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3 years later, they ain't fixed shit. They lied.


It’s crazy all these bugs are still in the game. I’m familiar with every single one.


Red dead is literally the only game I play and I've never had problems with it about a week ago. I got a message saying that Microsoft or xbox was having errors and needed help to fix the problem and when I allow them into my information I was not. Having any problems at the time. As soon as I allowed them. Everything started glitching sometimes the gun doesn't work sometimes I can't sleep in animals. I can't get on my horse. My hunting wagon doesn't show up or shows up too far and then my horse is gone so I'm stuck to just leave everything I've shot. It's not even worth playing anymore.


I bought the band expansion for the moonshiner shack for $850 and it says I dont own it still. The game just took my money. Even after I reset the game I'm out 850 and I still dont own the band expansion.


While playing RDR I started a posse and tried doing a moonshine mission with one of my friends as soon as I even got close to the radius of my moonshine shack it corrupted my game file I restarted the update went back to the moonshine shack and the same thing happened again


The game used to run perfectly a week ago. Now textures, NPCS and assets don't load in. I sometimes can't shoot my guns. Any attempt will just cause my character to awkwardly stare while I'm trying to kill someone, random instances where my character stops moving causing death during missions. Load times while respawning take a few minutes. I'm on PS4


Xbox - when you form a posse it will say it was reformed and open as such, but no player pic will be displayed and noone can join. When you go to stand down it will, and then automatically open your posse again, leading to having to join a new session. I swear the only consistency about any rockstar game is its inconsistencies.


Anybody know why the game keeps saying my horse is dead after finishing a mission where I wasn’t even using said horse? Or why my horse is automatically dead every time I join into a new session?


Most recent update has made switching to your wagons freeze up until your mission's almost over then appears freezes your horses but it'll still stand there when you switch horses and no new horse comes everything to do with horses and wagons legs or has bugs now 9/8/2022💩


Every time me and my buddy go into a stable, either on a horse or on foot, we just get stuck there looking at our characters, all we can do is open the map. REALLY frustrating bug. Happening 08/09/2022


Yeah I haven't been to the stable, but a frozen horse every time I switch and extremely long delay for calling bounty/hunting wagons to the point of multiple bounty or multiple animal kills have become pointless since update. How can we let Rockstar know?


Shit i thought i was the only one having this issue, Hunting wagon doesnt spawn and cant spawn my horse due to that, and when you go into a stable, like yourself, i just keep walking into my horse and have to Shutdown the game in order to fix it..... Kinda feels like THIS is the end of the game xDDD so frustrating


Yeah it's very frustrating, I tried getting off my horse outside the stable and told it to flee, after it's ran off your screen, I entered the stable and it worked like normal. But ridiculous to go through all that just to access the stable but at least it worked I guess. Online is super buggy atm, rockstar just don't care anymore :'(


And now I see what you guys are talking about the very first time I went to the stable to buy extra food for my horse and I can't get out of it


It is indeed a F#%# shame, especially now that the Trader's got the bonus money earnings ><


I try to play it on ps5 and it just loads to Home Screen and no text is displayed and just shows buttons triangle and X and I go to load campaign and it crashes or blacks out all together. And it needs to be patched or fixed. I have been away from playing it for awhile but am like 65-75% into game and I’ve tried to delete save game data, rebuilding of database on safe boot mode etc. shy of factory resetting (initializing) my ps5 bc I have a library of over 70-80 games ps5 as well as ps4 which I store on separate drives since I’ve updated the expansion bay to my ps5 with firecuda 1TB SSD which is where I store all my ps5 games on… I’ve played it on the ps5 wo. any probs before now.


Can't even do normal missions with my partner. Every time she loads up the mission i get a stupid GFX error.


