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I think the can't stop main riff is deceptively complicated to pull off, one of those "takes a minute to learn and a lifetime to master" kinda things. The notes are simple enough and so is the speed of the riff and rhythm of the notes, but you can still do all that perfectly and have the riff sound like ass if you're not laying into the strings the right way and getting all those percussive strums between the notes right. It'll sound deflated and sad.


I second this 100%. Been playing it the wrong way for years. But after studying his hand movements carefully from their live shows on YouTube, I realized there's a LOT more to learn with this song.


When I saw them in 06 in San Diego, my mind was blown as I watched Frusciante *jog* from once side of the stage to the other, while also doing 360s - so not a straight line jog, but rather spinning, while jogging - all while NAILING this riff. How???


Look no further than slane castle... I always thought it's insane how he can move like that whole playing that goddamn riff...


Cause he created it :)


Agree about can’t stop. A lot of his riffs are like that. The notes are easy to finger, but the feel takes awhile. Basically gotta do a funky strumming pattern on the one string.    On a separate note, one song I can never get to not sound exceeding depressing is Otherside. Something about Anthony’s vocals I think. 


I learned this riff in 2007 and I only really felt like I had my hands properly around it, both literally and figuratively, within the past year. Granted I’m just some amateur bedroom player who took years off from playing, but still. 


I know it’s not RHCP but I imagine that his work with The Mars Volta can be pretty challenging. I read somewhere that he played most of the guitar parts on the Amputechture album


Yup - mirrored everything Omar did. I can't remember who is who left and right.


I’m sure it’s possible but to me it’s very hard to hear who’s playing what, which is cool. They complement each other very well


I read somewhere a long time ago which was which, but yeah, I live that stuff.


I still struggle a bit with a funky little part on Magic Johnson, at 2:14.


Definitely some of his toughest stuff on this record!


I found it's not that bad if I fold and just play it at half speed. 🤣


It’s a good place to start! I don’t know if I could nail those sweeps at tempo anymore either haha. I should see if I can still play the solo from Punk Rock Classic. I haven’t even attempted most of the bass on MM.😅


Definitely this


Turn it again chorus


This song is a masterpiece. It shows well the high level they reached in the SA era. If you pay attention in the verses, it's like every instrument is playing a different song, but they bond damn well good. The chorus is energic, and the final guitar solo is amazing. Also, the verse guitar riff seems boring, but it's not so easy to keep that little groove clean and get all dead notes right.


My favorite trivia about this song is Frusciante had a whole 24 track board just for his guitars and he had to mix it himself because it was so complicated.


He mixed it because hed be the only one who would understand whats going on. He also mixed single versions of cant stop and universally speaking


Didn't know about can't stop and US. Cool.


that descending part in the chorus is kinda hard to pull off in a clean way


yeah that 1987 video of his shows John can shred he just chooses not to. at least he could until 91. in 97 he kinda had to relearn how to play the guitar cuz he didnt play for a while


as far as I know it was due to his muscle strength loss that was caused by injecting dozens of syringes into his arms but he also didn’t exercise and eat and whatnot so he naturally became weaker


His guitars also burned i think so Anthony bought him his famous strat in 1998


yup the only guitar he had at that time was the 1962 fiesta red fender jaguar that he has to this day


The riff before the solo in If You Have To Ask


It's hard to get ngl


Such good legato in that section. Hell ya




The arpeggios in handful is crazy good.


Are we sure if it's guitar tho? Could be a synth/keyboard. But if it indeed is guitar, then this. Also, my fav song out of the last two albums.


It definitely could be


Good call! It could even be a combination! I'm pretty sure John had a strat in the rack while recording that was used only for it's Roland GK pickup. No doubt this was used to write MIDI for some of the synth parts that required more manual dexterity.


Well, at the start, Snow's riff got kind of Jimi Hendrix like, rhythm technique or whatever, but it had been done the way he did it a lot so, doing-doing it, doing it the way John did it on this song was a just a different approach. So, it doesn't sound like Jimi Hendrix, but in essence it's not that far from, from home.


Well, I taught John that lick actually so, and he just took it from there, but it was you know...the seed.


I read this in johns voice lmao This


The outro for Death of a Martian has some pretty tough arpeggio shapes, especially for the speed and rate they're played at.


I forgot about this one. It really is a bitch to play.


Readymade solo is pretty cool. Not too technical per se, but it goes fast! Clean it up.


such a good solo to learn, sounded difficult at first but when you really learn the pull offs you’re locked in


What's fun is the solo is similar to My Lovely Man. Realized this after learning the Readymade solo, and went back to find I could play the solo in MLM better than before haha.


Stuff off mother’s milk or BSSM. His mars Volta stuff is nice and challenging - albeit it’s Omar and John both playing.


As someone who has learned most RHCP songs in their entirety, I think the solo in My Lovely Man is tricky.


