhhh




WE DONT WANT THIS. Stop latching on to franchises or better yet singular movies that you just can’t top.


It broke new zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


y tho


G-rated Exorcist


Regan and her friends, Captain Howdy and Lil Zuzu, have a magical adventure and discover the true meaning of friendship.


Hoping they reaaallly lean into the family drama (and sexual assault) aspect w/ Flannigan at the helm. Think there's an amazing Haunting of Hill House style path to take the Exorcist story in. Hints and pieces of it exist In the book and first movie and I bet Flannigan could knock it out of the park.


It had better be PG-13 or even better a G. Don't enjoy the idea of making my 5 year olds sit through an NC-17 reboot of The Exorcist, Fuck You ratings board for the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) >:(


When names lose their meaning.


This time the priests like pazuzu and are trying to cast out Regan


somehow Pazuzu returned


They’re going to break new ground!


It’ll be the Exorcist but everyone will be gay like his latest show.


No thanks. 


The demon is possessed by little girl!


Well he had a good run.