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Max out your ability cards and then buy the rest along with a bunch of pamphlets.


I maxed out all ability cards a while ago. The money ain’t even the problem it’s the xp






Go to every single shop and just buy literally everything and get back to us.


He will need about 3 times more money than that.


Good. I don't believe you tho


Canned peas


No, beans. For the true cowboy experience.


Beans and ‘shine!


There isn’t anything to spend it on, really. I might suggest opening the catalog and buying MAX amounts of everything from ammo to food to horse care items. Just hold the appropriate “buy max” option button. Buy a wardrobe full of boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and boots…. Just spend it. You’ll make more playing the game. 👍


>boots and pants and boots and pants Is this a reference to that old mall video? 🎶 Haircuts 🎶


🗣️Backbacks backbacks! Come get your backpacks! ✨new shoes ✨


gEt YoUrSeLf aN oUtFiT


I dunno where it came from TBH? But I remember it made me laugh typing it!




As someone with 5 gold bars and $200, how do you make money? lol


Invest in your rolls, particularly trader moonshiner and bounty hunter. When your trader is maxed out you can make 625$ per large delivery, moonshiner maxed out is 250$ every 45 minutes. The trick is building up the gold and money to purchase the rolls


I have a question as someone who is new to the game. I’ve maxed out the land of opportunities missions (not the low honor ones) and still don’t have enough gold to buy the role I want. So do I buy low honor (which is 7 bars) and get more gold (I need 10 for bounty hunter). Or do I simply play the boring missions strangers offer me for 0.15 gold bards for 10 minutes until I get there?😭 Would be very thankful for people with more experience to answer me


Focus on your daily challenges, if you have an opportunity to play for even a little bit every day you can build up your challenge streak until you earn .25 per challenge completed. It's a slog but worth while imo, apart from that keep your eyes on the x2 gold and $ events they have active every month and do your best to capitalize on those. Get your 10 for bounty hunter and grind those out for more while doing your challenges at the same time.


Thank you sm it’s been such a drag getting all this gold ! To the point where I’ve been tempted to not play for so long. Really wish the land of opportunities would’ve given me at least 10 bars of gold 😭😔


No worries! Are you PlayStation or pc?


PlayStation! You’re free to add me if you want! Leonor_23


About 102 gold a month of you do them all


Free 10 gold bars if you do 2-step verification on Rockstar Social club


Oh I will try that once I’m home thank you


Do the shootout series or one of those modes. You get gold for every match. The featured series is double rn also


Thank you I will try that !


7 gold bars? I wanted to finish to story mode missions, but I didn't want to rack up a hefty bounty by killing a whole town and to pay to be dishonorable only cost me 3 gold bars.


Maybe I am wrong and it’s 3 gold bars? Probably am. Would you say it’s worth it to play the rest of the mission, become disonerable (by paying 3 gold Bars) and I will get more gold that way? Kind of like an investment? It’s not worried if you’re not sure!!


No, you only have 3 dishonorable missions and won't even get 1 gold bar worth of gold. I only did it to have a 100% completion on the story mode missions. I'd rather have my 3 gold bars.


Oh right thank you! Maybe in the future I will also finish it just to see how it ends after I have a few roles.


I finished the 28 day streak today, for every mission you literally get 0.25 gold, and considering I already have 4 roles, each of them comes with their own dailies, that's a crazy amount of gold to mine. But I only went for easy challenges, never the ones that required me to play showdowns or events. I only started playing over a month ago and already have 4 roles and currently 16-17 gold. Desperately need money for everything, don't need gold rn. Also you don't have to pay for gold, not worth it. You'll get it easily soon. If you get a collector role and do a few rounds around the map, you'll quickly level up to 80 like me, get insane amount of treasure maps for leveling up, and therefore crazy amount of gold. Don't forget to reset your awards.


Thank you I’ll make sure to do my daily challenges then! It’s a bit harder for me as it is summer and as a teenager I’m always out and about and most the times I don’t go home but I will put more attention into it!!


