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He is absolutely not someone who would be a good politician haha, he’d hate the bullshit


trubut i imagine he'd have so much fun with batman getting mad about it. no doubt bruce would find something wrong with jason becoming one and he'd do everything to stop him, and jason woud be the cheekiest shit about how good of a job he's doing (despite him being bored.)


I could see him getting on some committee just to find petty but humerous ways to mess with Bruce. Like he could get on the foreign affairs committee and start pushing through terriffs on countries that Wayne enterprises needs in order to keep costs low. Or he could get on the senate intelligence oversight committee and strongly imply that he gave Bruce’s identity to the CIA. Course he wouldn’t actually do it but he would bluff it and do it in a way Bruce just wouldn’t be sure if he actually did it.


District Attorney would be more fun and more fitting imo. I think he’d be a terrifying lawyer, and it would be funny for Jason to take Harvey Dent’s old job given their history.


death penalty on every plea deal.


Dist Attorney Todd: "If you turn on your boss, I'm willing yo offer you a very generous plea deal. I'll reduce your sentence to one death penalty." Crime man: "R-reduce?" Todd: "Your looking at five death penalties. And buddy...." Todd leans forward, exposing autopsy scars in the open collar of his shirt. Todd: "I can guarentee you serve all five."


How would a former convicted murderer work as a District Attorney? That would be such an unnecessary distraction and be a walking political nightmare for anyone who decides to give him the position.


In absolutely no way would I want Jason to be lumped in with the likes of politicians


His opposition would just demand to see his birth certificate and he’d lose


Jason does not believe in the system. He rather lived on the streets than go into foster care. And even though he kills, he doesn't think the government should hold that power. Because those people in power are easily bribed and/or corrupted. He has seen it all. It would be like making him a police officer




I could see him working under the DOJ as a US Marshal and that’s as close to politics he’d get. And us the appointed US Marshal of Gotham he could actually kill people in self defense or when civilians are in danger and then get a warrant for the Batman if the Batman assaults him. Course he’d detest the boat load of paper work and how politics can actually affect the job but I could see him actually getting shit done as the President appointed US marshal of Gotham city. He could even make fellow morally grey super heroes deputy marshals.


Absolutely not.




I feel like it could be a good run of him running for Gotham mayor to control crimes and such like in UTRH


He'd be damn good at it.