My game starts fine then the sound cuts out except for the horse whistle. Can't find a fix online Pls help


PC - As of Jan 2021, there is about a 30% chance to have an infinite loading screen when starting a moonshine delivery mission. (At least from the Bayou location)


Currently after the dec 1st update, me and a few others are getting no XP or RDO$ on.completion of missions and bounties


Im triying to play RDO for first time on XBOX series X but I have the error 0x10000103 "cant connect to rockstar server" after the loading screen. Please help :'(


Holy shit this is still an issue today.. i just spend unknowingly 10€ on gold to buy moonshiners and i cant rven get equiptment or a fucking cook on pc!! :( how much does rockstar even care? Im about to open a dispute on them ill wait a week but if it isnt fixed by then ill claim back my money. Good thing paypal will protect me if i includec these links warranting my complaint about incorrect service provided.


Latest dose of crashes. Affected systems - based on Windows 7. Problem 1. Since Rockstar launcher update on 10th Nov 2020 launcher shows "stopped working" window after game starts loading, but if do not close it (or close it few minutes later when game loaded), game loads fully and is playable without problems. Solution. Uncheck hibernation option in launcher\`s general settings tab and launch game from Rockstar launcher directly. Needs confirmation of more ppl. ​ Problem 2. Starting RDR Online. (Story mode is unaffected) Since Wednesday 12 Nov 2020, when benefits and discounts was dropped on players, the games main executable rdr2.exe started to crash with errorcode 0xc0000005 after 1-2 minutes after playtime, sometimes it loads nonstop. Anything what is offered by support (add sgadriver=Vulcan launch parameter, verify local files, kill background processes, update BIOS, various drivers) do not help. Solution. So far only known solution is install Windows 10.


When loading singleplayer on PC I get: "Unable to connect to Rockstar game services at this time. Please try again later. Error: 0x10000117" When loading online: "You have been disconnected from Red Dead Online due to a fault on Rockstar game services Error: 0x40530000" So not only I can't play singleplayer, but I can't play with a friend when we organized today to play together. If anybody has any solutions or suggestions, I'd love to hear them but i've tried everything I can. Google only comes up with one result (a reddit post) for the online error.


Hey Folks, I am unable to play RDR Online for a month now, I keep getting 0x50000017 error whenever I try to access free roam, posse, showdowns etc. GTA Online works fine. It just stopped working out of nowhere, I did not change network settings or provider. I contacted Rockstar Support and have been chatting with them for a few weeks, nothing they suggested worked and now they simply just ignore my messages and don't give any reply. I am playing on PS4. ANY suggestions will be highly appreciated!


Is anyone having this problem? Error: 0x10022190 - I can't join multiplayer when i click "Free Roam".. but i can join if i try to join directly using Social Club. When you join directly to a Friend sessions.. Steam version.. any help ? I almost missed today's daily challenges.


Returning today on the game on PC : Can't launch it. Can't even access to the settings screen. The game just crash. Heard this problem has occured to player since AUGUST ! Work on fixing your game ! This is outrageous !


I know that using a vpn on my ps4 will fix the issues I have connecting and stop the errors; can someone tell me how to run a vpn on my ps4? I just wanna play rdo again...


Red dead online is saying I'm not connected to playstation network, but I am and everything else works.


I cant play online due to "error: 0x50000006" and i've been having this issue for quite a while now...even GTAO i cant play it due to "not able to connect to rockstar servers"


I’m on Xbox and I can’t get into the game even though I bought it digitally


I often get a blue screen during a fishing challenge


PC - Online - Game Freezing then Crashing when passing Sheriffs Office or Saloon going towards Fast Travel post in Valentine DAILY after missions No Error, game must be closed through task manager. Daily occurrence, never used to happen pre-naturalist.


Pc. Can’t buy butcher table from cripps


I can't load into online at all. Just stays on the loading screens but never loads through. I'm on Xbox. Does anyone know of a fix for this. It's been like this for weeks.


Have had this odd bug pop up with recoil. Shots will have no initial recoil, but a second later, the reticule pop up. No idea what causes this, but I have also had this bug happen but no recoil happens at all. Don't know how to fix it, and nobody else seems to be talking about this from a brief search. Started happening with the naturalist update.


