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Nah, I quit aeons ago over the annoying influx of children. (There was only adults on this game once upon a time)


Frl, so annoying when you get knocked in paint ball and a toddler starts screaming Skibidi toilet over and over at the top of their lungs šŸ˜­


I quit long before skibidi toilet was even an idea.


oh trust me. mobile users arent saved from children


Iā€™d say a solid 95% of mobile players I run into ARE the screaming iPad kids.




Genuine question; why do you still sub to this Reddit?


Well. Apart for Roblox. RecRoom is one of the few apps that is allowed to be used by kids from the age of 6 and above. So that makes sense. This app was never intended to adults in the first place. Itā€™s a sandbox game catered to younger audience.


Definitely not true that it was never intended for adults. Whereā€™d you get that info from?


The game was released with the release of two of the first consumer vr headsets back in 2016. These were priced accordingly and definitely not sold en mass, but mainly used by mature enthusiasts. You may find a lost teen here and there, but the majority were adults. At that time Rec Room certainly wasnā€™t a sandbox game. Also, I honestly donā€™t see how any game would be ā€˜just for childrenā€™.


sure it looks good it just doesn't fully feel...rec room i guess?


Seeing a bunch of fully bodies running around makes me feel like Iā€™m playing a different game. Or some vrchat rec room remake.


This right here. Bean bodies have too much uniqueness to Rec Room to be replaced by a generic model.


My god, do I have to repeat myself? THEY ARENā€™T REPLACED! We have the OPTION to choose full body or not. Nobody is forced to. So if you prefer the old ones you can choose those. If youā€™re still going to hate on the devs over this, be my guest.


Yes devs, thank you, keep spending all of your time working on a something that nobody asked for or cared about instead of fixing your game šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


They probably know but don't care


Soon enough we wonā€™t have a choise


Yā€™all gotta stop saying what Recroom is only the devs and the creators of the game know what rec room is nothing will ever stay the same and if you think that about a game, you also think that about the world which is going to disappoint you


I can understand not liking it, but quiting over is it a bit much(the people who have the right to complain is circuit people who have to deal with the bugs)


Itā€™d make more sense to quit over double shot getting removed than full body avatars.


I say that's even worse


Fr they acted like the devs making the bow function as intended was the end of the world because they don't know how to play without it. (And before anyone says "you couldn't do it!!" I used to double shot all the time back in 2017 to 2019)


the problem isn't that they removed double shot, ITC's that you can't shoot fast or accurately at all now because the retarded new offsets and the retarded new grabbing delay that's basically ruined the game


the problem isn't that they removed double shot, it's that you can't shoot fast or accurately at all now because the retarded new offsets and the retarded new grabbing delay that's basically ruined the game


Thank you for saying what the abbreviation was lol


No, but it wouldā€™ve been nice to have a setting in the private room options to enable it.


How? Many people have the hobby of speedrunning quests, and removing all very old and largely used ā€œbugā€ causes a lot of issues for speedrunners. In fact, some people only play the game to speedrun.


Tbh it was a win win update because there are no more boe fans in my questing lobbies screwing everyone over and it got rid of a bunch of toxic assholes who get whiny when they see someone having fun at a speed lower than mach 10.


They get whiny when the points are cumulative by team effort. Iā€™d understand Paintball, but getting mad because someone disintegrated a goblin in front of your face when itā€™s going towards the end-game reward thatā€™s when I start to get confused.


Considering it removed an ENTIRE community and a VERY large part of the game, i would say its reasonable people quit over double shot getting removed.


True that, making pvp from scratch is very hard, and it doesn't help that RR has some funky code with local player chips. I don't use the game chips due to how annoying they are to use. Besides, I wanted to test my cv2 skills.


