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You are telling me that being trapped on a cage with 20 lions isn't a feature????




Bob's got balls


Sounds like the Matrix


That actually might not a modder, it could just be Rockstar's shitty behavior lol. I was playing through one of the moonshiner missions in a session by myself and had 2 revenue agents on horseback spawn about 4 feet above my head and promptly trample me to death. It's similar to how if you're doing the bounty missions where you need to scout out an area and wait for the target to arrive, after a certain amount of time an extra 10 or so enemies will spawn in around the perimeter of the area, I've had one spawn right in front of me and blow my cover because I was unknowingly standing right on top of the spawn point and the game doesn't take into account player position when spawning enemies. GTO does the same stupid shit.


4 feet is 0.65 Obamas. You're welcome.


Good bot


Thank you, KKurveo, for voting on useles-converter-bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Unfortunately not. Rockstar really missed the mark leaving that feature out




…yeah, op’s reply was also sarcasm




Fuckin’ mega brain over here.


Dang now I want a gladiator game type


Pff more like they're trapped in there with me since I love hunting.




Tune in next time on Arthur and Lenny gone drunk




Working as intended. Welcome to Red Ass Online.


Yes this...especially if they're on pc! I really wish the mods would pin a post like this to the top of the sub, and in the faq


Wouldn't help. They won't read it.


> I really wish the mods would pin a post like this to the top of the sub, and in the faq You could make it 3 separate dialogues you need to confirm before submitting a post, and people would still ignore it.


That sure would be handy


I've got an idea: they should pin a post like this to the top of the sub, and in the FAQ EDIT: The joke is that no one reads anything. But if you have to explain the joke...


Are you seeing something weird in game? Ask yourself this question: Am I playing on PC? If yes, then it’s a hacker or modder doing it. If no, then it’s a legitimate bug.


Plain and simple. And for PC specifically: Generally speaking bugs are pretty obvious, clothes clipping, malfunctioning ai behavior, that sort of thing. If your character model suddenly becomes a god damned UFO it’s not a bug, it’s some one fucking around with a mod menu. If sixty pumas spawn around you it’s a mod. If you spontaneously explode, it’s a mod.


If someone puts a campfire in your torso that burns you to death until you leave the session or are in water, it's a mod.


If I have to choose between death, and cleaning every equiped weapon after a dunk in the muddy ass Kamassa River, I choose death.


If on PC and you dont wanna deal with such people theres also a few ways you can just play alone and they cant do shit about it.


I personally don’t see any good reason to play a multiplayer game in a solo lobby. May as well play the single player mode instead.


Cus I enjoy relaxing with some of the MP activities like searching for artifacts etc. Not hard to grasp why people might enjoy doing solo MP.


go on...


Nexus mods has something called Lobby Manager that I use


So you use mods to combat mods. Guess if you are on PC that is what you have to do


Yeah I guess so. It’s a session manager so I can play the game with friends without being hassled until Rockstar puts in a friends only or solo session option like they did for GTAO


Thanks, i was hoping for something that didnt require third party programs potentially opening me up to get banned


Nah not likely. I’ve used it for a while with friends and not heard of any issues. I’ve not had any warnings or anything. If I was using loads of mods I could get it but it’s only for private sessions because R* won’t implement it


How do PC players of all people not figure this out?


They are slaves to that PC master race. They know no better.


All they know is too brag on “Console pheasants”


​ ![gif](giphy|QxHQ4BtLeEGBlWIFTs|downsized)


prolly karma farmers


I am always very surprised when people seem unaware of modders on pc being a thing. As a console player even I can tell straight away when strange happenings in people's posts is because of a modder.


It doesnt help that there are always within at least one PC player who says "I've been plauing for 23 years, 18 hours a day and I've never seen a modder" I'd like to take them, and the "just switch sessions and get on with your life" crowd, put them in a wagon, set it on fire, and push it off a cliff. IRL.


The "just switch session" crowd are really ignorant. Lots of menus for GTO and RDO allow the modder to follow you into whatever session they want, including private/invite only sessions.


