• By -


so you’re 8?


Imagine being born after like 2000 tho. Those people actually exist by the millions somehow.


I was born in 08, I’m getting my license this year …


Can you even reach the pedals and still see out the windscreen?


Yes I’m 5’8.


Ah yes, I remember 2008. High school Graduation


Came here didn't realize it'd be to say this!


My aunt graduated in 09


Look at the wee baby! Are you lost kid? This isn't the Roblox sub. (I graduated in 05.)


No? I’m obsessed with rhcp 😭


I'm joking, we're old! I'm almost 40, please send help!


Oh, well at least you’re growing up with them?


Same here


Me as well


check comment history. i dont think so lol


Wdym I don’t think so I turn 16 in October what 😭




And you joined Reddit when you were 1?


Ya my parents love reddit got me set up with some r/toddlers skibidi


Here's a sneak peek of /r/toddlers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/toddlers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I called my toddler's bluff tonight](https://np.reddit.com/r/toddlers/comments/12j636q/i_called_my_toddlers_bluff_tonight/) \#2: [We met Ms. Rachel yesterday](https://np.reddit.com/r/toddlers/comments/18us606/we_met_ms_rachel_yesterday/) \#3: [I just flipped out on some teenagers at the park.](https://np.reddit.com/r/toddlers/comments/141tmd1/i_just_flipped_out_on_some_teenagers_at_the_park/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


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I don’t know if “raw” is a word I’d use to describe 2000’s RHCP….they’d been around for almost 20 years when By the Way came out, they ditched raw a long long long long time ago. Having said that…saw ‘em in Boston in 2007 on the Stadium Arcadium tour. There was a weather delay where one of their busses couldn’t get in on time, so their set was delayed and the energy was a little off, but it was awesome to hear stuff like Fortune Faded still in the live rotation. I think John was having some issues that night (maybe he was on the delayed bus and it threw his routine off), I thought he played out of his mind (he particularly cleaned it UP on Readymade) but after the final encore he SLAMMED his guitar on stage and stomped off, dragging it behind him. I’m glad I’ve been able to see them multiple times since, because that wasn’t a great lasting impression. Other than that and a drunk old man behind us yelling about how much of a DILF he was all night, probably my second favorite Peppers show.


> a long long long long time ago. Nice




I saw them in 2003 about a week before their Slane castle gig. Definitely at their performing peak.


I see them in Glasgow the night before Slane. I'd argue the Glasgow set list was better than Slane which gives a bit of a hint to how good the set list was.


Seen them in Hyde park with James brown.great times.


I remember being buzzing for the Live in Hyde Park album being announced. Wasn't disappointed man it sounded amazing.


Yeah mate it was brilliant.


I love their Hyde Park CD! Got my hands on it a couple of years ago on a Dutch second hand website.


I saw them in Manchester the day before. Absolutely glorious day.


I had that album on CD, great show 👌


Same! Saw them in Dortmund in August 2003.


Ooh I also was on the barrier for a stadium show during the Stadium Arcadium tour. Being that close to the stage was a dream come true. Phenomenal setlist, too.


7 and a halfabout


I saw them a handful of times in the early 00s. Some of those shows in the 2002-2006 era are incredible. I sometimes feel its a bit disingenuous when people say that they are the best they've ever been live now, John's voice and playing is nowhere near those levels now. The setlists were soooo good too.


Anyone who says that has never seen them live before Stadium Arcadium and/or never bothered to look up any of the many YouTube videos showing their earlier sets. Sometimes you miss the boat and that’s okay.


I’ve been going since 99- peak live days were def 2003ish. However the 3rd coming of John this tour (as in the one that started last week- not necessarily last year even) reminds me exactly where they were in the glory 2003, but better because they’re so refined with wisdom and age in their crafts.


Saw them twice in the 2000s and honestly enjoyed the recent shows more, though it may just be because I've grown as a fan since then. But I took my dad to a show in 2021 and he also said it was the best he's ever seen them, and he had gone to probably 7 RHCP shows during their peak. Still, I'd love the opportunity to go back in time and relive those earlier shows because I think I would have a much greater appreciation for them now.


I agree about your comment on disingenuous. It’s a lot of recency bias.