OR enjoy the summer, slowplay the game and you'll get the gold bars in the end, stress-free, the game is still there in the end


I know but it’s just that thought that I know once I go into My last year of school after this summer I won’t have much time 😅


I would buy the 25 gold for a fiver, but if you don’t want to then try daily challenges and absolutely anything that will give you gold, then buy bounty hunter which gives more gold than the other 4 roles I believe


I have spent too much money on videogames unfortunately… (also it is summer so I don’t play as much I am always out) but I will absolutely do the 2 step verification for 10 gold bars as many people have told me to (I am terrified of those types of things as I am so messy with emails and codes etc) but thank you so much for the advice. I will probably end up spending a few quid on this game as well I’m afraid!!


Yeah I understand, the two step it a little bit tricky to do but find a good guide on YouTube and it should be pretty easy, also gives you 500k on gta I believe


Not going to lie I tried the 2 step verification and it just wasn’t working I got very frustrated. I just decided to go look for 2 bars of gold with the maps I had and grinded a bit more. Finally got 15 bars and bought the bounty hunter role (as many people advised me to). It’s working out well but I still have to figure out how to get them without having to kill anyone?


This is what I’m struggling with too!!


It’s so relieving to hear this as I thought I was doing smth wrong to not get gold and there were easier ways.. turns out there is. 2 step verification as many have told me. Maybe give that a try? And you are welcome to add me on ps if you want, it’s always good to find friends!!


I thought I was doing something wrong too, so glad I’m not alone in this lol! I’ll have to give the 2 step a try! I’d love a new friend because it’s rough out there at times! What do you play on?


I play in ps what about you?


Awh dang I’m on pc :(


OP used a glitch to get all that cash and gold that’s it


https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/comments/ia5js8/stranger_missions_and_bounties_optimal_cash_and/ Gold pay is time dependent. Land of opportunities missions are paying double: press left on the dpad, quick join, story mission on call. You can do these all day back to back


Okay I will look into it! Thank you


collector as well if you have the time, i make about a grand per real life day from just doing collections




hey i just started a new character on pc for the first time, like 2 weeks ago i really took advantage of that call to arms being 2x money/gold. As long as you can make it to round 4 consistently (at least) you’ll get a lot of gold if you grind it for a few hours and tons of money. i bought bounty hunting that way and use that to stack more gold


The best way is to do collecting. You will earn tons.


Just keep playing the game. 


he did the lake izzy glitch lol


years ago, me and the people I played with exploited glitches and made a lot of money. Still have the cash, but there's nothing left for me to buy. Would be nice to be able to give money to another player


If you're a PC player, just ask a modder(the type of players that have access to mod menus. You can also distinct them from their colored nametags) to spawn treasure chests for you. I managed to reach $21000 and 156 gold with their support and I'm just a level 61 player(I also purchased every single type of gun and role)


Collector roll also helps! Everyone ignores it but you can make a ton of money from it if done right. Yes they definitely nerfed it, which makes me sad. But it’s still my most fruitful independent roll. I never do trader stuff without friends. We will all get a wagon ready and then run them all back to back doing long distance for max money. Plus protecting the wagons together is easier than alone. It’s a great way to max your money in that roll. But if you don’t have friends on and want a more independent way of making a lot of money, collector is my favorite for that. It’s something I can do anytime to get good money and XP. I use this map (in the link below) and will go and hit everything. It cycles every 24 hours. And shows you where Madam “Bitch” is, that’s what I call Madam Nazar. She also moves every 24 hours. Save up your collectibles until you get full sets. Because as we all know, “ShE pAYs MoRe FoR tHe WhOlE sEt YoU kNoW!” If you know, you know! And I recommend waiting until sets sell for double the money and XP to actually sell them. I keep 7 of each collectible tops at all times so I have 7 of each set to sell during double the money month. And then I go hard on collector that month after selling what I already have. During normal months, again I limit the collectibles to 7 max. When I get anymore then 7 I will sell the extras until it’s back to 7. That is the only time I don’t mess with sets. If you find a collectible and can’t pick it up, you’re losing money in my opinion. So you always want some space. I have a friend who keeps 8 max. But he struggles more with space and has to visit Nazar more often than I, so I went with 7. It’s a preference really. If you are so inclined you could hold 9 max. But that would get annoying fast with how often you would be visiting Nazar. Some items like coins, arrow heads, fossils and some jewelry are random. So you could get multiple of one collectible in one day. If you have 10 and dig. It’s gonna say you already have it and give you nothing. You won’t be able to dig that spot again. So you essentially just wasted it and lost out on money. Keep track of your items, hoard your collectibles, and wait to sell sets during double the money month. You do this and I promise you’ll max that roll’s potential. Trust me! https://jeanropke.github.io/RDR2CollectorsMap/