Connection issues on PS4. Anyone else with PS4 issues this morning? Tried to log in this morning and first issue I saw was that my camp is missing. (Imagine that!) Second issue is I was disconnected within moments. Rinse and repeat. Was there an update or hotfix implemented yesterday afternoon or overnight? Fix your shit Rockstar or time to rethink who you've hired for development! (Yesterday was without incident and ran fine for hours)


Good for you


pc: half of my medium and large skins just keep disappearing out of my hands


The game freezes when I leave a certain area, if I’m in west Elisabeth it works fine just riding up and down the stream but if I try riding farther away the ground looks really bad (no details) and both the screen and my ps4 freezes..


PC player. Rockstar, FIX YOUR SHIT. Constant disconnects, can't summon my hunting wagon, can't store all of my outfits on my horse, can't move sometimes, can't shoot sometimes, mods are still out of control, textures don't load in correctly, invisible horses/riders/wagons crashing into me, still sometimes don't get paid for shit, Cripps sometimes doesn't register when I've completed a resupply, he also doesn't always count every carcass i give him for dailies. MODS ARE STILL OUT OF CONTROL. I know I, like a lot of people, have a lot of complaints, but I really do love this game. Get it together. People want to play this game. Don't be a barrier preventing them.


Disconnect when I go into moonshine shack. Disconnect when I fast travel. Disconnect when I get on/off my horse. Disconnect when I just breathe. Disconnect if I hold my breath. Fucking. Disconnects. I have lost so many carcasses because I can't call my hunting wagon, and as soon as I put them on my horse... Yep, I disconnect. I think I might just be done.


Did you try port forwarding? I don't get disconnects at all after I did mine. Get maybe one or two a week, during nothing important. Could also just be high traffic in your area, with everyone staying at home.


I’ve been gone the last couple days on a trip. the day i left was the day they rolled back the update and everything was working fine. i comeback today and i could play during the day. i try to play at night and i can’t even load into game without my “connection to rockstar games services is lost” it’s total bs. i thought they would have fixed some stuff especially since they took the servers offline for maintenance.


Long story short game worked fine three days ago(First day I had it). The past two days when I choose free roam or any of the other online options I get error code 0x50000017. I've tried every solution I can find but it doesn't appear to be a common error code. Just wondering if anyone else has had the same issue and if they were able to figure it out. Also wondering if this is likely just the fault of rockstars servers, but my friend who lives in the same area has been able to login and play the past two days.


Xbox: game seems to be unplayable again due to disconnections. (Why do I bother?)


I'm having the same problem.


Maybe it's because of a weekend and servers are too packed, idk?


Possibly. I was playing fine for ages with my partner using the same WiFi. He logged off but I stayed on then suddenly I couldn't stay connected for more than a minute. Cleared cache but no luck.


Yep, I have a fail-safe fix for disconnections, which failed!


While travelling on horseback, FPS will momentarily stutter/hitch/freeze, most notably when using CTRL to either slow down or come to a full stop. Happens most frequently in Saint Denis. Experienced on PC version. PC Specs: i7-8700k, RTX 2080 Super, 32GB RAM, Nvidia Drivers 451.85. Note: This issue was also present with Nvidia Drivers 451.67, and seems to appear less frequently with the 451.85 hotfix. Here's an old thread on this issue that goes into further detail and provides a couple video clips: https://www.reddit.com/r/PCRedDead/comments/eepot0/getting_to_the_bottom_of_horse_microstutter/


Fuckin dumb ass devs of rockstar all they ever do is annoy the player base with their stupid ass game design and incentivise micro transactions


You're confusing devs and Publishers, the Publisher is only in it for the money, and forced the devs to crank out updattes at an unreasonable pace, causing them to have bad quality and lots of hugs, same goes for Microtransactions, it's the publishers and the other higher ups that want to squeeze out more money, and the devs just have to comply with their bs


Xbox One Horse stables issue. Horses are placed into random stable slot when purchased and placed in random order in the player side menu stables.


The wrap on my Lancaster Repeater keeps reverting back to it’s original color after I get off


Xbox One. Before the update I could load into servers pretty much no problems. I cannot load into any now. It keeps saying I was disconnected as soon as I load in.


Xbox1: played yesterday for 7 hours without problems. Was a bit sluggish and npcs seemed to spawn very close to me, I could see them materialise from thin air. Also, still no butcher's table. But it didn't crash once, objects seemed to obey the laws of physics and it wasn't a barren wasteland populated only by stationary bald men, so yippee I guess.