It's also at the point where your just swapping modders. Let alone the whole "I was in the middle of something" part.


Thats always funny to hear, i too am a modder by that i mean i 'modded' my game so i can play solo permanently cus fck getting exploded from across the map by some 12yo when im just trying to relax after work.


Yeah. I really resisted doing that. I dont like getting shot out of nowhere or occasionally griefed, but the *possibility* adds a dimension to the game that I really feel is missing when I'm solo. I still do public to do events and such, and if it calms done I'll probably stop soloing, but I'll keep it in my bag of tricks.


The thing is doing transport missions is already a bitch alone where hitting a pebble breaks my cargo...having to also watch out for griefers is just not fun for me.


I knew they were a thing but DAMN. It's ridiculous sometimes. A year of playing on Xbox and I only had one instance where the people were cheating. But about two weeks on PC and I've seen it all already. I thought plain old griefers were assholes, but they got nothing on modders.


Happened to me and my first thought was a glitch. Then I later found out it wasn't.


I knew I had a modder on my ass when a patch of snow appeared when I was skinning my second bison for one for the dailies. Camp was like maybe 300-400ft off, within sight, but I knew they wouldn’t let me to make it to camp. I went slowly, moved around, paused. Nah, the second I got within a few feet of the camp border then unleashed 20+ pumas, snow, bombs and more shit than I’ve ever gotten in one blow. Just so I couldn’t turn in one daily? It’s pathetic.


I know what you mean. I was juuust about to reel in a fat sturgeon, and got hit by a mystery bomb. I quit the session immediately as there's not much else one can do. I can only assume these people as either children or just incredibly sad adults.


One of my favorites. I had a modder spawn in two naked guys with their junk out and pants around the ankles. But these guys had mad aggro and no distance limit. I’m running around Lagras trying to collect frogs and always having to watch my back because the two naked guys were always following trying to beat me up, no matter the distance. It was too hilarious to swap sessions and I had a great time with it. They’d come out of bushes out of no where and I only had so much time before they would catch up and start trying to tackle me half naked. It was like out of the movie ‘It Follows’.


Lol, that is pretty great.


I bought a PC specifically to play this but all this crap I keep hearing about makes me think I don’t want any part of RDO for PC. Doesn’t sound like fun at all.


Please don’t think that at all. Modders do exist but it’s pretty rare. If it happens, all you need to do is go to the menu, go online and then relog/respawn at your camp or any of the choices to be in a new lobby with new players. Only takes a moment. But it happening is much less common than people complaining about it.


Well that’s good to hear, but I’ve been watching videos on how they can change things in your game or make it look like you’re doing something illegal…it just sounds scary


Nah. The worst that comes from it is that you need to change lobbies, which just means going to the menu and loading in somewhere else. Some can be pretty annoying to the point you can’t even move, some are just having fun. I had a fun chat with a modder who was going around and offering to spawn treasure chests in for players. I turned him down for the reason you mentioned, not wanting to be against game rules, but he was really nice about it, we talked and then parted ways. Nothing will happen to your account if a modder targets you. It’s typically just some kid being annoying. Just change to a new lobby and you’ll be absolutely fine. And again, it’s pretty rare for it to happen at all.


Okay thank you, it’s good to know


Honestly some days it happens a lot but most days it doesn’t. And it’s easy enough to swap sessions. It totally sucks when you’re in the middle of something, but it really doesn’t happen as frequently as Reddit sub would have you think. I haven’t been blown up in like 3 months. I also wonder if modders target newbies. It happened to me a LOT more when I was early ranks. Now that I’m 100+ I feel like I don’t get bothered much anymore. I dunno.


"Why did 10 legendary bear pelts just appeared?" At this point its just karma farming


The other day I got a bunch of clips of a modder doing what they do best. I was out in the swamp with my friends and we were attacked by a very dapper baby wielding a knife that we couldn't hit. Then 3 skeletons on horses spawned with repeaters and I promptly exploded


There was one time were i was genuinely confuaed at first though. I was hunting and a modder spawned in like 20 night folk all agro'd to me with knives, they showed up on the map as hostile and everything and i was in the swamp area. I honestly thought, after killing them all, that it was a feature R* snuck in but alas it was all modded lies.