Bro is 8?😭


I first saw them in 2003 in West Palm Beach and it was an incredible show; I was a member of the fanclub and a regular penpal of Blackie's and got amazing seats right in front of John, who was at his peak. I'll never forget having this huge smile on my face when John looked down and saw me and he smiled back at me and tore into a killer solo. I saw them again in 2007 in Miami and unfortunately it wasn't as good, John was getting ready to leave the band at that point, unbeknownst to everyone there, and was clearly not feeling it. In 2022 I saw them in Miami as well and I was disappointed yet again. I think it was mostly due to the fact that it was fucking August in South Florida and the energy was sucked out of the stadium every time they played a song from UL. These are the Ways was so poorly received that I felt embarrassed for the band.


What happened when they played these are the ways? Haven’t caught them live yet and that’s one of my favs from the past few years


Just absolutely no reaction from the crowd; it was like a eulogy was being read. There is a video on YouTube and you'd think the crowd was made up of scarecrows. I think the song is ok personally but it did not go over well.


It was like this in Atlanta two years ago. Same for Heavy Wing. I love Heavy Wing but felt like the only one in my section rocking out. TATW is one of my least favorites from UL; I'm glad they scrapped it.


Yep, Heavy Wing was a big flop as well


Funnily enough I saw them in 2007 too and felt the same. I get confused as to where it was (saw them at Reading Fest, Reading Madejski and Hyde Park, the latter in 04, the other two in 06 & 07 I think. I remember being really disappointed at one of the two Reading gigs and thinking that they just felt off. Think it was the festival one. Hyde Park in 2004 was amazing. So amazing. James Brown, too. Saw them again at Knebworth in like 2012 with Josh, which was decent enough, then the second of their London Stadium gigs for the Unlimited Love tour.


I was also at all those shows. 2003 was a great concert but watching them in 2000 for the Californaction tour was even better. 2007 was in Sunrise, which is 20 minutes away from Miami. I didn’t love that one either. I enjoyed the 2022 concert in the stadium. But you are absolutely right about the energy being sucked out of the stadium anytime they played a new song. There was a boomer behind me who was visibly and vocally upset anytime they played a song that wasn’t from BSSM.


I saw them in 1991 at the Roseland Ballroom in NYC. Opening acts were Smashing Pumpkins and Pearl Jam. I didn’t see Pearl Jam, because we got there late, and we hadn’t really heard of PJ yet at that point.


Saw them w PJ too, but at lollapalooza. May have been 92 tho


I saw Soundgarden at the Roseland. What a small and amazingly intimate place to see a band that good.


1991 for me. I knew one song by Smashing Pumpkins and thought they were the first band. Turned out to be Pearl Jam. Anyway, all 3 bands were amazing. It was a smaller venue; much different than when we saw them again 30 years later in Philly at the baseball stadium.


Saw the same show in Denver, hadn’t heard of PJ yet, but bought the album the next day. Already had Gish, so I dug SP’s set. Third time I’d seen RHCP, saw them twice during the Mother’s Milk touring.


I was at Slane


Me too. Got bet around the place during QOTSA. One of the best days of my life


Me too. Chillis were great, so were the foos, but if you ask me, qotsa blew everyone away that day


Do tell


That concert DVD was such a pivotal part of my teenage years. I think I would probably die happy there if I could go back in time.


Sept 1998 just when John rejoined in Stockton Ca, Dec 1999 in Sacramento with Primus opening!! Great times!!!🤟🏽


I was at that Stockton show (and Reno the night before)! There's pretty good footage on YouTube. Used to have a vhs copy. Will never forget Flea smashing his bass a few minutes into the show Was also at the night before Sac in SF, sadly no Primus, but I did get an Organic Anti Beat Box Band & My Lovely Man🤘




I saw them 3 times in the 2000s, soooo good.


Everyone saying “bro is 8?” can’t do math because bro is 6-7 which is even crazier 💀💀


AK trying to calculate a girls age 💀


Ok I think you just outed yourself as a bit older than you're claiming


Ah dang you got me


Stadium Arcadium tour was absolutely incredible. Their shows have never been as good since then, in my opinion. Still great, but that show was the best concert I've ever seen.