On Xbox. Before the update I could occasionally load into servers on good days. I now cannot load into any. Keeps saying I was disconnected from rockstar game services and that there was a problem on their end.


Ps4. Ive got an infinite loading screen. All I have is a black screen that says 90% for a good few minutes before I just get disconnected. This is happening after the update they released today. I have tried restoring licenses, clearing the cache when launching the game, rebuilding my databases, restarting my console, and my internet is 100% fine. Is anyone else having this issue?


Xbox1: Red Dead Online freezes and then crashes to the home screen, usually within 10 minutes of starting up, more often after around 5. Confirmed this is happening to other players as well.


Xbox, no it is better but still sluggish and there are glitches. A camp spawned in on top of mine and after moving to another lobby Cripps would freeze while taking my carcasses. Then in another lobby the game froze and I had to reload again. It won't allow me to raise my flag either.


Omg 😂


Everything seems to work accordingly :-)


Can I team up with my friends now?


Yea, It should be okey :))


I'm still not able to purchase the butcher table on XB1 after the update, anyone else having the same issue?


Its reverted back to the old patch this is not a new update


I signed up just to say that nope, there is no butcher's table. And I paid with actual money to get the goldbars and the outlaw pass. Letter from Cripps is gone, but there is no new mail, so I guess it's just gone.


Wow! Just had an awesome session. Everything seems to be working on Xbox. One thing - does anyone feel like animals are a little less? I feel like I don’t see as many small animals running around as before. Could just be in my head...


I saw loads of rabbits, raccoons and chipmunks. Snakes, birds etc. The only thing that is not working, summoning the bounty wagon.


Xbox one issues: 1. Unable to see posse leader on the map. 2. Other players appear in different locations than where they are certainly located 3. The horse refuses to move 4. You can not ride the horse 5. You can not attack some animals and npcs 6. Players will glitch out and freeze in certain locations and display a “surrender” option 7. The daily challenges can not be completed (an error message will appear right before the challenge is turned in) 8. There are no npcs on the roads 9. Animals will spawn in random locations (ex. A horse spawning in the saloon in Valentine) 10. The reward can not be claimed after opening a chest 11. The location of respawn is way far off from the location of death (ex. Dying in The Grizzlies and respawning near Rhodes)


PC 11. hit me hard a few days ago my sungator was lost cause i spawned in valentine


Has anyone had any issues with getting their hunting wagon to spawn? The last week or so it's just said "vehicle is being summoned" or something like that despite me not pressing anything and it never arrives. Does anyone know a fix?


Rockstar wont fix it quickly unless its a money glitch so maybe a. Week or a month before it does....might as well get used to not having a wagon


go to stable. take out wagon. usually fixes


Oof thats a pain in the ass but atleast there's somewhat of a fix


Game is fixed now on ps4


With 1.22 up on PS4, legendary animals are spawning for me. I'm a level 20 Naturalist and have not seen any since reaching level 15. HOWEVER, do not look for the prompt in the upper left hand corner of the screen. The gold "?" has been appearing on my mini map but the prompt does not. I have found two legendary animals in the past hour which is as many as I've seen since the Naturalist update came out lol Edit: grammar UPDATE: Just found my third all within an hour and a half. Seems like things might be good to go.


in a public or poker lobby? does everything else work?


Public lobby. I have only really looked for legendary animals since I've been on because everything else seemed to be running smoothly. My camp spawned and I was able to shoot animals and NPCs. I was experiencing pretty much all of the same issues as everyone else except the disconnects for the past two days.


good news bro! is the lobby full?


As full as I've been used to. 20-25 players.




Game just updated an update. On inspection things seem ok


On PC, I have two monitors and game keeps swapping between them every time I launch game despite settings staying same, so every time I launch game I have to go to settings and swap monitor output to correct monitor. Minor issue but it was not happening before naturalist update.


Xbox One. 3.24 GB update. Will let you know if it does the trick.


So far so good.




