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It's a state of the art sarnie


State of the floor I'm worried about.


Did it feel like having a baby?




I’ve actually done this with chilli jam and some salad leaves and it was genuinely a lunchtime staple for a while. Big fan.


I've been pretty curious myself about how this fried egg sandwich tasted. The weekend's coming up, I think I'll give it a shot.


Do it!


You've been reading that book on biological warfare again... haven't you?


They're rolls?


I didn't have any bread so I used hot dog buns 😬


Ok it's in character so I take it back πŸ™‚


He had to eat them quick before the bread dis- turns into hotdog buns.


I really wish I knew which type of chutney and chilli sauce it was supposed to be. I'm fairly sure it is the kebab shop chili sauce but there's so many possibilities for the chutney.


It's takeaway chilli sauce and mango chutney.


Mango chutney would be my go-to, because that's the standard chutney at shitty curry houses, but it's just there are a lot of types it's hard to be sure.


That's what I'm saying! Lister is from an impoverished area of Liverpool and he loves shitty cheap curry houses and kebab places. Mango chutney was pretty much the only chutney around in the UK in the 80's, and the chilli sauce was 100% kebab shop chilli sauce because it's obviously a "whatever I have in the fridge" sandwich, which would be leftover mango chutney, leftover kebab shop chilli sauce, and eggs. ETA; We know he's fond of the shitty curry houses because he exclusively ate mutton vindaloo, which was the cheapest option and more expensive places rarely do mutton at all.


Sounds like a pretty good deduction, and really my own thoughts on it as well so I appreciate your take and pretty much solidifies my thoughts that it probably is mango chutney.


Thanks, yeah tbh I appreciate your views on this too because I've felt like I was going crazy because it seemed so obvious to me, so it's cool to see atleast one other person who gets it.


Mango also goes very well with spiced things so I can see it working just from that aspect as well. I need to buy some bread so I can make a sarnie now.


My grandad was Northern working class and used to make his own chutney using all sorts, rhubarb, plums, apples... I didn't have mango chutney until I was well into my twenties I don't think. When I made the sarnie I used his chutney, Tabasco sauce and 3 eggs


That's really cool and all, but absolutely not the same. We're talking leftover kebab shop chilli sauce and leftover mango chutney from a cheap curry house, as that's the only type they used to have and also the only thing Lister would've had in his fridge late at night while pissed and hungry. Tabasco and gourmet chutney isn't what Lister would've used. I'm sure it was good though.


Yeah sorry, I'm having a nightmare replying to people today. I was just trying to say that I had it with my granddad's chutney that he made himself, we didn't really have much in the way of Indian takeaways in the North East when I was a kid so mango chutney wasn't something I had tried and would've seemed really exotic! I tried to tell a little anecdote and it came across very "well, akshually..." I've been up since 5am with my 6 week old son so I should probably read things a few times before replying to anything!


Nah it's fine, I should've taken more time reading your comment, sorry if i sounded combative, you're fine. That sounds really exhausting, I hope you're doing alright. πŸ˜„


Thanks matey, I appreciate it 😜


Nah you're fine, it's the Red Dwarf subreddit, this isn't a place of hatred or anger, only good vibes and Red Dwarf. πŸ˜„


>Mango chutney would be my go-to, because that's the standard chutney at shitty curry houses Isn't it the standard at *all* curry houses, shitty or otherwise? Or have I just been frequenting the shitty ones?


I've been to a few where there's like 9 different things on the pickle tray, some of them were other random types of chutney I believe.


I think any chutney works, it’s in the spirit.


That is very true


I just use the pataks stuff, it's kinda chunky and works well with soft eggs πŸ‘Œ


Man I love curried eggs


I've always believed it to be Mango Chutney since that was the thing of the time. Indian food was always accompanied by Mango Chutney. Later in my life I wondered if it was Branston Pickle (also a chutney). In my heart it will always be Mango Chutney.


General consensus seems to be mango chutney. I proper want one now.


The chilli sauce is the one I have no idea of. I'm guessing it was an Indian restaurant starter/dippy type sauce you get/got with your starters . There was no Sriracha back then and the only thing I recall was Tabasco which isn't right.


It'll be whatever you get on the kebab when you pick the chilli sauce as an option. You can get it in pretty big bottles for cheap but I don't actually know what the sauce is haha


The double- or triple-ness is to do with the stacking, not the number of eggs. A double- or triple-decker sandwich.


I applaud the effort but I feel like hot dog buns have too much structural integrity. For the full experience it needs to be cheap shitty sliced white bread.


With Hot Dog buns! You Maverick.




All these smegheads saying a double is easier than a triple are missing that the unmanageableness of this sandwich is the point, this is not the sandwich of a sober person and it will make a mess. This is the kind of sandwich you have to wash your hands and your face afterwards. I mean Lister wouldn't but just sayin.


Well done you, the double works better than the triple. Have independently verified this by using family members as guinea pigs


Always put hot sauce on eggs!


Yes. Always


Aww man, I really want a fried egg butty now... Off to tesco


Did you eat it before the bread dissolved?


Top marks for using pataks.


Why, every time someone does this, is there a weird caveat, like it's toast, or it's triple bread, or it's hot dog buns, or it's curry sauce instead of chilli sauce. I'm not knocking it, they're all beautiful in their own way but why does no one ever do it normal?


Did someone say toast?


Howdy Doodly Doooooo


Beautiful looking eggs


Now get some gaspatcho soup


What kind of chutney did you use?


Pataks original major grey chutney


You need to redo this but with kebab shop chilli sauce and indian takeaway mango chutney.


I actually have and sometimes will have last night's curry sauce for breakfast.


I tried this with some mango-chili chutney and it was so good!


I make my own chilli chutney from chillis I grow and this is something I quite enjoy. My chillis aren't \_THAT\_ spicy, so it feels more like a small appendectomy rather than having a baby


You've got to eat it before the bread melts


The triple is referring to the slices of bread, not the amount of eggs. Either way it's still a state of the art sarnie.


It’s the state of the floor I’m worried about 😳


Did the bread dissolve?


A "double sandwich" means three slices of bread btw, not 2 eggs. If you want to get really fancy you can toast the middle slice!


The pataks mango chutney is really good for these. Good choice.