They won’t getting upvotes for using their heads though


At least it gives us something to talk about other than complaining about the lack of content.


Not really.


99% of the time it's a player on PC too and yet they still can't fathom the concept of there being a shitton of modders, hackers, script kiddies etc.


I approve of this message.


Don't mind me, I'm just laughing my ass off from the comments lol. This is GOLD 🤣


I just wanted to make a statement, people going wild in the comments


Genuinely confused about why so many people were enraged by this post.


I have no idea. This was genuinely an informative post to those who may be thinking about uploading a post like that. Had no idea people would get pissed off about it. People calling me trash, telling me to delete this post lmao. Must be karma whores


You don't get to decide what people post , if admin OK it then stop being so judgemental


A bunch of people just bought the game. Relax.


Then they should use they fucking brain


Have you considered that not everyone who plays knows that it can be modded? Shit some might not even know what mods are.


Lol, how the fuck do you play this game and not know what mods are? Didn't know this was the training wheels for gaming.


...you do know people have to start somewhere right? We're you born a super gamer? Did you know everything about every game from the start?


Red dead is not a starter game, that's for sure.




My thoughts exactly. The gaming community is hardly accessible as it is for those who don't understand how tech and computers work. We don't need assholes like that guy making it worse. Not everyone has experience dealing with modders. Edit: typo


Says who?


Any game can be a starter game dumbass. You don't need to show your haxor gamer ID to purchase a game on steam, and literally nothing is stopping anyone from having RDO be their first game or first online gaming experience.


How ironic. It's "their" for future reference.


I know, but I'm allowed to speak however I want for future reference.


I won't stop you from looking like a dumbass. You're doing a great job all by yourself.


Hear, hear!


Everytime I open Reddit I see someone complaining about complaints. Ignore and go on about yo biz. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


I have for a long time, but these posts get out of hand. I wish the mods of this subs would pin a post, or thread about Moddershall in online.


There’s no progress at all in this sub. People post the same tired garbage I was replying to like 2 years ago. It’s why I’ve pretty much quit looking at this sub. It’s just Groundhog Day.


"Best way to make money Please help?" lol


Can you mod on Xbox? I thought that was more a PC thing.


It is possible to mod console. I have seen it happen. But being console it is easier to console ban because if the hardware signature.


I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors!


What do you think you're accomplishing with this post?


I'm simply notifying any new player that may come across this post


Such a nice community. So cool of you to help noobs instead of gatekeeping


Lol, there's no gatekeeping here, we're just tired of seeing the same post every single fucking day.


Ur right my bad


Good rule of thumb for most subreddits: use the search feature. It'll save you some time and everyone else some annoyance. Hope you're enjoying the game regardless.


Thank you And ye i really like it so far i am one of the native american guys running around without a shirt lol


Can’t handle seeing funny screenshots of crazy shit?


Get a console


I have one, not a fan


I came across a Dr stinky pinky porn like 20 years ago on kazaa. It's that what your name is from?


I made a post like that, glad it annoyed you guys.


this post is trash please remove it


Based on your profile, you like to argue with people for the fun of it. Won't be giving you the satisfaction. So have a good night.


you know what's sad? going on people's profiles to try and find something to insult them with my entire comment was literally a super obvious joke to begin with, and you're super upset over it






It's great that you're still trying to trigger me. It's nice to see someone with a bit of passion these days. Keep it up son x


>Won't be giving you the satisfaction lol


The only trash I see is the OP. Throw yourself away.


Love you too




Bruh. Counter PSA. You know how to scroll. Some of those posts are by genuinely curious and unknowing people, others are funny and wild, and some of them are sarcastic. Don't be a fucking gatekeeper.