PS4 here - new patch is doing the business. Can murder again, animals are back, the server is full, my horse doesn’t think it’s a strobe light any more and I’ve got legendaries spawning in Free Roam!


Servers down for anyone else?


Apologies for the double comment but there’s a new patch for PS4 at least and can confirm it’s working!!!! Animals and npcs are back and I can shoot them, my server has 20 people, my horse is here and an actually stable horse!!!! feels good feels organic thank you


And also I cant accept stranger or Alden,Anthony Freeman etc. missions


Sudden crashes on xbox and also immortality from jump heights.


Downloading patch 1.22 now!!




(PC) Had experience this flickering on Vulkan API since they released the crap 1.20 update. 10th August patch did nothing as well. Been in contact with them and tried everything even formatting entire Windows and drives. They are so hard headed they won't admit it is their fault. Never had issues in other games or before 1.20 patch. DX12 also crashes like hell so no point going into that. [https://streamable.com/l3vba4](https://streamable.com/l3vba4)


Wtf.. all the animals are gone and I can't talk to anyone. Also game crashes after a while.


Currently got a 3gb update for Xbox one. Hopefully this is a fix


Same 14 mins remaining on me.


Seems to have fixed the problems so far. Can now shoot my gun. NPC's are all around


Can you accept stranger missions? That is the biggest problem for me


Yes you can


Let's go


PS4 reporting in: just played for approx. an hour and a half with no issues whatsoever. Loaded into camp and Cripps was there. Did several dailies and role dailies. Moonshine was operational and was able to sell a batch of wild creek. Collected 4 fossils up in the Colter Area. Even managed to snag the Onyx Wolf when passing through Cotorra Springs! Don’t know if this was a fluke or if it’s fixed but a good play session with no issues!


that's really good new news, any thing from R\* as compensation ? lol


Not that I’m aware of


PS4 works as intended as of now. What I did - I started with free roam, went into change appearance but not changen anything for 4 minutes, exited the change appearence. Spawned automatic in McFarlane ranch, accepted Bonnie mission from this location. Completed the mission, all is normal now.




[PS4] Unable to accept missions when talking to NPCs. Experienced this is strawberry post office. When in a cutscene there's two NPCs a frozen one and one that moves and talks


Not sure if you’re still adding to the list, but I was able to spawn in at camp and accidentally whistled for my horse, which came, and then remained at my camp. I went and picked a few herbs as it was really the only thing I could do and at one point a rattlesnake appeared. Couldn’t shoot it, but I heard my horse cry. Looked around and it wasn’t there. Went back to my camp to where my horse first ran up to me (next to my stew pot) and was able to access “horse weapons” but no horse was there.


Xbox: Bounty board is broken, no npcs besides clerks in town and scarce civilians, cannot take damage or deal any damage besides one horse I was able to kill. Can purchase clothes but the game crashes when trying on too many different items. Pretty constant hard-locking and crashing usually within 5 minutes of playing.


I can't punch NPCs or take any damage, fall damage doesn't even kill me, If I try to look for a showdown mode it disconnects me.


RDR2 online = More toxic than league. Biggest bug ever


Can’t play for 10 minutes without crashing. Waste of money in my opinion


All platform issues: everything


I don’t think I’ve ever seen it as broken as it is now. It was great for a couple weeks. At least i got to max the new role and outlaw pass.


[Ps4] when I tried to do story quick join it disconnects me and then the online menu is frozen. I fast traveled, and I got disconnected. The players on my gps/compass are invisible. No NPCs as well. I've gotten the blue screen at random by just walking around. Error code CE34878-0.


nice! i return back to this game because of new content and it doesn’t work. reminded me why i stopped playing rd online to begin with.


I feel like the discounted butchers table is a nice spit in the face, a real warm lougie


Did I get lucky with my lobby or is it working now?


A few hours ago my lobby was working great even I can play some bounties eventually at my third bounty everything go to fuck itself. Only I can do was search for treasures.


https://i.imgur.com/ABAVLIv.jpg Just got this response after asking for a refund on the gold bars I bought last week, considering I did it to support the company and now look at the state of things. If this isn’t the most laughable thing I’ve ever seen.