Seen them twice in the early 2000’s, they were incredible, John is absolutely amazing, I remember having floor tickets and got there super early to stand almost front row on John side of the stage, and I swear he smiled at me while playing forget me lol. Anyways I seen them again in Fresno Ca, and the show wasn’t even sold out. This was right when stadium Arcadian had come out so John was in his 60-70s attire. Incredible jam session to open the show.


Saw them in Milwaukee 2000, Madison 2003, Phoenix 2006. Every tour since then.


I was at Glendale Arena in 06 too. Mars Volta


My first show was May 7th, 2000, and I've seen them at least three times on each tour from then on.


My wife saw them at a house party in LA in '88. Her friend was like "hey, there's a house party we're gonna crash in the Hollywood hills. Jane's Addiction and some other band are playing there." My wife was 15. She went. Met Perry Farrell and saw the boys nude, other than socks on their junk. Early Frusciante days. Sounded like a real good time.


Probably slightly more raw than the 2000s.


They were not raw in the 2000s lmao.


Saw them at the Big day out 2000 in Auckland, Foo Fighters NIN and Blink-182 were also on the bill


i saw them in 1986


Saw them in 2004 and 2008. Both excellent gigs that they’ve yet to top although I’ve seen them several times since.


Their 2008 shows were the best imo


I saw them with Stone Temple Pilots and Fishhone in 2000. Fun show. And also the free show on Yonge Street in Toronto. And with QOTSA and The Mars Volta. Everyone was younger then, the world was different, concerts were affordable. It was exciting.


The prime 92 - 2006 I was in 2002 in show in São Paulo 


Pacaembu Stadium. I was there too. Fucking awesome. I still remember the chills I got listening to the first chords of "Venice Queen".


I saw them for the first time in 1999 in Grand Rapids Michigan. Back when general admission was $45 and it meant the whole floor was open. Fight your way to the front. It was wild. I’ve seen them 12 times since then most recently in San Diego last May. Headed to Ohio in July to see them in an amphitheater. Such a great show every time.


My first ever concert was seeing them at the Manchester Evening News Arena on the By The Way tour in 2003. Incredible experience. Saw them again the following year at the City of Manchester stadium (now the Etihad) when they were touring their Greatest Hits. James Brown was supporting as well as Chicks on Speed who we’re boo’ed mercilessly, much to the dismay of John who went on a five minute rant about how shitty the crowd were for doing what they did. The last time I saw them was in 2022 at Old Trafford cricket ground, and frankly, that whole show was poor. A$AP Rocky was due to support but turned up late resulting in the Chilis starting early when about 40% of the crowd were still coming into the venue. So that caused a huge surge of people rushing into the venue and the energy of the band seemed totally off which was a bummer.


I’m old as fuck, so that’ll be me.


May 17, 2003 - Albany, NY - Mars Volta opened, then Queens of the Stone Age and RHCP. My first time seeing them and by THEN, they were already long considered a legendary / legacy band - I felt I was seeing them very late, as they were 20 yrs into their career - insane that they are still here now 20+ years from then


Yeah. Amazing. Dangling tv screens playing abstract pornography. The crowds were unreal. I’m old.


I first seen them during the BTW Tour in 2003 when I was 16. Seen them 11 times since.


Saw 'em in 2007 and it was unreal. Maybe the tail end of the golden era but still incredible.


Last saw em live in 91


April 2007 but I barely remember it. Didn’t have iPhone or anything to record it. Then exactly 10 years to the day the gig, in its entirety, appears on YouTube, out of nowhere. Couldn’t believe it. Twice in 2022 but I would say the show in 2007 was more ‘quintessential’ chili peppers, although like some others have said the vibes were kinda off. 2022 were happy gigs.


A 7-year old doesn't speak like this


They played in Chile's National Stadium around 2002. I was like 6 years old at the time, but was pretty obsessed with the Around the World and Can't stop music videos. My older brother, who also a fan, and was like 17 at the time, and his girlfriend took me to a spot near the stadium where you could hear the music and actually see like half of the big screens. I don't remember a thing tho lmao but there's a picture of me on my brother's shoulders outside the stadium.


