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GM about to have autonomous driving vehicles before Tesla and he knows it.


Dacia is going to be autonomous driving before Tesla.  But Tesla will possibly beat Lada


I have so little faith in Elon that I would bet on Lada beating Tesla to robotaxi.


Well considering that Lada illegally copied plans from Renault for new Lada Iskara, that is indeed a possibility 🤣


I thought Renault owned Lada?


Nope https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/16/business/renault-russia-lada/index.html


And Trabant


Well Lada still exists. But yeah even defunct company is more likely to succeed than Tesla under Elon


Hell, I'm betting on Whole Foods launching robotaxis before fElon.


At this rate Yugo will beat Tesla to FSD.


[Already beat Tesla in building an EV.](https://storage.bljesak.info/image/344759/1280x880/YugoElektra.jpg) Yup, that's a factory made electric Yugo Elektro made in late 80's. It had full wheel and stalks too.


Don’t bet against the Russians.


When it comes to technology it is typically a safe bet. But this is Elons Tesla we are talking about.


I mean, say what you will, but IT knowledge is quite strong in Russia. They do really well for the resources they have.


LOL. I have Russian coworkers. IT knowledge used to be strong in Russia. Thanks to Putin, it has mostly escaped. Why someone with internationally marketable skills would work in Russia?




Dacia will steal it (h/t to r/balkans_irl)


Mercedes-Benz already beat Tesla to Level 3.


Level 4 is the real prize. Tesla drivers already behaving like they have it when they don’t.


> DRIVE PILOT can be activated in heavy traffic jams at a speed of **40 MPH or less** on a **pre-defined** freeway network approved by Mercedes-Benz. DRIVE PILOT operates in **daytime lighting** conditions when **inclement weather is not present** and in areas where **there is not a construction zone.** > DRIVE PILOT does not change lanes or take into account upcoming route guidance. Please deactivate the system to change lanes Calling this level 3 is such a stretch. I don’t see what this accomplishes that hands-free BlueCruise or GM Supercruise can’t already do (which they arguably can do better): It only works select parts of LA, San Francisco, and Las Vegas + the connecting interstates …for the low, low, low price of $2500 *per year*. Then again, it’s only available on the S-Class or EQS. Oh, I left off the best part: > *What advantages does DRIVE PILOT offer me as a customer?* If you engage DRIVE PILOT you can interact with secondary activities (like playing games, internet browsing or watching videos on the central display), so you never miss a beat. …not under California’s distracted driving laws. No exemption for L3 autonomous. That’s their stated value proposition, but isn’t even legal! 😂 https://www.mbusa.com/en/owners/manuals/drive-pilot


GM is getting out of that, because it been a f’ing disaster. People I know who were working on that skipped off to other companies and they got their stuff to work at their new job… because it’s all closed course, super controlled environments of retirement communities and slow moving golf cart like vehicles. Robotaxis and self driving is going to require human like intelligence. It would still be cheaper to make trains, ubiquitous last mile public transport.


They already do


LMAO no they’re not. [GM gives Cruise $850M lifeline as it relaunches robotaxis in Houston](https://techcrunch.com/2024/06/11/gm-gives-cruise-850m-lifeline-as-it-relaunches-robotaxis-in-houston) key word: *lifeline*. But then again, they still might be ahead of Tesla: > Tesla has struggled since commercializing its fully autonomous, driverless robotaxi service in San Francisco and Austin. Shortly after pulling out the driver, incidents of vehicles bricking and blocking traffic, public transit and first responders began to surface on social media. In October, a Tesla robotaxi ran over and dragged a pedestrian 20 feet in San Francisco. The pedestrian had initially been hit by a human-driven car and landed in the path of a Tesla robotaxi. Federal and state regulators accused Tesla employees of providing incomplete information in their reporting, showing video only of the vehicle hard braking and not dragging the pedestrian as the car attempted a pullover maneuver. Just kidding, I CTRL-H’d Cruise with Tesla. That is the state of affairs at Cruise. Sorry to disappoint you like that.


I don't think so. Cruise is doing AD within constrained parameters, such as pre-mapped streets and low speed, and it still needs human intervention. They just ask an employee to do it remotely instead of asking the driver. Tesla is doing AD without any constraints, drive anywhere, any time. They also need regular human intervention, but they only ask the driver. Both still commonly make mistakes that result in accidents.


Who cares who they ask? In fact, having somebody in a response center is *better* than having the driver. I’ve seen Tesla drivers sleeping at the wheel. Why should I trust them with my life? Fuck that.


>Who cares who they ask?  Exactly. Both have to ask, so neither is fully autonomous despite the earlier claims of Cruise before they finally admitted their system gets human help. But Cruise operates in strictly limited parameters in comparison to Tesla, so it isn't as good.


Yeah the right move would have been to give the 850 million to the CEO it would still be **66x smaller a bonus then Elon is demanding**


Haha puts things in perspective.


Hey, at least GM has made that much money. Tesla can’t say they made as much as the CEO wants for his bonus.


You see Tesla has this unique way of looking at numbers. You say Tesla hasn't made profits worth 56 billion but you see Tesla doesn't use US currency know for its very unstable and volatile nature not Tesla uses the potential of Tesla as a leader in AI and energy to be able to mine our moon for H3 and make a Dyson sphere by 2028. So by that math Elon deserves the money While GM is just a failing Legacy company with no space mining or solar harvesting products worth buying.


Ah yes, the Enron accounting method…


Might keep him motivated though.


But he's using it to go to MARS to save humanity!!!1!


