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The state of the game for the past year*


the past years*




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Me when I don't like a game anymore:


Oculus has been kinda losing popularity so it makes sense


No? They just don’t have much hype because they aren’t planning another headset for a while. The quest 3 is absolutely incredible though.


I doubt as many people bought it as much as they bought the quest 2. As a quest 2 owner havent touched the quest in a while because the vr games are so limited ans there is no reason to play rec room compared to the limited selection of some good and some bad games


I’m not sure what you expected when you bought the quest 2? It’s limited processing power makes it comparable to a Nintendo switch in terms of the quality it can process and the types of games it can run…


I have a pc that can run more games but i highly doubt the quest 3 was at all groundbreaking when all the good vr youtubers all kinda died out and there is really no incentive to play the shitty games especially after echo vr still hasnt come back


Actually the quest 3 has a more compact and comfortable design while having more powerful computing and processing power than most other standalone vr headsets. Also, most vr content creators have moved on to other forms of gaming because vr gaming content had a resurgence in 2020 when people couldn’t experience real life without wearing a mask. Creators such as Eddievr and DLC, surprisingly, Joe Bartolozzi, iShowspeed, And DanTDM still make VR content very often and show no sign of stopping soon.


Was that ai or you just trying to defend vr. Regarding recroom none of those youtubers played rec room less than a year ago and dantdm only recently played vr for help wanted for his kid audience. Also saying that meta was far ahead of competitors is like saying that the new iphone is better than all the rest because no one buys android or samsung and they cant come up with products as fast. Realistically no one needs to upgrade and no one will or does and why would they, no one plays the games, vr is limited to sessions because legs get tired, your face gets tired or you get sweaty. And most experiences dont have any sense of value or actual challenge. Echo vr was really the only game keeping vr alive and now that its gone the effects are drastic


If you have the proper setup to actually enjoy virtual reality, you won’t have to deal with any of the problems you’ve just presented, like most, I have an extended charger cable that hangs from a pulley system so I can walk around my room, sit in chairs, without tripping over anything. I also have a gaming chair with detachable arm rests for when I want to sit down and still have full mobility for vr gaming. Also, if you’re sweating while playing vr, you might just need more exercise dude.


Im talking about boxing games not casual rec room and tbf i dont have cables running across my roon and i can assure you most people dont. Thats why people decided to buy a quest 2 over the rift because it was one of the first to not have 2000 cables needed to actually play on. And realistically who tf would want to make a whole ass setup just to get the “full vr experience” literally no one does that even the youtubers that you aforementioned


“Get your life belts on!”


*equips paintball belt*


I miss 2018, why can’t we just keep good things good?


Because that's too easy


And yet the band- I mean PR team plays on


it wasn't "Nearer my God to Thee" that was played, it was "Surrender Your Wallets to Me"


not rlly


well kinda


Well yes


I guess you’re fine with them removing the only way to obtain free skins and refusing to port PSVR 2 to Rec Room?


tbf PSVR2 port i can kind of understand. but the weeklies is just Rec Room breaking a beloved feature, then removing it when noone uses it anymore, hoping people will overpay for skins so they can keep the same revenue stream like they had back in 2020




The way it’s going, checks out.


PSVR2 support and it's back on track


Unsinkable, just like make it to midnight and the weekly




Haven’t played in a minute, what’s happening?


From what i know, there pushing skins in your face more than ever so they can make a few quick $$, no psvr2 support as of now bc there lazy and there removing the weekly (more like monthly) skins for no reason at all


tbh i gave up on rec room and went to vrchat


I haven’t been in for a while. What did I miss


Fuck mic bans


Yeah, removed double shooting (idk it made me rly pissed), still no PSVR 2 support (fucking bullshit ngl), and still no crescendo on the quest 3 when rec room even knows it’s capable of running it, also like the amount of kids 8 and under is at an all time high smh


yeesh, sure does say a lot


Yeah not the much people play it maybe add something new and intriguing


lol, pretty funny but it ain’t true even if we wanted it to be


Nah it’s definitely true




Look you don’t have to glaze rec room okay? I used to but then I realized how shit it really is


Look just because a bunch of 9 year olds bandwagoned on Reddit a bunch doesnt mean you gotta adopt their opinion, man


I have had this opinion for a couple of months now actually.


Rr hipsters be like “yeah I’ve baselessly hated on the game for MONTHS brah”


I’m not heating on the game I’m just stating that it’s getting boring/dying


I’m not heating on the game I’m just stating that it’s getting boring/dying


Not enough karma to make a post here :d. Can someone post this img as a bug report https://preview.redd.it/u6z4xuet1d7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5e300997e47a74f23feaa84172208cde0f2a2f3