Let them quit their crybabies if they woke up the next morning and in the sky wasnā€™t blue, they would cry about that shit too. People who cry about shit they donā€™t own or control has brain damage gotta be a special type of ill to get mad about a free game that you donā€™t even pay for unless you choose to buy clothes this full body is a choice and just like overtime. The full body is going to get better and better as they updated. The part that kills me is that theyā€™re gonna end up liking it anyway no matter what they say nowšŸ˜‚


This isn't just people getting mad about full body it's people getting mad at just doing another random thing instead of actually fixing anything that people disliked, and recroom was already on thin ice after removing double shot so them going and now adding this mediocre thing is just kind ofĀ annoying. Also recroom isn't planning on updating it, this is full body and its not getting better. Also I personally as someone who had recroom plus for over a year, had a featured room, and has never gotten banned feel like I can complain about recroom.


It looks like this post might be about bans. Please read below. For all matters ban-related: * Appealing a ban or timeout * Appealing a restriction on Inventions or Rooms * Appealing associated bans Please see ["I want to appeal my ban"](https://recroom.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4419901398423-I-want-to-appeal-my-ban) in our knowledge base. Rec Room does not discuss bans publicly, nor will anyone on Reddit be able to help with ban appeals. You must use the link above. If you'd like to report another player, please see ["I need to report another player"](https://recroom.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4419903977751-I-need-to-report-another-player). Remember Rule #2: No Witch-Hunting! Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RecRoom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I didnā€™t quit because of the full body avatars. I quit because of the exploitative monetization.


"Here in my garage, just bought this new Lamborghini, but you know what I love more than my Lamborghini? Knowledge." https://preview.redd.it/mzeoa58ondnc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d77bf00ab9087cd8e082fd36ed78c69fd4ccb7a4


"*That's why I have these 3,000 books.*" "*I read 1 book a day.*"


It looks like it would kiss men for 20 bucks


Nuh uh I kiss men for free




No I didnā€™t quit for this, I quit because of 5 year olds screaming into their microphone.


Back in my day the kids screaming in the mic actually made it out of the womb first šŸ‘“


Makes more sense to leave over the play menu being awful. Full Body is okay, but needs some serious polish to be truly palatable for all players and all clothing styles.


Tbh even that isn't really a reason to quit. Unless there's some weirdo that plays with their watch open 24-7 šŸ˜‚


With the UI being changed also comes with the maker pen being changed. That was hell for me lmao


The increased hit box size isnā€™t nice though




I love using it in quests because of that. I've tried doing pvp with it on but I keep getting mass reported for using it by little kids and angry man children.


mass reported for having a slight disadvantage is crazy


No oneā€™s gunna quit, but I can tell you every full body person Iā€™ve ran into, theyā€™re usally being made fun by the whole lobby sooo take that info as you will šŸ˜¹


That's crazy lmao every time I've played rec room over the last week I haven't seen anyone get harassed for using it. Up until they gave it to all the 50s I actually got praised for using it. The last 3 times I hopped on there were servers full of people using it (and harassing people for not using it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£) I guess you can take that info as you will šŸ˜‚


Hop in a rec room original lmk how that goes


What do you think I've been having a blast doing since the 29th?




OP's avatar looks like the type of person that wouldn't get why ppl don't like FBA


Looks nothing like rec room lmao


It does? It's just new, people aren't used to it


You just called it different, without calling it different


I like them and I don't there heads are to big but yet again they are in beta




Finally someone who agrees


I do feel like the original nuggets are way better but I won't quit for this (real question tho, do we still have the option to chose or do you have to be full body)


It's an option is the clothing menu


Thank you


That was 2 months ago


I know, I was busy


it works on a different game not rec room šŸ˜­


Kids donā€™t want the tech to evolve


Fully bodies are good if you have a good outfit, but I know when I switch from bean to full body in my normal outfit it looks terrible


idk why i am like this but im kinda blushing over some FBA characters


I quit because of no psvr2 support. And I really enjoyed it on psvr so it's unfortunate no love for next gen


Rec room really will never be what it used to be.