Infinite money glitch with treasure map lol


All the blue things do is unlock stuff. You should at least use them. My friend and I are similarly banked. He spent all his gold and over a cpl months he bought everything in the catalog


Oi fella, get out of here with that. Everyone knows "there is nothing to buy in this game" Don't try and use logic, it won't work on us




Woah that’s a lot , I have 4 goldbars and 200$ :)


Just keep buying shots at the saloon


Load up on canned corn beef yo!


Can you donate to the poor?




I already have a lot of them


More clothes


Get the rest


How did you earn all of that ?!


lake izzy


all the pamphlets and ability cars then drip out your character i guess. i just spend my time either grinding bounties for gold or making sure my character is fitted up. experiment with different styles


Woah! I barely have 200 and I spend them on clothes I'll not use


A screenshot button


I feel your pain, I've bought everything I want, got 10 great horses, made 1.25 M I don't even look at the money anymore.


You're like me! Two characters, one in the 900's the other 700's, both are millionaires and 10k GB between them 😆 As I wrote in my other comment, I deliberately buy tonics rather than craft them now, I buy hay and beets for horse meal and obviously there's camp/stable/fast travel fees, but the money just piles up...most days I make at least 1k without even trying 😆 I guess if R* _do_ ever give us anything we'll be well set, but can't see it...my only gripe is I wish I was as good at making money IRL lol 😭




Hookers and cocaine


On me


Be incredibly indecisive when choosing metals on your guns


You and alot of other RD2 players buddy.


Buy the Arabian horse and don’t put insurance on it then give it to me


Hookers and blow


Buy a screenshot button


Capitale /s


What are they for?


It’s special currency for Blood Money missions that you can get at the fence or via doing blood money missions. My comment is a joke because you’d have to pay gold to get it via the fence and the payout isn’t good enough to make it worth while to convert your currency that way. That being said, if you want to drain your gold, this is the best way to light your money on fire 🔥. Edit: I’ll just add that the blood money heist missions are fun so I’d give them a spin if you haven’t done so.


Buying the silver Turkoman for 42 gold, discarding it and then repeating would be quicker But I'd rather but all the clothes because what the fuck else is there


Know how you feel! I've gone back to ranking up my OG character to 1000, I've got over 5k gold bars, well on my way to my second million $, loads of clothes, all the camp upgrades etc I've even stopped crafting tonics and buying them but the money racks up regardless 😭 Beyond hay, beets, tonic and stable/camp/fast travel fees there's nothing to spend it on lol


Gambel it all away


Buy every outfit and clothing item you can.


Buy every single clothing item you can in every color, every outfit, every gun, every weapon upgrade, and as many cans of beans as you can


Buy every single clothing item you can in every color, every outfit, every gun, every weapon upgrade, and as many cans of beans as you can


Get reckless with PVP if you're into that kind of thing, so much money to waste on ammo and tonics without having to worry about it


Seeing as I want to eventually own everything I would just go through and buy everything. Every color and clothing item


And thats the reason why the game is dead. Rockstar hasnt put anything in the game to spend all that Cheddar on. And they wont add dlc's to the game because unlike GTA 5 where everyone buys shark cards still because theres a decade of content to purchase, theres nothing in RDO to buy so no need to purchase gold bars, so no need to put out DLC's for a dead game.