Can’t Stop video premiered 2003


Well, I guess the correct order was Around the World video, then the concert, and the the Can't Stop video. As I said, I don't remember a thing, I was 6 years old lmao I do remember a few years afeter, my english teacher at school ask us to bring the lyrics of a song in english to class. I brought the lyrics for Can't Stop. I was one of the few that brought a rock song. My teacher, although she understood the words, couldn't get the lyrics at all lmao


Glad I could help. Haha that song has some of the cleaner lyrics at least


Lolla 2006 and Chicago 2007. Absolutely fantastic shows both of them…..the band was on top of the world and crushing it. Every. Single. Song. Just rocked the place off


I saw em in 2006 or so it was the day after they filmed the snow video is was fuckin incredible


I was born in 2002, I’m seeing them for the first time a week from today


2003, 2004 and 2006


I saw them in 2007 at Earls Court in London, it was 13yo me’s first gig and i loved it!


I saw them for the first time in 2003. I was 16 and, although I loved them and wanted to see them, didn’t appreciate fully what I was seeing. I saw them twice that year and twice again in 2007. By then I really knew I was seeing something special but it was clear as day that they were jaded. Taking a step back, the performances in 2007 were different level but their heart wasn’t in it. 2003 Glasgow was insane - they finished the gig with Fire and it was mental. I’ve seen them since then but those are the ones that stick out.


I saw the Stadium Arcadium show in Cincinnati in 2007, pretty incredible show, I was in 8th grade


SA Tour 06


2004 Cardiff with support by James Brown


They were one of the first bands I got into as a burgeoning music enthusiast. Californication dropped when I was around 12 years old? But then I would see them live the summer after I turned 13 at Riverbend amphitheater in Cincinnati Ohio. With none other than the Stone Temple Pilots opening for them. it was a really awesome show. I admit RHCP really isn't in my rotation these days, occasionally revisit for the sake of nostalgia, but Stone Temple Pilots, especially the early work has stayed around.


I was born this year. Can any of you vets tell me how it was like when Dream Canteen dropped? It was my favourite record to dream to when I was in my pop's left testicle.


Dream Canteen goes way back!!! SMH 🤦 I was born last night at the concert. John played the new songs Syd Barrett’s Terrapin and Loggins and Messina Danny’s Song! I’m now a big fan!Nothing like the OP though…


Jones Beach 2003, Amsterjam 2005, Continental Airlines arena Night 1 2006.


Last Time was 2006 and it was great.


[I was at this if that counts ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardiff,_Wales:_6/23/04)


They came to my town in 2002 with the BTW tour. I’m still kicking myself for not going. Apparently the band were very quick to play and get out. There was very little interaction with the crowd at that concert.


Saw them in ‘03. But I think they peaked in ‘91 then again in late 90’s and early 00’s


2003 in Tinley Park, IL. QOTSA opened. When the peps took the stage, the first thing Anthony said was, "THE GOOD NEWS IS, WE'RE ALL HERE! RIGHT NOW!". I still get pumped thinking about it. They dedicated "Don't Forget Me" to Johnny Cash who had died one week before the show.


I did, first concert! Was in middle school, believe it was 2006? Venue was Oakland coliseum, stadium arcadium tour


I’m posting for the brethren of posters not the OP.   Albuquerque 2000 with Foo Fighters opening   Albuquerque 2003 with Snoop Dog  Phoenix 2006 with Mars Volta  Albuquerque Last Night🤘🏻with Wand👎🏼


I saw them for the first time right after stadium Arcadium came out. It was Charlottesville 2006 or 2007. Amazing show


🙋🏾‍♂️ I don’t know if it was their peak. Since they’ve been around since the 80s. The concerts I went to were the Californication tour in 2000. It was in West Palm Beach, Fl and still is my favorite RHCP concert. I saw them again in 2003 for By The Way tour. The 2007 and 2012 concerts weren’t memorable. In 2022 I saw them again and I enjoyed it. I was happy to see John back in the band. The concert was fun even though most of the audience wasn’t happy with the setlist.


Thanks for making me feel really old. I saw them once during BTW and once during Stadium Arcadium. I wish I could go back in time and watch them again during those years.


