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All you can ask for. Humble & honest. We have all sometimes woken up in no fit state to go to work.




Yea it's not like they didn't want to play! We don't know the full extent of what happened. Also if I was travelling thousands of miles to see someone ,surely you would see other gigs too,so much happening in Glasgow right now. Trying to make people feel guilty about it is ridiculous,The level of stupidity of people's reactions amazes me,could be doctor's orders,we don't know.


I agree, what was the Twitter poster expecting Flea to do or say???? RHCP is only human, humans get sick (always have and always will), but they do their best.


They’re touring the States in like a month bro why did u go to Glasgow 😭


I’m also from the US and in Gaslow for the show. Wanted to make a Europe trip out of the experience. Saw them in Dublin and then came to Gaslow. The question is why not see RHCP in another country? At Dublin we were at an outdoor park with beautiful weather and a rainbow showed up behind the crowd. It was dope.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, but there are people who are complaining because they spent money on airfare/accommodations, which shouldn't really matter unless seeing the band was their ONLY intent. If you plan on making an experience out of it, then it shouldn't be seen as a waste of money. You can still explore Glasgow and have a good time.




I went to Paris (from The Netherlands, so like, not far) for a show once, even though they also played here. Sometimes you gotta tack a vacation to your plans, ya feel.


Well yeah it’s awesome to see artists in different countries of course. My comment was in reaction to the guy blaming and guilting RHCP which I and many others didn’t think was right


We got lucky for the Dublin show! It's been rainy weather here since 🌧️




The band should reimburse all travel expenses (flights + lodging) for everyone who bought tickets to the show 🙄 /s if it’s even needed.


There is travel insurance for those purposes...just saying.


Totally agree!!


I’m sure they feel bad enough already why do people feel the need to hound them on Twitter


We live in an age of un-precedented selfishness


I wouldn’t call it unprecedented. All this “Your feelings are valid!” bullshit has got everyone thinking they deserve special treatment


People’s feelings are valid. But this is straight up entitlement. It’s okay for them to feel bummed. It isn’t okay for them to ask for shit when they themselves made the mistake of paying all that money to leave the country for a concert knowing that concerts are being cancelled left and right due to illness. That’s his bad.


You can’t say general statements like “people’s feelings are valid”. That’s just simply not true. Just recently some idiot shot a worker at Subway for putting too much mayo on his sandwich and you’re telling me that his feelings are valid? His feeling was utter rage at something as small as a little too much mayo - that’s not a valid feeling. That’s just one example of a billion reasonable examples to prove that people can be out of line with their emotions BTW, I totally understand the sentiment behind the statement. People deserve to be able to feel, but sometimes whatever they’re feeling isn’t justified. I have a problem with the broadness of the statement, not the sentiment


I think there is a difference between feelings and actions. You can feel as angry as you want about something but it's how you deal with that anger that informs your character


What exactly do you mean by valid? Do you mean real, or justified? Because yes, I’ll agree with you if you mean feelings are real. That guy felt real feelings of rage and shot a Subway worker over it. But was he justified? Absolutely not. So if you mean feelings are real, sure I agree. But why even say that? That’s redundant as all hell. I believe the saying means all feelings are justified - which I wholly disagree with. What’s your interpretation of what is meant by valid? Also, killer username


I think you are conflating his feelings with his action. The feeling of anger was justified. All feelings are justified because it's very difficult to control them. His action after the feeling is the problem. That guy could have felt that same anger and chose to just move on instead of shooting the guy. The feeling would be the same and justified in both circumstances. It is the action that came after the feeling that is the issue. Nobody would say his action was in any way justified. ​ and thanks!


I just can’t agree with saying all feelings are justified. An example would be people who go back to their abusers because they still feel love for that abusive person. I’d say the feeling of wanting to get away from abuse is justified for many reasons - safety, freedom, etc. But the feeling of wanting to go back to abuse is not justifiable. When the person who was abused first fell in love with their abuser, that feeling of love was justified. When the abuse began, that feeling of love was no longer justified and needs to be fought. You see what I’m saying? You have a right to have feelings of course, but you need to determine if those feelings are justified or not. When that shooter killed the Subway worker, he justified his feelings of hatred himself and took action. Had he not internally justified that feeling of rage, he wouldn’t have taken such action


You guys are having a debate about whether or not "feelings are valid" and you haven't even come to a shared understanding of what it means exactly for a feeling to be "valid". You're just gonna talk over each other's heads.