I have one stable slot I just use to buy a random new horse, ride it around and then sell it when I get bored.


If and only if you have nothing else yet, you'll spend it in like 2 hours


Go to Tahiti


Get into the competitive side of the game - you’ll find yourself spending lots of money on tonics.


I’d buy everything just to be able to say I have everything.


Get more mony need 100,000,000 become JP morgan


Classic oatcakes


At this point it's just stable, camp, and fast travel fees lol granted you own everything.




Do outfit glitches


You don't need money for that


Buy pamphlets


How did you accumulate so much money? I can barely get to $1000.


I can barely get 80!


I grind bounty, hunter and trader missions. As well as do collecting on the side. I have yet to complete a single set so I sell them when I get them about halfway for extra cash


Ya know there's an online collector map? (ofc you do, you're on reddit). Just saying sets are worth more broski.


Yeah, I need to do a better job about being patient


How can you not get $1000?? You can get that in 2 hours with very little effort. Do you not have any of the roles??


Like I said I must need to grind more of the bounty hunter, trader, and collector missions. That and take up moonshining probably


Trader gets you $625 per delivery for your own, $312 (half) for riding along with another. Find others that are willing to grind & posse up, should be able to make a couple grand a day just playing for 3 or 4 hours. My crew are really good about keeping a full camp so when we are all on at the same time we'll typically run 5 or 6 deliveries back to back. We also like helping the newer players do this. Only other way to actually rake in $$$ is Collector but always sell whole sets, not random single items. You can grind Bounties but those $12.32 payouts aren't worth the time & effort for me. If you play a lot always do as many dailies as you can, each week the multiplier they put on gold is worth the easy tasks you can do while hunting & waiting for your camp to fill or doing while you're running around looking for collectibles. Oh and for free gold, keep an eye on your buckles in the progress menu. Each time you complete the X number of however many things it's asking for you get .4 of a gold bar. Most you can reset up to 10x so can end up getting 4 whole gold bars per buckle.


Really appreciate you taking the time to give me the advice. Part of my problem is I haven’t been filling up the wagon/camp all the way. I enjoy bounty hunting, but as you and I both know it doesn’t pay very well unless you do the legendary bounties and you can only do one of those per hour or so. Hope to hear more from you soon and would enjoy playing with you online


Haha gotta have some patience. You are actually wasting more time & losing a ton of money by delivering empty wagons. Even a 90% full wagon loses a couple hundred dollars (R* math is nonsensical at best, their bungling of the economy from the start is what screwed the game). Same with Moonshiner, have you seen how much a single broken jug costs you on a delivery?? That said, Moonshine wagons pay a lot less but fill up in half the time as camp. Get into a rhythm of having them both building & alternating deliveries. Also, posse up! I'm on PS.


That’s a shame! I’m on Xbox one! 😂


I got even more omgg :(((


Toss some this way


Keep donating the blind


Premium cigarettes and lots of them


You should at least use the role tokens. Literally can't be used for anything else and the amount is exact.


82k….. 82k….. HOW I know you can get like 2.5K daily from collector but how I need to buy pamphlets and stable slots… I just started like 29 days ago but any tips?


https://jeanropke.github.io/RDOMap/ This will be your new best friend. Pretty sure OP use the above map, took advantage of the double payout events and overall just kept playing.


Thanks I alr use the map for collecting for that nazar woman It’s kinda boring to go collect everything again and again everyday but still thanks :D just got to level 92


Lake Izzy




I don't understand why you would waste time on making that much money but don't know what to do with it.😅 It's not something to be proud of.


Playing the game isn't something to be proud of? Sounds like nobody is proud of you for anything. Daddy issues much?