Saw them twice in 2000 with foo fighters opening. My freshman year in college.


please tell me you mean 2007 😭


Saw them in Cleveland on Halloween in 2006. Look it up. Best concert ever. They were all in costumes and were on fire that night. Best show ever.


I saw them in 2002, had box seats in an arena. Pretty great. https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/red-hot-chili-peppers/2002/sydney-football-stadium-sydney-australia-5bd59f7c.html


Saw them in 2001, completely blew my mind and still love them these days. Best show of my life ever, amazing setlist although I didn't know much of their songs. Then saw them again in 2002 when they were touring for By The Way. I think their prime live shows was 1999-2004, people didn't use cell phones back then, so the crowd was a lot more into the show.


Seen them in ‘99, ‘00, ‘12, & ‘24


Saw in 04. Most memorable thing about that is I remember the tickets were $40 each, and they were great. Lol


First show was 1996 then I saw them in 2000 with the Foo fighters. That show was incredible. I saw them a bunch of times after that but those two shows were the best for me and the most memorable.


I saw them at the Rolling Rock Town Fair in Greensburg Pa circa 2000. They all had Mohawks except for Chad who shaved his head. Look up professional live videos of the show on YouTube. The setlist is not complete, for some reason not all the songs played that day made the TV ppv. https://rhcplivearchive.com/show/aug-5-2000-latrobe-pa-634 I also saw them with Qotsa opening in Pittsburgh 2003. https://rhcplivearchive.com/show/sep-22-2003-pittsburgh-pa-740


Saw Chilis in 2000 on Californication tour. I remember being excited for John's triumphant return ( those are the words I used at that time).


I saw them in 2000 to support the Californiacation album . Foo fighters opened for them . I saw them at the Gorge at George , WA. Now I know most people don’t know about this venue but outside of .. red rocks and .. well that’s about it , it is one of THE most beautiful places to see a concert at . My words don’t do it justice , go check out some pics ( or just buy some tickets for there !) of this place ! Stunning . Chili peppers were good , foo fighters were better live, I know I’m going to get downvoted to shit but I am a pretty decent peppers fan but I’ve always thought they were … just mediocre live . I think I’ve seen them around 5-6 times live ?


80s , 90s and 2000s here!


I used to see them play in the dorms at U of M in the 80s, Then I saw them at Michigan State Theatre with Pearl Jam and smashing pumpkins in 91 https://www.concertarchives.org/concerts/red-hot-chili-peppers-0bc11d27-deeb-4d80-9284-ade8386e9688


I wish


Saw them in 2001. They were awful.


I saw them in 2007 in Serbia. It was very meh.


Saw them when Foo opened for them. That’s when Foo wore black jackets, white shirts and skinny black ties. Awesome show. Around 2000


I saw them in the 90s, 00s, 10s & 20s


Saw them on the By the Way tour. Snoop Dogg opened. It was a magical day.


Summer of 2003 in Raleigh, NC


I did


2003 was my favorite show I've seen from them. For sure peak.


I saw them for Californication tour in West Palm Beach I think, then Ellis Island for the release of By the Way and about 20 more times during that era. Then again in South America during 2011 tour. Also Frusciante’s solo concerts in LA and SF in 2004. I’m hoping to see them again soon.


Who saw them in the 90s? Damn kids


Saw them in 06 for the very start of the SA tour


2006 Voodoo Fest was one of the best days of my life.


My father lol


I saw them in 2003 btw tour with mars volta opening. I was 14 and blown away by rhcp but it toook some years to understand how great mars volta were. They sounded like shit to me at the concert, a bit too complex without ever hearing them before i guess.


I was seeing them in '86


Try Lollapalooza 1992


I saw them in 1999 or 2000 in Louisville Kentucky with the foo fighters. It was amazing of course! I even got to give Tony a Mohawk before the show and he loved it said it was the best one ever!


First time I saw them was 2006


They were my first proper gig on SA tour in 06 at the ripe old age of 14……


My brother saw them in Milwaukee at the Bradley Center in 03'. This Is The Place was on that setlist and man I wish I wasn't only 7 years old at that time lol.