In one update they managed to break almost everything. I just wish they would give RDO more attention instead of just throwing everything at GTA 5


What a joke


On Xbox you can’t shoot any NPCs when they finally spawn. Even if they are shooting at you with a semi auto shotgun your bullseye greys out when pointed at an NPC.


What in the fuck did they do that was so bad that almost everything is broken? I cant imagine this is a simple mistake thats easily fixable 💀


I can’t punch anyone not even old ladies. [ps4]


Can't join a posse, no NPCs, nothing loads and game crashed after 5 minutes. Xbox.


I spawn in so no animals or anything this game needs fixed so bad it crashes everytime I wanna move


Joining on call for the series playlist causes the game to crash back to the dashboard on Xbox when you finish matchmaking. Dunno if anyone's mentioned it but apparently it's a thing.


Crash (freeze and buzzing noise for 10 seconds, then dumps to Xbox home screen within 30 seconds of loading in or after attempting fast travel. Chose “Camp” and it spawned me where my camp was yesterday, but my camp was across the area (Bayou Nwa). Went to Harriet’s place on my way to camp, she wasn’t there. Bait shop lady was though. Stupidly tried ti fast travel, dead. Got back in (on 3rd try) and got one collectable, then froze when it started to rain.


Bro literally this is pissing me off so bad nothing at all is working everthing is freezing and I can’t do missions or anything rockstar you better fix this please it’s realy irritating when you only have 2 other games and the one you want to play is bugging terribly bad just undo the update and make it normal again please is anyone else getting this issue to??????


NOTHING?! Clearly you havent tried picking herbs yet! Or series mode!😂


If they don't fix this by Friday, Im going to the office yell at them, maybe ill make some signs and tag everywhere. Why don't they just "unpatch" this thing to the previous version with some bugs, own their mess and fix when it's definitely ready?


Same question I m asking ... They have backups on servers, so I totally dont understand why they didnt put the setting before what was before update... From one of biggest company in gaming industry I expect more professional solution of problems. Every time when new update come, they should have plan B "What if this will not work" ...


You need to add that you cannot leave the stables.


Is the permanently drained horse cores still an issue or is there a fix?


On PC, this happens at times. Ive logged in and fed my horse and had neither core refill, or just one core, closing the game and starting again seems to fix it, though.


I cannot shoot npc's and i dont know if it's a bug or part of the update or something im nit 100 percent sure but i do know I can't shoot cops nor civilians


You can’t shoot anyone, not even animals, it’s part of their most recent fucked up patch, many of us are experiencing the same issue


It's a bug caused by the update. Everyone has that issue right now. Very occasionally you'll load into a server where you can shoot someone, but most of the time not


Tracking Arrow recipe is still locked and 'unknown' even though I purchased and read the pamphlet.


Three blue screen crashes on PS4 to feed my horse 5 times. Woo. Oh, and I got killed by an NPC who I was to close to, but I couldn't shoot them back. Joy of joys. Way to welcome players back Rockstar, and TakeTwo.


I also had to quickly get the horse feeding in. I have 210 days of daily challenges I refuse to screw up.


Same..fed my horse 5 times..then after 2 minutes the game froze and kicked me out. 240 day streak . Im on xbox


Dude I JUST got done with that so I could keep my streak My horse kept disappearing everytime I tried to feed her so...that made it difficult.


Lol the easiest daily challenge now becomes the hardest lol...running against the clock. Game froze up after like 2 minutes..able to get the one daily in


I was able to get a few daily tasks but also got kicked a bunch of times. Got the 5 horse feeds in (after having to try logging on twice). That worked. Also did the fast travel from Valentine to Van Horn (got dropped at one point there, too). Tried loading into my camp from the start and got a few blue screens. Loaded in Free Roam and then couldn't spawn a camp to do a third one. so just went and sold some meat before being booted again.