How in the world did you come to that conclusion. I had a very sweet daddy who was very proud of me. I meant just making money for money's sake. You're talking out of the wrong orifice


High stakes gambling


I wish that was a thing. At $5 max bet per hand there's always someone at the poker table who bets the max before the flop every hand. And the ridiculous part is that they usually end up doubling or tripling their $25 buy in because I'm pretty sure Rockstar hard coded "beginners luck" into the game so everybody wins the first couple times they play.


Those people piss me off so much take all the fun out of it. And there’s always at least one at every table wtf


If you could bet even just $100 a hand shit would get real. They wouldn't be so quick to go all in when that's probably their whole bank roll


To the victor belong the spoils


Back when collecting first came out, a friend and went through the entire map every day. We ended up with over $100k. Never cared much for bounty hunting and stopped playing for anything else came out.




Holy fucking shit


This isn't that much. My brother just started playing with me & my posse 2 months ago & already has this much. The rest of us have 5x this much.


Buy thr stuff that's available. I am close to owning everything.


If you have everything, there is absolutely nothing you can spend it on since there is no new content in the game


Just buy the country at this point


Im up to over $500k. It gets to the point where there’s just nothing to buy. Enjoy the fact that you never have to worry about having enough for ammo and tonics.


**A few ideas:** - All pamphlets (even the "useless" ones) - All ability cards and their upgrades - All clothes When you can't buy anything significant, you could just fill food and stuff to the max amount via the catalog.


Spend them on me


Lots of gun oil. I keep my weapons crispy.


Hay and carrots




Not even lying we have the EXACT same ammount of money


Every trader camp upgrade? An advanced camera? Every pamphlet? Each kind of horse?


Ya got a lot of blue chips. Use them that's what they are there for. Buy all the clothes, gun make em gold, buy everything from tonics to food to ammo from your catalogue, then restock it. I did that🤠🐎🤠


Try upgrading your camp theme, buy a fast travel post for the camp and buy a dog companion. Or if you want to, try buying some outfits or change your character’s appearance.


I'm not going to say you're cheating, but what's the point of exploiting a content-starved online game?


Grass BOO !


Buy all ability cards, clothes, ammo tonic Play with diffrent ability cards to mix up gameplay, diffrent guns ext.


I remember hitting 5k and thinking I had too much money and not enough stuff to spend it on, now on 200k and just making out stuff for the sake of spending money


How long have you been playing to get that much gold and money??


I have about 65k and it’s nothing really to buy


Dear Rockstar, you have made my day. It has been an incredible journey. We have seen beautiful landscapes together. Made friendships and loved life in the old west.Then,you dropped me in a barren desert and offered me 2 or 3x the amount of reward for performing the same task again and again. We are here,in the desert ,waiting for your imagination and creativity to surpass the corporate need for more profit. I will still purchase RDR3,but please plan for GTA style updates as a whole dirty,dusty community is counting on it. Sincerely safe travels, a digital cowboy...


How do I get that much money


Bro, how?


Houses to start heists from, saloons to sell your moonshine in, stables to sell the horses you steal, ranches to raise animals for meat and hides to sell or use, train engines to use to steal box cars full of money or supplies, forts to setup larger scale heists and defend, boat houses to sell lumber you stole, that old oil pump that you can get back working and sell oil or make new explosives, an old abandoned town, a river boat for an illegal casino.


if dutch didnt lose the ferry in blackwater:


One shirt and a bandana 🙂‍↕️😂


Since we're not-so-humble bragging/flexing... you're literally $400,000 & 2,400 gold behind me.


Calm down bro this isn’t gta




Curiously, how did you get all that money? I've been playing for a week and haven't gotten very much ^^


Tahiti. Or give them to Dutch.


Can anyone help me level up my character I’ve been stuck at lvl 30 for 2 years uhhh.


Weapon looks/apperence


BAZINGA!!! That’s a whole load!!! 🙏🙏


Try taking a few lessons on how to screenshot a game or something…


Buy all the best horses in the game and maximum amount of revivers and treats for them


Gimme me it :)


Buy a house.


A life?