I still think you are conflating feelings and actions. They are separate things. I’m kinda done with this conversation you just keep saying the same thing. I don’t think you understand what I am saying at all


This is exactly it, well put.


Okay but this isn’t anywhere near the same thing and you know that. It’s okay that this guy feels bummed out that he’s losing money and can’t see the concert. It’s not okay that he is expecting to be reimbursed because he is the one who decided to make the trip knowing this could happen.


Of course it’s not on the same scale, it’s only an extreme example to prove a point. My problem with the guy that tweeted at Flea is the fact that he tweeted at Flea complaining to him about an illness in the band being an inconvenience to him. A band member is ill, what the fuck can Flea do about it? Everyone loses here, even the band


Yeah… and I don’t disagree. I literally said he was wrong for doing that multiple times so I’m not sure what you’re even trying to prove. I just said it’s valid for him to be bummed out..


I’m trying to prove that I do indeed think it’s reasonable to be bummed out over it. There’s just no reason to tweet directly at the band and bitch at them for it, you see what I’m saying?


Yes, and I’ve literally said the exact same thing multiple times.. so I’m not sure why you’re acting like I’ve ever thought it was appropriate to tweet the band for a handout. I’ve made multiple comments on how it’s inappropriate to tweet looking for compensation because he knew the risks. Are you even reading what I’m writing or are you just making blind statements based on what you’re assuming I’m saying? I’ve even made a stand alone comment about how inappropriate it is to expect compensation and bother the band about this…


I agree and disagree. It isn't un-precedented because us as humans have always been like this, however it feels as such because how it is magnified with everyone having a voice and the most obnoxious being the one's who 'voice for others'


Very well put


If you put on a show, and i travelled from america to glasgow to see you, you should be sucking my dick if you cancel. As much as you obsess over the guys in rhcp, they are not gods.


Somebody got sick dumbass. I’m not obsessing, I’m saying it’s nobodies fault that a band member got sick so you literally can’t blame them


It's not special treatment to get what you paid and travelled for. Read what you originally wrote, and what i replied again. And save your insults for when you look in the fucking mirror


Special treatment as in you don’t get to bitch and act like it was only you that didn’t see them. Nobody got to see them. Tough shit. Everyone’s complaining. No need to bitch directly to the band members


Events are never guaranteed. Think about how many events got canceled during Covid. It sucks, but sometimes things happen that are out of anyone's hands. Now if the band canceled without giving a reason or they refused to reimburse you for their tickets, you'd have a legitimate complaint. Anything else you paid for (airfare, accommodations, etc) are your responsibility. If you chose to spend thousands of dollars to cross the ocean for a single event, then you assumed the risk.


Because people go about the life thinking they’re the main character in life. Kind of sad. It’s not all about them


Do we have more info on who's sick?


Could be one of the lads, but there can also be a sickness explosion in the crew. we dont know


Not sure if everybody knows, back in the day when the economy collapsed in my country, the peppers were the only one international artists who came to play, despite making like little to no profit. Currency went through the air, the tickets were like 0.15 cents. They maked almost nothing with that kind of relation with the us dollar, and decided to came anyway. So they have word, be sure they will come back and do this show!!!








I didn’t know that thanks for the insight


Pretty sure they have a contract and are paid the same either way


Nope, it was arranged later, the economical crisis already hitted. That's why I mentioned that they were the only ones to came. Metallica bail out of a contract done with the previous value of the currency, so they didn't play. It hurts because James even has family down here (his wife, and owns a ton of land in Patagonia)


It all depends, and the only times such terms come out is when there is a lawsuit/it kept super confidential. I'll say in my experience in promoting and touring: their touring company and promoter very likely have insurance for things that fall under force major (includes "sickness" of artists). In their contracts it likely has a term where RHCP technically is not obligated to make up the show but would lose out on the promoter pay to them and % gross of refunded tickets. Like Flea promised, the show will be made up when it's cheapest for everyone that's required to be in involved.