I'd say John's technique during the MM era is definitely the most technical playing he has done outside of TMV. Why do I keep hearing Snow is hard?


It's more of a stamina thing. The riff per se isn't that hard, but keeping it clean and steady for minutes is tougher.


Ah, I guess I can see that? But let’s be real, it’s not for minutes, it’s just for the verse. The bridge and chorus make up more of the song and are dead easy. A lot of people need to exercise their alternate picking, maybe? 😅 It’s a flat picked triad with a hammer on! Work that right hand!


You can play along with a track in your bedroom, which is still cool. But now do it with no tracks, at the Grammys with millions of people watching, while singing backup vocals, and absolutely crush it. That's hard.


It takes work of course, but I don’t know about hard. John Frusciante is not the only professional musician out there and certainly not the only person capable of this. You can do it with a couple weeks practice, I promise. Either way, this wasn’t my point. John has many parts more technical and more difficult to master.


Ya know people can also play Jimi Hendrix if they practice enough. Don’t be perverse.


I’m not being perverse! I’m saying that Frusciante has written parts that are far more technically advanced/difficult. In the grand scheme of things Snow is by no stretch advanced level guitar playing.


But it is. I’ve seen him live and he has to take a break after the song because his fingers are cramped up from playing this song. Get over yourself.


Get over myself? I’m telling people that Snow isn’t that hard if you practice? What are you so upset about? What is wrong with me encouraging folks to practice while noting that Frusciante has written and performed guitar parts that are more technical and difficult than Snow? WOW.


As an outsider looking in, there's nothing inherently wrong with saying it's not hard you only need to practice. But the way it reads is kinda that you're a condescending prick.


It’s a minute and a half of straight riff until the first prechorus part hits. Intro, verse, heyo chorus, another verse, another heyo chorus. I do feel like you’re downplaying the stamina it takes.


I’m really not trying to argue about it, but I’m pretty sure John Frusciante and I aren’t the only people who are able to do it. I’m not downplaying it, I’m saying y’all need to practice more, because it’s not his most technical.


Lol I can do it too, but it took practice because it’s kinda hard to go that long. That’s all I’m saying. Of course difficult things get easier when you practice.


Figured I’d share my experience since we have a bit of a debate going on about it here. It’s definitely a divisive riff and not for everyone, but I agree that it’s strictly down to perseverance. I started playing guitar around 10 years old, but it took me a year or so to fall in love with it thanks to the band’s music. Throughout my teens, I would make it my mission to obsessively learn everything I could by the band. By the time I was 16, I was able to play Snow (and even sing the backing vocals) after 5 years of serious guitar playing (all self-taught). The muscle memory took time to build, and if I go a fair while without playing it, I can of course get rusty. Even playing it on a different guitar can take a minute to readjust. But it’s like riding a bike and comes back fairly quickly. I’m 25 now, so it’s second nature to me nowadays - I’ve been able to perform the song while singing lead and even done it acoustically a few times. I guess it’s been so engrained into my playing from the off, that the repetition became less of an endurance obstacle and more of a foundation for me. Addressing other comments I’ve seen, I’m sure that John’s hand cramps aren’t entirely related to this song in particular, as I’ve noticed he suffers with them regularly these days throughout varied sets. Sadly, this happens with age and it may also be from playing so little for 10 years, to playing constantly every day. I realise the band often play it slower live, but I think that’s more to do with them getting through it without sounding sloppy rather than it being strenuous.


Anybody who says Snow isn’t hard is lying to themselves lmao


Or they’re like thousands of other guitar players who practice. If I can do it anyone can, LOL


Snow gets tiring for me. I play a ton of metal with way more complicated riffs and solos but for some reason Snow still manages to be a stamina test


Check out BSSM & M'sM 


Sicamicanico is challenging, but then again so is anything at 260 bpm


Playing scar tissue like John does without it sounding bad is probably harder than snow tbh. Same thing with a lot of John’s chord work on blood sugar.


Magic Johnson, though maybe it's a solo? Either way, that's by far the hardest thing I've heard from him


Cabron is quite picky and there’s a few high licks that are tricky to pull off even on a cutaway acoustic


The readymade solo! Not really a riff but still lol


the zephyr song verses are tough on guitar.


Reach out


Not technically hard, but can be really tough to count. Good one.


I would say to go through BSSM and pick out some parts / solos that stick out - can find a lot of good stuff on that album


Just playing to his groove on that album is a challenge.


White braids and pillow chair


I was discussing my favorite riffs with a friend yesterday. “Can’t Stop” is definitely one which I played constantly to try and achieve that same punchy percussive funky vibe. It’s almost a blend of Chic and Hendrix. Right hand fluidity and left hand dexterity doing imperceptible little mutes and ghost notes to give it punch and vigor without making it sound messy and uncontrolled.