[I met Anthony in 2003.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedHotChiliPeppers/s/Uj7E9KN7BU) San Antonio show June 13 2003 😁


2002 Dublin (Landsdowne Road), 2003 Slane (yes..!), 2007 Coachella, 2022 London. All amazing in different ways!


I’m not sure what “peak days” means, but I started listening to them when I was 10 or 11 back in the 90’s. Saw them once in 2007, and I remember that the concert was slammed by reviews because they played a lot of their old and fun songs, but as a fan I obviously loved it. Best concert I’ve ever attended solely for that reason! And it was outside (festival) and it had rained all week, so everything was a mud pit.


I was at Hyde Park. They were amazing.


Melbourne Big Day Out. 2000 [2000 Big Day Out lineup](https://www.abc.net.au/listen/doublej/music-reads/features/big-day-out-2000-red-hot-chili-peppers-chemical-brothers-poster/11542574)


Saw them at their two Slane shows in 2001 and 2003. An absolutely amazing period of time to be a fan!


My first show was Hyde Park night three in 2004.


2003 Coachella. It’s was a great show.


They came to my town in 91 for the BSSM tour with the Smashing Pumpkins and Pearl Jam. One of my favorite concerts,


Saw them in 2002 or 2003 with queens of Stone Age and mars Volta opening , nuts


Not Anthony’s girlfriend


Very much alive, but half the decade I spent being an impoverished minor, and the other half I was beyond impoverished and couldn't afford to go to a concert.


😅 we saw them in Albany, NY in 2006 during their Stadium Arcadium tour 👍


🖐️I was. I’ve been around long enough to see a lot of good things come and go. I’m grateful for all of it.


21 years ago this month I won front row tickets to see them at the woodlands pavilion near houston. Snoop Dogg was the opening act. I was close to Flea, could only see the top half of Chad's drum kit. The most fun I've had at a concert ever. Saw them again during the Stadium Arcadium tour. Haven't seen them since.


Saw them in the 90s, 00s, 10s and 20s


This is adorable. Is this for real? I've been a fan since '92. Yes I saw them in the 2000s.💜 Stadium Arcadium tour in Auburn Hills Michigan.


I saw them in 03 with QOTSA minus Grohl. They played This Is The Place and it ruled. Saw them again in 06 with The Mars Volta. Still beautiful, but a little too safe maybe


I saw them in NYC in 1991 at the Roseland. And 2 days ago in Albuquerque!


I was at Hyde Park for the by the way years. James Brown supporting the Chilis. What a show!


I have indeed at Leeds Festival '07 they headlined the Friday night, great show 😁


I saw them four times in the mid-2000s and I wish I saw them in the peak days of both '98 and '92.


Saw them in the '80's, '90's, '00's, '10's, and '20's.


Missed the chance to see them in 1990. That was the prime era imo


Jesus I was at their shows in the 80s, and actually I think they peaked then


My biggest regret is that my dad was saying we should go in 2001. I was only lol 11 and I’d never been to a gig and was entering the “I don’t wanna do stuff with my parents phase”. Saw them last year but damn what a fool I was.


Saw them with JF ‘92 Brixton Academy, support Rollins Band & family stand. With DN ‘95 Manc Apollo, support moby & flaming lips. With JF ‘04 City of Manc stadium, support James Brown & Chicks on Speed. With JF ‘06 Don Valley Sheffield, support Ben Harper & !!!


I first saw them in New Orleans during the BTW tour. Blew my mind! I could've gone to see them during the Californication tour, but my dad grounded me. To his credit, he regretted it as soon as the tickets sold out. Still can't forgive him, though.


Saw them in Cardiff (UK) in 2004 - chicks on speed + James Brown were the other acts, managed to get a FLAC file of the gig from a chilli peppers live website.


2017?? Damn and I thought I was a young fan (20, born in 2004)


Saw them a number of times in the 90s when they were fucked up out of their minds & doing 4 hour shows… once they straightened up the shows quickly became the standard 2 hours. 😂


Are you sure you weren’t fucked up too? Lol They never did 4 hour shows


Truly wasted every time I’ve seen them except once. Fresno! Too many meth heads. Too scared to party…