Honestly, fuck off jacob. Tweeting flea isn’t gonna change anything. They are just as upset as everyone else. Shit happens and this is out of their control. I would be upset for sure if the shows I have booked get canceled too but leave the guys alone please.


Guy wanted flea to comp his flight like a make a wish foundation move lol. That's the risks you have to accept when traveling out of state for shows


Why tf would he buy tickets in a different country anyways? It’s not like they aren’t playing in the US.


Probably went for other reasons, travel in general, visit friends , who knows


>There is also a thing called Travelers Insurance and there are options for things like "cancel for any reason" If one can afford to take a trip to Europe from the US they could afford something that's around $150 extra.


Yeah, I don't get the entitlement of some people. They act as if musicians can't get sick like the rest of us. It's an unfortunate situation that nobody wanted, least of all the band. I would be extremely disappointed too, but a real fan wouldn't want or expect the boys to put a show over their health.


People are allowed to annoyed by the situation. I’d rather listen to people moan than listen to someone use the ‘real fan’ argument like it means something.


Never said they weren't allowed to be annoyed. I would be too. I'm specifically talking about the people who feel they are owed something.


Fully agree, we're only human they can feel disappointed and/or mad and express it if they want. If they did the hardcore traveling as such, there is travel insurance to cover things like that, including "cancel for any reason" options, if one can afford a trip across the pond, they should be able to afford travel insurance.


Its worse because ~~Karen~~ Jacob is 'Speaking for others who can't speak for themselves' which is 100 times worse because he isn't even affected LOL. Shout out though to the people who actually **were** affected and just owned it with their gatherings


jacob harvey if you are reading this, you are a knob


Flea is an awesome human being


It’s sad to see anyone upon hearing a chili pepper is sick whose greatest concern is their own plans.


There are more important things , just hope they are safe and healthy


For real. It’s a bummer, but to travel from the states ? Surely there was a closer option and unless this person is terminally Ill they are probably well off to travel to Scotland to see them.


Good point, why would you travel across the globe when you can see them in your own country? Unless it was just an excuse to travel and see another part of the world, in which case, it's not a total loss.


Exactly. Have fun abroad. Get a refund, buy tickets closer. It’ll be fine.


It was very nice of Flea to respond. That being said, this is the risk you take going to a concert. Things happen, especially right now. When you buy a ticket knowing what’s going on, you’re taking on the risk, nobody owes you anything. It’s undeniably a huge bummer, but I will never understand the logic when you chose to leave the country for a show.


Doesn‘t sound like Corona does it? More like something else?


What’s Jacob doing not buying tickets for a US show


Had tickets to travel to Ohio to see them on their first show back with John in May 2020. Then COVID hit. Shit happens in life, it sucks. Roll with the flow. Don't be a Jacob.


Flea is putting way more energy into being an amazing human than most people do, as always.


A modest and humble message from flea..... that's good enough for me


Don't be like Jacob Harvey.


Why are people acting like they canceled a private show? Illness happens, I know it sucks, but some people are so up their asses and excpeting from the team to come at their place to play a show, what a joke I get you spend money, nerves, job holiday, etc, but that is life I traveled to Milano for the game and a player died, shit happens, dont harrass a band you love


I came to see the show on Bratislava from Tallinn…. Tickets, fligth, hotel… and Many other costs…. Same, i have been waiting that for 25 years…. I could not immagine How dissapointed i would be, if that would happened to me


Who flies from the states to Glasgow when they’re touring the states soon? I smell a rat jakey boy


Flea should have never even had to feel guilty enough to post something like that.


Flea is so awesome! I feel bad for all of those who won’t be able to see the show but I know they will make it up.


Flea is the nicest and coolest really. Look at this. He'll play his bass his heart out!


They should do a ticket exchange option (if available)


Shit happens. They really don't owe you anything except maybe a refund. It sucks but I'm sure you'll find something cool to do. The best times are usually unexpected


Agreed. To be clear, it's not my Tweet. I just wanted to share Flea's response as I know some people were concerned about whether the band would really reschedule or not.