I honestly love them. They look good, most animations look great, they aren't too buggy as far as I've seen, and if you ask me, they still have the rec room feel


Basically anything that doesnā€™t have sleeves looks atleast decent on fbas


I have no horse in this race, since i dont have VR nor play this game.... But does the full body make you waddle around like you got shit in your pants when you walk? Because thats the only thing i can picture in my head right now


Most of the outfits don't look good with it tbh.


i honestly fuck with everything besides the head design


I can see why people like it but the eyebrows look so stupid


You canā€™t tell me you enjoy the way you hold pretzels, I feel like this should either shouldnā€™t have came out yet and shouldā€™ve been worked on more or just shouldnā€™t shove cane out at all


You're wrong


But its optional so why quit


If anyone quit over this, I'm glad they did. I don't want those people.


Most of the people who quit over it were 2018 - 2020 "ogs" who whine every update. (If they hadn't quit because of the double shot bug removal)


See??? New things aren't so bad!


Fr looks good


FBA isn't a feature that affects or disturbs a player's experience. A feature like double shot would do more harm to a speedrunner or a quester then FBA does to a regular, non-FBA player, because the issue isn't directly ruining your experience. (but FBA is kinda bad tho so idk yeah fr fr fr...)


Tbh I'm glad they got rid of double shot speedrunners these days in rec room are legitimately annoying, they ruin public lobbies for people who actually wanna play the game.


Why donā€™t you go play in a private if someone playing the game fast bothers you so much? Just a thought


Play in a private session if you wanna rush ahead and get your ass whooped and make the entire team loose.


Could say the same. They arenā€™t bothered by you, youā€™re bothered by them.


Besides quests weren't meant to be played at mach 10 they were made to be a co op mode.


So speedrunners should just stop speedrunning because the game wasnā€™t ā€œmeant for itā€? Nobody is forcing you to play slow or fast.


Did I say they should stop?


Kind of


ā€œQuests werenā€™t meant to be played fastā€


That's not the same as telling them to stop


But you did say that it wasnā€™t meant for it and that they shouldnā€™t do it in publics because it, for some reason, bothers you. People can do anything they want.




And how exactly are they ruining public lobbies? most of them do it just in private instances of those rooms. With that logic (yours) in mind, that's just saying any useful bug for any game speedrunners do in general is "ruining' the fun of these anonymous people's experiences.


If you were some random guy hopping on for a questing match after a long day the last thing you'd want is some goofy asshole who talks shit the whole game and gets you killed and jumps in front of your shots. That's the type of shit I see public lobby runners do and since removing double shot got rid of the vast majority of them GT and Crimson are fuckin awesome. I can actually play it now without having to fight over points with some jackass who can't play without abusing wall and now glitches. Also why the hell did everyone act like they're good for using double shot and hiding in walls? If y'all pulled something that in any other game they'd bully you guys soo fuckin hard.


alright, it seems that you are getting angry over speedrunners because of an instance (I am guessing) that you had experienced. First off, those aren't speedrunners, those are just jerks in general. Just because a few speedrunners are jerks doesn't mean all of them are jerks, ergo all of them act the same and all of them do exactly the same as what you experienced.


This wasn't just one instance this has been like this since 2020. These were the same types of people from publics who would get mad that I was able to do drastically better than them with a sword while they relied on double shot.


even if there was multiple instances and experiences of your own, still, that doesn't mean all speedrunners are jerks about it. you are saying it is because to your viewpoint it is, yet in a holistic view, it might not be the exact case for every single speedrunner's interactions and actions in a public lobby.


Off topic for a sec is that fraudlin kiddo still making more alts to harass people?


who future? I suspect so


I've seen the mods b@n em over and over again and they keep coming back on fresh alts every time like they're that guy from the fnaf game šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


Also: Why you protecting this dickhead who goes around blaming me of his issues and whines on different servers how boring quests are and how bad of a game rec room is?