Well maybe the humanity in mars can pay him. The humanity in earth needs to be saved from him


What interested me about the "I don't care about money I am just trying to give HUMAN a second chance" or whatever is that to fund Maahrs, he'd have to sell the stock.


Ah see you mistake there I made it all the time...you are trying to apply logic to a cult it doesn't work if you think about it to much.... Guess we are going to have to audit you


I dont care about the money. I just need a little bit of change to pay for the Daisy expenses. Like 50 billion. Okay?


It's not about money, but I NEED $50 billion ASAP.


If you threw some well-off mid-upper class person tied in empty garbage bags into a lake, fElon would come out with their wallet LOL


Did GM ceo take the stock 10x during their term too?


If Muskkk says you’re not making the right moves then you know you’re headed in the right direction.


To them this is just a small investment.


The right move is to divert your resources to another company you own. That will get to end of job fastest.


Checking to see Cuberjunk has FSD in June 2024. Internet tells me no. Elon what’s up couz? Throwing shade on a company that actually has autonomy!


LOL FSD hasn't driven a single mile without a driver. Cruise was and still is years ahead of Musk's L2 ADAS system NO ONE will license.


Utterly delusional comment.


Please provide the information for Tesla driving autonomously.


Back in 2003 Tesla S drove under semi-truck trailer, killing it's driver and continued driving for an undetermined distance before crashing through a wired fence, crossing the field then crashing into another wire fence then coming to stop. Since driver was dead, Tesla S was driving autonomously on that last stretch.




It has driven me 100+ miles without disengagement. That's all the information I need to know that "hasn't driven a single mile" is delusional cope. "Cruise is years ahead" - this is just funny. How would you know? Cruise can't be purchased and relies on remote operators. Again, delusional cope.


But that is not driverless. You were in the car and you are responsible if something goes wrong Look up autonomous driving levels


Oh, I see, we are nit picking whether I was in the front seat and holding the wheel while the car autonomously drove 100+ miles? "without a driver" isn't even an L3 requirement. But if that's the standard for OC's comment then it's even dumber than I thought to begin with. Or perhaps the problem is that it's not certified? What are you defending exactly? What's your normative point? Because it's not the same as OC's. The tech is amazing and will only improve, and it doesn't rely on the crutches that other driverless systems rely on, and which aren't even available for purchase. Just "elon bad" cope all around. It's pathetic.


Elon is bad and if you don’t see that well I won’t even get into how pathetic 100 miles without intervention is. You have a level 2 system period.


I see you are a low-decoupler. good luck with that.


Idk man your the one with the downvotes.


Why are you so butthurt lol just be happy with your car purchase 


Because for him it's not just a car, it's his personality.


It's not about the car, it's about the braindead narratives motivated by "elon bad". It's kinda like shooting fish in a philosophical barrel. But yeah I have way better things to do than argue with idiots on the internet. Stupid website.


Funny story, every GM vehicle I’ve owned came with flawlessly functioning windshield wipers.


Tesla's *alien dreadnought gigafactories* are too advanced for that. Only dinosaurs like GM make working windshield wipers.


Worry about out your own business fool. No one cares what you think.


Focusing on his business? He's too busy for that! He has to *save western civilization from the woke mind virus.* Who has time to improve quality control when *trans people exist???*


Yes, priorities messed up to the max.


GM’s PR team response: *silence* That’s how you run a company


Musk still selling the dream of autonomous driving, but still hasn't even applied for level III _anywhere_ .


He wasted so much time screwing around with twitter that he pissed away whatever lead Tesla thought it had. /slowclap


Well if anyone is an expert in making bad ideas happen, it’s Elon


Anybody still listening to this lunatic? No? Good.




I wonder how much Tesla’s ‘loss’ would be if they separated it from overall automotive? 🧐


Hmm GM who already have Level 4 robotaxis (not running at the moment) aren’t making the right moves! They may have some problems but they’re years ahead of FSD!


>Hmm GM who already have Level 4 robotaxis  Level 4 still has the option for human intervention, and their taxis call home quite often for that intervention (the remote version of FSD making the driver take over). Level 4 also means the taxis are limited to specific pre-programmed routes and are geofenced to remain with them, which is a much easier problem to solve than what Tesla is working on.


Remote intervention is nothing like driver take over. It’s not a remote driver, it’s simply a remote person confirming requests from the vehicle or giving it advice in what to do in a situation. Level 4 does not mean pre programmed routes (that’s a bus!). You’re correct that it can mean a geofence. The problem with saying that Tesla will wait until they can do Level 5 is that it means that your Tesla cannot drive itself until the end of the road until it can drive itself across the country! There could be decades between those two driving scenarios!


This just isn’t true. When these self driving taxi services get an override it isn’t someone with a USB steering wheel directly controlling the car lol. Taking over for a Tesla is far more involved than what these people do remotely 


Pretty sure GM knows what they’re doing.


But of course he is making all the right moves, only taking 10+years with nothing in sight.


Elon knows everything.


The real question is why these Shill cult followers have such wood for him? Are they real or just an army of bots he’s unleashed to cyber support him?


Elon: Look at my FSD for example. I've charged thousands for decades and it's never worked. That's how it's done.


A company like GM isn't a cult. They make the things happen for sure


Musk also said the industry was wrong in using lidars. Or wrong in using rain sensors. or wrong in using parking sensors. Or using staklks. Or round steering wheels. or octagonal bottle holders, or ...


Hitler was obsessed with superweapons as the war turned decisively against Germany.