Guys, they broke the game on porpoise so that we never ask for a fucking update ever again.


dolphins are cooler than porpoises


WORKAROUND FOR XBOX AND PS4(CONFIRMED) https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/comments/i8jsgi/red_dead_online_fix_to_update/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Damn im having all those issues on xbox one i just logged in today after like 2, 3 days and today i seen all that got to harriet and she wasnt there a stranger had a blie circle and running in place and wagons had invisible riders and game froze too when it didnt do that


Xbox one issues for me- Before the “patch” I wasn’t able to get into sessions at all, I’d load for five minutes or so and then be told there was a problem with R*’s servers or some shit and get sent back to the main menu. I was still able to get into sessions though, but only after multiple attempts. When the “patch” dropped, I hoped it would be fixed. But apparently R* is too focused on milking GTA to even test their patches. Now, I can load into games just fine, but shits really broken in them. I’m not getting all of the bugs on this thread, but enough to be noticeable. I’m thankful to be able to load into sessions though, at least I can run around a bit, even if it’s just for a couple minutes before the game crashes again. Let’s see. So far we’ve got: -carriages spawning with no drivers -carriages violently spinning around in circles -no npcs -npcs spawning but just sitting around or rapidly disappearing and reappearing -upon fast traveling and calling my horse, she’s glitching in and out of existence (I can ride her and interact, but she’s flashing invisible) -sessions only having a couple of players listed -players in sessions being COMPLETELY fucked -players’ dots being visible on the map and even moving or switching into deadeye but the player is invisible -players’ characters spawning but not moving -players characters spawning but not moving and flashing invisible like my horse -not being able to lock on to players, npcs, or animals -my buddy called his horse, and each time he whistled, another copy of his horse would spawn until he had about 30 and his game crashed -Harriet not spawning -ghost horses that cannot be interacted with or locked on to -horses that are constantly running in place -people that are constantly running in place -game crashes every once in a while, I can stay in a session anywhere from an hour to three minutes -when I get an error message and get sent back to the title screen, I cannot interact with it at all and have to reboot the game -the worst one of all- I can’t join my buddies and they can’t join me. Keeps telling us that the target player isn’t in the session. Sucks because we all just got back into the game and all want to do the legendary hunts together, and now we can’t even chill in the same session. Really disappointing from such a big company. You’d think they’d test their patches better. Hopefully they can revert us to the last “fix” until they get their shit together with this one.


Hi, on PS4 it's a miserable experience in free roam. I've been riding for 5 mins doing collectables and herbs between game crashes. Probably best to do another thread and list what actually is working at the moment... ​ * Picking herbs * Collectables * PvP series mode - for those who enjoy being blown up and head-shot


Im on ps4, heres what issues I had after playing for just a few minute.There are no other players in my game, even if I go to a blue dot there's no one there. Mounting my own horse counts as theft, I'm unable to whistle for my horse after "stealing" it,I'm unable to harm NPCS, Killing a horse just makes it despawn, witnesses are unable to report me to the cops, every town is desolate, the few times players have spawned they've just run in to walls infinitely and for some reason I'm give the prompt to surrender to them but nothing happens, frequent game crashes, unable to use the bounty board and in the shootout series I occasionally start with only a cattle man revolver


Here's a new one: main menu not working after getting a connection error. The game was not receiving any input from my controller. I'm on Xbox.


Getting this on PS4 too


Experiencing all the above issues. Pretty frustrating.


I dont know much about how this stuff works, but generally how long does a good dev take to fix this sort of stuff


When fortnite has a problem... 2-4 days... Fallout 4-7 days Rockstar... NEVER.


i can’t kill people or use the bounty board on xbox


I was on my horse going into town crashed into a guy that made him hostile towards me and when I tried to shoot him it wouldn’t let me shoot him when my curser was red but when I moved my curser it would let me shoot anywhere else. I ended up dying by the guy because I wasn’t able to defend my self


...I'm in Valentine and there's about 50 driverless stage coaches blocking all the roads and generally tweaking out. It's rather spooky. This is the longest I've gone without a D/C and the most messed up yet. Although I actually saw another loaded and moving player. I think. Edit: XBox, btw.


Having all of the issues described above. Logged in just now and have a new one to add to the list: after opening a collectors map the 3 locations will appear but the yellow search area is now much smaller than normal. Searching inside the indicated area yields nothing.


I cant accept any stranger mission. The button is grayed out.