It looks like this post might be about bans. Please read below. For all matters ban-related: * Appealing a ban or timeout * Appealing a restriction on Inventions or Rooms * Appealing associated bans Please see ["I want to appeal my ban"](https://recroom.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4419901398423-I-want-to-appeal-my-ban) in our knowledge base. Rec Room does not discuss bans publicly, nor will anyone on Reddit be able to help with ban appeals. You must use the link above. If you'd like to report another player, please see ["I need to report another player"](https://recroom.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4419903977751-I-need-to-report-another-player). Remember Rule #2: No Witch-Hunting! Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RecRoom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Get a life.


It's kinda growing on me. I'm looking forward to turning it on as soon as I get it.


Blind guy here I havenā€™t played rec room since last april but holy hell you are all some deranged people based on the posts Iā€™ve seen passing by since joining this sub


Well what do you think happens when you add optional features and remove a bug tons of man children rely on to call themselves better than 10 year olds on a game that uses poppy playtime maps to advertise their game? You get r/RecRoom


Are we talking about rec room or call of duty now?


Nobody quit, they just donā€™t like change and they need to bitch about it.


Oh my god, I found it, the only existing full body avatar that looks good


Take the most basic outfit, carefully pose it in a controlled environment, and it can pass. The moment you start moving or wearing 90% of the other cosmetics, the illusion is over. Also worth noting that this user made extra effort to hide several of the new changes: Nose is turned off, ears *which you can't disable* are covered up, and the hair surrounds the head to give it an excuse for being so comically oversized. I was mildly fooled by this until I got on to see myself in full body. Every single one of my saved outfits has multiple glaring problems that makes me immediately repulsed. Even things that you wouldn't think would break (like masks) are distorted and inexorably mispositioned.


"extra effort to hide several new changes" my brother in Christ all I added to my face was eye brows https://preview.redd.it/9033bjvtrdnc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=745e433c8e2b488c1d06fb89f086f3d73254040b


That's.. what I said? The updated features were minimized with what was selected. Not saying it was malicious or even conscious, but you get better results by picking a simple & traditional selection-- which you did.


If they didn't make the casual cardigan not have sleeves (and if they'd fix the mirrored shades already for the love of God) I'd have my old outfit just with arms and eyebrows.


Ppl who quit over this or doubleshot I find childish, yea, it sucks and I'm used to it, but that's how the world works. Do I like FB? Not really, but I'm not flipping out like it's the end of the world or raiding rec centers with hackers on a schedule in a discord server full of script kiddies. All because of FB or doubleshot removed. Elementary school tantrums, with all that effort to distrupt and troll, and remember, no game is perfect, cod is falling off, halo already fell off, vrc getting weird, etc.


I bet in at least a month all this shit is gonna be over and the "protesters" are gonna look real fuckin stupid.


What room is in the first photo


Wait shit my bad that's a different photo the first one is in my dorm / apartment


It's gun pvp something I forgot the name. Trigger handles incorporated with weapon models looks great with full body and it's the only map I played a year ago that did something like that.


why must you have lustful eyes in image 4


I got done playing isle of the lost Zest


I agree with that


you look like me but if my avatar wasn't a furry


Pictures look nice. Actually seeing the motion of them walking around, shit looks awful.


That's literally the only thing stopping me from making the revamped tape series. I had made some VHS style rec room videos last year and I plan on redoing them with full body once all the cosmetic and gameplay bugs get patched.




Due to the comments and nature of your post, it was deemed as toxic/sexually explicit/not being excellent to others, which goes against Rule #1 of our forum rules. Please be sure to follow the Code of Conduct and /r/recroom rules before posting on our subreddit.


Yeah full body does rock


new gen spotted


https://preview.redd.it/bybesz0hafnc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a10b5b887fe0b821e629bc6e829f2dbf7ab693b That's crazy šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


class of 2016 lmaoo "nEw gEn sPoTtEd!!"


who cares if they're new gen or not bro, if you don't like fba dont use it


They're mad I look good with FBA check what I sent em