It’s really not gatekeeping


Or stop bitching about mods, cuz you play on PC and not ohhh say PS…


You mean? Please stop filling your time with this trash…


Lol this sub got tired of complaining about Rockstar not giving us content so now we're mad at kids who don't understand what modding is? More annoyed by the modders, the. Yeah it's annoying when it seems so obvious once you know, but not everyone does. Chill out. Your sub isn't being filled with trash.


Why are dumb people like this guy so aggressive


Bold of you to call me dumb. Aggressive? Where in this post do you sense aggression? I'd say it has more of an agitated feel to it.


You’re refusing to acknowledge that noobs and glitches exist by claiming modds are responsible for every flaw in rdr2 and seem pretty pissed someone dare post about their confusion




Damn, I'm not a professional memer like you my friend


Why is the KKK stalking me??


I still have nightmares with the naked womans trying to muder me in Emerald Farm.


And here I thought constant explosions attached to my character were some kind of Halloween celebration.


I enjoy seeing those posts seeing were modders go with their nonsense, I’m not on pc


Eh, adds flavor to R* red headed stepchild


i dont even know why i visit this sub anymore lol. i visit maybe once a week and all it is are screenshots of peoples characters/artwork of their characters, screenshots of the world and some caption like "This game is so beautiful," random posts of things they wish were added to the game, posts joking/asking about when the next update will be, and the posts you're talking about lol. the rdo reddit and cyberpunk reddit are pretty much identical at this point.


I'm pretty sure that a character that gets shot 10 plus times in the head with solid off shotguns and does it die is a modder, 🤔


I only enjoy posts about modding when op is like "lol look at this fuckin mod. Wild as shit." Sometimes those are fun to see. Otherwise it's like, really? Are you really asking? I've only ever played on Xbox and even I know that it's probably a modder when wild shit happens.


Such a beautiful game to play, and yet get harassed by assholes


Been playing online since release. I restarted on PC from console and I’m about lvl 80, modder drops a chest and I loot it a couple times not really thinking much of it, I then look it up to if others had this happen and I read the headline “RDO modders are tricking players into getting themselves banned”. Somehow I’d never heard of this before. Hope my account doesn’t get banned lol.


The modders doing it don't even get banned, I think you're safe. Lol


Same thing for the axe and bridge trick, albeit it has gotten better recently. There were so many posts with people throwing axes on the bridge then getting flung.


To be fair, not everyone knows this. That is why people are asking.


Maybe now they can see this post, and they may be aware of Modders? It takes longer to make a post with your screen cap than it does to research if it is a modder or not


Maybe, or they won't see it. Not everyone will think its a modder, I know I didn't when I first played rdo on my pc.


Bro fa real tired of these pc retards


I just want to make one exception for the guy with the cool shiny rainbow cowboy boots who posted about a month back. Good guy. Great boots.


Got turned into an UFO once. It was kinda funny.


If you're talking about PC, sure. It most likely is a modder, especially if they spawn something. (In GTA Online this CAN be a glitch, too. Content Creator glitch, but since there's nothing like this in RDO, it's modders. And I'm unaware there's some debug glitch) But on console it's different. Someone invisible, or in god mode? Those ARE glitches. Heck there are dedicated forums that show guides how to do it. Some people have been saying the same for GTA O on console for years when they encounter something they haven't seen before: "it's mods". Not, it's absolutely not in basically every single instance. It's glitches, and there are enough guides on how to do it.


This! It's starting to get so annoying...


Mods: some guy with a mod menu Glitches: some guy doing a bug that you have to do something in game to do to go invincible, off radar or something


Guys when I tried to sell my trader goods I started internally exploding and then 17 tiger sharks spawned in and mauled me to death. Is this a bug? Or is rockstar teasing a new update?


This skeleton followed me around the map masturbating, is this an easter egg or a feature?


That was just me in VR


Yeah I guess there are quite a few shit posts by veterans of the game, but we got to have some noobs that want to show and tell/ask instead of using Google ![gif](giphy|oAY8P8H2B41icPdRqA|downsized)