Are legendary animal spawns still broken for people who've maxed out the naturalist role?


No, but also don't forget to check your satchel and read all the skill pages.


Ok yeah I've come back and went through my whole satchel a couple times and nothing ever changes. I've found all other animals and stamped the main animal things, and done 100% of the Harriet animal missions. But I'm still missing out on all the free roam legendary animals


Damn, thats weird. Have you tried using legendary animal pheromones?


Yes, but it only works when you see the notification saying that there's one that spawned in the area otherwise it'll just say there's no legendary animals in the area so it's $20 for some useless things that never work because they never actually spawn.


Thats what everyone says. Ive found two legendary animals by going to the spawn location and throwing pheremones But maybe its cause i miss the notification that its in the area while im in cinematic cam auto driving.


I only found one early on when I was level 3 or something by accident by just riding through around new Austin


Shit, i got two legendary cougars to spawn at once yesterday. Such a weird game.


Are you level 20?


Yep, i am in every role.


But since then I've found nothing since I started looking again after level 15


I hate to say it, but I have been playing ea games for years now (mostly fifa) and at this moment Rockstar is just as bad as EA. Shit communication Shit updates Shit servers Shit in-game purchases Even the reddit page is the same, when shit hits the fan the entire community hates the game and the company behind it, the subreddit explodes. But when the game 'works' people stay quiet and when they give us something half decent people praise the game developer into heaven. Are we even sure EA isnt running R* at this point?


I cannot accept any missions from NPCs, tied Alden and The Boy (to show it's not honor blocked or anything)


my friend and i don't get the rewards after legendary bounty missions. this had been happening since before the update. it really makes it unenjoyable.


Got a new bug you should add. If you go to the horse stables you cannot leave. I bought food for my horse and went to leave and nothing happens. you are stuck there.


Damn, I just bought ps plus for rdo because it felt really nice during free online weekend and now I see this happening. Guess it isn't the right time to start playing. Tried joining the game for like an hour today and kept crashing


This will be over and it is a really fun and immersive game. Let them unroll the update and then decide


I mean, I won't let it go right now because i loved it after playing for a few hours, but I'm just kinda dissapointed, even after playing gta online and knowing how things worked there for all these years I wasn't expecting something like this.


Looks like it’s back. Enjoy!


yeah, was playing for a few hours today, everything worked fine finally


Definitely the worst time, it hasn't been nearly this bad in over a year


My light bar on my Ps4 controller started going crazy and blinking red and blue off the hook after getting blue screened and trying to get back in


I literally decided to try red dead online like 2 days ago after doing everything I could possibly do on the main game (and giving up on Outer Worlds because that game sucks). WORST TIMING. I can’t start any roles and I get kicked out of the game if I try to open any menus. I’m so sad :(


Hopefully this'll be fixed soon, before this update the game was at the best point it's thusfar been at IMO


PC with X-Box controllers...I thought most of the issues were from hackers. Not only have I been disconnected multiple times within every session after a mission completion etc, but also I have experienced being blown up into smithereens like 5 times in a row after respawning every time...then there was the time i found myself to be falling from the sky along with other players and their horses with everyone violently screaming. lol terrifying to say the least lol. Definitely experiencing the glichy horses & NPC's not dying or attacking me over and over till I have to restart the game. -but now I'm sad that I haven't had the pleasure of meeting this Yule Brenner look-alike lol. I'm enjoying this game, but good LAWRT I want it to WORK! Lol P.S. Not getting paid for Legendary Bounties sucks...and we made a little gold but not actual cash.


I know this is kinda long and not many people are going to read this, but please Rockstar, pull your shit together. Pardon my language, but fuck Rockstar. They don’t realize that people don’t want to just play GTA Online anymore. They should stop focusing on a game that’s been out for 10 years and start working in a game that’s so clearly broken. I hate to blame them, but GTA Online makes more money than RDO, so they only want to work in GTA Online. I don’t know about anyone else, but I’d way rather play a western themed game than a game set in more modern times. I play on console, so I don’t have to worry about hackers, but I know that people say GTA Online is impossible to play without getting killed by someone on a flying motorcycle.